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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 7, 2024 7:00pm-7:16pm CEST

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the the business dw news line from ballot friends voted as to our house in full us in the 2nd round of parliamentary elections. many following stations have just closed president. the amount of of my calling centrist alliance is expected to lose many seats. so not really depends far, right, national, right. she's hoping to win the majority in the national assembly. so she can govern a low also coming off the more and guys a continues with diplomatic efforts, suggest a cease 5 may be possible. the desk told in the post indian territory continues to climb, following a stripe on un school. israel says almost terrorist, where hijacked the
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guys offers welcome to the program, frances voting and the 2nd and final round of snap fall. i'm actually elections. boat is costing ballots that could produce the country's 1st fall ride government. since world war 2, many posting stations have already closed while others will remain open for a few more hours. presented by the way back home took a huge gamble on calling the elections. he could lose control of parliaments to the file rights national riley policy, which has emerged as the dominant folks and several opinion folks. the rise of the far right national riley has been the main token, pointed this campaign. let's have a look at how friends got them, then lots of stake for the nation. and so you are to today's votes, started with
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a crushing defeat for present at the manual, and crawls renaissance party at the hands of the far right and europe and elections . to clarify the political situation, he dissolved parliament and called a snap legislative pole, a gamble that the country was not ready to vote in a far right government. a gamble that seemed increasingly risky after the far right national rally easily took the lead in the 1st round of voting last sunday. the question now is whether they'll win an outright majority in the run off enough to rule without forming a coalition. that possibility frightens many and inspired more than 200 centrist and left wing candidates to pull out of the 2nd round earlier this week. to avoid splitting the anti national rally vote. the mood in paris has been both anxious and angry. the 16, this is your decision by my call isn't thought through. it's immature. he shot
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himself in a foot that shot in the feet of all the french. he's put everyone into this impossible situation. i'm plunged everyone into a deep mess. were all on the same mess on it was don't, i'm got it. i'm supposed to be now headboard. i think people are just really fed up and deeply frustrated. given that under president mccord's 2 terms, we've seen an explosion of the far right. even though one of the promises of the president in 20172022 was to set up a barrage against the far right. the call for snap elections was meant to help the governing centrist against the far right. but had the unintended side effect of revitalizing the french left was form the new coalition overcoming decades of bickering and disagreements. the left wing coalition called the new popular front, pulled behind the national riley in the 1st round, but still well ahead of maxwell's party. on the far right campaigns largely on an
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anti immigration platform and on pocket book issues, pledging to lower energy taxes for instance. but if it comes to power, it's historic animosity to the european union. and it's a nato could have major international effects in france for the far right to arrive in power and such a major. this is the 2nd biggest economy within, within the european union. and this is one of the world's biggest ministry powers. it's getting involved in ukraine is involved in africa. it's, uh, it is country that, that, that really, you know, projects itself will be on this board. no matter what happens. my crown will still be president, his term runs until 2027. but in the event of a right wing victory or a hung parliament where no party or coalition gets a majority, his powers will be diminished. and he'll be stuck with a new government for at least a year. the minimum before he can see a radically dissolved parliament and call new elections again. the way now joined
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by c, w, across phone. and these are new in the power is. these are us standing by that at the national riley's election policy, the how's the mood, the after polls have closed in most friends regions? while exactly, there's a sense of solely for patients in the air. i've been talking to a few people just before at this life and they were telling me we're really confident that we will win a majority. and even in the absolute majority in parliament, this employee includes already here and the room is spitting up. however, when you look at the poles at the picture might not be as positive as some, as some people are hoping here for most of the post tough been predicting of the past few days about it should be quite difficult for the fall. right. to get an absolute majority and paused ones. now both and turn off has been high up and doing the 1st round. any predictions you want to make as to which policy might profit from this of the law. it looks like you know,
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my claim on my call. he told the lack sense thinking. this was a genius idea that he could get a bigger majority in parliament more than the current 250 seats that he has. but it turns out that many people would disagree with that view really. and the polls ahead of the 1st and this and the 1st round affecting right off the 1st round of a we've been showing that the far right would get an absolute majority. now it looks like it might become a might, we might see i hung parliament and fonts which would really be on shock that territory in the sense that a front as opposed to it's terminated. for example, it's not used a tooth, you know. * from different political sites to work to get a close lead at now today we will see election results coming off at 8 o'clock. we only have of 2 election results for a few overseas territories with mays that you may see. you know, candidates from the central from the left got through. but it might really go down
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to the wire. the kid is because it seems that, you know, the, the polls are showing that the elections could actually see quite tied with either one block the far right, or even the fall of the left wing line, getting the majority and 5 and tom. and now you touched upon this, but it's plain what happens if neither the national riley or any other group angle positive? got it gets an absolute majority. are we talking about fresh elections then? am i my call the president con. cool for us selections for one year. there's a possibility that he might step down, but he said in advance of, of the light, just make selections that he would not do that. we could see, as i said, hung panama could. we could also see a government attacks across we could see a so, so called you didn't, you know, a national union government with different policies coming together. but again, this is on saucer territory. i, it wasn't really, this is
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a full french positions at to, to make. that's what i thought. there's one thing those 10 front is the president who nominates the prime minister. it's not the prime minister. it doesn't need to be confirmed by parliament, which could mean that if there is no, we are tom, you know, that know clearly 301 all the of a come back and my my call of decides to nominate to, you know, to a prime minister that and really could agree on and then they would get through at least for another year. and then they could maybe be enough installation or prison in my call could decide to stay in power on to 2027. but it's likely that that would be a loading dock. government, a situation when not much moves forward to hearing from yeah, i was just about to ask, what does all this mean for president my call personally uh how likely is it that he will actually stay on? is an eye on an untenable position, isn't it?
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it's getting increasingly difficult for him and obviously on the far right, national really would like to stay him step down. he publish up at the head of these directions. second run of, you know, the legislative elections saying that he would stay in place in, in the seat of president until 2027. but mind you during the campaign a, b, e u parliamentary elections after which he just sold parliament ahead of these results. he also had said that he'd never also be unit from this old holman, so that many people wondering what do you really do? what he says in any case, it looks like you that he will come out. we 10 of these elections that he thought would give him news momentum, new inputs has to put in place his policies. if there is, however, this tongue parliament or association with know that tom has a clear majority and clear power, it might mean that you can't do very much with and he was supposed to be sitting
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there and in the l as a policy waiting for 2027, the examples are expected at the top of the lease that we're going to talk to. again then. thank you very much lisa. now let's have a look at some of the other stories making headlines around the world today with the snapper us. president biden is campaigning of the swing state of pennsylvania where he stopped off to worship at the predominant the black church in philadelphia . biden's re election bid has been faltering as coals have grown for him within his own deck of democratic policy to stand aside because of doubts about his physical and mental fitness for another 4 year term rescue work as a rushing to repair a damn breach at china as don't think that's forced thousands of people from the homes. the beach comes off the torrential rains and the central, who nonprofits,
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chinese state media service could take days to complete the repair work. you can, we also don't else solve those all for a terry and president and i okay, that has a scratch and businesses with top consequences. if foot prices don't draw up in a televised speech, ok to draw a direct comparison with his crack down on the street guns. crime has drop drastically since the president is mos in prison and contain begun in 2022, bob wright's group say many have been detained arbitrarily to the health industry in gaza, which is run by how mos says more than the 38000 people have been killed during the war and gaza, the conflict spock by hamas led to attacks in october now enters its tents, months new, a diplomatic efforts. uh once again raising hopes of a truce as a fight and continues. the ministry said sad today that at least 16 people were killed by these radians,
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try calling you and school. and the central refugee camp of no set route screens in smoke filled the moment of israel's attack. survive is scrambled to search through the wreckage at the school and know serat around stephen's 1000 people, we estimated to be sheltering in the area. and as you know, the we run to the target to the area. we saw bodies of children in pieces. this is a playground. there was a trampoline here, a swing set, some vendors civilians are killed. this is a united nation school. it's supposed to be safe and should not be targeted. every strike we find the bodies blown to pieces. look upon, i swear to god, i took out children with my own hands. the wounded rushed to hospital. a
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belt with health services on the brink of collapse. children were treated in busy color. it was it's rouse, military student, had been targeting terrorist and the attack from us denied sizes. with their meanwhile, entail of these thousands of protesters once again demanded as rouse government except a deal to bring back hostages and reach a ceasefire to mazda has reportedly softened its position on a draft agreement, potentially opening negotiations of to weeks of the law. for the 1st time, we'll be able to get back to you to do that,
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to not be me. how may i situate the government is very simple. there is a deal on the table. take it. there hasn't been a pause and fighting them, jobs us. and so when we truce the noise in the officials involved in sci fi negotiation, say real progress has been made in recent days. that will miss to lots of work ahead and reaching a binding agreement. you're watching t w 0 is a reminder off the top story. we're following for you the most potent stations of clothes in france and the 2nd and final round of parliamentary elections. the results could lead to the country's 1st far right government since level 2. presidents and manuel call could lose control of parliament. to maureen depends national riley and that's it. from me and the new state, we will have continued of coverage of the french elections throughout these meetings coming up, we accompany a professional athlete as she bonds,
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as training with mother with that's sports, lots of stuff. some short breaks got office in berlin from me and the whole news team here. thanks for watching the people in trucks in judge west trying to see the city center and the straight pieces explain the around the world more than 150000000 people us we of mine because no one should have took place.