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tv   Shift  Deutsche Welle  July 7, 2024 8:15pm-8:31pm CEST

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to which will pose difficulties in the next few days because we will though he is supposed to speak, which is something a signal is sending him even before the potters and it before the prime minister. and there are a lot of, you know, the conflicts divisions within the left and, and older you spoke 1st is not the leader of the next blog. so with the alternators and with for it, we will see especially the discussions and also calculations who comes 1st, which parties understand these degree unpopular companies, bobby old and bowed within this book. so that's uh, that would be something we see tonight coming the results. and the final result would tell us who may have the lead within this block, the block, the man i saw was saying, my call needs to go. i mean, this is,
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this is not an easy day and easy night to a full amount of, of my call is it. i'm not sure exactly whether it's w i tied needs to go all my goal is to go you things really, both in the the go button and, and, and east side many, many times of my goal is to go and doesn't have the support of the people which may be true as we see tonight. what they also said is that my coal has the power and the duty to nominate the left wing block of to lead the, the, the new government. i'm actually, she has the power, but it all, it doesn't have the duty really. it is the spirit of the constitution is that you as a president, you should tell the leading polity to build a government, but it doesn't have to. that's the thing we don't know exactly what the, the also the, the, my calls come to the center center,
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right. block we to, in my thoughts. so a plane victory. we will see tonight. so we still have to wait on the way to these projections, actually materialize a in a, an actual in actual votes. but let's speculate for a moment that this is going to happen. if he is confronted this, my call is confronted with a left wing majority. maybe even with a false also me is uh, coming out on top of the left, me block. uh, what is it going to do? as well as of, according to the results we are hearing, there is no one having an absolute majority. i mean we, we just have the results. maybe the 160180 sits. you need 289. so anyone coming 1st we'll need a positive. yeah. and that's what these are just say. we wouldn't be hung problem. and so maybe there is a way and that's,
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that was my goal is to come to the property. that's mother very office with all the fault. i've been with all the fire, i tried to, you know, it forces and make a government together. but for that to happen, you would need people like mental shall to withdrawal or you know, do you need the all the, the light of mental shown to leave him and say ok with join was my co which is very hot to saturday. so honestly, tonight i'm not sure anyone knows what's going to happen here in germany. for example, as there's a clear barrier towards the the far right the f d. nobody goes into a coalition with the f d is the same. um, the rule in france weighs the sum of all know sooner. well, it's, it used to be the root and it's been the rules for decades, sweetie. what happened this year? and that was really a new era. they'll get puberty down, which is the,
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the compact compound, comparable to the city splits and the possibility for become the right thing. traditional policy, when is the national run, that was news, but i won't be enough. seems they don't have many, many seats. so even that won't give the national riley to any majority, but i believe we can come back to our correspondent lisa louis, if she can hear me, lisa e. that's now been some time to digest these uh, the 1st projections that uh, what's the move that well i, i think the move here is quite the press down. i say, you know, people, people at 8 o'clock and they were getting ready with their friends flags. they were getting ready to chair,
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but when these results were published there was no teacher here. they were just pulling whenever. c you know, there's only one most, all we listen to it maybe a few minutes ago. it was speaking. i think people here really disappointed they were everything correctly, something specific to the seats the far right. i'm currently in the national assembly. that is, you know, 189. so they were at least hoping for a $190.00 o 2 from the seats. but even those numbers seem to be not within reach tonight. so lots of spaces that i don't smart in here at the election policy for the fall, right? national raleigh. how big of the put this into perspective for us? how big of a defeat is this for the party and also from the pen? well, you know, if you like and things to feed, but mind to the far right has progress quite a lot. they'll likely to get a dozen of got
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a few 1000 seat more in the coming parliament. obviously put them in close to about whiting that reads and then 9 to also use the base reside to say, you know, to tell by just you see, if we are, when we are and read in within reach of power, that will be all side parties are gathering and joining forces to prevent us from getting to power the far right is hoping that somebody will when in 2027 it is not a good results for the fall right tonight. but it's not entirely bad either. visitors in paris, the thank you. uh, so fox, uh, we now have the numbers here is how the seats distribution would look at in the parliament, according to these 1st projections, 5 broad costs, the t, if a one the left we alliance, a new popular upfront in rates could get as many as 215 seats and comes in 1st. in
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yellow presidents. my calls together coalition is 2nd. with up to $100.00, an atc, somebody in the pens, national riley and doc blue is on cost to get the maximum of a $150.00 seats. that's 5 sort of a majority. and finally, the set to rise republicans in light blue. they're likely taking as many as $65.00 seats. that's the projected seat distribution in the french national assembly. as of h p, a powers time coming back to the french, a journalist, to move my legs the table. let's talk about the last time doing that. so not. lisa said, it is a, not a good night, but it's not a terrible night either for them. do you agree? yeah, i would completely agree. i think if you compare with the,
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the 1st round results of last week and you could have thoughts, they are heading for those traits, absolute majority or within reach. it's not happening. but if you compare, you know, it is a 150 seats, if you compare it with, if you compare was left nothing unless somebody 89 that's already doubled. what they think, what they have in mind now is really the presidential election at the latest, 2027, but you never know emulate considering the situation. and if this, if the country is getting incomplete, so you probably lived, you might have a is there, is it, is that what we're looking at? we're looking at the parent as country. yes, we all, i think, i mean we, it will be finalized and for the next few weeks anyway, because there's no government. i mean, the current government will keep on doing coming through, you know, the office and probably welcoming the olympic games. but afterwards, we'll see whether it is possible to, to bring to the government. but in any case,
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it's very hot, somebody that's the coalition coming up from this was those will be a stable question running for 3 years. and in that case, it would be quite difficult for michael to lead, not only because we wanted the government to leave the country, not in macro surprisingly colby's elections. after the rise of the far right in the repeating election, especially in france, which was a bit of a left field decision if you will. susie, what do you be? is it conceivable that he says ok, this is not my government comp form, a stable government. i need to step back as middle shop demanded. he's said in the last few days that they, we stick to power until the 2027. might change his mind. we've seen that over the
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last few weeks, so it's under his deficiency and he has a strong capacity, is a surprise. never been, as i think is um, is quite a good to we as a person, but, but if you can only stick to power as long as it can use bower. and then it's very hard to, to how the situation would it be. for instance, in a yeah, i mean, you know, again, we'll see what sort of government we'd find it. it's, it's a new territory. we don't know, we don't do coalitions and problems. we, we've never had this before. i place them since they're putting in postwar iraq. so how bodies we're act now and coming back to the national, have run the equity. i'm it may or so be, i mean tactically, not the but for the national radi, because they will have another chance to present themselves as the victim of the river. beacon friends and people, voters will say, well,
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what's going on? we've given all vote to the national radi for some reason whether your respect, it's all notes. but you can just, you know, still just that victoria from us and that would play a role definitely by the next presidential election at the latest in 2027. a very briefly, a week from what, what does that mean for europe? well, it's definitely bad news. front is the 2nd largest economy. it's a strong both, always the gemini, so if front as we can, as it seems to be, it will be very bottom news for you. thank you very much people in my law. and that's it from me table and they hold you seem here. here's what. remind them of the top story we're following for you. the following station notes have closed in france and the 2nd and final round of parliamentary elections. early
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projections now show the left as cold as new, popular from as one of the most states ahead of presidents. and one of my, my call center has the lines and marine depends file, right national we'll have more coverage of differential actions at the top of the get out of the
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