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tv   REV  Deutsche Welle  July 7, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm CEST

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the one you have, you have a one dodge, so they leave this on the spot on the on expected side to side. enjoy a more powerful the engine goes a lot quicker, but you like and use the today's test car is very well suited for a power nap. then you expand g 6, a purely electric chinese s u v. that aims to compete with tests the motor, y,
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and all those in that segments, how it performs well. check out right now. welcome to read one amongst the many chinese tv make. has this made it to you? read recently, x tang has made a monk with ease that look good and tends to live in more range than promised. but just what do they like to cry? for general driving impression in the g 6, it's a really good way better than it would have expected for a chinese car. you have very few wind noises. the nice stuff, the tires are also completely ok. so you have a very smooth and comfortable arrive that you can expect from german manufacturer, s u v g 6 house 2 different factory, some of the 66 and 87.5 killer mortality. the top. busy that we're testing is a $350.00 kilowatt, all wheel drive version,
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with an 87.5 kilowatt hour, battery and range off or on 550 kilometers according to w, a t p. now we all know w a t p is not exact. the all. busy measure for every day usability. oftentimes you will get less rains, but that is not true for expand cars. in a test conducted by the norwegian automobile federation, the g 9, p 7 achieved ranges, that was 13 and 10 percent higher than that w l t piece respectively. but back to the g 6. the entry level version is a $190.00 kilowatt electric engine at the rio, with a 66 kilowatt hour battery, given is a range off around 435 kilometers according to w l t p the the maximum rate you can get for the g 6 a is the medium version that is also really driven by the has the big
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a battery and 20. busy watts more than the entry level version, 570 is what the manufacturer claims, according to w l t p. so it should at least be that maybe it even a little bit more. the big celebration is a little. busy than 4 seconds for the. busy full version that we test but still under 7 seconds for the entry level version, the top speed by the. busy is the same for all cars, 200 kilometers an hour, which is way faster than for example v w or scope car. of course, if you compare that to test, depending on the version you get that will drive way more than 200 kilometers an hour. but 200 is a very good figure. i think the g 6 is the cost of the leads. $800.00 volts, a b tax that co that sort of or charging because in that aspect,
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the g 6 is also very, very good. it's due to its $800.00 ball technology. usually most of the cost in that segment have $400.00 volts technology. the $800.00 was a quite unique and it doesn't matter whether you have the small, 66 kilowatt hour battery, all the bigger 87.5 kilowatt hours, which by the way, uh, that's vigorous. so it's usable energy. and no matter which one you have, it will charge from 10 to 80 percent in 20 minutes. and that is a really quick usually the 10 to 80 percent march is around half an hour. the ex hang g 6 performances will say about the nimble and can hit the tom and just as a full seconds but to be inside me till testers, expectations the interior of the g 6 is absolutely
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clean. you have no buttons at all in the middle. yeah. that's huge touch screen, and that is also a thing. you have to adjust the climate control with the touch screen. i don't like that. i'm not a fan of that, but, and that is a very cover solution by expanding. you can adjust the temperature with bed roll right here. so simply putting it up and down will adjust the temperature to your liking. and that way you can do that without taking your eyes from there, old, which is always a problem with touch screen use because you can't use touch screen without looking at it. the other thing is the events. you can adjust those manually. you have to do that by the touch screen as well. on the other hand, of course you do that once and then you won't have to do that again. so it's ok.
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but to the way it works, i mean you press the vents, you want to use and then you can swipe left right up down. and you will have an animation that will show you where the air flow is approximately going. it would have been easier to just have to manually adjustable steering wheel is ok. it is flattened on the top and at the bottom, so it's not exactly around the design is okay. i have seen by there i have seen worse behind the steering wheel, you have that lever that will allow you to put the kind to drive or reverse and parking one thing i would have wanted. busy busy is the adjustment of the recuperation it is not possible with the steering wheel, you have to do that via the touch screen. then again on the other hand, pro. busy really, you will set it to one setting, either low, medium,
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high or for one pedal drive, and then you will keep it in that setting and not change it very often. but pedals behind the steering wheel that i gave was many of the manufacturers would have been a nice addition to that. and the d 6 has a few needs tricks up it slaves 2 which can also see that the car does not have the door handles. instead, it has a button that you press, then the door pulse open. that is also quite good in terms of safety. because if the car recognizes that someone comes from behind, then as long you and the door will not directly open in the middle, you will find 2 wireless charging spots that also have a cooling. so you have these little bands that will blow air on the phone to keep it cool while charging because sometimes those tend to get quite talked while while as the charging and down here you have to us b slots. us b a and us
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b. c to charge you small, it's on if it doesn't support the wireless charging the adjustment of the side view mirror is also done via the touch screen. or at least you have to start the process of adjustment via the touch screen. and then you can do the actual adjustment with the buttons at the steering wheel. since you usually only do that once and then it is kept with your drive a profile. it is okay. but the finding that is not as easy as having it in the door like it's used to be with most of the car. the v 6 also has a 950 watt sound system, which is a really, really good. let's just listen to it. the
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is crazy. i really like it. i mean, if you don't have sound with the extra cost, then at least you will have some very, very good sounding music. the, the space in the bag is ample. as you can tell, there is a lot of leg room. huge had room left and a very nice view through the panoramic glass roof. i'm familiar with the ex hang brands. well, all testers got a quick history lesson for the bread ex. pay is by no means new. it was founded in 2014. so 10 years old. the 1st card came out in 2018. the g 3, which was rather small,
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but for the chinese market. and then in 2021 and 22 and a. busy to europe with norway, denmark, the netherlands, and all the markets that were very well known for the goods amount of purely electric vehicles. so they wanted to see how when the customers react to a chinese car. and in fact, aid was. busy doubt really good. the g 9 was a big battery, electric s u v. and in 2023, the g 9 had a market share of more than 8 percent, which earned ex, paying the 3rd place in norway for big battery electric f u v. just behind audi and b, y, d and even the head off mercedes and scroll down. that pricing has something to do with this. and the other thing that is very
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good about the g 6 is the fact that everything is included. we're talking about the huge touch screen. we're talking about the panoramic class room about the seats, about think about everything. the only thing that you can get up to know are different colors. for example, the orange, it's not sand, that's the standard is white and the tribal tall bar and that's it. and i think that is quite an interesting. busy approach and considering the price is that is very, very surprising that everything is included the, just the most of the manufacturer us nowadays, you will also get a smartphone app that you can use to lock the vehicle and drive it. but you can also find it or honk the horn, or pre heat, or pre cooler the entry level g 6 has
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a selling price of around $43000.00 euros in gemini, while the top end version cost around 51000 o x pang cause achieved 5 still ratings in the euro and cap crash test. and even though the results of the d 6 and not yet in, it will probably do just the same to sum up by g 6 experience. i really, really enjoy driving the call. they are very nice features. it has some minor flaws but which car doesn't nowadays and considering that it is fully equipped for a price starting of their own. busy to 3000 euros, that is a really, really good offer. i think one that most manufacturers cannot compete with, especially if you consider how good looking the car is. the g 6 is this, what you're looking design oriented s u v, with a very good range and top notch charging capabilities. unfortunately,
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some features such as manual adjustment of the event steering wheel buttons for the level of re to gratian, fell victim to the modern errors. lots of digitalization or a more powerful the and then it goes a lot quicker. but you like in your when it comes to electric vehicles in america, california else leads to charge more than a 3rd of electric vehicles in the country are sold to. the city of family drives a 160 kilometers to our workplace with an easy when she has to be there in person like from any other california. it's easy to use as a norm in her immediate circle the my in laws for the 1st that i knew personally that had task was. so i got it myself and then within
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a few months my sister got one. and then even though my parents didn't really like test those themselves within a guess, and that's been 2 years now. but within 2 years they, um, they decided to get an e b as well. i think that the way the prices are dropping on electric cars and with more available charters. i don't see why it wouldn't be adopted more widely in 2022. california is also the 1st to announce that all new cars as cds and pickup trucks have to generate 0 tail pipe emissions by 2035. effectively binding the sale of new gas powered cars. many here are receptive tvs for various reasons or. so it's not just environmentally beneficial, but also look enjoyable, just as much more expensive in california than the rest of the us as well. so maybe that's why people real quick to adopt it as well as comfortable it's. it's nice especially to the auto pilot and all of that, but then there's the rest of the country to consider. us are california only 16
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other states plus the washington dc have adopted similar 0 emission schools. the barton administration's target is for 56 percent of all new car sales in the u. s. to be electric by 2032 with another 15 percent for plugin hybrids. but with less than 8 percent of national sales are going to electric cars. it's clear that americans will need some convincing until that tyson germany is the vice president of consumer intelligence firm j. d power. and he says, geography and cost considerations play a major role in easy acceptance through the coastal markets or the big in the markets. what we're missing is everything in the middle, which tends to be a very big part of the market. then. additionally, if these are still fairly expensive, your average e v loan and united states is $52000.00 compared to about $40000.00 for an icy e load. so there's a big gap there were put a recent decision to effectively start cheaper,
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tying these electric vehicles out of the us market via terrace lead, bear the difficult balance, the biden administration house, to strike between wandering ag prices to go down to help mass adoption. but also needing to protect the wes automotive industry in a way that ends up keeping prices higher than they would be. then if there were more supply, chinese ease would offer a very cheap alternative immediately. but we're trying to get to a new industry here sustainably. and also means bringing in the just existing players and existing plants. last thing we want to do is turn the whole industry over and have a significant unemployment on the manufacturing side of the auto industry. while all that production shifts over to china. but critics of the biden and mystery sions easy policies say that the tariffs point to a lot of strategical here. lawrence policy is an industry observer, known for his vocal take downs of tesla and founder. these tariffs, which seem to be a policy of war with itself, because on the one hand,
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we want to encourage not my view, but the government. so you, we want to encourage eaves and renewables with solar panels, etc. and on the other hand, we're making them more expensive and that's kind of internally inconsistent. it's a logical, in fact, okay, it's crazy. so it was never really about reducing emissions. it's about supporting american industry and profit companies, american companies. the bottom line is that washington wants as many of these on the road as possible, as long as they're americans. but the government led approach is also running up against ideological roadblocks. the survey from gallup shows democrats representing a greater share of the owners, or potentially the owners. on the other side, a clear majority of republicans said they would not. the one in the, in this election year, the presumptive republican presidential candidate donald trump has repeatedly attacked the current governments electrification goals. the 1st day. i promise you, i will sign with the electric vehicle mandate is gun lawrence policy also thinks
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the polarization of evils could impact the vote or some powder. listen, this election is going to be decided at the margins. and for some voters it is important. they think that the policies very misguided, they're offended by the fact that the subsidies have gone primarily to the welfare people who have the higher tax rates. and that's a, that's really offensive to them. you'll have to fight expos, a traveling e mobility festival, in part at winning over the skeptics. it stops all over the country. they're showing here in california is probably largely an exercise in preaching to the choir. but mike murphy is a republican strategist, motivated by convincing conservatives to embrace the without whom he says the targets cannot reached twila. the map shows if you can't get republicans to accept that there aren't enough democrats to buy that many cars. the average democrat would have to buy a 129 percent electric. they need to have one and a 3rd of
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a car to get there. so if you don't break well, we called the red wall, the republican political resistance among rank and file consumers. you're never going to hit the targets and then digging through to the republicans. mike murphy has some advice for democrats, and it's to lean into messaging around jobs instead of focusing on the climate. married people like these kinds of climate, but they already know that you don't have to spend marketing money. they've got to undo the republicans making a partisan by changing the subject in the campaign to jobs, american manufacturing jobs. there's an incredible story in the most important presidential states that will pick the president, georgia, michigan, arizona, pennsylvania, wisconsin, a body be manufacturing, georgia. i think it's over $25000000000.00, a new job investment, michigan. another very important state for the presidential campaign. silver. 17000000000. nobody knows. so the, the issue if it can become an american jobs issue during this election,
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10 health joe biden. and it can slow down donald trump, the road to mass adoption as easy as marks with the economic and political people that could potentially slow the achievement of the biden administrations and vicious goals. but how soon america gets there, or whether it gets there at all, will depend very much on the cell. and how much they're along to the right. the cars are big level phenomenon with millions of unique stories that could be in a german costa. and we need you guys wherever you are. however, up here flick passionate as our module and your stories, our currency. somebody over here, we found cars from germany and the craziest place all across to
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this one here is all dictated from albania, that officially never exit route. once you're sorry. and we try to figure out why we feel such songs. motion was the only with this machine, just story to ideas and costs, but it's not the millions and millions that use that account. and most of all the fact that makes us better. this video make me add more buckets. yep. that's to love so cool to watch. keep going. well, thank you for the question is now flash. if we go next, right to wherever your sentence your stories and your crazy car into the let's catch up soon. unrest the
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monday morning and we'll play in southern from the city with its half a 1000000 inhabitants is waking up and drive in. shelby is on her way to walk. last december she stopped using her parents calling to make the 7 kilometer jenny free public transport is a really good idea, especially for people like myself, i think twice before spending 50 euros on a monthly subscription. i. i only in 1950 euros gross per month. similar to my sister who's also switched to public transport. if i lost it, so need taking me 26 minutes to get to 10 minutes less than by coffee or was it? i like the stress free way of traveling less on protecting the environment. the longest pest services report is always on. her travel is financed with tax paid by companies with at least 11 employees. such efforts out to the delights of the socialist lead city governments. it through
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a big policy to celebrate the introduction of free public transport. him on petty a last december the or set them in to port this frame, public transport, give citizens to some of their purchasing power bags you. it's an ecological and social measure it so it helps us fight global warming, but it doesn't punish people who gets everyone on board with that. the few are cars, there are the cleaner the air we breathe. i don't know if you let me. you have a left for his po and the measure seems to be going down well with mom penny a's young inhabitants. much as a student to help, so not to not have to spend money on transport moltin. so assuming these ice encourages people to saying they fuel and take public transport instead of it's easy to evaluate the hospital parts of this plan is the construction of
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a new tram line. the fix single penny. it will be completed late next year and connect to the university portal, but at least when more than $20000.00 students assign don't always. this is the university entrance and you can see there's very important construction work underway. so we'll have to trans stops right here. additional bike lanes and some parking for cars, but less than in the past. we're also transforming this square, which was used for parking into a pedestrian area. yep, you'll hear you. i love the university has created a lot of extra blanket talking. the reset to is hoping this will only be used by students. history is about 40 percent of our teaching staff currently come by car. what, you know, something might take the tram in the future. now this option exists. so what is a good public transport network is crucial or free public transport to make a difference. but guessing around by public tensile is not as easy in places further from the sensor. search on the visa is an adjacent substance like town and
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pauses mon pallet's metropolitan area with about 12000 inhabitants and counseling, who goes to am, works, and this sub, but lives in the city center. he's possible that'd be great. cooling for the money spent on free public transports to be invested in extending the network instead, illogically, until that gets about 4 pm that. and there's only one tram every 15 minutes, even though it's going home time. that's all for transport. links are so poor that the local town hall even has set up a shuttle bus in one districts that you have to pay for that. but if we want free public transport, you need to consider that the city is growing. otherwise you just to please people in the city center when it's good transport network and forget those in the outskirts we all fit. so today's don't say i'd be this on pity. none the less with the commitment to expanding that transport network and free public transport. providing people with freedom of movement. mon penny
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a seems to be moving in the right direction. the more automotive tales. next time on the
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are they coming 0 sense excels 3 trans people. stories kind items are feed us complex doors and some new songs. i just, shit, know possession of the the thing says he minutes on d. w. the
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you can draw the line between the space is because i don't believe that space is, is i'm all really relevant criteria and any more than i believe that rice or sex is on frontier in. 2 2 2 2 humans are closer to a chimpanzee. santa chimpanzee is even to a dog. but dr. series about our complex relationship with animals. watch now on youtube. d. w documentary, january 2021. the attack on the united states capital. thousands of people took pods and among them, some of these manipulative voices are a former high ranking. military leaders wanted us veterans tended back from democracy. and what does this mean for the upcoming an extra the enemy within starts to lie 12 on d,
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w. each tells my story of the people who planned me build dedicated, nice to me. i am not too dumb to tell the rest of my may. in the centuries they billed me, they created something and had to watch as i work destroyed. i have month niceties, days for centuries, and accompanied my country through its fine hours until the day i nearly vanished stuff july 18th on d. w. the
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. this is the the news a lot from ballot from since last way to lions comes on top of the 2nd round of fall. the mentor election is surprising. victory by the new popular front leaves no policy with a clear majority. president, even with my cos, centrist alliance comes in 2nd, adult morrila pens 5 national. the i'm grab it off is welcome to the program. the 1st projections show the new.