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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 7, 2024 10:00pm-10:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the news that live from bill in front. this last wait, a lines comes also on top in the 2nd round of parliamentary legs. the surprising victory by the new popular front leaves no policy with a clear majority as the amount of a medical center is the live comes in. the 2nd head of money depends far right. national. right, and french prime minister gabrielle does says he plans to offer his resignation on monday, after meeting this centralized alliance, 2, a 2nd place finish the
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job with is welcome to the program. the 1st projection. so the new popular from the left wing alliance, unexpectedly coming out on top and the french parliamentary elections. certainly with i saw, one of the leaders of the left block said that the results for a rejection of president, the minimum of my call is centrist together, coalition is predicted to come 2nd by marine defense fall, right. national riley ponti looked set for the 1st place. no one is predicted to have an absolute majority in pockets. now let's look at the seat distribution. according to the latest projections from the broad costs of t f one. the left wing alliance, the new popular front in red could get as many as 195 seats in yellow president. my costs together coalition could get up to $167.00 states.
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marine depends national riley in dock blue is on cost to get as many as $137.00 seats fall short of a majority. and the sensor rogers, probably tons of light blue, could take up to 63. all the parties could get as many as 15 seats. that's the project to distribution in the french national assembly in what will be a hung parliaments. and the fall athlete as i'll leave my la shaw has a president my call to invite his left his new popular front coalition to form a government give them projections that put it in the lead. middle shaw says is correlation managed to give a voice to the majority of the electorate. novel did you, but the way a little bit people must be strictly respected. they know no trick arrangements for all the combinations would be acceptable. no. so hit that zip
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tabular on this election has given us a clear less than those up and not do so. the defeat of the president of the republic, what is your on his coalition is clear, the president must admit his defeat without limit med said leave. so don't they do not go to a minute? can you took the prime minister must leave to mean it was so not a when uh, a john, buddy w, corresponded lisa lewis in paris. liza strong words that for me last saw is that is the size of the future for french politics in fighting and instability. what i think it's a is really, you know, that would be lots of tying and praying for support of dependence. determine who will be the next prime minister. the next prime minister will be nominated by uh, the uh, the president,
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him on my call and it k. you can be ready to down by parliament, but he doesn't need to beat or he or she doesn't need to be confirmed by parliament to become prime minister. then on my call could make the choice of choosing someone who's kind of, you know, if at all, the different policies could agree on who that would be. and so on, claire, as you said earlier, all the different blogs have a, you know, a number of seats, but no blogs have a majority. they will have to talk to each other. but this is something that the french politicians are not really good at dental, used to working in coalition. so we'll see how that works out about the big surprise of is this uh, predict to the outcomes of have there been any protest we've been seeing images here from paris, streets with arrive police and smoking the at the brother of thousands of people who came to the black, the ladder creek in central terrace to celebrate the outcome that is going to be
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less than the lines of results. and i understand i've heard thoughts and said most occasions i go, you're going some fighting between a protest. there's another group at this very ma'am, we don't really know what's happening there. but as you said, i understand that police are getting to the plus level people take on trying to calm the situation down at the secret to have it 1st in front. the government were expecting some rise in the streets, especially if the far right top gains a majority or increase the number of considerably cited has not happened. the situation is not entirely calm eva right now. yeah, we think live pictures right now from that place, or you mentioned where the supporters of the left when the lines have gathered with smoke in the bed. these are we going to come back to you in a moment, but we also have heard from the french prime minister gabriela. he says he will
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times his resignation to president in one of them. i call on monday morning. is that a density to ladies and gentlemen? services certainly best crazy because it looks easy. i attributed no tooth specific to some of those on the test of one to submit to it and to gather with the president we decided to fight as well. and it was citizens of duty for me to initial 12 comment to this computer, east virginia, as i still have 3 with us off the majority, absolutely majority of by the friends and both these by the national relation or multi point out, the disappearance of it. and movement that into our ideas, all values. and these 3 threats, all the tests were so swell stopped by the french motors today with no absolute majority can be carried by the far left or right in the french, the spirit. but i'm good, is it attached to the republic?
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it's values operating keep pushing the i told with the political current that i represent during this election of the republic and of progress, both of us or a t v. the words we could offer. it's a logical transition and european construction is a live things to our determination are better and things that are the strength of our values. um, we haven't prevailed and we are still standing with 3 times more members than several projections. gave us in the beginning of the chemistry before life. of course i'm thinking of all the candidates of also somebody who lost group also see some. and i'm also thinking of those that step down between the 2 rounds. and i want to tell them all to fix it. i am grateful. i want to assure them of my loyalty and affection such ladies and gentlemen to be the prime minister, sleep owner of my life everywhere else said i went by,
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i wanted to speak to you to listen to you to tell me a few issues and everything that to jump hold of me and made me see things ready for the this is as well. what i have mentioned for most to refresh this with companion me on them and i, it is the party that i represent here of it has a 3 time sped test scores and measure of what was predicted bus no majority's data, that's how distributed did so loyal to republicans, tradition, and according to my principal, that'd be tomorrow morning because he thought, i'm going to step down just to get a yeah, there is your diet as well. know that the result that was one night from show to menu, what a frenchman, the computers certain for the good cause there is no absolute majority in gwinnett country experiences. unprecedented realistic goal situation. when the whole world was going to visit our country in a couple of weeks, of course, i am going to carry out my duty as long as it's possible for because i cannot stop
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working for my country at such an important moment. what is most is a mistake, the respect of those of runty. this is how i want to carry all my function as i prime minister. and then you there is starting, i call or nation multiple and starting tomorrow. how the center of gravity of people are to produce no more than ever for the mount in the hands of the parliament, of the representatives of the nation, of our citizen, the city of responsibility is demands and you'll get it and i am not going to resign on myself to 2nd shift for delivery to political power in 3 blocks, the fed tried to destroy it for the fall, each of the 2 others because that's not how the french people it thinks and it was when i am never going to resign to it. and tonight, the for when you write was whether with has a historic resolve to say,
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because french citizens should know which i was worried about the future. and i am going to say to them, i respect you all. what about project or your choice was because there are not several categories of french citizen as though those tools. all right, those were wrong. those who vote right and those who wrote foot wrong because of what will be destroy the whole time. you have more difficulties and our duty is to make their lives better. i'm always going to have the same goal is to unite dental athletics and meet those clips. was upstairs. i met you on the, to the never to start believing and the values and you without goodness, ocean one by the new era's also starting from the i don't think it as a candidates we have to in then something new. great, useful. and just we have people to question every thing to make will cover the political face is going to have to work tomorrow towards
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a new policy. and i don't think of the french citizens spend their life 1st and foremost to be a new home for them. with your values is are into the union. dimes never be divided incarnate as a, sorry, t but b as you may the security and be on the side of those who believe in front of our citizens. so several children always in the spectrum to ensure the do we is going to expect us. and i know i can count on the help of millions of friendship, men and women who don't want to deny our values from the members of parliament who are elected to know they have to do whatever they can to change and establish a country and who know it so the leg got it. second, it'd be destroyed by extremes of the want a busy, we're going to work for a piece, and then it was out incendiary experience of the populace community, terry,
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and spirit we oh, is going to try to correspond to the expectations of the, of the french citizens but then be true to a value system when i go under the false, let us show how great and strong how country is it the problem and what it can do. some of that we are ready to rebuild every thing because we don't know friends and nothing resist the friendship, people think french 5 minutes ago. that's all that offering his resignation. these are 1st sign of the instability that is uh, threatening to overtake french politics. and what do these results mean now for the power about us and the french parliament and also full president muscle? well, i think, you know, got hurt. i think it's going to be very interesting in the coming weeks. the big question is, who will be the next prime minister we heard earlier from zone a,
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we don't show about joining us all the leader of the from, from. 6 movements, and he is a very divisive take the when you look that the result is that the projections that we have right now within the less the lines left. when the lines, his movement is set to get the highest number of seats. but when you look at the other, the socialist and the green party, and they've also had that also likely to strengthen their presence in parliament. and we can expect them to be against it. i don't, you know, saw a trying to become prime minister. so it might be my guess, my hunch is that i am on my call. the president will try to nominate someone who can unite the support of different policies that might be, for example, the head of the green party mounting to him, the gate. and she has been shining in this. so what's next and combine, coming across as in very genuine here in crohn's and really, you know, like
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a real person, not a professional politician. another idea would be a favorite of mine who was elected to be your be parliament who is also nice to be robust model, right. so i think this is the way presented. my call might try to find someone who can get the support from different talkies, across the spectrum and over the except for the far right national phones. but it's, he is a b, b. what are you by tonight? and i to get people together and support one of these candidates. these people have someone else who is been motorists. and then that might work. it's a new experience from it's. i'm shocked. and walter frances not used to you know, the coalition game. but let's see if it works. maybe it might. well, i called you on the national riley's election a party for us there and not much of a party i'm afraid of what's been the mood this evening. i mean there have gained more uh, more votes. i think they ha, yeah, i mean, you know, that,
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but guessing there's sometimes fluids ready. everybody has a bed with that. a french flags ahead of 8 o'clock. you know, when the 1st through that to where it should be announced and then there is no policy. as it said, the states passed away, the flags, everybody was showing long faces and who i talked to, you told me that, you know, on the one hand, the re expecting more there. but, you know, this illusions, on the other hand, they're trying to make the best of it saying, this is the 1st step or this is the next step towards getting to power 10 from. we'll be looking ahead to upcoming elections units. simple electrons, closer presidential elections in 2027. jordan, but the, the head of the far right. national. a riley. oh yes. said that. you know that this was a great to see when the french people, the nice counting on his opponents as to why didn't that support in the coming years. so not really happy people here,
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but i'm trying to look with optimism optimism to the future.


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