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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 7, 2024 11:00pm-11:15pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the news live from ballad from his left wing alliance comes also on top in the 2nd round of parliamentary elections. the surprising victory by the new popular front leaves no positive with a clear majority. president manuel, my calls centrist alliance comes in seconds ahead of my really depends so far, right? national run and french prime minister gabriella does, says he plans to offer his resignation. on monday off the leading, the centrist alliance, 2, a 2nd place, finish. the
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good health is welcome to the program, french crime and it's uh gabrielle. that's all as announced as an indian tends to resign. that's as president the calls centrist together coalition look set for 2nd place in parliamentary elections. projections showed a full week old new pop to the front left wing alliance. unexpectedly, coming out on top of the independence file arrived national riley's policy is projected to come in search face while support as a defense left. already celebrating in paris. no group looks likely to emerge with an absolute majority in parliament's. let's have a look at the seat distribution according to the latest projections. from the french broad costs of t f one. the left wing alliance. the new popular front in red could get as many as 195 seats. in yellow president my calls together coalition coast take up to $167.00 seats. but it depends. so national riley and doc blue is on cost to get as
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many as $100.00. and so it is 7 seats. that's for sure which of the majority and the sense arrives. republicans in light blue could take up to 63. all the parties could get as many as 15 seats. that's the project, the distribution in the french national assembly and what will be a hung parliament. the fall athlete is only on shawl edge president, i call to invite his left his new popular front coalition to form a government given projections that put it in the lead. middle shaw says his coalition managed to give a voice to the majority of the electorate novel, but the people must be strictly respected. dental, no tricks. arrangements or other combinations would be acceptable, no, so hit next. if tabular on the selection has given us clear less than those up and
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not do so, the defeat of the president of the republic, what is your on his coalition is clear, the president must admit his defeat without limit the med said, i believe so, don't they? do not go to the group, the prime minister must leave to read what means to do i saw not a soul tom, the prime minister w latasha said he will offer his resignation on monday as well to night. the political party i've represented during this campaign. he has 3 times more n p's than what predicted him in last week. and just postpone. you mentioned that we do not have a majority to that in order to oma our republican values, want me tomorrow morning. i will submit my resignation to the president of the republic and each as not as cross over the terrace. and the 2 dw corresponded literally at least up the ball. have been the reactions to
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a 1000 announcement. i think it's fair to say that there must be a lot of speculation going on across the country, especially amongst politicians. now we only heard from as only mental shaw who's one of those who is going to want to become prime minister. but he's also a very dis divisive thing. yeah, there is another member of the left wing alliance, actually off of france and bowed his movement. fremont, you know, 10 hotel who has come out tonight to say, you know, the print pro president and my, my call should indeed name someone from our move window from the left wing aligns as prime minister. but it should not be as only mental shaw. and neither should it be as well. so how long do you know the form is socialist president, who actually was a candidate in this election and he got elected in hesitating district. so it looks like a many people, many politicians what would be pushing for someone?
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probably from the last of less center, but a, a cigarette, someone who is not as decisive as zone and also know how surprising not to nice projected results of the well, the, they are really surprising. i said we were looking at them. i had some projections ahead of a to clock and they were getting all sorts of different directions. you know, some, some projections were predicting that the far right would come, come 1st of us was saying it would be the left wing lines and we were looking. you know, with a journalist, we were waiting for the official, you know, a publication of the projections at 8 o'clock. and we were looking at these projections, different figures. so i'm thinking this call be right, this is not what polls were predicting ahead of the 2nd round. it is a surprise to everybody. i think i see a lot of people here at, you know, behind me where the election policy for the far right national ready was taking
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place and it's still taking place tonight that people had to have actually a hinge. they knew that the election was like, would not be as good as everybody here had hoped for. and there was actually no policies going on when the projections were finally finished, at 8 o'clock, it tell us it will be difficult though to form a government. no, i won't say it will be very difficult. you know, frances not 9 to be very good at coalition forming. this is something that's really easy and straightforward for countries like germany, but in france, you know, there's a culture of one paul to you taking believe in the past you had on 3 occasions, so called cooperate that. so that means, you know, the, the head of the government is from another party, then the president and that didn't go so well, you know, they just don't know how to get alone, how to form compromises, or maybe now is
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a chance for them to learn how to do this, now have there been protests tonight or the huffman treasures best? actually, it's the has been this, you know, great tachi, thousands of supported from the less then from the center coming together at the plaza level leak in central terrace, uh, basement waving flags, etc. but we also seen some pictures of a people who were, you know, about happy bought the laughing at that have been altercations between these people who had gathered to celebrate and all those were protesting against the results. i think lots of people have been watching the outcome of this, this selection tonight, and we just sold here a group of young states, you know, who can pause and sharing and say, the young people have one to night. we are happy. so i think everybody was watching what was going to be the outcome of the selection and a so i can pasto for on. so at least was very happy about storage costs,
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funding. diesel knew that in the parish. thank you very much. lisa. that's have a look at some of the other stories making headlines around the world today a. c protest as have blocked roads across the israel. it's a mock 9 months since the home us terrorist attacks on october 7th demonstrate is instead of the venture, who's the cold for prime minister benjamin that's in the out to resign. they also urge to cease 5 to allow the release of hostages held by homos young whippersnapper, us president joe biden is campaigning in the swing state of pennsylvania, where he stopped off to worship at a predominantly black church in philadelphia. 5 minutes re election bid has been thoughtfully as coals have grown for him within his own democratic policy. to stand aside because of doubts about his physical and mental fitness for another 4 year term new residents on the texas coast. ah,
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preparing for that to be hit by a tropical storm the barrel, which is expected to regain how we can strength. as it turns over the warm waters of the gulf of mexico full costs as expect dial to make land full in the us as a category, a category one hardly can. early on monday, it's heavy rain wins and a dangerous storm surge work as a rushing to repair a dam. breach at china is don't thing like that's full. thousands of people from the homes. the reach comes off. that's a rental rains in the central who non profits. chinese state media said it could take days to complete the repair work. it's the house and industry in gaza, which is run by how mos says more than 38000 people have now been killed during the war and gaza. the conflict spock by hamas let tara attacks in october,
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now enters its 10th month. new diplomatic efforts are once again raising hopes of a truce. as the fighting continues, the ministry says that today that at least 16 people were killed. buying is really strike on a who in school, in the central refugee camp of no say right? screams and smoke filled, the in moments of to is rails. the tech survive is scrambled to search through the wreckage at the school and know serat around stephen central's and people we estimated to be sheltering in the area. and as you know, the, we run to the target to the area. we saw bodies of children in pieces. this is a playground. there was a trampoline, he a swing set, some vendors civilians are killed. this is a united nation school. it's supposed to be safe and should not be targeted. every
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strike we find the bodies blown to pieces. look upon, i swear to god. i took out children with my own hands. the wounded rushed to hospital. a belt with health services on the brink of collapse. children were treated in busy color, it was its rattles, military student had been targeting terrorist and the attack from us denied its license with their meanwhile entail of these thousands of protesters once again demanded as rouse government except a deal to bring back hostages and reach a ceasefire from us has reportedly softened its position on a draft agreement, potentially opening negotiations of to weeks of data. last
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week we'll be able to get back to not be me. how may i situate the government is very simple. there is a deal on the table. take it, there hasn't been a pause and fighting them, jobs us since a one week truce, the noise in the officials involved in sci fi negotiations say real progress has been made in recent days. that will miss to lots of work ahead and reaching a binding agreement. we also did help you with the funding for john. yeah, true. so then, what is, what has been saying about that to strike on the you and school, as well as our claims that the area around that school was allegedly used by homeless militants to carry out their attacks while i'm a submitted. once again, claim that allegedly, the soldiers were not even nearby place and called to claims. very similar ones.
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you have heard during the past 9 months as the war and guys and so it's 10 months today. and the question really is for the people on the ground for the hundreds of thousands of palestinians who have been displaced again. and again. what's next, either way out from this just for this particular s drive the on that school be hearing from the palestinian health ministry that at least 16 people have been killed. many others have been reported the injured. but what do these people go? weapon injured, their new operating only very regimental, the very parsley operating hospitals at this point in gaza is that people the thousands who have been seeking shelter in that particular school. these people have been displaced over and over again. and some of them probably have consider themselves even lucky to be inside the building as so many of the police to me is right now. try to somehow survive in tens if they even have a tent or look for a place where they can sleep outside. so that situation on the ground is drawing
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disastrous by the day. why once again people are asking, is there an end to these facilities at all? and when i did have you as the final thoughts on joe's until control side. yeah. you're watching the, the news, just a reminder of the top story we have following for you right? early projections. so the new popular front. let's clean the lions. unexpectedly coming all to on top and fronts is parliamentary the next, the centrist alliance of president monroe, and my call is in 2nd place, head of money, levin's fall rights, national and french crime. and it's doug with up to us, says he plans to offer his resignation. on monday, off the leading base interest, the lines to a 2nd place finish, fox, he added that he will carry out his functions as long as it is required. and that's it from me and the news team for now. coming up next to the w reports on
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a lesbian woman who moved from germany to how native turkey and no faces an increase in home, a phobia, got office in berlin from me and the whole new scene here expo, the, the untold story details going to be find it here repos every weekend on d. w can you see is what old car tires have to do with the production? here's a hands.


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