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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 8, 2024 1:00am-1:16am CEST

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the the, this is dw news live from berlin. frances left wing alliance comes out on top in the 2nd round of parliamentary elections. the surprising victory by the new popular front leaves no party with a clear majority. president emmanuel and my call centrist alliance comes in seconds ahead of my team depends far right. national rally and french prime minister deputy on that side of says he plans to offer his resignation. on monday, after leading the centrist alliance, 2, a 2nd place finish the
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and david levitz good value with us french prime minister, gabrielle i, tyler has announced he intends to resign as president emmanuel, and my calls centers together. coalition look set for 2nd place in parliamentary elections. projections show the 4 week old new popular front left wing alliance, unexpectedly coming out on tarp body in lou pens. far right. national rally party is projected to come in 3rd place. while supporters of the french left celebrated in paris, no group looks likely to emerge with an absolute majority in parliament. well, let's take a quick look at the seat distribution. according to projections from broadcaster t f one. the west wing alliance, the new popular front in red could get as many as a 198 seats. and yellow president my calls together co listen, could take up to a 169 seats. by the end depends national rally and dark blue is on course to get as
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many as a $143.00 seats, far short of a majority, and the the center. right? republicans in light blue or estimated to take up to 63 seats. other parties could get 15 seats, that's the projected distribution and the french national assembly in what will be a hung parliament and far left. the leaders only command on shaw urged president my clients to invite his left his new popular front coalition to form a government given projections that put it in the lead tomato sauce. as his coalition managed to give voice to the majority of the electorate. now the will of the people must be strictly respected. dental no tricks. arrangements or other combinations would be acceptable. no. so hit the exit tablet on this election has given us
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a clear less than those up and to not do so. the defeat of the president of the republic. what is your hunch is coalition is clear. the president must admit his defeat without limit med instead, i believe so don't they do not go to the group. the prime minister must leave to know what we need to do. i so not a while, i sort time later, prime minister and gabrielle had told us that he will offer his resignation on monday as well. to night, the political party i've represented during this campaign. he has 3 times more and peas, then one predicted him in last week and just pushed ball measured. so we do not have a majority to that in order to alma, our republican values, want me tomorrow morning. i will submit my resignation to the president of the republic beach. and we're joined now by dw correspondent lisa,
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we in paris. where you said we've been sharing for weeks now that the far right was possibly going to win this election. now it looks like they only came in 3rd place . what could possibly explain this huge shift? well david, i think this came as a surprise to many people here in funds. as you said, polls were predicting for the far right to come. first, i think of that number of factors contributed to tonight's result are 1st of all, there were lots of groups that were getting mobilized to prevent the far right from a gaining a power of basically, you know, lots of, of ads that were published. they were groups at that joint forces and try to distribute a flyers on the ground trying to hold those candidates opposed to the far right. and obviously there's also the so called a republican front policies, a non, you know, not the far right, but all the other parties saying, we need to prevent this from happening. and some of the candidates about 200
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candidates, withdrew from the 2nd round of faith. and now this is a business due to the specifics of the french election systems. and the system in the legislative election is a direct election in 577 districts. and a candidates can get through to the 2nd round if they get the support of at least 12.5 percent of registered betas. and the result of that is that in many of the districts, there was more than 2 candidates. and so as i said, and many districts, but such place candidates withdrew and that helped the candidate that was facing a big fall right candidate to get through very powerfully say tonight. and that's why the, that explains at least partly to nights result width of the far right now coming in 3rd and not in 1st place as expected projections show that no group, no party has an absolute majority. how difficult will it be now though,
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for friends to form a government? or i think it will be incredibly difficult. fonts has not really known, doesn't have any, a huge experience of forming correlations on like a neighboring countries such as a germany and in the cost, you know, you had a few occasions where there was a so called core be to show which means basically the prime minister and the president, i'm not from the same political come that didn't go down. that wall actually didn't block off that well. now to night though, lots of of positions will be thinking about who might be the next prime minister. we just saw it, the prime minister going to that type is going to submit his resignation a tomorrow. now he should stay in place as a cash hiker or you know, catch, take a prime minister, move his car, take a government, and until a new government will be formed. and there is going to be lots of taking and praying about who will be the new prime minister. we thought that the left wing,
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the lines, the new republic in front of the new popular front will come together tomorrow they sit around a table and think about who could they, you know, put forward as a name for president my call to name as a new fine minister, we were so i may be watching that situation. now, at least when president my client called the snap elections. it was a huge gamble for him. and for france, how's that gamble paid off a while? i think when he called these elections, he's thoughts. so it means that this was a genius idea and would take everybody by surprise. everybody was surprised. but i think many very few people like she thought that this was a good idea and turns out that he actually lost seats in parliament. the damage is limited to lied and yet he now would have to have it to face even more difficult. situation impala and you obviously speculated was speculating that he would enlarge
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his, you know, the number of seats he used to have 250. now this a number is going to go down at, but no other. com will have an absolute majority of 2 and a may to 9, so it's likely to be a hung parliament you do have to wiggles through. he said that he would not step down before the next presidential election, which is going to be in 2027. but inside of me, certainly not be easy for me to, to double your correspondent lease salary for us in paris. thank you. hey, how much official has said the group is ready to discuss a deal to secure the release of as rarely hostages, even without a complete ceasefire. the potential breakthrough comes after weeks of deadlock between the 2 sides. it's 9 months since the terror attack by how mos on october 7th, with families of hostages, still waiting desperately for news of a deal. a warning viewers may find images in this next report,
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disturbing for the parents of a young woman and kidnapped by a moss. on october 7th, the analyst wrangling over a hostage deal has been devastating initial medical. i'm here every time whether it's on one channel or another on tv is that a hostage deal has failed once again. now, why? what is the purpose of all this to go to their daughter, carina area was one of 7 female is rarely soldiers kidnapped from an army base by a mouse gunman in a video of her kidnapping. one of her captors points to carina on the bottom right of your screen and calls her beautiful jump up in the computer. well, you get lazy with, it's all green. his parents forget the worst question was, is we thought about it straight away. could they come with me after a few days after we realized the magnitude of the horror of that day should
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the rate that was committed, the murders, everything the women went through. there are some noise you call us, my quote is mine, then we thought about it all the time, all the time from innocent and you try not to think about these things. but when you're left alone with your thoughts, you can't help it. or this 0 level footage, and witness testimony from october 7th, shows that sexual violence including raped was carried out during the mazda attack . those findings were later supported by a u. n. team of experts. certainly push the when i think of my daughter in captivity, as a father the my daughter has been kidnapped with a gun to a temple. i mean, i just have trouble thinking logically and it really scares me, is that most most people this event has been going on for 9 months. and all that
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arises from it. if it's pregnant women and like you said, she could come back with a child and then we must cuz it's really hard and i feel powerless. i can't do anything to get her out of the 2. 9 months on dream, his parents have joined the other is really families on the streets of tel aviv pleading for a deal to bring their loved ones home from a government that is so far failed to make their suffering stop. karina's mother wants her to hold on to cutting a much electricity covina. if you hear me same, she does, then we want you to do everything to stay alive. so to survive these days in captivity, the chevy and, and for our part and we are doing everything possible for you to come back to us. so just survive. we're available. we love you and miss you very,
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very much. now to some other stories making news around the world, residents on the texas coast are preparing for a hit by a tropical storm barrel, which is expected to regain hurricane strength. as it turns over the warm waters of the gulf of mexico, forecasters expect burial to make a land fall in the us as a category one hurricane early on. one day, with heavy rain winds at a dangerous storm surge, rescue workers are rushing to repair a dam. breeching at china is daunting. awake its force. thousands of people from their homes. the bridge comes after torrential rains in the central, who non profits chinese state media site, it could take days to complete the repair work. we also don't el salvatore's authoritarian president. now your book kelly has threatened businesses with tough consequences. if food prices don't draw and tell him by speech, ok, le drew a comparison with his crack down on the street, gangs,
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crime has dropped and drastically since the president's mass imprisonment campaign began in 2022. but rights groups, same many have been detained. arbitrarily, a young with a snap of us president biden. his campaigning in the swing state of pennsylvania where he stopped off to worship at a predominantly black church. and philadelphia biden's re election bid has been faltering as cause have grown for him within his own democratic party. to stand aside because of doubts about his physical and mental fitness for another 4 year term. ready study sl oh those are the words that kicked off the world snail racing championships. in norfolk england this weekend organizer said the conditions were perfect. just a little bit down and not too warm. after weeks of training and preparation, the racers and their coaches were ready to compete. the winning trainer receives an
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increase computer tankard and the price for the victorious snails of varied to see arrangement of romaine lettuce. this is where the winner was a snail called jeff, and there is a and a reminder of the top story we're following for year, early projection. so if it shows the new popular front left wing alliance, unexpectedly coming out on top, and frances parliamentary elections, centrist alliance of president, and my new and my call is in 2nd place. ahead of my name depends far right. national rally french prime minister and gabrielle outside us as he plans to offer his resignation. on monday, after leading the centrist alliance, 2, a 2nd place to finish. for he added that he will carry out his functions as long as required. and without you're up to date, but stay with us up next to c w 's recorder. following the story of a lesbian woman's life in turkey,
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and the struggle for queer rights under president arrow to warrant, don't forget, you can always find more on our website at w. com and follow us at the w nearest data limits. bye bye. for now, the gentleman with c w plus or emphasizing the award winning offer is available world wide. every language level reading gentleman has to go. conflict crises around every single connection mapped out shows the geo political reality. beyond the board is
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what makes things the way they are.