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tv   Euromaxx  Deutsche Welle  July 8, 2024 2:02am-2:30am CEST

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a type of type of street food in hungry it has to be line, gosh, all this and more on your backs. the, when the olympic games take place in the capital of fashion, will this stadium become a catwalk? we show you how to dress up for the olympics in paris. same just a few weeks. the summer olympics will kick off the host city. paris is not only known as the capital of france, but also as the capital of high fashion. no wonder that the fashion scene is embracing the international sporting event and its very own way, a month ahead of the games of vogue event in the heart of paris, celebrated fashion and sports in inspect tackler show with super models like candle, gender, and g g. deed, elite sports,
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women like tennis pro serena and venus williams and pop stars like katie perry. and i am not come or whose voice will be heard at the olympic opening ceremony. it's really was so great to, to see paris as a capital of fashion in this way and everybody's shining. and, and this message of sports translates into fashion, research eloquent, see french rugby player and soon to be a libyan and twan. dupel is louisa tones. newest brand ambassador, the french luxury label is the maker of the suitcases in which the olympic torch and the metals are transported. and one of the main sponsors of the 2024 olympic games with a 150000000 euro investment. and if you're in paris, it's impossible to miss the preparations for the huge event there or even impacting
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this year's big spring summer fashion shows which had to be moved forward due to the games to keep plastic is one of the venue is where the passion shows usually take place that being occupied by the olympic games. so the fashion houses have to look for alternatives, can take them on top of that. many people who normally work in the fashion industry, a busy working for the olympics, i just with it not to mention the traffic which has become even more catastrophic due to all the construction work of ickes. and i think they don't cover that. paris is in the thralls of olympics fever also became evident from the themes of the collections. like the one by your designer might have. yeah. could, that's the activity. who sent these modern greek goddesses? down the catwalk at her home? go to a show. even drawing inspiration from the games for her shows, backdrop, real gratitude, in a great collection, not literal, but there's clearly a gratian element. but it's going to be warned by, you know, on early are greek warriors. some of it. i know there's going to be in sort of
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a modern power olympia, and the one is like an amazing the comforter part about it was very, very small. with that in mind it was probably no coincidence that 10 is great. venus williams attended the sports inspired runway show. another sports figure made a special appearance. i believe it's all men's bathroom sho, french basketball star victoria when button yamma arrived in style and a tailor made suit from the brand. and the present proposal, as these are increasingly taking the place of actors and singers and promoting brands on sale was on it. they've become role models because of their athletic physique, but also because of what they stand for, their resilience and will power the best available. so just brands are keen to appropriate the values and this image to fix anything. finally moses voltage, and on the catwalk some of designer for rel williams, outfits look a lot like sports apparel. should we reduce it? almost?
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i believe we told we got to see some model style like that could be on the soccer pit. you see both in the us go to collections and in the general mens with as a clear influence also in the fabrics used which are more commonly associated with a sports. well, even though it just makes 10 more technique at the opening ceremony, the teams will be wearing creations from italian brands for loyalty and are money among others. and what might just turn out to be the she gets the limbic games yet in paris, of course. studying abroad is an exciting idea and they're a great student citizen in europe. but what do you need to know before deciding on a place to study? we check out the various european cities. this time we're going to milan in northern italy. do i need to speak to tanya and do studying a tell you? is it easy to find a plot? how expensive is it to these here? here's what do you need to know if you want to study in this country?
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milan in his own but the, the region of utility with the most international students and do better to tell us about starting here. done. and actually student you are from friends. tell me why do you do decide to start a year. i decided to come here for various reasons, my whole specific, he some, some of the international reputation and the fact that it was like me technical and especially just the culture. and that's, it is fascinating. i mean, you can easy do day ships to like the most beautiful cities in the world. and i just think it's just such a sort of enriching environment to study and found it in a $263.00 the party technical jimmy donnell is the 1st university in you know the $2.00 oh for oh, master of science programs in english professor as the funder on keep telling me about the programs here. how big are the english programs for international students? and how important is that for the university? we have over 30 muscles sized. i'm spoken english. and we have fox students from
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over there ward surgery, percent of our must have students coming from outside because why is that important for us? the 1st reason is that we came to be a really international hub. the 2nd reason is because we work closely together with companies and companies are asking for graduates from our architectural design and engineering course is coming from over the work. you know, the using the top 10 most popular countries worldwide for international studies. posting around 125000 students from abroad. most of them come from china over munoz . barney ethan and india. to ration fees in e. w. very public university discharge from 900 to 4000 years a year. but you also need to pay your rent and living expenses. no, i'm meeting with the student who just bought the groceries. so let's talk about prizes. this is spencer from the usa. nice to meet you too. thanks for
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returning your course. oh, what do you have here? so i got a lot for just 15 years. of earnings for tomatoes, tomato, chicago, tennessee. and for you to ideas. but what i'm all right, is it easy to find a place here? friend is a little bit more expensive in the line and i've lived in a couple of different places, but i finally find a place that i'm really happy with. so i'd be happy to show you. looks good, it's good. spencer came to italy on a food ride to school, or she may have walked into my apartment and i used to shares your apartment with another student. obviously, not everyone can afford a place like this. well, the university doesn't offer a lot of student dorms within the city of milan, and many of their dorms are further away from the campus. if i wanted
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a apartment that was really close to the campus, i was able to find this apartment after quite a bit of searching. usually for an apartment in the center of the apartments can be about $1400.00 per month, and on the outside of the city there, around $900.00 for a one bedroom. imagine these all are just walking around while starting here. you said really of the attribute meeting to students from eden and breast c o to find out more about their lives here. so guys, how is live here? how do you like it? i really love every single, the life here, like the lifestyle, the culture that they have and them the, they haven't done that they receive ordering reasons. absolutely. you my favorite part about it. like when i 1st came here, i was so focused only on the studies sedan with time. i learned to balance that. but in the end of the day, i also enjoy everything that new along has to offer. what is the most people think
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about leaving here? housing term, the really hard because see that is coming, being a positive on expectation and they need to lower the expectation to some loans and also something that's and that to keep in mind that that's online. those expect students who have gotten t, o stable and bank on this. also the bureaucracy, like when you come as an international student, you have to get a lot of the documents and everything takes like a month. so as talk through international students, spots a. why do you know, can say about leaving here? i suggest to study very, very hard exams here are quite difficult. and so don't come here thinking i'm always the vacation because it's not as though it is quite hard be done. and people tend to be very welcoming with the foreigners if you're in the city is that people know english is another problem. but if you are is more our setting is monitor, city could be a problem there. and our flights. she said,
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if you are not going to make city like, uh no, i rama are florida. they are liking here. yeah. the ceiling is that like nice and because, and we come out of these and then we have a very nice uh, natural light. so of to easily did tell bailey the looking at it real items are a popular destination for many europeans, both in summer and winter. lots on the i don't have to repay the have recently being repeated demonstrations against too much tourism. what needs to happen. so the residents and tourist feel comfortable on the island. the paradise lost. the travelers at the same scenario, islands are uniform and that's about secret. but locals are growing increasingly
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annoyed with over tourism. in 20236500000 holiday makers visit a tenant, refill a record, but many locals. field tourism is getting out of control. i'm on my way to the south of 10 or 11 months like many of the other visitors to the island. it's in the area that's famous sports feature wide base like black. yeah. the feet that are typical for tennessee face, southern coast. the fine black sand is a product of the islands volcanic geology. most holiday makers visit the canary islands because they're pleasantly warm all year round looking out across the atlantic ocean. it really is dilly, but turn around and you'll find a huge construction project aimed at attracting even more toward the. this is one of many construction projects and stuff. rent and everything for
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an investors are building a new luxury hotel. but the south is already dotted with countless hotels and holiday resorts. even though more are being built. the roughly 900000 locals who live on the island. meanwhile, have a hard time finding the affordable housing, the flyer, the less america center, if is absolute tourism hot spots and this is we're all the get back in the 19 sixties and seventies sprawling 16 kilometer long vacation resort has been created here not far from the airport, it has everything, holiday makers, me hotels, shops, restaurants and o. y beats complete with golden sand, imported from africa. the it's really nice. that's nice weather. you'll see that you're in the air. so
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yes, perfect place to stay. entering the vacationers are aware of the islands protests against mass tourism. my home town started getting a lot of tourists and they didn't respect the culture. i mean, sometimes we do what all it is and so i do feel for them. 40 percent of all people who live on tennessee, fe, work and tourism, as the islands most important economic sector in tennessee face, former capital laguna, i'm meeting victor martine, the spokes person for kennedy, a. c, i goes down a citizens initiative. good idea. so that meaning the canary islands are exhausted, once greater restrictions on tourism. and it is more about tourism brings jobs and income. but you're saying that it's not good for the people on the canary islands,
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arguments that why have you spoken with the people? the figures prove that the economy on the canary island has grown by almost 4 percent in the past year. and they built a gdp of 52000000000 euros was generated, despite that shanty towns are spreading across the island. so there's an end balance. enormous wealth has been created, but it's not distributed fairly. it kind of gets not reaching the working population of those who live primarily from tourism. it'd be been, might be that anything that has to be done and the citizens initiatives are finding economic interests. tourism has a powerful lobby. the my last stop is the fishing village of elf. would it be don't, it's near the large hotel complex as in southern tennessee rebate. many people here feel the tourism boom has gotten out of hand. that service moves and it makes of touch because she can't afford a regular apartment to travel guides called and would it be the hidden gym but probably not for much longer. the construction of luxury villas,
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nearby the beach has already been approved. ok. what i don't like is how they're destroying the whole board shows, and they're wrecking a landscape like this for 420 luxury village. that's what bothers me, the there definitely many really good reasons for the kind of ideas to demand and overall to the current tourism system. you know, after all, they want to protect the islands. they love and live a dignified life here. but what i've heard time and time again throughout my visit here is that torres and per se, isn't the problem, but rather the uncontrolled growth of it. so you can surely keep your booking, but you know, as always, just be mindful of the fact that you're getting the
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no sign. gosh, this deliciously top though flat bright from hungry that almost looks like a pizza. well, let us introduce it to you. ivan, it's me long ago and if you don't already know me, i'm hungry, it's hot and street food and i'm just coming fresh out a no not the oven. it's not like i'm some pizza. i've just taking a bath and hot oil before receiving my toppings of sour cream and cheese. that's how people love me. we bought nothing of the hits hucks and just enough crispin, as that is like, uh, because on the done those that this has been crunched on you by the inputs of it's not ships that sees them the sour cream so good together. it's actually really nice for you. phoenix was smoking and there's more to me than you think. this video i'll show you how i'm prepared and just why people like me so much in hungary like here
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in the capital budapest, you'll run into me on every street corner and at every public swimming pool. on my pizza, you won't find me at any fancy restaurant. i'm more the kind of guy for a little snack on the go. and i have simple needs just hot boiled for people to every sunday afternoon. everyone who ever went to a beach with a sputter and it hungry, i think they stayed longer for the 1st time as a child, it's as so they some of those you can get hungry. so really typical at the bathroom and the, and the you see that the dark, their sites, it's really good. that's an emotional thing. every hungry and child loves line goes and brings the memory of the child. so when you used to go to the farmers market together with your mother or your grandma and i brought is the line goes, dad, my name is thomas semester c,
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and we've been preparing line go school more than 10 years now here at the corner of on india them and this is one of my favorite places in budapest, the kind of on the street food market tourist from around with low come here to chase the star of him, gary and st. food. me and thomas is really good at making me it's not a complicated thing, but to you have to take care at every part of the process. cuz if we are though, is not perfect, you won't have a good line bus. and if your oil is too cold or too hot, you won't get a good language. if you use cheap cheese, a one get a good language. so all the little details have to come together to,
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to make the perfect language. but i'm actually not all that special gesture average piece of dough made of flour. water used in a bit of thoughts in the mid 20th century, people started deep frying me in hot oil. it was an instant hit. it takes me just 3 minutes to get ready to have to wait for the golden brown color. okay, i see it on the edge. the other side is golden brown. now it's time to turn it. yeah. and as the color we are looking for. and here's where the fun starts, because it's got to go fast. i get my fresh toppings, then i'm ready to eat. and almost anything goes. whether it's bell peppers, ham work, with a classic hip, it's definitely sour cream and cheese. we hungry or anything that sour cream and cheese come together. let's see what people have to say about it. or what's the
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best? lots of garlic on it. lots of garlic like sour cream and cheese. and the bread is mine. very interesting. and what's better? long goose or pizza, up at night pizza. but i bet customer hands to them. definitely a completely different things. i'll choose bits of how it has been so wiping, so like the more used to it and then like more different type of ingredients it can put on it and everything. and what do you think long gosh, a pizza? these, these instruments mainly about the rhythm and also about the sound. we ask an expert, what he thinks is special about drums. the
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flags are saying the drums as long as floating, i can't think of any other way to describe it. it's being grounded and floating at the same time. that's what it is. it should be the best possible. highest hold on myself. hi, i'm auto myself. i'm the drum, a kind of drum sound design. um and i've made drums, but johnny wants to the rolling stones that may drums for nick katy from the bad seeds. for ag, paul and the stooges went to the pencil tide and you told it was really cool that i wrote his name on the bass drum and drew the blood stripes on it with red. now pull the ash. oh, he said, wow, never had my name on the bass poodle myself as a german drum guru. his drums are appreciated by famous drummer, such as pat anderson of the swedish band royal republic gary wallace from the british rock band, the pink floyd,
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or the bread rock stars of cold plates and with the obvious mate in no, i find the right and use the drums down with them in the studio, but it's not me for i have is own total with them is a drum technician with it or i just built drums like that one like about photo mass hoff lives and works on a farm about 110 kilometers south west of berlin. every part is hand made with loving attention to detail. what makes a mass off drum special is the 4 millimeters 6 show, which is made of steel and is cast in one piece. this produces a rich and a powerful sound the or does the same as you talk about monday to send it. you compare that now to a conventional schmidt which is what 99 percent of drums and made off copatrick cent. that's good. sounds cheap. great. how does no tension that's taken still
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sound good as a drum? sure, but it's not the same stuff. he then tightens up the batter head on the show. this gives the drum high notes to he spends between 30 and 40 hours working on a single drum. he also accepts individual customer requests, such as a picture of mohammed ali for a boxing fan. however, a mass huff drum also has its price and starts at $1000.00 euro, and entire set can run into 5 figures. it all started with elvis presley, the king of rock and roll, part of the magazine. when i saw this guy that i was 3 years old, i told him must be a king and because of course he was the king, but i didn't know that yet. there was songs on here like my baby left me into the hound dog and i have a whole lot of snare drum. he has it and i is grab me from the 1st 2nd and then
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never ever let me go to the queen to and discuss and talk to me. need a little scholastic. once myself got his 1st drum kit, there was no stopping him. later he studied jazz and the popular music at the fun full time music fact stats. he played with a german band already made for 12 years. and for a long time he travelled extensively as a drummer with many different european bands. in 2009, he found that his mass health drums school, where he held a variety of workshops. at the same time, the musician was beginning to build his own drums. to date, he has designed 30 drum sets and about 600 snare drums. despite this success, what he loves more than anything are live performances let's, let's do for i type my get the drop of the hats and go on tour again. play on to work in. yeah. show naturally right away. yeah, i don't know was, i mean that's what i came into this world full. i came into this well to express
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myself with drums to make other people happy to share knowledge. but of course the playing life is part of that, and that's, that's who is this lives. so perhaps one of these days bhutto myself will be back on stage of playing the drums again. but his passion is already produced, something lasting. and oh, my gosh to the drum, the sides, they put today on your max. you'll find more exciting stories on us, social media channels by title and see you next time the
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. the number one show sophia but how is the multi 1000000000 euro business varying in the age of renewable energy? even the saudi arabia is banking on a green future. all the oil multinational cooling eclipse, logo us next, d w, the coming 0, same 6 o 3 to trans people. stories not kind items are just
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feed us conflict doors. translating some new software just should know possession of the, the number to the in 45 minutes on d, w, the or the so you didn't think and feel the same way you expect. and one different thing and some lines from your parents. i just want to pursue what that's nice on fire or you think your kid is 2 different, risky, irresponsible, unreasonable, all stuff. i want my son to become a doctor to indicate it's time to to. and then
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when generation nash, which now on the dw documentary, the whether it's baskets themselves, to don, for goals in india, sometime sports, or more than just the game, the saudi arabia has plants to reach carbon neutrality by 2016. so why is it still investing in oil and windmill supplies of the fossil fuel run out? the in 19 says.


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