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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 8, 2024 5:00am-5:16am CEST

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the, the, this is dw news live from berlin, frances west wing alliance defeats the far right and parliamentary elections for surprising victory by the new popular frank leaves no party with a clear majority. president that my new and my clothes centrist alliance comes and 2nd ahead of my team depends far right. national rally and french prime minister gap. okay. yeah. that ties so he plans to offer his resignation. on monday, after leading the centrist alliance, 2, a 2nd place finish, people in texas batten down the hatches, houses are boarded up,
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and food shelves are empty. as residents in the us prepare for the 1st tropical storm of the season with barrow expected to make lands fall in the coming hours. the and david levitz welcome to the show. francis left wing coalition has won a surprise victory in the 2nd and final round of parliamentary elections. the block led by far left figure hedge already made on so one of the most seats, but did not secure and overall majority. nothing depends far right. national rally came in 3rd place despite a huge showing for the party in the 1st round. and president i monument my call centrist coalition came 2nd prompting prime minister, double go outside to announce he will resign on monday. as the supplies result in francis 2nd,
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drones to see, to the full ranked met with julian celebrations in paris. before we code new popular front, a coalition of left wing policies is now projected to win the mfc. which doesn't double demo festival. you move to move, we have so immensely relieved where you, you see wherever you see tonight, we are allowed something that we had started to doubt to show you about today. and dante is under the love for our country, not to be the left wing alliance. rising to the top has prompted french prime minister gabriella tall to announce his resignation. after president emanuel mack cross centrist alliance, ranked 2nd in the polls. as well to not invest the political party i
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have represented during this campaign has 3 times more in peace and we were predicted last week. but we do not have a majority. in order to on our republican volley, gave us the cuttings from tomorrow morning. i will submit my resignation to the president of the republic, but didn't show what cause you don't deny privilege. but the election doubts the biggest blow to marine la pens for right party, despite finishing, said her suppose has remain hopeful. of course, some of these are covered, we are already starting to work with other be true or depends, right when parties to get ready for further, electoral challenges will have municipal elections and broadly legislative elections again, in a year or other of domestic victory will be ours. in 2027. even the front says left to new lions has kept the far right out. the country faces the
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hung parliament divided into 3 opposing groups. which could mean years of political deadlock. and according to france's constitution, you elections cannot be held for a year, hung parliament and potential political deadlock. i asked our correspondent in paris, lisa louie how difficult the task will be or forming a new government to. i think it will be incredibly difficult. fonts has not really known, doesn't have any, a huge experience of forming correlations on like a neighboring countries such as a germany. and in the past, you know, you had a few occasions where there was a so called cooperate to show, which means basically the prime minister and the president. i'm not from the same political come that didn't go down that while actually didn't block off that well. now to night though, lots of positions will be thinking about who might be the next prime minister. we
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just thought that prime minister going to that type is going to submit his resignation a tomorrow. now he should stay in place as a cash hiker or, you know, catch a to prime minister, move his car, take a government, and until a new government will be formed. and there is going to be lots of taking and threatening about who will be the new prime minister. we thought that the left wing, the lines of the new republic in front of the new popular front will come together tomorrow they sit around a table and think about who could they, you know, put forward as a name for president. my call to name as a new 5 minutes that we were so i may be watching that situation. now, at least when president my client called the snap elections, it was a huge gamble for him. and for france, how's that gamble paid off? well i think when he called these elections, he's thoughts so i mean that this was a genius idea and would take everybody by surprise. everybody was surprised. but i
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think many very few people like she thought that this was a good idea and turns out that he actually lost seats in parliament. the damage is limited to light and yet he now would have to have it to face even more difficult. situation impala me and you obviously speculated will speculate doing that. you would enlarge his, you know, the number, cc yusef, 250. now there's a number is going to go down at, but no other. com will have an absolute majority of 2 and a may to 9. so it's likely to be a hung parliament. you do have to wiggle through. he said that he would not step down before the next presidential election, which is going to be in 2027. but inside of me, certainly not be easy for me to, to double you correspond at least salary for us in paris. thank you. the residents along the texas coast are boarding up their homes and businesses and
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preparation for the arrival of storm barrow, which is due to make land falls south of houston in the coming hours, media or ologist one big barrel could grow into a category to hurricane as it sweeps up from mexico, texas authorities are advising people to evacuate from certain areas. barrow claimed, at least 11 lives, and left a trail of devastation when it ripped through the caribbean and mexico last week. matthew computers and media raleigh just a little earlier. she gave me this update from mad quarter bay, and texas. were barrows due to make landfall? you know, it's funny. it was raining a little while ago now. it's not so bad outside. we're kind of in between these range laws that are pivoting in right now. and we're actually very lucky at this hour barrows kind of lose ragged, disorganized part of the reason for that. it's a wind system. i want you to think of an ice skater spinning if an ice skater wants has been faster, they have to pull in their arms and decrease their radius. and that just hasn't
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happened yet, so it's still a higher end. tropical storm, with winds around a 100 kilometers per hour, but we do think it could come ashore as at least a hurricane and maybe a higher end category one hurricane. thus far, we've seen people sort of run from the water high from the wind. they've moved inland a little bit if they're at risk of storm surge flooding. i've seen windows boarded up, but realistically this is not a high end impact storm for texas, for those of the media co sign. yes, but texas has been through worse and they likely will be again at some point now aside from the damage barrel might continue to do. and we really do hope that it won't be too much there. that there is a lot of concern about the timing of the storm. so early in the year, tell us about that. yeah, this season is already also kind of a gang busters dark. i barely came to 1st ever category find to form so early in the season in the strongest room on record in the atlantic during the month of july . more over 2 is the right uh furnace south category for on record in the lansing.
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and it intensified faster from a drop the person to a category for a storm faster than any other storm before the month of september. so really it is a storm of historical significance. part of the reason it's very warm water temperatures. in addition to the warm water temperatures, we're supercharged the storms. we also have a with media pattern ongoing across the atlantic, which means more rise in air which can form stores more easily and weaker upper level wins, which means it's easier for a storm to get going. so i think this is just the start of a very busy season and come september or october. i think we'll see many more storms and perhaps some major hurricanes making mindful. now, matthew, right now, barrels classified as a tropical storm. there's some concern that it could become a hurricane again. what's going to determine whether it stays a tropical storm or gets back up to hurricane strength this? yeah, one thing we've been contending with from a storage standpoint is dry air wrapping in on the back side. this would work into a road, a southern side of the circulation, which is part of the reason why barrel is kind of disorganized right now. and
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that's a good thing for texas. we want this dry air to win out and sort of infiltrate the storm. i do think however, in the next 12 hours of work makes landfall, it will encounter very warm water temperatures on the order of 31 or 32 degrees celsius and relax upper level winds. and that could ruin environment for quick strengthening at the last minute. if barry can consolidate an inner core, so it's really a game of wait and see, the environment does favor strengthening. but at the same time, barrels kind of not organized right now, so it can tighten up a little bit. it will intensified if it can't, then it won't. regardless, i'd say plan for a high end category one, maybe category 2, hurricane my guess it'll temperature with winds around is a 11225 kilometers per hour in that for matthew to purchase. the thank you for your port and please stay safe. thank you. how much official has said the group is ready to discuss a deal to secure the release of as rarely hostages,
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even without a complete cease fire. the potential breakthrough comes after weeks of deadlock between the 2 sides. it's been 9 months since the terror attacked by him. us on october 7th, with families of hostages, still waiting desperately for news of a deal of warning viewers may find images in this next report, disturbing for the parents of the young woman kidnapped by a moss on october 7th, the analyst wrangling over a hostage deal has been devastating initial medical here every time, whether it's on one channel or another on tv is that a hostage deal has failed once again. why? what is the purpose of all this good or their daughter? carina area was one of 7 female is rarely soldiers kidnapped from an army base by him. us government in the video of her kidnapping. one of her captors points to carina on the bottom right of your screen and calls are beautiful,
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dropped off in the computer. well, let's do this all karina's parents. forget the worst question was, is we thought about it straight away who didn't come way and me. after a few days, after we realized the magnitude of the horror of that day should the rate that was committed, the murders, everything the women went through. there are some noise you call us month, call them. we thought about it all the time. all the time from innocent and you try not to think about these things. but when you're left alone with your thoughts, you can't help it was 0 level footage. and witness testimony from october 7th, showed that sexual violence including raped, was carried out during the mazda attack. those findings were later supported by u. n. team of experts. so let me close that. well then that's when i think of my
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daughter in captivity as a father the my daughter has been kidnapped with a gun to a temple. i mean, i just have trouble thinking logically. and it really scares me is that most, most people to this event has been going on for 9 months. and all that arises from it. if it's pregnant women and like you said, she could come back with a child and, and it's almost because it's really hard and i feel powerless. i can't do anything to get her out of the feel commission for 9 months on green. his parents have joined the other is really families on the streets of tel aviv pleading for a deal to bring their loved ones home from a government that is so far, failed to make their suffering stop. karina's mother wants her to hold on cutting a much a lot of t covina. if you hear me same shot,
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then we want you to do everything to stay alive. so to survive these days and come to the t and of the chevy van. and for our pardon, we are doing everything possible for you to come back to us. so just survive the vin with we love you and miss you very, very much. i a and a reminder now of the top story we're following for you at this hour, early projections. so the new popular find the left wing alliance, unexpectedly coming out on top in france's parliamentary lead elections. the centrist alliance of president emanuel and my call is in 2nd place ahead of my name depends far right national rally, french prime minister, gabriella, to us as he plans to offer his resignation. on monday, after meeting the centrist alliance, 2, a 2nd place finish. but he added that he will carry out his functions as long as required and with that, you're up to date,
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but stay with us. sports life is up next and looks of the challenges facing an athlete who is now also in new mother. for more news, you can always visit our website at www dot com. i'm david levitz from me on the whole team here in berlin. thanks for watching. bye bye. for now the, this video changed the world. it shows us soldiers killing civilians in the rock more often posting. it's julia sons became a wanted man. 14 years later the we can make found it is fine in the street. the gentlest traces, the stories of a soldier under civilians are off the attack. they speak to each other for the 1st time in your heart to forgive me, but that the follies don't think that i carry any resentment or a grudge in my heart towards the count.


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