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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 8, 2024 8:00am-8:16am CEST

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the, the, this is the, the, the news coming to you live from berlin. frances left wing alliance defeats the far right and parliamentary elections, the surprising victory by the new popular product. please note the party with a clear majority president demand while i called centrist alliance comes in 2nd. the head of a really depends ball, right? national, right? french prime minister gabriela tal, says he plans to offer his resignation after leading the centers to lunch to a 2nd place finish. also coming up, people in texas button down the hatches, houses are boarded up, and supermarket shelves are empty as residents in the us prepare for the 1st
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tropical storm of the season or cane. barrow is expected to make landfall in the coming out of the little m. terry martin. good. heavy with his left. this in france had been rejoicing after a hastily assembled reliance scored a surprise when in the 2nd and final round of parliamentary elections. the new popular front succeeded in his gold, preventing the far right from gaining power within national riley forced into the 3rd place. president about the one that cons centrist coalition came 2nd, but with no group gaining an absolute majority. france could potentially face years a political instability, as a surprise result in francis seconds round. did you see this? all right. match with joins celebrations in paris. the full week old,
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new popular from columbus and of left wing policies. williams, the most seats is the 1st of all you move to move, we have so immensely relieved what you you see you see tonight and then yeah, we are allowed something that we had started to doubt to show you about today. and that takes, you know, to do the love for our country not to be the left wing alliance. rising to the top has prompted french prime minister goodly electronic to announce his resignation. after president amman with mccall centrist alliance, ranked 2nd in the polls as well to 9 was completed. the political policy i have represented during this campaign has 3 times
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more in peace and we were predicted last week to man. but we do not have a majority in order to on our republican valley game as it comes from tomorrow morning. i will submit my resignation to the president of the republic on that though. i didn't show because you don't deny attributes. but the election dealt the biggest close to money depends fall right to potty. despite finishing fed as opposed to us remain hopeful. the commodities that we are already starting to work with other be true ordered and right wing bodies to get ready for further. and a lot of challenges will have municipal elections and probably legislative elections again in a year or other of domestic victory. would it be r? as in 2027 people though from says less lena. lions has kept the far right house. the country faces of hung parliament divided into 3 opposing groups, which could mean use of political deadlock. and according to frances constitution,
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new elections cannot be held for you are course funded. sonya alika has been covering this election and joins us now from paris. sonya has nicole gamble in calling the snap election paid off for him. i was impressed with my crawl of things are certainly not looking very good. his simplest alliance, all sambas, and i'll be the better than expected. they picked up about a 168 seats though that's still a far cry from the 250 seats the previously controlled. um, now we could likely, um, you don't see a new problem in the stove comes from a politic. i'm different from my calls. i'm exposed to your kind of see that that is likely to, you know, for the diminish, oppressive macross. already we can applauded to inability to shape policy. and in terms of whether his gambling calling this, these selections have paid off. what we don't really know why he called these
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elections and the 1st place, but one theory is that he wanted the fall right measured, ready to be in office full of 5 minutes, about a done by the allowed to be to, to be the next 5 minutes so so that, that to bear the parties incompetency. it could take off the sheen of the party before presidential elections in 2027. where the far right the, the money in the pain has said she wants to run again for the presidency. but it's not exactly clear with the gamble paid off since somebody up and has ended up increasing whole bodies popularity and not with you assuming the burdens of office . what about the left wing alliance, the new popular front that came in 1st in this election. it's a very mixed alliance. what to expect from the that's true, it's a mixer lines. it's also very new or lines to set up. and, you know, just, just a weeks ago, it was used to be called this together with these full parties who put aside the differences, gaped together with micro quality snap elections. and,
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and this alliance includes, you know, modred parties like the 2nd to send to live social, spotty, but also a hard lift of pot to equal the front on both party whose leaders on middle shall, is a very kind of divisive and pull the rising categories of real fire brand and many voters have a lot of reservations about him in terms of agenda and out of the new popular front is pro european, the very supportive of ukraine when it comes to, you know, fighting the russian invasion. but the diverge quite a bit with macros, central spot to you when it comes to economic policy. they have problems to kind of undo some of my calls, economic reforms, particularly, you know, pensions, reforms, but also immigration reforms. they want to raise minimum wages. they want to impose a, you know, gaps on basic goods, but it will be, instead of unclear how their program we'd be funded, given cronsa is kind of ballooning a financial deficit. now the, the far right maureen depends, national riley,
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they won the 1st round of voting but failed to take power. but they're not going away. sonya, they're sounding very confident about their future. what to expect from them next? that's right. i mean, i, i think the look at this as, you know, laying the groundwork so as i'm reading up and put it to a staple for the future victory. she is certainly hoping to run the game in the next presidential elections in pretty, pretty uh, in 2027. but i think what does result also shows is that many french people to remain up was through the fight rights ideas. many probably also afraid of the unrest and violence that could have followed if they came to by what we saw, a very folder rising campaign. here with the french media reporting, you know, a spike and hit speech and races, incidents that are experts who express real concerns that a surgeons will to support for the far right. need some people, you know, comfortable openly using great systems, you know, full big language in public life. and i think this result showed that a lot of people would really put off with that. sonya,
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thank you very much. shar correspondence. sonya public a there in paris now to the us where residents along the texas coast or boarding up their homes and businesses and preparation for the arrival of hurricane barrel. it's due to make land fall south of houston in the coming hours meteorologist warren the barrel could grow into a category to hurricane. as it sweeps up from mexico, texas authorities are advising people to back away from certain areas. beryl claimed at least 11 lives and left a trail of devastation when it ripped through the caribbean and mexico. last week about the you can purchase a meteorologist a little earlier. he gave us this update from musket gore to be in texas. were barrels due to make landfall? as you know, it's funny. it was raining a little while ago. now. it's not so bad outside, we're kind of in between these range laws that are pivoting in right now. and we're
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actually very lucky at this hour barrows kind of lose ragged, disorganized part of the reason for that. it's a wind system. i want you to think of an ice skate or spinning if an ice skater wants has been faster, they have to pull in their arms and decrease their radius. and that just hasn't happened yet, so it's still a higher end. tropical storm, with winds around a 100 kilometers per hour, but we do think it could come a sure as at least a hurricane, it may be a higher end category one hurricane. thus far we've seen people sort of run from the water high from the wind. they've moved inland a little bit if they're at risk of storm surge flooding. i've seen windows boarded up, but realistically this is not a high end impact storm for texas, for those of the media co sign. yes, but texas has been through worse and they likely will be again at some point it was made urologist, matthew, sushi reporting from method gore to be in texas. now let's catch up on some of the stories making headlines around the world today. japan and the philippines have signed key defense packed, allowing the deployment of troops on each other soil. the agreement is expected to
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boost vanilla is efforts to counter china is growing influence in the disputed south china sea. it's a milestone for security relations in the india pacific. i'm it concerns that provisioning is growing military power or rules. aircraft maker boy has agreed to plead guilty to a criminal fraud conspiracy charge deal relates to a us department of justice investigation link to to $737.00, max crashes in indonesia and ethiopia. the killed 346 passengers in 201819. the plea deal means boeing will avoid a criminal trial. protesters bluff rhodes, across israel to mark 9 months since the most terrorist attacks on october 7th demonstrators until they even jerusalem called from prime minister benjamin netanyahu to resign. they also demanded or ceased fired to allow the release of hostages held by him. us rescue workers are rushing to repair a dam great ship. china is the only thing lake that's for thousands of people from
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their homes. the bridge comes after torrential rains and the central hunan province . chinese state media said it could take days to complete the repair work so it's been just a few days since us present jo biden's, poor performance, and a tv debate triggered new concerns about his ability to do the job as president lawmakers from his democratic party and now heading back to washington after the independence day break and for the elections looming, they now face a dilemma. keep supporting the 81 year old as their parties candidate. or take the unprecedented step of trying to replace the w through the janelle dom along, went on to biden's home state of delaware to gauge support for the president. it's not the seat of power, but this is where the most powerful person in the country calls hope. the signs are hard to miss for arriving. train travelers a railway station named after him,
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for motorists or rest up around his neighborhood. president joe biden may even notice a support of neighbor not far away. there's also one place he often ends up. the avalanche has been serving joe biden at the charcoal pet for some 30 years. he's been coming for a lot longer than that since it opened in 1956. sometimes with family sometimes with colleagues. you may call me here all his life. what does the order? she's they base fries, ice cream. that's pretty much what he wants to time. despite his famous patron avila says he prefers to keep his views mostly neutral, and let the personal take precedence over the political. are you going to vote for him this, this here? that questions that are on when the answer those questions as because the honor of this restaurant we, you know, when we asked to get involved with any on us stop before becoming vice president.
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and then eventually, president arden represented delaware and the us senate for 36 years. the state is also hosting the burden harris campaign headquarters for 2024. a move representing the link between his long career path. but his goal of a continued presidential future. but especially the last weeks of a campaign in crisis mode may have put that goal further out of reach. job items, home, state of delaware affairs, the hallmarks of his personal and political history. but even here, let me see, and on certain way forward, for the states most found on citizen. this reliably blue state is unlikely to turn red delaware for the democrat in the last 8 election. but the nation wide discussion over is age and his ability to run for president and govern if we elected have not been lost on people here. i saw a few times that he's been falling asleep and stuff like that. and like building off and doing, i guess, to borrow a lot of we were saying here's dementia or something for like you too old to be to present. he can't even speak. i don't know is just as certain stuff,
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certain parameters. i feel like not even parameters, just check points that should allow someone to be in a position to run a country can do it right now. or they say ages the number, but also it also depends on your health. on the health aspect is not really much to do with, you know, how old he is, but just uh, maybe if he has the health issues, you know, a lot of people talking about that. i seen him talking about, you know, calling him sleepy. joe, you're not going to do anything wrong and you're still alive and kicking. good. that last message is one that the president himself has been trying to hammer home with the residents of the state where it all started for biden. we'll be looking just as closely as to where and when it may, all that as well the rest of the country. you're watching the news. just reminder, the top story we're following for you this hour left us in france have been celebrating after a socialist level alliance, unexpectedly came out on top in the final round of parliamentary elections. president amendable,
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the cons. centrists claimants seconds ahead of the form of next. the tech industry offers many great career opportunities, but women are still under represented. they're stay tuned for shift. i'm terry marshall. thanks for the issues or thoughts say what the why do humming does not get drunk. why do gravitational waves squeeze out bodies?
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how much more.


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