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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 8, 2024 10:00am-10:31am CEST

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the, the, this is the, the, the news coming to live from berlin. frances left wing alliance defeats the far right hand column entry elections. the surprising victory by the new popular front leaves no party with the clear majority. presently, man, one of the cons centrist alliance comes in 2nd, the head of green depends ball, right? national riley and french prime minister gabrielle. a ta says he plans to offer his resignation. after leaving the centrist alliance to taking place, been also coming up the philippines and japan signed the defense pact to counter chinese. sort of this,
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the deal will allow japanese soldiers onto philippine soil for the 1st time since the 2nd world war and indian prime minister. no render moody is headed to russia for his 1st visit in 5 years. he's expected to call for the release of indians, lower to fight in the war against ukraine. we have an exclusive report on their plan, the hello, i'm terry margin. good to have you with us left. this in france had been rejoicing after a hastily assembled an alliance scored to surprise when in the 2nd and final round the parliamentary elections. the new popular front succeeded in his gold, preventing the far right from gaining power with the national riley, forced into a 3rd place despite expectations that it would repeat its 1st round. when present a better one, the cons. centrist coalition came 2nd, but with no group gaining an absolute majority,
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france could potentially face years, a political instability, as a surprise result in francis 2nd round. the defeat of the sunrise met with julian celebrations in paris. the full week old, new popular from a condition of left wing policies, wings the most seats, the demo festival. you move to move, we have so immensely relieved where you you see where you, you see tonight we are allowed something that we had stopped to doubt to show the due date. and dante is under the, the love for our country know to be the left wing alliance. rising to the top has prompted french prime minister gabriella time to announce his
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resignation of to president amman. with my call centrist alliance. ranked 2nd in the polls as well to not invest the political policy i have represented during this campaign as 3 times more in peace and we would predict and last we have to man. but we do not have a majority in order to on our republican volley, gave us. tomorrow morning, i will submit my resignation to the president of the republic. i'm at all my dentist. you because you don't do not have to reach the election, dealt the biggest close to month even depends fall right. policy despite finishing fed as opposed to us remain hopeful. so some of these are we are already starting to work with other be true or right wing parties to get ready for further . and a lot of challenges will have municipal elections and probably legislative elections again in a year or other of domestic victory. would it be
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r as in 2027 people though frances less lena, lions has kept the far right house. the country faces the hung parliament divided into 3 opposing groups, which could mean use of political deadlock. and according to frances constitution, new elections cannot be held for you are correspondent sonya father is in paris. i asked her what this result means for marine the pin and why her party, the national riley, did not win the selection. i was impressed with my crawl of things, a slightly not looking very good. his central lines all sambas, now be the better than expected. they picked up about a $168.00 seats, though that's still a far cry from the $250.00 seats. the previously controlled, i'm now we could likely, um, you know, see a new problem in the stove comes from a bullet to pick. i'm different from my calls. i'm exposed to your kind of see that
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that is likely to, you know, for the diminish, oppressive macros. already we can applauded to inability to shape policy. and in terms of whether his gambling calling this, these selections have paid off. what we don't really know why he called these elections and the 1st place, but one theory is that he wanted the fall right measured, ready to be in office full of 5 minutes, about a done by the allowed to be to, to be the next 5 minutes so, so that, that to bear the parties incompetency, it could take off the sheet of the body before presidential elections in 2027. where the far right the, the body in the band has said she wants to run again for the presidency. but it's not exactly clear with the gamble beat off since somebody up and has ended up increasing hot bodies popularity and not with you assuming the burdens of office. what about the left wing elias the new popular front that came in 1st in this election? it's a very mixed alliance. what to expect from the that's
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true, it's a mixer lines. it's also very new or lines to set up. and you know, just, just a weeks ago it was, history comes together with these full parties who put aside the differences and keep together when micro call the snap collections. and this alliance includes, you know, modred parties like the same to send to live social is spotty, but also a hard lift of pot to equal the funds on both party whose leaders on look miller social is a very kind of divisive and folder. i think the guy is a real file brand and many voters have a lot of reservations about him. in terms of agenda. now, the new popular front is pro european, the very supportive of ukraine when it comes to, you know, fighting the russian invasion. but they diverge quite a bit with my calls of central spot to you when it comes to economic policy. they have problems to kind of undo some of my calls, economic reforms, particularly, you know, pensions, reforms, but also immigration reforms. they want to raise minimum wages. they want to impose
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a, you know, gaps on basic goods. what it will be instead of unclear how their program will be funded, given cronsa is kind of ballooning, a financial that is spelled the the far right marine, the pens national riley, they won the 1st round of voting but failed to take power. but they're not going away, sonia, they're sounding very confident about their future. what can we expect from them next? that's right. i mean, i think the look at this as, you know, laying the groundwork so as a marine up and put it a staple for the future victory. she's certainly hoping to run the game in the next presidential elections in pretty, pretty uh, in 2027. but i think what this result also shows is that many french people remained a pause to the far right ideas. many probably also afraid of the unrest and violence that could have followed if they came to by what we saw, a very poor arising campaign. here with the french media reporting, you know, a spike and hit speech and races,
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incidents that are experts who express real concerns that a surgeons will to support for the far right. made some people, you know, comfortable, openly using races, some beautiful big language in public life. and i think this result showed that a lot of people would really put off with that. sonya, thank you very much. shar correspondence. sonya public other incurs now to the war and gaza and 9 months into that war there's renewed hope that h cease. fire deal between israel and home. us will finally be reached. negotiations have resumed after a deadlock hunt demonstrators and tell of eve and jerusalem are keeping up the pressure on these really governments secure a hostage deal. it's estimated that around a 120 people are still being held captive by him. us which carried out the october 7th terrorist attacks in ga. so the from us live health ministry says the war is killed, more than 38000 people. israel's prime minister between us to now who is under pressure to accept the latest proposed deal. it includes
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a temporary cease fire and exchange for female elderly and sick hostages. their families are pleading with the government and their or deal well dw correspondent, tanya kramer is covering this and joins us now from jerusalem. tanya, where do things stand now on efforts to get the hostages released? it was thing for the families. they seem to have difficulties to uphold the trust that this process would actually lead to something they've been in this situation of course, many times before. but from what we understand is that is where the negotiation team is expected to go to doha, and to cairo. they speak to hold more negotiations together with the the medi h as these are in direct negotiations with him. us and all these talks are based on a plan or an outline that was outlined by president by and by the end of may,
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that would see a ceasefire and the release of hostages in 3 stages. but what is being discussed? it also in the media publicly what is said, the points that were already that are agreed upon and those that are still a points of contention and it shows how fracture and difficult this process is. for example, it's about how mouse wanting guarantees that this would actually be to the end of, of the war or what the destroyer of a fairly troop, some jobs are from certain areas. and that's a room court though that's in the middle. that is actually splitting the cause and strip into north and south and also from the philadelphia, colorado. that's the border area between egypt and god. so. so these are just some of the points that are still being or have to be handed out by the negotiation teams. and we're seeing also more protests again this week. the families and, and supporters have called for week of disruption. they are together with the on
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2000 and protest this out in the street. the house, the majority of the public opinion behind them, because many is really is one to see such a deal. but the question is whether they are actually being heard by the government . tony is this all sounds familiar. we've seen these negotiations, so indirect and sometimes direct between israel and come us going back and forth and back and forth on again. off again, is our israel and him us any closer to a cease fire deal now than they were say 2 weeks ago as well as this is the question, nobody probably can answer right now. but i mean, we've seen some developments, and one of them is also on sunday. prime minister benjamin netanyahu released or published a number of principals, 5 principals that he said would be the guideline for the negotiators. and these were actually the publishing and the timing of that is very oh, it's because it just comes when negotiators are going back uh to uh,
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negotiate and directly with him us. uh, basically this one of these principles saying that is why we retain the option of resuming fighting to achieve its world goals. this could be seen as an uninstall to for him, us know, it's a senior as a not to his hotline, a cabinet members who have said they will leave the quarters in government. if there will be a part of disagreement with the also an end to the war. but it also put in question, you know, work natania who actually ones but also there's a big question what, how much lead to a, as in was in dollars extra points. and whether those leaders want to see this still a going through, this is something we cannot onset this point. tanya, thank you very much. as always, our tourism correspond antonio kramer. it's got you
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up on a few other stories making headlines. the aircraft maker, boeing has agreed to plead guilty to a criminal fraud conspiracy charge. the deal relates to a us department of justice investigation linked to to $737.00 max crashes in indonesia and ethiopia. that killed 346 passengers and 201819. the plea deal means bullying will avoid a criminal trial, a residence along the texas co star boarding of their homes and, and businesses in preparation for the arrival of hurricane barrel, which major ologist warren could grow to a category to hurricane beryl claimed at least 11 lives and left a trail of devastation when it ripped through the caribbean and mexico in recent days, rescue workers are rushing to repair a dam. breach at china is the only thing lake that's forced thousands of people from their homes. the breach comes after terrestrial range and the central to non
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province, chinese state media said it could take days to complete the repair, work hungry as prime minister victor autobahn has paid a surprised trip to china after visiting ukraine and russia. he says he's only ukraine. peace mission after his country took over the european union's rotating presidency. but you official say or about has no mandate to speak for the blog or balances. he will head to washington. nice looking. all right, 54. japan and the philippines have signed the defense pact to allowing the deployment of troops on each other soil. just 80 years after the philippines was liberated from a brutal japanese occupation, the 2 sides have come together in the face of rising chinese power. the philippines is taking more support from its allies following a series of classes with chinese vessels in the south china sea, especially to promoting okay, they did not get years professor of politics international studies,
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international christian university and joins us now on the line for more so tell us what's the significance of this defense packed between the between the, the philippines in japan. thank you so much terry. i think 1st off, it's not our lines, but it's an agreement to cooperate on joint training. the positioning of troops and supplies in the philippines as well as being able to welcome our filipino soldiers in japan again for training and to put supplies their 2nd. i think it's really important that it does demonstrate that depends committed to peace and security and stability in the south, tennessee, by working with partners like the philippines to help them build the capabilities to defend themselves against the chinese and sort of behavior in the south, tennessee so helpful, do you think this defense pack will be in deterring china? well, i think it's important that you can feel the pains are recognizing the challenges
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that are associated with trying to sort of behavior in the south trying to see by working together to build some capabilities strength and philippines. domestic ability to identify chinese assets within the region, build the capabilities to push back and with. and again, i think importantly to send a signal that was from chinese. this behavior in the south china sea is not acceptable, not only to other claimants in the south tennessee such as the vietnam and others. but it's also, it's not acceptable to extra regional partners, which is japan estrada in the united states and canada. we're on from what distinguishes this bilateral defense packed between japan and the philippines from the existing tri level tried lateral cooperation between the us, japan and philippines. so this is a great question in may 2024, a prime minister. she present. marcos investment bind, signed an agreement to cooperate and emerging technologies, infrastructure,
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and connectivity, and some maritime cooperation to try and give the philippines a better understanding of where the chinese, unable, and grace on assets are located in the south china seas. this particular reciprocal access agreement between jw of canada. some of themes on the other hand, doesn't focus on emerging technologies or infrastructure and connectivity. again, it focuses on the ability of to add to the able to train in the philippines and vice versa to be able to position goods and military or defense equipment in either areas. i think what's driving this is the key concern. that's a crust rate issue between taiwan and china, is moving forward at a faster rate than all the countries in the region would like the need to find ways to position assets throughout the region. that if there is a kinetic comp with across the taiwan straits, that they'll be accessible. and so the piece will be a key part of any kind of initiative to defend taiwan against the force of
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unification of by china. what about the underlying conflict between china and multiple countries in the region in the south china sea that they, they boat, they all claim certain islands or properties there or, or international waters that they claim as their own. if that's not resolved, those competing claims, are we likely to see a clash in the south china sea? in the coming years of the 2016, the permanent court of arbitrations made a decision. that's the water feeds the features that are found in the south, tennessee do not belong to china, but it's actually international waters. and what we've seen is trying to ignore those, that ruling and build artificial islands and village rises, islands. and now we see china pressuring not only the philippines, but also vietnam, and other claimants with grays on operations. water tenants that you've seen using coast guard vessels as the fact of military a tool to pressure a smaller states within the region. we're likely to see these tactics increase,
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and it's going to become more destabilizing in this list of questions of how the smaller states, like the 17th or the of them are going to manage a much larger, much more powerful china. and how the doing that is through these reciprocal access agreements with japan, but also strengthening partnerships with united states strictly on india and canada as well. right. same, and thank you very much for your insights there. that was steven naggy, professor of politics international studies that international christian university in tokyo, japan, you know, india is prime minister, and the written remote is heading to russia for his 1st visit since russia's full scale invasion of ukraine. moody's trip will include a meeting with russian president vladimir putin whom he last met in russia in 20. 19 india is a major buyer of russian arms and has also become a key buyer of russian oil following western sanctions placed on moscow over its
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actions in ukraine. well, prime minister melody has not condemned russia. he is under pressure to secure the release of indians allegedly misled into fighting for moscow in ukraine, reportedly lowered with the promise of lucrative jobs and education, but indigo on the front lines. a little bit of professional vacancies. you can always call me back as soon as you can always come. easy did mike, that'd be moans. and this message from the show you creating frontline to his brother a j back in march with the code is my eyes level on hearing this message, but i didn't realize he would do a little bit of the survive the attack only to be deployed again to the front line a week later. since then, his brother audrey hasn't heard from him, but he hasn't given up hope, middle,
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middle of i live. i have been sending him text messages every day since the 12th of march. and even if i get no response, but i don't want my brother to feed the be, have forgotten him from the farmer, generation cell biology. and so the documentation in the family event did with the intention of changing the fatal fire future generation. so they can live a comfortable life. this village sent many young men to russia, but not to join the army. they were due by local java agents who promised lucrative jobs. as one of the agents has been arrested on charges of fraud and human trafficking. for those cool thing is the $13000.00 to the travel agent to get drove a good job in russia. but then he landed dead and caught me up 2 days later, probably told me that he was forced into signing a contract to join the russian army. he was told that either you would have to go to the war or face present for 10 years, even. that'd be told me to a lot of those in the village so that they don't land in
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a similar situation. are all these family does not want to believe he's dead. and i've been asking the government to find out his whereabouts in this village. they're not the only ones in the door to the symbols and would make a bunch of think about the this is saw him moon in a video he said from russia appealing to the indian government to rescue him. um, like if he got shrapnel injuries in both his legs on the front line and the automated done, but for the past his mother is distraught. she says she would rather have her son joe bless at home. done a debt strep far away. yeah. my hot young to him, i missed him so much. i never got out. he asks me to make chilly, flat bread for him. when he returns home. he must be starving. the 6 young men from this village named mentor have gone to moscow. it's believed that around a 100 indian men had been recruited by the russian army in the last 2. why did they
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go? because they simply could not find jobs at home. and it seems that many like saw him on the door that they'd be fall from the fighting. indian government says 2 of its citizens have died in the war and raised the motto with the russian government, a head of prime minister movies visit to moscow. the families back home, one movie to make the safer. don't all 2nd, a priority during his visit. you have the media problem, but the more display was reduced. mr. moody, i would ask him to bring back on indians. what trapped into an ocean army, no matter what condition they are in, in just a life or death to be hoped to bring them home. it seems like movie has a good trip or the button. for now, they watched the war from afar, hoping that the fighting would be followed by signs of life. us president joe biden's poor performance and a tv debate has triggered ongoing concerns about his ability to do the job with
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elections looming democratic lawmakers now face a dilemma. keep supporting the 81 year old as their parties candidate, or take steps to replace them. the w's, janelle, doom alone went to biden's home state of delaware to gauge support for the president. it's not the seat of power, but this is where the most powerful person in the country calls hope. the signs are hard to miss for arriving trained travelers a railway station named after him for motorists, or rest all around his neighborhood. president joe biden may even notice a support of neighbor not far away. there's also one place he often ends up to babble as has been serving joe biden at the charcoal pit for some 30 years. he's been coming for a lot longer than that since it opened in 1956. sometimes with family. sometimes with colleagues, you may come here all his life. what does the order? she's they face fries, ice cream. uh,
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that's pretty much what he wants to time. despite his famous patron avila says he prefers to keep his views mostly neutral, and let the personal take precedence over the political. are you going to vote for him? this is here. that questions that are on when the answer those questions as because the honor of this restaurant we, you know, when we asked to get involved with any on us stop before becoming vice president. and then eventually president, i didn't represent a delaware and the us senate for 36 years. the state is also hosting the burden harris campaign headquarters for 2024. a move representing the link between his long career path. but his goal of a continued presidential future, but especially the last weeks of a campaign in crisis mode, may have put that goal further out of reach. so biden's, home, state of delaware affairs, the hallmarks of his personal and political history. but even here, let me see, and on certain way forward for the states most well known citizens. this reliably,
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blue state is unlikely to turn red, delaware for the democrats in the last 8 election. but the nation wide discussion over is age and his ability to run for president and govern if we elected have not been lost on people here. i saw a few times that he's been falling asleep and stuff like that and closing off and doing, i guess to borrow a lot of we were saying here's dementia or something for like you too old to be to present. he can't even speak. i don't know is just as certain stuff, certain parameters i feel like not even parameters, just check points that should allow someone to be in a position to run a country and he can't do it right now. or they say ages nothing but a number, but also it also depends on your health, on the health aspect is not really much to do with, you know, how old he is. but just uh, maybe if he has the health issues, you know, a lot of people talk about that i see him talking about, you know, calling him sleepy. joe, you're never too old to do anything wrong as you're still alive and kicking. good. that last message is one that the president himself has been trying to hammer home
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with the residents of the state where it all started for bite. and we'll be looking just as closely as to where and when it may, all that as well. the rest of the country, if you're watching the w news from berlin up next, it's our tech show shift. i'm terry martin. thanks for watching the
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