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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 8, 2024 11:00am-11:16am CEST

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the, the, this is the, the, the news coming to live from berlin. frances left wing alliance defeats the far right to the parliamentary elections. a surprising victory by the new popular product leaves no party with a clear majority. present a manual that calls centrist alliance comes in seconds ahead of maureen depends for rights national around an indian prime minister and the render mowdy heads to russia for his 1st visit there in 5 years. is expected to call for the release of indians, allegedly lowered 2 points in the war against a crane. we have an exclusive report on their plight.
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the hello, i'm terry morrison. good to have you with us left us and friends have been rejoicing after hastily assembled alliance scored a surprise when in the 2nd and final round of parliamentary elections. the new popular front succeeded in its goal of preventing the far right from gaining power with the national riley forced into the 3rd place despite expectations that it would repeat its 1st round when president, man, along the cons centrist coalition came 2nd, but with no group gaining an absolute majority, france could potentially face years of political instability. a surprise results in francis 2nd round. the defeat of the sunrise met with julian celebrations in paris. the full week old, new popular from
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a condition of left wing policies, wings the most seats. the festival you move to move, we have so immensely relieved where you you see wherever you see tonight we are allowed something that we had stopped to doubt that go through the day and that saves you on a deal. the love for our country not to be the left wing alliance, rising to the top, has prompted french prime minister gabriella told me to announce his resignation of the president and money with my costs. interest alliance ranked 2nd in the polls as well. tonight, it was completed, the political party i have represented during this campaign has 3 times more in
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peace and we will predict and last for you to man. but we do not have a majority. in order to on our republican valley gave us the cuttings from tomorrow morning. i will submit my resignation to the president of the republic on my dentist. you because you don't do not have to reach the election. dealt the biggest close to money depends fall right potty despite finishing fed as opposed to this remain hopeful. so some of these are we are already starting to work with other be true or depends. right. wing fought easy to get ready for further and a lot of challenges will have municipal elections and probably legislative elections again in a year or other of domestic victory. would it be r as in 2027 people though frances less lena lions has cut the far right house. the country faces the hung parliament divided into 3 opposing groups, which could mean use of political deadlock. and according to frances constitution,
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new elections cannot be held for you. with more, no, we're joined by dw is chief political editor became a customer, but cannot press is a key partner for germany. how is berlin reacting to the selection result as well? if it's a little bit as a collective sigh of relief here, clearly in a button at the same time, there's a big box of the vice tons. so who by topic from the green policy. and he says it's a bit too early to just kind of say that the big threat from the far right is over . he's. he's relief tease most expressing relief. but there's also an implicit criticism coming from all i've sold to hasn't spoken yet. but on friday when he presented the budget compromise here, he was pointing out fronts with concern forced ability for europe. so there's also a slight sense of relief that but everybody's bracing themselves for at the very
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least of fumble, complicated, less stable funds to deal with. also, when it comes to strategic issues and at the very west of fronts that isn't driven and further by the fall, right? although it doesn't happen the door see, but it's political pressure. and the concern is that that's felt throughout europe would ask you more about the, the far right and how germany sees that because germany has a far right party. the, the, it's also gaining ground in the far right didn't win. this novel actually repressed, but they did pick up around 50 more seats and parliament and seem to be gaining momentum. how concerning is this development for germany as well? it doesn't have a direct impact, but it fits into the european psychology and the dynamic. everybody's bracing themselves for he and germany is well. and although in those most recent european
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elections the far right a, if the didn't do as well as expected, all the winning some 5 percentage points. competitive last european elections. but the elections in 3 eastern states here and autumn and there's expected to be an esp the rise would be the currently polling to potentially become the strongest parties . some even fee could have its own majority, and all of the policies refused to cooperate with the far right. a fee. and there's a question big question mark here. whether that is sustainable in the long run with the regional politicians already saying it isn't. because i think use that was our chief political editor mckay because now the style of some of the other stories making headlines around the world today. hunger is prime minister victor autobahn has paid a surprise trip to china after visiting ukraine and russia. he says he's on the ukraine piece mission after his country took over the europe in unions,
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rotating presidency. but you official say oregon has no mandate to speak for the ball or balances. he will head to washington, which do you like cooking. japan and the philippines have signed key defense packed, allowing the deployment of troops on each other soil. the agreement is expected to boost monopolist efforts to counter china is growing influence in speed or south china sea. it's a milestone for security relations in the in the pacific. a mid concerns over beijing is growing military power. india is prime minister and around. remote is heading to russia for his 1st visit there. since rush is full scale invasion of ukraine 2 years ago. india is a major buyer of russian arms and has also become a key buyer of russian oil following western sanctions placed on moscow over its actions in ukraine. modi's triple include a meeting with russian president vladimir per diem me last met in russia in 2019.
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while moody has not condemned russia, he is under pressure to secure the release of indians allegedly misled into fighting for moscow in ukraine. reported fleet lowered with the promise of lucrative jobs and education, but ending up on the front lines and with the corner of my social is you could always call me as soon as you could always tell me what he did, it will be mones and this message is from the show you're creating frontline to his brother a j back in march, a little bit close my eyes very level on hearing this message, but i didn't realize he would do a little bit of the survive the attack only to be deployed again to the front line a week later. since then, his brother audrey hasn't heard from him, but he hasn't given up hope. madame a look, i live in,
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i have been sending him text messages every day since the 12th of march, minute and even if i get no response, but i don't want my brother to feed, it'd be helpful, gotten him from the farmer generation. so biology. and so the documentation in the family event did with the intention of changing the fatal fox future generation. so they can live a comfortable life. this village sent many young men to russia, but not to join the army. they were due by local java agents from his lucrative jobs. one of the agents has been arrested on charges of fraud and human trafficking to who was cool. thing is the $13000.00 to the travel agent to get drove a good job in russia. but when he landed, did, and called me up 2 days later, probably told me that he was forced into signing a contract to join the russian army. he was told that either you would have to go to the war or face present for 10 years, even. that'd be told me to a lot of those in the village so that they don't land in
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a similar situation. are all these family does not want to believe he's dead. and i've been asking the government to find out his whereabouts in this village. they're not the only ones in the door to the symbols and water, make a bunch of think about the this is saw him moon in a video he sent from russia, appealing to the indian government to rescue him. um, like if he got shrapnel injuries in both his legs on the front line and the lady automated done, but for the past his mother is distraught. she says she would rather have her son, jobless at home, done in a dead strep far away. yeah. my hot ends to him. i missed him so much. i never got off. he asks me to make chilly, flat bread for him. when he returns home. he must be starving. the 6 young men from this village named mentor have gone to moscow. it's believed that around a 100 indian men had been recruited by the russian army in the last 2. why did they
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go? because it seems they could not find jobs at home. and it seems that many like saw him, told me that they'd be fall from the fighting. indian government says to a 5th, citizens have died in the war and greece, the motto with the russian government, a head of prime minister, movies visit to most school. the families back home, one movie to make the safer don't of taking a priority during his visit. you have the media. why was reduced mr. moody? i would ask him to bring back on indians who are trapped into an ocean army. no matter what condition they are in, in just a life or death to be hoped to bring them home. it seems like movie has a good trip or of a button. for now, they watched the war from a far hoping that the fighting would be followed by signs of life. bringing back those indian men from russia will be one of many issues on their end. remote is agend. during those talks and moscow healthy, martin jacob, a,
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an expert on india's foreign policy, told us more about the timing of mr. moody's trip to russia. but i think there are some other factors. the one thing for us as well, bro, called mr. moody was not sure whether she should uh uh, engage mr. put in, in a, by dr. summit in 2022 or one. but of course, the last time we do also 20, 21 december. and what he was supposed to go to almost $4.20, which you did not because there was a lack of clarity on whether or maybe i should and gauge that i should just the rate it before the watch based number one. number 2, i think today you are looking at a situation with the reading an india he's right, you're wrong to be that. uh uh, brushing is reading the wall i need for actually is actually reading the wall right or wrong. um, but you know, it just, it would be unwise all on the inside nor to reach out to be supported. and number 3, you are looking at a lot of engagement between a china and russia to the going by the but after somebody just on the,
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the other and getting with, with, with the 2 sides. and i think of me some of the things i think an indian government in general receives that it would be unwise or all for being insight not to reach out to or i, she had to dive and try nice, reaching out to actually and to be which i finally got changed also in many ways and gauging within the neighbor so you can look at that option. engagement in, uh yeah, i'm on an inbound rather than focused on and i've gotten this time, you're looking at a company that is uh the image size. it needs tires with india as neighbors, something that they ask they can to help you. so what i think it would be again, if i may use that word on wise, for the indian side, not to sort of uh, engage that actually is that a time vendor she is expanding its into himself in the region. i think there are some of the factors that have brought him to the indian side to change re, i say, because of his policy towards the rest. yeah. now happy mon jacob, they're an expert on india's foreign policy and a professor at noah. ha,
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they really, universities speaking to me, a little earlier from delhi now is excessive. whether warnings sweep across the us, people are making pilgrimages to the hottest place on earth. death valley national park along the california in the bottom border has become a tourist hotspots. once again, as it hits record breaking temperatures of $56.00 degrees celsius with many wanting to experience the heat for themselves. despite health warnings, motorcyclist died from exposure there on sunday, while another was hospitalized. the long running heat wave has shattered temperature records across the us to start watching the w news. just reminder of the top story we're following for you this. our left is in friends, have been celebrating after a socialist level alliance, unexpectedly came out on top in the final round of parliamentary elections.
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president amendable, mccullin's centrist, came in 2nd ahead of the far right of the x. we've got a documentary for you looking at a hearing and how decisions we make and our youth can bring about hearing loss. i'm terry martin. thanks for watching. the january 2021. the attack on the united states capital. thousands of people took pods and among them. some of these manipulative voices are a former high ranking military leaders. wanted us veterans 10 the backs on democracy. and what does this mean for the upcoming election? the enemy within stats to lie 12 on d, w we
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hear sound and understand speech. ready


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