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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 8, 2024 3:00pm-3:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the, the news line from funding it's late describes today is a russian misfire attack on of ukrainian children's cancer hospital. so bull crying, the cruise missile targets in the building in keith is part of a massive russian as sold as into landscape, has called for the un security council to meet and promised retaliation. also on the program celebrations in front of them left giving alliance to face the fall of rights and complementary elections. the surprising victory by the new popular front pushes president black co, centrist into 2nd place. they asked these prime minister to style
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the photograph. you're welcome to the program ukrainian peasants. a lot to me as an excuse says he's country will vitale. i following a major russian as old. so i was using several faces for the 20 people are reported to have been killed and dozens injured after the daytime attack hospital in the capital k of offering children life saving cancer treatments has been damaged. rescue is searching for people trapped under the bubble cities. madison is one of the worst attacks since the start of rushes full scale invasion, basically has described the strikes on the hospital as a war crime, joining a swell of international condemnation. presidents that landscape has called for a meeting of the un security council. without correspondence in case nick connelly gave me the latest a hearing to have the soul has reached 9,
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but expect it to go much further. still we've had to pull down the last half. now, old modem is committed facilities of the other end of the city on the east bank of new pro river for people believes to have died that children's hospital you mentioned many more, still believe trapped under rubble. some pretty extraordinary images of the doctors and just local residents along with the emergency services trying to go through the rubble trying to look for people still underneath. especially children patients sort of images also of children with cancer who had been receiving various treatments, chemotherapy, taken out of that kind of hospital buildings of children. dialysis children that need a lot of support and the account. yeah, readily do well without cause and medical attention being about creating donald, taken to other facilities. this is a real self. it's been a real, a long period now with, without such a big attack on campuses, disease that is the best protection, the whole country. and within a pretty short time, between the airline being announced, you just heard,
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bang off the bios, bang over that being a defense. and it really suit people quite how close to downtown will. this is something a tell us then about the state of ukraine's that a defense isn't, is daytime attack. i think what we're seeing today really tells us 2 things. on the one hand, it is testament to the strength of the western systems. and the effectiveness of therapy is applied to ukraine. meaning that basically rush, i can only do these kinds of attacks pretty infrequently. once it's built up, a big stone could be solved and needs to send in me sells drones. put it yourself as well as christmas, all the same time trying to overwhelm that system as being the will they can send in, you know, a couple themselves at a time and hope to hit that target. so that is no longer possible. but it also shows you that there is for comforting, besides, you can still not enough of these systems here and that most of these targets are being shut down over key of itself. and then we're seeing loss of life because of bits of dep, refolding buildings, residential buildings, offices. and now these are those that you have possibly on file. so there isn't yet,
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the result is to, is that these me saw somewhere safely in the come side before they get here. and i think that's going to be cool. kinda behind this next person, the ukrainian side to make sure western countries how are you provide more patriot . we saw systems and more munitions for them. so that actually these kinds of kind of extraordinary loss of life in cities like you can be friends with teacher. what sort of impact fees a tax, what impact will they have on their own? i think you have always seemed like capacity safe place. and the people often felt a bit kind of guilty for being in relative normal. see here compared to the rest of the country, but this shows once again, there is no such thing as 100 percent protection from these attacks. i think you already know sits very striking with people with ukrainians who've left the country . the beginning of will know when you come back saying the last year we'll come to visit for those people who haven't been here since day one really is joking. it is really the kind of thing that has here. you see times that we have stories, people who try to come back for
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a couple of months and then decided actually they cannot imagine living under some conditions and then returned to safety in europe. so this isn't something that really hits some kind of damage, is people's willingness to return. and to kind of imagine any kind of normal life because you're even in the center of the, of, even in the place that he's best protected. you are not safe in any sense, the word and these attacks go on for hours and how's the day you called, realistically, spend the entire time underground if you're trying to go about a job or even daily life. so this is just the reality of the people here and kept okay. make thank you for that dw corresponded nick connelly and keith. meanwhile, pharmacy new craze khaki of region on the front lines of the rest of the invasion. looking with concern towards harvest season. and it's not just because of the danger of adding me attacks. so many farm workers have joined the army that then may not be enough to bring in the grain. low prices are also adding to difficulties the w as roman going to run coat reports. they keep it like
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a treasure hidden behind tavis. this. this card was used to transport emanation when the ukraine and ami counter attacked into hockey region in september 2022. so the slope is muscle. this car has the rates of the hierarchy of regions. one of our employees was driving it as a soldiers haste to fight senior. don't ask. i come say where it's legendary. now, this car helped to kick the russians out of the crate for fuels weekly and looks around the country is the director of universal lago farming business in the village of they've been around one and a half hours. drive south of hockey. corn is one of the main krupps, it's ukraine's green gold, making up a quarter of its exit cultural exports with russia occupying its industrial heartland in the east. farming has become more and more important for ukraine's economy. but some of these directors are not working in the fields because there
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aren't enough dr. us if i'm owner is said he for the employers that don't. so to book as now, it doesn't less than the for the what? somewhere mobilized. if you went to broad as refugees and human illustration low aims to help tackle the shortage last for this way though, we are now officially part of the critical infrastructure and so we can keep 50 percent of our workers from being mobilized. so it doesn't solve a lot of problems, but our most valued workers staying here. he means people like your most of the men still here like him in their forties and fifties. the younger ones are fighting so many when to fight. maybe half of old man will know tractor and truck drivers. we used to have 7 trucks here. now we have 3. we gave the rest to the ukranian army, but we also need something for ourselves to transport they have is. we do our best
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. we'll manage federal i exist if i'm us here worried about the kind of low prices for grain and on the products. the war has driven up costs for transportation and insurance loss. thomas, one of the trucks, transporting grain, was heated by russian missile near odessa. the driver survived from direct or looks on. the says there is still a fee of the russian nomic would get closer. i guess i'm going to be spoke with way over here, and of course i'm concerned, but i'm sure that we won't give up our territories. we'll deal as needed. we'll all go and fight. do you work through them and see where you are? oh, and must be hourly as much as in the front with washington. what really concerns me . you said our men shouldn't be following this book with book, and i hope that will suffice to billing. so usually the what's the best book with both looks on the sense of fighting against the russian invasion. for now, he's waiting for them to join him on the farm. again. there's all kinds of all sorts, making news around the world to get in 5 minutes of it to old bon has paid
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a surprised trip to china after visiting ukraine and russia. he says that he's on the ukraine pink submission after he's country took over the european union's rotating presidency. but anyway, officials say he has no mandate to speak for the blog. the old man says he'll have to washington next tongue. go up with you. in the united states that hardly can barrel is lashing texas we strong winds and heavy rains as it moves in land. hundreds of thousands of homes are reports to be without power. hundreds of flights have been canceled as well. that will claimed at least 11 lives and left a trail of devastation as it gets through the caribbean and mexico. in these days. a trough, many fat tra boeing has agreed to plead guilty to defrauding the us government. the plea deal relates to a department of justice investigation into 2 separate crashes of boeing 737, match passenger jets, and indonesia in 2018. an easy ok. in 2019366 people were killed.
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the deal means varying, will avoid the criminal trial of friends when a hastily assembled left is the lines of scores a surprise. when in the 2nd and final round of parliamentary elections, the new popular front 1182 seats and succeeded in its goal of preventing the far right natural raleigh from guiding power. national riley was in fact forced into a 3rd place with only $143.00 states, despite its expectations that it would be paid its 1st route when. as an macro centrist together coalition came in 2nd, with 168 seats. but we know group gaming and absolute majority friends could face years of political instability, celebrations, and parents, as the far right is defeated at the pools by the left wing phone. pop you there. the new popular front on the make shift coalition of left wing
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parties came in 1st place in a surprise for posters and a relief for their candidates not to look. now people have clearly ruled down the worst case scenario swap this evening. the national valley is file from having the absolute majority that commentators were predicting a week ago on the country. it had been a month of suspense for france, after centuries president emanuel mack hall called snap elections and a bid to catch a rising far right off guard and challenged them at the ballot box. the 1st round of votes did put me in the pens, anti immigration national rally party on track to win with some surveys predicting an outright majority. but after the centrist block collaborated with the left block, pull their support, they managed to pull off a shock, the feet of the far right. some national rally supporters watching the results
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couldn't believe their eyes was supposed to be back on by thoughts we were going to have at least $250.00 m p's so disappointed the big smaller. it's true that the crowd locked in the popular front joint forces to block the national rally. so yes, a lot of people voted for a barricade. the french were like beavers blocking the national rally. and it's a shame because they didn't vote for ideas. they voted against ideas. these are what they visited. the jury is still out on whether mack hole and got what he wanted from his big gamble block came in 2nd place. and the centrist prime minister, gabrielle atalla, with whom i call had governed side by side, announced his resignation. sunday night. we just boost ball. we do not have a majority. so in order to on the, our republican values for me, tomorrow morning, i will submit to my resignation limits of the president of the republic because you don't do the privilege. but when he went to my calling to make good on his promise,
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the president told him to stay on temporarily as prime minister for the sake of stability. it's the 1st salvo and what promises to be a heated debate over who's in charge of the left is the biggest for us and the divided parliament. the choice of prime minister is ultimately and michael is hands well ahead of the election. many here in the late and had expressed fee is that a right wing, victory and friends would jeopardize the long standing relationship between germany and france? his german chancellor options i and the entire federal government quite relieved. i liked it. that's really, it would've been a major challenge if the french president had to accept the cohabitation with a right wing, pop the least talk to you on this or not. but hopefully that has now been averted up front. so why would there bite wing victory in france?
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of being a major challenge for germany. it's actually political decide mckayla constant because it, what is significant. the limits is frances, a minor, my calls the french president through. so for this common news also within the european union, despite the fact that he has a lot of say, single handed, the over fonts is foreign policy, but he would have always had to have an eye on what's happening domestically. so it would have been a fonts that is more difficult maneuver to maneuver and that's why the sigh of relief here is tangible. older there's tons of didn't sound relieved. he is relieved quite clearly. so is the vice chancellor from his coat ism partner, the greens, but we're ready. hearing warnings also from the 2nd row of german politics from the head of germany's phone affairs committee in the during bonus. talk the parliament, me to ward. and he warns of the all new middle shoulder left us lead and says he is
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on the diamond. he ones that it will still become difficult. despite the fact that this sentiment of relief here, that these new emboldened falls right in fonts. i had a customer without you up today is i'll have more of the talk to be a good day. the dream of resolution in 1979, the hated dictated somoza was forced out of nicaragua the people hoped for sarah's society and received international solidarity. i imagined we would change the world .


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