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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 8, 2024 7:00pm-7:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is the w news live and from berlin, a barrage of restaurant missiles, rains down on ukraine in the deadliest attack. their inbox. this is of off site. this is the grand central children's hospital for all the most difficult cases. i'm sick is filled in one missile hit a children's cancer hospital in the capitol, keep injuring multiple people. grades president zalinski is now called for an an emergency meeting of the un security council. also coming up, prince president emanuel met cron refusing his prime minister's resignation. gabriela tall, offer that to day to step down after a look, this alliance be president mac phones centrist alliance in parliamentary elections
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. the library golf is good to have you with is a rush that has launched a major daytime error. salt and ukraine. officials say the attack killed at least 31 people and injured more than a 150 a large children's hospital in the capital. keith was struck. now that moment was caught on camera. the scene is right there, emergency cruise. they've been searching through the rubble for victims at the hospital, a 2 story wing. the facility was partially or has partially collapse. the building is being evacuated after losing water, oxygen and electricity ukraine's president zalinski said more than 40 missiles
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targeted, 5 ukrainian cities. the garage struck apartment buildings as well as public infrastructure, the military saying that it intercepted 30 missiles i got an update from our corresponding to connelly who is near the damaged childrens hospital. i my friend is basically being half a day since these attacks and behind me they are still trying to drill through the concrete, through the rules of this unit that has collapsed fine. is role that attack, trying to catch people who are believe to still be that have been sheltering in a cell or potentially underneath this building so far, no voices, no contact with the people who are missing. but this, what is going on could still go deep into the night and into tomorrow. this is of off site. this is ukraine central. so there's also for all the most difficult cases of the case. so don't find me on the right day. you might see some of the emergency
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services, cruise words, exhausted. it is incredibly some of the day here people are working out in the san for our generation fumes of weapons has no power. and to give you a sense of what, how big sofa was just on the other side here, i have a much bigger building that was less impacted. but where will the windows flew out? and you have a few people from the community who have turned off to basically try and solve is what can be solve is holding medical equipment, throw out that every somehow do something constructive on a day that seems just frankly, unbelievable in a place here in central care where people for the, for the sound that would be great. and was on the was side nick, there's been reaction from russia. russia saying that this damage was caused not by a russian missile, but instead saying that there was an error or a mistake by ukrainian air defense that caused this well, we've seen those videos on social media that seem to show that christmas all his in this area but also, you know, whatever,
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turns out to be the case with those videos. this is a normal northside time time. and again, we've had horses that have hit civilian target. we've seen the russian side as bouncing off and several different mutually exclusive versions to try and make it more difficult for people to work out. what exactly is happened to try and basically put people on sentences, how's the people would give up trying to work out what's happened in the big opposed to the russian defense minister put out on telegraph on it today. normally they say that this was a ukraine. yeah. defense missile, they also said that this was done basically on purpose by the ukraine inside the head of the nato summit in washington, tomorrow. i had the most important notations basically as of verification for the print inside to try and get sympathy results from western countries. that is a long coming out of most coats. and it is not very surprising. these are images that are very damaging for the company, especially, but i think even within russia, so say i was going to come out with all the different versions. i would be surprised. we had more in the course of evening. ukraine today said that it intercepted 30 missiles in this latest attack. obviously,
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it wasn't able to intercept every missile. what does this tell us then about the, the state of ukraine's air defenses? look, i think the fact that russia is now having to reduce the frequency dfacs and then send in ballistic cruise missiles and drugs the same time to try and overwhelm you . create the defense is tells you something about quite how fall this country is coming. point how effective these western systems basically the patriot missile defense systems have proven face the rest. i'm just throw everything in half. i'm spend weeks building up still false, then try and overwhelmed the defenses. you know, one very important take with today's ukraine is able to shoot down most of these results. not all of them for the time to do so over the big cities, it simply doesn't have enough missile systems. so basically, place them somewhere out of the con side outside here, and shoot down these missiles over a field where someone is open again. when this pulls the ground, that is the duration that ukrainian ministry come on is it now facing?
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i don't know if they have to let me solve my boss and they could sell because they simply don't have enough stokes, with emissions to be able to have the luxury of searching on everything they could potentially get. and they can, you know, we have talked countless times about the, the latest in this for many times. we're talking about areas in east or you crate. i'm thinking of har, keith, and many times you've been there and ukraine, ukraine has are in chief rather keep the capital has been seen by many is maybe one of the safe spots in this more this children's hospital shows us. that's certainly not, not the case. talk to me about the psychological impact of today's attack on the people in the city right there were, you are when you walk around the side, you see those people just unable ready to speak, bearing off for the destruction. starting out that the broken windows and all the broken glass and the concrete lying around here you go. lots people, tony. i look a residence without any particular skills. desperate to be able to do something to help people even kind of looking over the flower beds,
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just desperate to have them in the fields constructive. and i think there is a lot of shock, certainly, and stick a strong like people who left maybe the beginning of the war and have come back in the last year to what here for those early days i often those people are most unable to deal with one person's emotions, these are the most people saying that they might be considering leaving again because they simply don't believe there is anyone, even downtown you have any way for them, see even rest, say we're certainly glad that you're safe. tonight's the w's economy leave the latest. tonight's an attack missile hitting it. children's cancer hospital there in keys. nick, thank as in france, president emanuel may crawl and today refused to accept the resignation of his prime minister. gabriella todd, the prime minister offered to quit after the surprise. victory of a hastily assembled left his alliance in parliamentary elections on sunday. president mac wrong asked prime minister. it's all to remain to depose, temporarily in a told said yes. now the left is new, popular front, one
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a $182.00 seats and succeeded in it's gola, preventing the far right national rally from gaining power. national rally was in fact forced into 3rd place with only a 143 seeds. despite the expectations that it will repeat its 1st round when president emmanuel microns centrist together coalition came in 2nd with a $168.00 seats, but with no group gaining an absolute majority in france could now face years of political instability, celebrations, and parents. as the far right is defeated at the pools by the left wing form pop you there. the new popular front the makeshift coalition of left wing parties came in 1st place in a surprise for posters and a relief for their candidates. not to get our people have clearly ruled out the
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worst case scenario since wow this evening. so the national riley is far from having the absolute majority of the commentators were predicting a week ago. quite the contrary to man did this. he did had been a month of suspense for france, after centrist president emanuel mack hall called snap elections in a bid to catch a rising far right off guard and challenged them at the ballot box. the 1st round of votes did put me in the pens, anti immigration national rally party on track to win with some surveys predicting an outright majority. but after the centrist block collaborated with the left block, pull their support, they managed to pull off a shock, the feet of the far right. some national rally, supporters watching the results couldn't believe their eyes. or i thought we were going to have at least $250.00 impedes. so i'm disappointed the big small. it's
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true that the crowd locked in the popular front joint forces to block the national rally. so yes, a lot of people voted for a barricade. the french were like beavers blocking the national rally, and it's a shame because they didn't vote for ideas. they voted against ideas. these are what they visited. the jury is still out on whether or not cold got what he wanted from his big gamble block came in 2nd place, and the centrist prime minister deputy atala, with whom i call, had governed side by side, announced his resignation sunday night. but when he went to my call and to make good on his promise, president told him to stay on temporarily as prime minister for the sake of stability. it's the 1st salvo and what promises to be a heated debate over who's in charge of the left is the biggest for us and the divided parliament, the choice of prime minister is ultimately in my calls. hands are drawing me now from wells is martha of laura mercy teaches at card if university with the focus on
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european politics and far right. political parties. it's good to have you with this this evening. may i ask you, was there a clear winter yesterday? i mean, how did you read this result in france? there wasn't a clear winner yesterday. we basically have a parliament that is divided in 3. and the biggest party is the left. but we were in a situation where essentially voters were being asked who would you rather not really you and the seems to be what they have decided. they decided they didn't want to have the national riley and government, but they also haven't delivered a clear majority, which is what maxine was hoping for. yeah. and so if macro and wanted clarity from this vote, he didn't get it. so we're looking at possibly a future with the politics of paralysis in france. is that an accurate read? that is an accurate greed because france is now in a situation where there is no clear sense of who is going to govern or how it is
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also a country that doesn't necessarily have the political culture of coalitions and finding coalition agreements between different parties. so we are probably looking forward to a few months, or at least a few weeks off, a fairly complicated negotiations in terms of understanding where the country goes from here, the left us alliance is comprised of parties that are led by some people with, you know, some large e goes, can you see them putting that to the side for a 2nd and coming together, building a coalition, if you will, although they don't have much experience doing their to well, they've already managed to create a coalition very quickly to run in these elections. so that does suggest that there is some ability, at least on the part of the left to come together when it's needed. but it will be quite complicated for them to find a suitable prime minister. so there's already some discussions happening between
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them and they are really trying to come up with a name that will work for everyone. and maureen depends national rally of yes, they did not when last night, but if you look at absolute numbers, it was the party that received the most votes in this 2nd round of a voting. and it's a merges as perhaps the largest strongest political party in france. so is it, is it accurate to say that marine la pens party last this election? it's quite complicated to understand exactly what happened or how the national rally is going to read the selection. they have certainly lost it on their own terms. they were expecting to do a lot better than they actually did. but they can still be reassured by the fact that they did gain a lot more votes than they had in previous selections. so in a certain way, they can still see this as a good starting point for the next presidential election,
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or for the next and the distance of election. whichever one comes 1st. that's right to the next presidential election scheduled for i think 2027. but who knows what can happen between now and 20? 27. far it expired more to learn more from part of university. we appreciate your analysis tonight. thank you. thank you. and success of whether warning sweep across the united states, people are making pilgrimages to the hottest place on earth. death valley national park along the california nevada border has become a tourist hotspot. as it hits record breaking temperatures of 56 degrees celsius. that's incredibly hot. are you watching the w news? i'll be back at the top of the hour with ask dw, we're going to be talking about the french elections and we're going to be asking who really one we're going to be taking your questions live and our youtube channel . and i'll see you after that once here for more world news followed by the day to
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see the the this video changed the world. it shows us soldiers killing civilians in the rock, flew off the posting. it's julia songs became a wanted man. 14 years nature the we can expound it is fine to destroy the gentlest john doomed traces. the stories of a soldier under the volunteer of the attack. they speak to each other for the 1st time in your heart to forgive me, but that the follies don't think that i carry any resentment or a grudge in my heart towards a captivating story about this struggle forgive.


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