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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 8, 2024 9:00pm-9:03pm CEST

9:00 pm
just because of the cool, cool breeze, but it's just me the this is dw news and these are our top stories. russia has launched a major daytime air assault on ukraine, killing more than 30 people in the entering scores of others. ukrainian presidential landscape says that 40 missiles targeted cities across the country, the barrage struck a children's hospital in the capital keep as well as apartment buildings and public infrastructure. ukraine says intercepted 30 missiles, french president emanuel mac roland has refused to accept the resignation of his prime minister gabriella tall. it follows the surprise victory of a hastily assembled left. as the lions in the 2nd round, the parliamentary elections, the new popular front, one, a 182 seats,
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a head of microns centrist together alliance, as well as marine la pens for our white national rail of india's prime minister in the range remote e as in las gal for a 2 day visit his 1st since rushes full scale invasion of ukraine, india as important as a trading partner has grown in the past 3 years. and it has become a key buyer of russian oil since the west imposed sanctions on the kremlin daily has avoided condemning la scales, military actions. you're watching dw news from berlin. there's more news on a website that dw, call the this week on the 77 percent street debate. when people think kicked tom think think money, luxury k tone is going to kids is the most. i knew close society in the world fees
9:02 pm
a to i talk about a student who don't have that money if we didn't do definitely what from home. how are they going to stop by the focus on go down, is insane, but that's the face of being the piece on municipality and saw that because it doesn't match. the cape town is the best. it's a wonderful feats, but it means nothing. in the general idea of uplifting everyone. hello and welcome back to the segment and 7 profess rick debates. my name is edith kimani and this week we are back in cape town, south africa. now this is a city that's used to being the best i can any categories, but it's also a citric grappling with the legacy of apartheid economic decide which is to continue to rule the day here. as of today, we're trying to find out best yes, but best for who, who better to answer this question for me then some lovely south african. i don't want us touch with no mind because we were speaking yesterday on the phone and your born free right.


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