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tv   Eco Africa  Deutsche Welle  July 9, 2024 2:30am-3:01am CEST

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time they speak to each other for the 1st time finding a captivating story about the struggle for forgiveness and truth guardians of trees . julian, his terms and the dark secrets of war, starts to lie 27th. on the w, the every day we use planets, resources from the wood prove to the water the would need to stay alive. so how can we save got those resources for tomorrow and leave will today? i am chris 11th in nigeria and you are watching eco africa. and i am sandra. co homes are 3 novia, right. 2 in uganda. we both need a range of people for very passionate about improving the content of the wide for
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today on tomorrow. here is what we have coming up, beating the jobs, helping totals into these yeah. from best to products. the santa is using invest in plants as a substitute for petrochemical and wait for a single hues of gland to bring back beauty out of binding capacity. the body weight begin here in you've done the web also, which he's hoping to make safe drinking. what's available to all by 2014 so far change has been sold to come. lack of what is the problem. you've done the has lots of lakes and rivers, but pollution is a big settings. the river easy in west a new gun to is especially bought. well we caught up with one component is
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dedicated to bring chains. very, very easy flows through southwest to gun to more than 5000000 people directly depend on each as a source of water and 2 on the leaving. they want to weigh one, somebody, but i tell you of life and that will be of this kinds of human activity. the whole revival system using the threats very, very easy. fits, has 3 major challenges. the 1st is harvesting, send from the repub bed. you'll see those who us miami, who are assigned to mining and very forbid the standing in the middle of the river . meaning that to now there, there what that it was of breast cutting going down. and if this was on for another 10 years i had there is a couple who did that might end up not having no more water flowing through. and this little difference to the effect quite to number because it feeds that national
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fuck. and it is also feeding into victoria a buck from sun mining. population personally, is leading to a encroachment of the roof above the national environment, monday to mental thought. it is 2 minutes about 60 percent of the reverse catchment area has been degraded. sanitation cost by sorting their ocean, us, reduce the republic by 40 meters, mining the solar along the bunks, to make brakes to keep pace with the area throughout the the but nicely. so he's also destroying the revised system and what the pollution including invest a f one cent waste time poisoning there. if i want to the times of india when this point, this only need that fish on chess is this fish a dang, because of the industrial activities upstream it on. we think something wrong is happening with the fish, maybe the feeding,
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the feeding on poisoned water. these continuous, these tend to talk things into the re by in the just not only aquatic life, but also community stuff directly depend on the revised source of water globally. over 2000000000 people consume contaminated water and risk diet, health consequences, very, very easy slide. these are a reminder of the environmental implications of industrial activities. another big challenge facing that review is plastic waste. on when i go to that point, i saw plastics. we have drained like in the past 23 days on or these plastics from the city was 14. within a given section of the revised i said, i thought an individual level. i think i need to do something. i recorded a video posted this online and i got so many responses and from that i was able to,
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if i said the people we are we thinking about, are we more blaze resources, but some materials equipment came on due to the clean up sun from that it said routine activity that you have been doing every time we have there in the plastic waste, including buckles and poly thing bugs increasingly emerging is that has up to all marine and human life. you've gone to generate $600.00 tons of plastic with each day, but only 6 percent is collected. but to meet the challenges, lima support as individuals, communities and activities straight to the location to look for solution to the west once initiative and show us that all of the blast, the collect and from very, very easy is converted into funds to support the people who live alone that we've all up to collected with these packaged until the 2 other companies for the cycling of circle back to this more towards dental bills. i uploaded them to
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a company called the sun, the recycling dismissed didn't come paula. they do defense products out over them. and one of them of phillips and the rest collecting and recycling plastic is not the only intervention people undertaking to say that we've got these group reuse it . so you end up looking at the list from refinery. it's a source of income for young men and women here. this material he's has ideas and if not designed into a productive product, the put the end up being so that with us the teams and bodies on the swans. from here we've been getting the process where we across ships and mix seats with the natural is from sun. so say i've been in the bottom with i knew today is the scene to i use it before that very, very easy. ecosystem must be protected. whether through government action against illegals and mining, or individuals who is tall there, we've a bunk in the last 5 years we have planted over 2000 threes. but
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about $500.00 species in total. on what we are trying to solve is see we're trying to stop that solely on sun from flowing into the river on making it reducing its weeds. and we hope that by the time we, we have planted lake uh, 5000 trees. this whole area will become green on the and then this son with not, we'll not be coming to the bunks and maybe there is always busy. we will again widen with johnny to restore there is the easiest challenging, but we've been to the cation of these environmental watery is these hope for clean up the river in the future. we have no now to send these in a country that household fund views of severe drought. so not surprisingly, fresh water is in short supply many a reasonable as i've been pledged dry. it's
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a problem both for animals and people that spots the risk of perishing into drugs. and some places, thankfully help is of hand hairs this 6 doing your bits a this is what's last of a rest of what it means to me in northern tennessee and the lake was once home to hundreds of titles. now for the 1st time since 1960, it's completely dry. the environmental activists in custom is assessing the damage. in this small remaining pond, he found some 200 tassels, whose lives are in great danger. initiation and not in him as if we don't, we never take the loan to live with friends, few days
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a week. they're on cbs titles, not line to you without human intervention or heavy rains special. but um, they might suffice for a day or even a month for them, but eventually they'll die. so for them to cool and none of them. but in that custom is a man on a mission. he wants to save the remaining titled population. and today he's joined forces with several local environmental scouts and officials to relocate the title . the rep titles play a crucial role in local ecosystems. no good. he, a fresh audit tools are an essential link in the food chain system and helped to regulate invertebrates with an o d population. so isn't from the therapist and those kind of upset this, the finances to the state with home for the consequences of the eco system. as a whole, that the them to have and this will be then you have the left in the reservoir
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a few kilometers away. it's water levels are also nowhere. then they used to be bought this good enough to make it is suitable habitats to the endangered totals. and then helping out bid out of the mission. i won't be able to understand where we're heading to move, what headings the drought. and we'll discuss the d. windsor's, if not a comes to animals or the next few minutes will be of height to so i may be safe. even the big consequences was both of those. what do you have come up with that image and his health is a doing the page to keep them environment livable for the tools and themselves here in nigeria, another problem affecting water supply is the what the high save these invasive species as affected overall bill of hacked as a file, what the ways in today's globalize? well, more and more countries are struggling with non native speeches. but what if these plans could be turned to good use with cross to from now to meet or research
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a boost found a way to do just that it may look and sound like a weed, but japanese not waste. phillip at your konica can actually be a useful plot office to buy home, to prevent damage. it was almost everywhere along this tribute trip. the river runs and something from chemist, clo greece, on discover that had left on checked. this invasive species is extremely harmful to develop quite a grows 3 to 4 times faster than the other planet food tv. so it's suffocates bio diversity in this area which has an exceptional array of plants. so it's a real catastrophe from an ecological point of view. but also from an economic point of view, because because it chokes this tributary, that should be regulating accessing water from the wrong because you're stuck with this. one possibility would be to try and clear out the ponds. the code crease own,
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found a way to put them to good use. she developed a unique process to a client not to come to list. these are widely used in drug research and cosmetics production because of a highly efficient, speeding up complex chemical reactions to create new molecules. the plan has a unique physiology. it can name it molecules that poisoned its neighbors was, you know, pulled in 10 years ago. she worked with a group of students reset truly unique properties of indigenous b. she's a new caledonia, a french overseas territory, and the pacific fluid crease all has long been fascinated by the incredible abilities of pods on the web to didn't issue the create an existing new caledonia. i discovered some exceptional plant species level tolerate pollution, so to speak. new, so sometimes i'm due next class, the better still. they can actually extract metals from their surroundings and they've and store them in their leader step. now close to lecture with these plants,
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it's possible to regenerate soil that's been completely degraded by the presence of metals document to children from screws on has been focusing on invasive plants. some species can purify police as full to others, like japanese not wage. and now being processed in the lab for use and industrial applications. the company enough to now do hong is in charge of managing loans along the river. i'm controlling invasive species here. together with scientists, they help us the plants across separately, administrative areas or sale. so they will pay that they was looking to develop pest control techniques that can be used in a large or small scale doing different plans. so i'm from the benefit is that we promote and types of chemistry that is green and sustainable. it's a kind of circular economy to integrate some various pieces and stuff to do to, i mean, i think that i presented his best today. the team has only managed to clear a few 100 meters of land the plot. so taken to
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a warehouse where that dried for at least 3 days or longer and what was then that shredded and sent to the bar. a tray at the plump material is placed in the oven to dry for a few hours. only then is it ready for the chemical process in the lab? the resulting what kind of catalyst is mixed with both are and a few not to add attempts to create, to find new products, but indispensable and cosmetics. for example, results, product is entirely natural. a clean alternative for an industry looking to shift away from home for petroleum, substances and personnel kind of products accomplishing what can people think of chemistry as a discipline with a terrible environmental impact which is true. but chemistry also gives us a better understanding of ecology. our plans are insect functions on a molecular level and so chemistry can have a positive impact on the environment that she needs as well. i'm interested in reconciling these 2 disciplines to one on today. so the frequency issues domain to
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6 and then the songs discoveries about pumps and you called at the ernie and trump . for so groundbreaking, she received the european inventor award in 2022, the rena. right, to, to please the, the load please on has already found a 2 companies proof that harrell down at customers are in high demand. the amazing discoveries stain in europe, scotland is a country females, ford stoney landscape. while these hills are largely the ripped off trees in the past, it was reaching forest. if you are a regular eagle africa view, you would know that the 1st station has a devastating impact on biodiversity. so what can be done? is copeland members of the public?
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i help in 10 back the clock, boston byron, scotland, southern uplands are a striking sight. indeed. the landscape is pretty void of vegetation for now. this group of volunteers wants to change that. so you only to grab a fun things to bear. arms with chunky boots and planting spears 25 volunteers from the border as far as the trust are here to we generate woodland near the english border. so once you've found where you want to plenty of tre, check that you're not right on top of a boat, that's a stick experience, and that's fine. yep. so that's the soft ground. and denise not to give you a whole the right size for the tree. push it into the whole our vision is to make this into night to put in a natural woodlands, and that would have been here in the past. and so folk,
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the chaise all around holly, all the trees features you'd expect and the ground is good ground and the trees will do well you the volunteers want to help restore the forest. the one screw here, susan's a few years ago, millennial felling for firewood and clearing, pastures changed the landscape completely. today, they want to regenerate habitats and diversified the scenery. when i've taught it, i feel like i get the feeling of the a mother. i need to get arrived twice for her and then wish it could grow out very strongly and have a heavy lies. so what about climate really? it's just this punting trays is the, i think is the best thing. ordinary people can do. it's so easy to do and it's just isn't investments in the future. really thousands of saplings leave the foundation for the new forest. it's hard work the for
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so long. we've taken things out of the land, out of the hills, and we need to put stuff back and improve the prove the quality of the environment . that's why not every tree is welcome here. adrian happily who is up here almost every week, introduces us to an uninvited guest. spruce. we don't want these here because they, they basically decided to just landed in the ground. so these, these and all night to the grow really, really quickly, which is why they use for the full of the commercial forestry. a retired engineer had lisa and new purpose in shaping scotlands feature. we generation through forestry is make sense of purpose here. so this land won't be sold to the highest bidder in 20 years time. it will stay as it is
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just a quick detour to the neighboring valley. and it's plain to see this work pays off . the forest trust has planted a staggering 750000 trees here since the 1990. hi, adrian hadley was part of the effort and watched the valley transform. 20 bird species of settled here as of many wild plants and herbs. and much to the benefits of the p d. soil to which binds carbon dioxide, helping protect the environment. the benefits and the soil in the to, to the, the natural process of regeneration to take place. relevant people having to actually physically pump these trees at true garden of eden and discuss actual lumens of the model for the surrounding countryside. soon enough, scotland could be back to its ancient splinter, a bucket,
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an offer to bob bob fees can be found in many countries. they are often a focal point for community gatherings. and the fruits seats and leaves are souls of how the foods bots, in many areas they to a being shopped on. tragically, climate change is also taking its full on vol box. so it can environmental is a walking to rescue these ation 3. a ball bub tree, you can store water from allowing you to survive long periods of ground for centuries. the so called cheese will for life have played a key role with the village communities along the canyon coast. now through the a fretting by kindly change and also the last year, each valve up to full several centuries food. we're exporting to georgia for planting the pump butte by former georgia and prime minister. this led to public outcry in can you how come to approach something that there's more than 20300?
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yes, i'm ticket that way. what are you up to on the 2nd to us? you do? well. harry, q rada grew up here on the coast. you can leave because imagine a life without bo bugs, all the trees in particular, the weight, i mean, fortune to rule for the music in the community. this stream is several 100 years old. it has spiritual significance for local people. if we have this out, um, if we have a lot of it, these will come on the mic progress on the above the sea as big as this one. it is one very important element. but as i said, symbol is the place where we communicate to go on main of the problems that we have been solved and the above up to of environmental activities. eltic, tulsa is on the mission to protect bob up trees for years using,
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fighting to ensure this device. the level 3 is one, see which other countries call it the tree of life. because one, the back of the tree. if many seen on the lives i use it for the fall and that is used to put everything on the tree is useful on something else. it has new edges on ages, which means it is very nutritional on, it is not like a genetically modified as hopefully tulsa is sure. that'd be a be exported. well, he says, the real problem is form is an investor's son involved, but cheese along the coast to make room for culture and construction. he regularly talks to people about the trees importance. they stole carbon dioxide and provide nutrients where a wide range of species, insects,
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and back thrive on the flowers while main keys to fruit. hence, the nickname won't keep bred, treat. farmer mcdonald knew that was the way of any of that. when he had several of his trees failed a or 2, not a good for somebody regret that we weren't told anything by the government. kindly, they don't inform us as follow up. i would watch a lot, all the benefits or the trees, you know, a, b, c, the. yeah. so that we can understand better abc the book i do watch wound on depending on the size. if sales tree comes such between the equivalent of 502-1100 euro's good money for a local phone, but a living tree can and the form of formal it's which contains a large range of vitamins and minerals in powder form. it's in high demand international, the super from the fruit cells, so popular in can you, betsy cods? what can you meet the teacher and sells them on the side that burns how?
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an equivalent of 69 euros per month, a considerable boost to have a teacher's salary of $200.00. you lose a little cooler level by food and also opportunity. as for earning money to me, i need to get done budget in the past. i don't think the little money that we are given for cutting down a tree cut in any way compared to the benefits we gain from it. you know, if i had done was it's not but in the old plus else like to see also visit schools and cubic feet to raise awareness of all the trees. i'm only giving people, he tells them about the significance with a new quote because the statement on choose how to present them correctly. when to have a community that understands bit about the environment, how community that most, that they can be able to make a living from environmental uh, fix the the do i see a full cost in planting 1000000 for trees and funded school thinking if you're
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going to what a future that oh schools indicate the county have foot or cherry. it's the number you shall store on which the activities is pursuing with determination. together with students, he's planted more than 200000 trees so far and all the very best to them with that project. the beautiful bell box is so worth preserving for future generations. that's it from us piece week. i am sandra the homes at 3. nobody you right to in complex uganda. and i have chris 11 say league goes like area, full stories, take out eco africa online. i mean, there is anything you want us to share, right to us at eco, a d, w dot com. thanks for watching. as see you all again, next time the,
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the dancing despite the 16 year old and you know, aspires to become a stop to live his dream. he sees his native ukraine to germany. can you just keep around on an international body competition puts his skills to the test in 15 minutes on the w. b. s paying g 6. sure electric
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is chinese model. vehicle delivers on design and more taken spin in this new entrance that shaking off the market with not just a surprise, but also in 90 minutes on d. w. the . sometimes it's hard to find what you're looking for but we've got something for you. this shadows, these pod costs and video shed lights on the dog is devastating. colonial har is infected by germany across up and he employed
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a squarespace farms and destroyed lights. what is the legacy of this wide spread races, depression? today, the screen we need to talk about here, the stories, shadows of german colonialism. january 2021. the attack on the united states capital. the idea of what you said, we had power, we should have power, power is being taken away from us. and by any means necessary, we can get a thousands of people to todds and among them. some of these manipulative voices are a former high ranking military leaders. why did us veterans turn their backs on democracy? and what does this mean for the upcoming next? the enemy within the july 12 on the
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this is dw news live from berlin, a barrage of russian missiles, reins down on ukraine and the deadliest attack in months. this is of off site. this is ukraine central. so there's also for all the most difficult cases. i'm sick, his children, one missile hitting a children's hospital in the capitol. keith landscapes called for an emergency meeting of the un security council. also coming up here as president joe biden writes to congressional democrats saying he's firmly committed to running for the president is still fighting for his political life.