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tv   Planet A  Deutsche Welle  July 9, 2024 8:15am-8:30am CEST

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a why aren't we flying it? electric plains. yeah. of course and get all the latest news information anytime you want on our website that dw dot com. i'm terry martin for me in all of us here at the w. and there's thanks for watching. the each tells my story of the people who planned me bill to get it case had been nice to me. i am not too dumb depending on my secrets. i have month to my cities, days for centuries, and accompanied my country through its finest hours until the days i'm nearly
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banished starts to lie 18 dw, of the best throughout the world. i have to find the southern. i flew in this electric plant whose journey you could argue started in 1883. that was the 1st electric aircraft that ever, or on the 20 us before the right products. along the line of funny and useful aircraft scheme, often including unmanned aerial vehicles in proteins and let the thoughts today. oh my god, this is the 1st flight of 510 to fly electric, and it was right. the dozens of projects around the world. and now figuring out how to finally make electric aviation reality and some of the speed of downright funky that convinced the time has come. some companies already settings tickets. the
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silent cheap to operate and potentially up to 90 percent more efficient than jets you with that across on a plans or just but as you can see here, it's really easy to get caught up and all the hype, they've never really worked at security before. so i'm in northeast and sweden to find out why we all know slang electric yet it won't surprise you to hear that how we fly today needs to change if you shouldn't mix up for around 3 percent of silverland missions and ok, that really doesn't sound so bad, but by 2050, that numbers projected to rise to over 8 times, but, and there are no real ways to fly pollution free. so it is, why are you what is the most promising solution? so a vision, pollution of biofuels, a more broadly sustainable aviation fuels they mostly made from non petroleum products like bio mass. so out again, you can basically just swap the fossil fuels and heal for biofuels or make a blend. but we need so much of with the scaling up is very hot,
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and the land could be used for other purposes like screwing food or fading far. and then there's also hydrogen that shrink on this, especially hydrogen made sustainably. a lot of the sides are being tested. electric plans are a 3rd option and they can make a really compelling case up here where we know we, we run off hydro power or wind power. so then a, consider we have is a sustainable renewable. so of course that's, that's the demo sustainable we can do right now. so the, for us, this is you and all the us going to of a, the issue and one of the only people flying airplanes. every day we did an a v as in school in sweden, where future pilots are being changed and flying electric plans. we, we want to sort of me the industry into something new and showing that it's possible to find new products with high quality and, and bought in a sustainable way. i mean, a song quite confident that it's going to happen. i mean,
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i feel confident in the way that i'm an electrical engineer as well as one major difference compared to maybe 10 years ago with stuff there is proper money being put into that's because if we get electric engine side we, when the efficiency game electric engine is going to be 3 times more efficient than those that he was supposed to the fields. and of course they don't degrade the equity during operation. the papers for the ballast, they fly here, it doesn't need much electricity. it takes around an hour and a half to charge on which has been slide 45 minutes. but the result of 30 percent patchy is mostly used for pilot training. a private key. she left the airport has a one mega what charging station, which is enough to judge a small fleet of electric plans at the same time. so i get faster to get in. so hoss 1st is easier i'm ready, correct. i've got the
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. 7 as fast this is a c but light plain, but it can only go to people with no hand luggage to go. any big o e plans are faced with a big problem. heavy batteries, even though they've been a lot of advancements and thought cheese, we actually haven't come that far. because successful for cause, roughly for an electric chevrolet boat to drive the distance a honda civic, good on a full deck with you was the battery would need to be 17 times heavier and cost to stay on the ground. so the width doesn't not have so much, but for a boeing 747 to fly from say, london to istanbul. batteries will need to be this much heavier than a full time. this just going to work, since this wouldn't be 10 times heavier than the heaviest payload ever lifted. when you're storing energy, you need a very high level of energy density. that's good, garry, how does the app, what's the program of the u. s. department of energy use national renewable energy
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lab and petroleum and petroleum related products or petroleum drive products like biofuels have a really high energy density when compared to the energy density of traditional fuel battery says very poorly coming in at only 2 percent. but conventional aircraft be flying today, i'll be this for jet fuel. it all started with a design off in the 1950s. they mean propeller plans the most popular at the time. and still by an end to it looks like this. the performance characteristics between those 2 aircraft where the turban was slightly faster, but it could go as far. and, you know, you've got marginal gains by doing that. and then 5 years later, they figured out for different sizes, for different configurations, all of a sudden it makes sense to use these because of now how like you can make a service over time, this though bye in or cuban wing design became vastly more efficient. okay? we know if the res,
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today's deadline has been almost 50 percent less fuel passenger kilometer, then they did 50 years old. but they have a better engines improve enter dynamics and a lot of other often invisible changes. but the thing is, this design has peaked in the way it's very hard to become more carbon efficient unless you squeeze even more people onto already very died plans. so governments and many of the industrial going back to the drawing board to redesign in another 1950 style design of it's a really very interesting time in that sense because things are up for grabs. again, this is done by a vision expert who looked at on the ground infrastructure to support the transition by working together with detroit. but we looked at 2 main modes of operation for doing that one, which was a battery charging system, so where the battery would remain fixed within the aircraft. you would plug it in as if you would like a normal device. you would just charge it. this would be the simplest way operationally speaking,
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but they also found the charging would waste precious time when calling edge traffic relies on a quick turn around fans, wood, okay, by limited space in the airport. and of course, the amount of power needed would take away significantly from the city's grid. the 2nd sort of mode of operation we looked at was a battery swapping system. and that would be way you would have pre charged x rays . and then when an across came in, you would remove the battery from the frame and then swap it with one that had already been pre charged. this would save space and time, but it would require a lot of specialization which we currently don't have anywhere. and it wouldn't be a big risk. meddling with an airframe is always dangerous. and there's also the major risk of files from holding so many batteries in one place. so of the 2 systems we, we favored the battery charging system. but we were very aware of the potential limitations, but that compose, so not easy. the now i mean you can find if
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you want. so what do i do if you want to know if it go down for just take 40, if you want to think back to this shows what the 1st plans to be certified. but this is another huge challenge. ition has compared to cause being certified for safety. so everything takes time for our indeed testing including for battery safety and the use long certification process . but this january the yorba in solomon bush for the idea of more e plans for shot and mid range flights. they just bought of a while ago to got 90 percent of emissions from transport by 2050. all right. thank you. all those crazy sit on the equity. okay. and the company that means that the district is now working on a full cedar plan and the already big ones, a plane called olive secretary, 9 passenger, the dooku members seems to be close to commercialization, promising to fly around $402.00 monitors. hot aerospace and sweden has
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a proof of concept aircraft that looks like 25 passengers up to 800 kilometers by 2026. when you look at, if you think about their existing cargo routes that used small aircraft, their existing communities, that their only connection is a, as a 9 cedar crap. unless they take a ferry for or 6 hours type of a situation. and those are real existing route that have to be either subsidized or paid for by by communities. this is the main application so far, and it is significant. in 2020, the us spent $326000000.00 to subsidize the costs of across to smaller apples. the don't see a profit ambulances at the axis and small cargo planes also need only smaller across the child has ordered 12 plants for low emissions postal deliveries, which can help local noise and quality too. but let's put this all in perspective with everything that electrification can do. now,
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based on current battery tech and operational challenges, a study by the international center on team aviation estimates. the electric aircraft called govern 9 percent of the coming to markets. that slides with more than 19 passengers and distances shorter than 500 kilometers. but this only accounts the 0.002 percent of globalization. by 2050, the estimated could be up to 0.2 percent, which is still small. what am i talking about? carbon emissions. but this is purely electric. we're talking about equals a house versions of hybrid. so you could have a series hybrid which is where essentially fuel is used to power an electric my to which then powers via craft. so you're using fuel to charge a battery, essentially, and then you also have local power, low hybrids, which is why you have the electric lights and the fuel source,
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so kerosene to hydrogen, boats being used for propulsion. i couldn't imagine this tiny plan getting much bigger in the next 2 years, but the hybrid argument really makes sense. the idea estimates that hybrids would be the next leap. navigation of the 2030 is the new designs, replacing the tube in wing. and this will contribute to a 40 percent reduction in emissions by 2050 long flights and most likely use bios deals with some parts of the teen electric side and some use of hydrogen. that proficient is a small step, but it gives hold for the potential of the diversity of technologies that we're going to need for the 0 to the plan and the future of plants. like that's the comments section below. come back. every fridays, the he can do anything from action, full size,
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direction and reduce the release way, does he get a sense of the race or how does he work from the manual? next on d, w the coming 0, same 6. 03 trans people. stories not kind items are just feed us conflict doors translating some he saw of interest shifts, no possession of the, the numbers you so much for the 1860 minutes on d w. the
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do you know, which should be c, industries has the highest c o 2 emission rates, which is good. concrete, transforming business to live is on to figure out what's the real new deal? just green, blushing, or in many countries, education is still a privilege. property is one of the main causes some young children walk in mind, trusts instead of going to class. others can attend classes, the minions of children, of the wills, collins going to school. we also want
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to just education makes the world the make up your own mind made for mines everything of the school every day. i still use it. i'm upstairs right now production design of planning well doing in 3 weeks time a cost very, very kathleen cash. we, well, the even hash, fortunately was you, you actually came stuff and such as the have a nice and said he wanted to talk to. they said that in those days when people who said whose higher support this great hardy would direct to begin his career working on tv programs as the bbc in britain at the age of 20.