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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 9, 2024 9:00am-9:31am CEST

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the, the, this is the, the, the news coming to lie from berlin, searching for survivors rest 2 years in chief work through the nights at ukraine's largest children's hospital damaged in a wave of rush and strikes. sparking international condiments also coming up nato cheap young stalls and throws the 1st pitch at a baseball game. we will the alliances washington summit to be a home run real fast, the foreign minister of new member, finland, and french lawmakers arrive at the national assembly where they faced the task of trying to find a workable coalition. just days after voters kept the far right out of town,
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the hello, i'm terry morris, and good heavy with us. less than a day after russia cause outrage with a missile attack on ukraine's biggest children's hospital reports are coming in that president. so lensky has made good on his file to retaliate. images on social media, show russian oil and energy sites and flames. while the russian defense industry says drones were launched against targets in the south, claiming to shut down many of them. on monday, russia launched its most severe attacks against ukrainian cities in months killing at least 37 people. what you're seeing is a russian miss. so the explosion came from ukraine's largest children's hospital and faces the aftermath. the doctors, nurses,
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volunteers, and emergency services searched for victims a terrifying ordeal for survivors. the sure with these white children, for some reason we always thought that the hospital was protected. we were a 100 percent sure that they would not hit here and it turned out it turned out the way it turned out. just put a note to we managed to get most patients out safely. except for those who were most el desk, we stayed with them during the strikes and in the aftermath of the patients were forced to evacuate the hospital after at last water, oxygen and electricity keeps. mayer said the sold was one of the worst since russia
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launched its full scale invasion of ukraine. over 2 years ago, genocide population, the brain is right now the whole world see how russian visuals and gimmick as the drums cubes are you great in citizens? presidents a lot of mirrors, the landscape said to more than 40 minutes. so i was targeted 5 ukrainian cities, the by raj, struck apartment buildings and public infrastructure. ukraine says intercepted 30 minutes of russia has denied targeting the hospital saying it was hated by fragments of the ukrainian air defense me. so speaking in poland, where he was signing a security deal. so landscape dismissed amongst codes. denial was, is that a c a should that you've certain knowledge, we're already seeing reports in scope at the ukrainian air defenses. disclaimed, but it wasn't distracted by russia. see, i've got you can see my screen, send me a key. i'm grateful to all the ukrainians who started posting videos,
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where you can see the not part of a missile changed, right? but instead that it was a direct missile strike that injured and killed many people in ukraine today. not on the day of a greenish landscape also valued retaliation. the un security council said it will meet to discuss the attacks. the rules are likely to feature highly on the agenda and a nato summit in washington on tuesday. the ukrainian president is expected to attend and to make another plea for more support. the rest of the workers had been digging through the rubble of the children's hospital since the attack. earlier i asked the w corresponding to conway, if there were any further signs of survivors. terry, there was a report. overnights of a young boy who was found the rebel dead so far, no good news since we were there last night. and it is incredibly difficult work,
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very, very heavy concrete slabs that are basically have to be drilled through to get to what is believe to be the seller underneath that unit to the hospital where people leave to be in sheltering periods. it was incredibly difficult to tell us quite how many people they should be looking for at this point, because this was the right people have 5 or 10 minutes maximum to get safety. so no one really knows who went where at and which potential got every felt that they were in overall we have those figures some yesterday 27 people believe that killed in kid alone. more than a 100 wounded. those figures expect still to rise. so it is a pre symbol of morning here in cuba, day of morning concerts, any other kind of entertainment at these bands for today. and people, what's getting pretty painfully aware of what happened or what they all even hear in you guys capital. the place that is best protected in all of the country is following the wave of russian attacks on ukraine. nick ukraine's president to was
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lensky. he pro us retaliation. what more can you tell us about that? so we had a message, there was a post by ukraine's internal securities. this bill, which also has been carrying out of reasons in russia since the beginning of this war, saying very clearly they knew not only you had carried out these attacks, were things pilot, some, the cruise program, the cruise themselves, but also the people with the responsibility for giving these come on people further up at the food chain as well within the rest and that you, they knew the names and where they live. we have seen attacks and the success of nations, of people on russian territory. those for now allows the be ukrainians, have then going to collaborate with the rest of the site and going to live in russia, but also russian ministry. a personnel have been shots, infestation, various ways or russian territory. so that is expectations going forward. that
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might be something that you crime would try to do, and certainly a message to try and intimidate airlines at russian crews, at crews, and also to kind of support stuff that ukraine like russia is pretty good at projecting power behind the front lines. they have lots of people who are russians, who said at ukrainian accessible who lived in russia, who i have a provide information. so they are trying to really make it clear that this has a cost, and that this is not something that we brain is simply going to move on from and forget. the russian strikes came on the eve of nato summit in the us, nick ukraine's president. is due to attend that summit. you do the attacks lend wait to blow them. is the lens these appeal for more allied support as well. for me you can expect that there is this kind of depressing. can see that it takes pictures of the mega to and of the kind of awfulness of what we saw yesterday as, as soon as possible to really move the sections and to accelerate decision making
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inc and west and government bureaucracies. as the posts from we had a ministers from the netherlands who are providing patriots back thoughts. and most of those 16 jet cities granted desperately need for success. suit themselves, saying they were doubled down to that. if it's to send things foster, we had american governments, folks, people say that would be a clear signal. a kind of response from washington at to putting off to yesterday's attacks will be no change in the position to find out the fraser nearly allowed to use us weapons against russian territory in a kind of 100 settlements afford a strip not allowed to use us side weapons to attack, for instance, russian feels that he used to load stacks on grains that still disappointment from ukraine. but hope hear that. now slowly, this country is going to get more of those pictures. systems that approve so important in defending your brain cities, but which we have currently very have a handful of them, which means when they do shoot themselves and shooting themselves over cities and
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deputies pulling on people's heads. great, thanks those people going about the big. thank you very much, our correspondent and kindly there in key. it's been 75 years now since the us, canada and western european countries forged in alliance to defend themselves against the soviet union during the cold war. today, native leaders are set to meet in washington at the summit that will be more than the birthday celebration as they faced the question of how to deal with russian expansion isn't the. the use in this poll reports, or nato was created on a promise to us and best in europe would defend each other as they would defend themselves, their common enemies in this subject union. also, the end of the cold war, the west seemed to have one blood rushed us invasion of ukraine. more than 2 years ago changed everything. nato suddenly became relevant again and its future is now in the political spot. when he does for
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a member of the countries comma in washington, it's not just for a birthday party and the celebration of its recent expansion to 32 members states and also discuss changes already taken in those still necessary. the response of restaurants invasion to ukraine. that'd be anxious to be looking at america's future engagement. and that would be also looking beyond your nato's increased presence in the in the pacific region is designed to defend democracy and protect the region crucial to the global economy. but some say this increase presence will not be welcome. i think nato and his member states and other european institutions do suffer from a charges of double standards, a popular c when it comes to a universalizing. their mission. and the feeling in many parts of the global south is that uh, the standards only apply when your pin security or need to interest started steak,
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but are convenient. the set aside when other country share similar concerns about things happening in their regions and their countries. considering the many conflicts, owens in which nato is engaged, it's likely to need more money. that makes the question of how american support will look in the future even more important. somewhere asking, even if the united states government keeps paying money, will they continue paying attention? nothing is doubtful, i'm very godless of who the next president of the united states is. i think the goddess of both related to let you into he or she has. the americans might focus more on the end of the pacific and for reasons involving china and other factors. and then if they do that, it's not so that they will be able to maintain that engagement in europe, to the same extent as our prospects even if we have seen then of like died. and if that's the case, if that happens, then we must prepare ourselves or that is the challenge. we must collectively face
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and you're on the phone with them, with the minds of an old bush day and the prospect of a 2nd. donald trump presidency puts a shadow over all of this. well, i think trump will cause nato severe difficulties, even if he doesn't withdrawal, although i think it's more likely he will withdraw. outwardly, the summit will celebrate nato's 75 year success story. delegates will be wrestling with many sensors pressed for more now on the nato summit and trans atlantic security were joined by lena balance on it. and she's finland's minister for foreign affairs. thanks so much for being with us today. just about told me that you are heading to the nato summit in washington representing one of the lines as newest members. what are finland's objectives for the summer? a oh jack, dave is clear. yeah. we uh,
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we need to focus on increased defense and to terrance capabilities of nato, and we all stopped is find that so many more men the countries have now committed themselves to the 2 sense. um, uh um, well the criteria, nato of defense spending, se mendez as well as above as well. and of course we need to stand unified also in no age and commitment for you create your country. finland shares huge border with russia, which has invaded one of its other neighbors, ukraine, and deeply resent spend lynn joining nato. what's his beta membership mean for your country in this situation? nato membership means that we are now in the family, in which we belong to. in, in the pos payment has always invested very heavily into its own defense that also into defense corporation with the,
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with the closest neighbors. and also asked the european union member or asked and the european union member, we of course, have relied also under the lisbon tree g and the solely diversity within that. but now that the russia bridge lead agents invaded ukraine, seems realized that perhaps the existing arrangements on enough, after all, so we decided together with sweden, which was also very important for us to apply for need to membership. and we have started, happy got to, oh, so sweet and now has become a member. so joining nato strengthens finland's defense posture. what role is finland playing in strengthening nato's eastern flag as well? you know, um for us uh, it's always been a strong commitment that we uh, we are there to protect and northern frank of such
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a need to all of us. and now now that the all countries, i'm the, the baltic sea course and not not russian accounting in our members of, of nature. we are much strong that you get that also. so it's also we are also in the north and feeling to them as i said, well, we have always taken now security very seriously unhappy invested into our defense . also in the past, say 2 decades where many countries thought that perhaps it was not so necessary anymore. so we, for instance, never, never gave up for back when scription based on me, which means that these days we actually have one of the strongest rest of us based on these, in, in europe. not just in relative terms, but also in absolute terms. and of course, the fins are very committed not only to defending down country, but also the entire ally ends. in the most recent polls, i'm almost 80 percent of fame say that if need be,
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they are willing and able to defend also an allied country, not just themselves, which puts us as that the highest highest ranking. so i'd say what comes to the willingness to differential country and probably it has to do with the proximity of, of the russian border that we truly know what it takes to protect our values. because behind the border, unfortunately, life looks very different. now, feeling strongly supports ukraine, joining nato as well. we, as we mentioned, there's this ongoing invasion by russia and ukraine. what needs to happen for you? crane to become a member? what is most crucial now is that we keep on aging to craning the short to medium to ask massively as we, as we and we can for the long term. but we have already already committed on bilateral tense and also asked the european union as nato for an integrated
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security. and that will mean that in the future, you're crazy for frightful place is it to nato. it is very important that we all of us in the west, and we do realize that the french from russia is not no longer something which is potentially put potentially lingering in the future. but it's right there and, and russia is actually pressing all of us as we speak with hybrid and cyber attacks . us, we have experience all around europe and also in the united states and canada. so basically, and we have to take this provide very, very seriously, it gets right there. and the best way to tackle the threat is now to keep, keep bathing the cray as a new nato remember country and one that does share that huge border with russia.
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how are you looking at the upcoming us selection? how concerned are you about the prospect of donald trump returning to the presidency that could happen as well? you know, i don't have the right to vote in the united states and idle respect, the rightful outcome of any free election in a democracy like the united states. we in europe, we only have to concentrate on those issues where we can have an influence on. and that certainly is that we more strongly than ever was told that the nearby that we invest in china and defense and to tear and speakers that probably makes us also a strong partner and an ally also for the united states of the future. independent of the election outcome of this selection on the, on the elections to call elena val toner and finland's minister for foreign affairs . thank you so much for talking with us today. thank you so much.
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take a look at a few other stories making headlines around the world today. several people have been reported dead in texas after hurricane beryl land made landfall in the us early on monday. millions of homes have been left without power and official say it could take days to fully restore supply barrel has now been downgraded to a tropical storm to russian president vladimir 15 has welcomed india is prime minister in the red remote e for an informal dinner at a suburban residence near moscow, india has become a key trading partner in buyer of russian oil since the west increased sanctions on the kremlin. the 2 leaders are due to hold official talks on tuesday. thousands of people have begun marching towards its revenue in eastern bosnia to mark the 1995 genocide. the annual march covers a 100 kilometer root from the village of nazareth where the 1st survivors arrived. days after the massacre,
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bosnian serb forces killed $8000.00 most on men and boys after capturing the un protected, unclear now to the us and present joe biden has insisted once again that he intends to stay in the presidential race. despite concerns about his mental capacity and a letter to fellow democrats in congress, he said he would not be running if he didn't think he was quote, the best person to be donald trump. by and ask them to stop speculating over his future, arguing it only benefits his competitor and most, some democrats have called on the president to step aside after his disasters, debate performance last month. so we'll press the button, be able to silence the critics within his own party. we ask jonathan why they're a political scientist, professor at the university of north carolina at chapel hill when president biden has gone for him, is he is the presumptive nominee not to mention the setting?
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presently, united states is 199 percent of the delegates to the upcoming democratic national convention. and it's going to be very difficult to unseat him from the nomination if he does not want to be on say that. on the other hand, if the news coverage in the united states focus is almost exclusively is on his part on his cognitive capacity over the next several weeks. and it's going to create what i think will be an essentially a untenable situation for his re election camp. now let's get on out on the follow up from those the parliamentary elections in france that just took place a newly elected lawmakers there have held the 1st round of talks on forming a new government. following the indecisive result, they've met the french national assembly in paris to start the process that is expected to take weeks or even months. no party gone to majority of seats and
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sundays, but, but the left wing new popular front alliance did with the largest number of seats. the at the immigration national rally party came 3rd and president, my call and center as coalition finished 2nd skidmore on this. now with our correspondence, sonya public a in paris and christine what was in brussels. sonya forming a government could be difficult under these circumstances. do we have any idea who princes next prime minister will be? or it's still not clear to told who will run from the bottom to elections have just ended. and the 1st session to follow me it would be help lead to this month on july 18th. but you know, the key word here is really is instability, something the purpose of my call is very keen to avoid. he's off the prime minister gabriela todd who attended his resignation. he's awesome to stay on in the can't take roll. this is also about ensuring that the high profile olympic games of virus,
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the set to host the to this month, and that goes all smoothly. there are some concerns of political deadlock in virus could send the wrong signal, you know, could, could really undermine fonts. is image at the time when a thousands of athletes and millions of visitors would be defending on the french capital and along with the car department and stuff. the car and cabinet will also stay in place temporarily handled the day to day affairs though. of course, all the pharmacy decisions are, are now and nights christine in brussels, many are predicting a period of political paralysis in france, which is one of your ups most powerful countries. what are the implications of this for the you a well, terry, given that in the french political system, the president has the say of a message pertaining to foreign policy and security affairs. we can expect the degree of continuity in that sense with emanuel crohn at still at the home as
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president in france until the end of his term in, in 2027. but i think a more interesting development that we've, that just had here in brussels just yesterday. and the national riley announced that they will be joining the gear in 5 minutes to get to all bonds group in the european parliament. this is a new group that now becomes the 3rd biggest block in, in the european parliament behind the conservatism of the social democrats. and this is now a major political force. and we're also still, you know, sort of coming out of that recent election, which has shifted the parliament ever so slightly more to, to the right. so to say, we know that the patriots, the europe, as this new group is called, is severely opposed to centralizing power in brussels. they want more pallets the nation states. they will be field and candidates now for certain positions. in the previous years, we've seen the mainstream policies sort of come together and not endorsed those
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candidates, but children blood tell us who is the leader of this new group now has said that they will be insisting that they are allowed certain positions and certain posts, given the fact that they represent millions of of, of, of, of views and people in the european union. so we will certainly see that manifesting at the european parliament level. sonya given the mccullin's party has lost so many seats in parliament, isn't his decision making power going to be much more limited? now, one of the best of my calls certainly images from the snap elections considerably. we could a given that has sent us the lines of the set of law seats involvement experts here have said that my goal is, you know, already we can authority ability to shape policy, wouldn't be diminished. i think one concern here is that my call was now be distracted by domestic troubles at home, may not be able to focus so much on foreign policy and i know your up, you know,
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phase. and that is also concerned about the kind of government that might emerge from this kind of fractured french parliament. how stable that could be. we could also likely have a problem with the stove from a different political party than microns here, potentially from the let's bring the lines the new popular front, which one the selection. if that's what will happen, that would be concerns. i think about money about francis already ballooning budget deficit. since that puppies program involves a lot of public spending, but i think they wouldn't really be concerns about foreign policy. my chrome would still have a free hand. they're also because the new popular front is pro your group is very supportive of ukraine in, in resisting you know, the russian invasion these of course, the 2 main pillows of, of my cult fucking bumps. sonya, thank you so much chuck correspondence. sonya found that go there in paris and christine was in brussels, thanks to bother you. or you are watching dw news coming to you live from burle it up. next, we've got
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a documentary for you about 3 generations of one family who all identified as transgender, of course, and get all the latest news information anytime you want on our website and t, w. call. terry martin, thanks for watching the,
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the coming 0 same 6. 03 trans people. stories kind items are just feed us complex stores transaction here. so if i just chip possession of the, the numbers you over to the next a on d, w eco, africa. the river is really easy in uganda is under threat. sand mining,
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water contamination and plastic waste of destroying the symposium voltage so that communities are taking steps to protect the ecosystem, piece of material he has ideas on here. we're bringing people off for us. so i need to use that before that in 60 minutes on dw, the january 2021. the attack on the united states capital, you're coming idea what you said. we had power, we should have. our power is being taken away from us. and by any means necessary, we can get thousands of people to talk among them. some of these manipulative voices are formal,
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high ranking military leaders. why did us veterans turn their backs on democracy? and what does this mean for the upcoming next? the enemy within the to lie 12 on the so fee was born in the body of a boy, but the gender she was assigned to earth never felt right. as i started feeling something was wrong as a child and the human that got much was and keep it takes 3. and then once i left home, i made the decision times the fee. now spend the old name their number cuz they have to get the best man. we're accompanying the 13 year old on her journey to her new self look, almost 16 is trans. he experienced diverse reactions when he 1st came out from
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