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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 9, 2024 10:00am-10:31am CEST

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the the, this is the, the news coming to live from berlin. searching for survivors rest here is in chief work through the night to ukraine's largest children's hospital damaged in a wave of russian strikes that have sports international condemnation. coming up, also coming up a nato chief ins stop back, throws the 1st pitch out a baseball game. will the alliance is washington summit, via homerun, will cost for administer of new member finland. and its been 5 years now since phone call is pro democracy protests led to a wave of abreast our correspondence needs to former dissidents whose lives are
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still being affect the hello i'm terry martin. thanks for joining us. last of the day after russia cost outrage with a missile attack on ukraine's biggest children's hospital reports are coming in that ukrainian president blog is a lensky, is made good on his bile to retaliate. images on social media, show russian oil and energy sites in flames. while the russian defense industry says drones were launched against targets in the south of russia, claiming to shut down many of them. on monday, russia a launched its most severe attacks against ukrainian cities and months killing. at least 37 people. what you're seeing is a russian me. so the explosion came from ukraine's largest children's
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hospital and faces the aftermath doctors, nurses, volunteers, and emergency services, searched for victims, a terrifying ordeal for survivors. the sure with these white children. for some reason, we always thought that the hospital was protected. we were a 100 percent sure that they would not hit here. and it turned out, it turned out the way it turned out to us. but we managed to get most patients out safely. can investigate except for those who were most el stuff. we stayed with alice during the strikes and in the aftermath of the patients were forced to evacuate the hospital after at last water, oxygen and electricity keeps. mayer said the sold was one of the worst since russia
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launched its full scale invasion of ukraine. over 2 years ago, genocide of population, the brain is right now the whole world see how russian visuals and gimmick as the drums cubes are you great in citizens. presidents a lot of mirrors, the landscape said to more than 40 minutes. so i was targeted 5 ukrainian cities, the by raj, struck apartment buildings and public infrastructure. ukraine says intercepted 30 minutes of russia has denied targeting the hospital saying it was hated by fragments of the ukrainian air defense me. so speaking in poland, where he was signing a security deal. so landscape dismissed at moscow. denial was, is that a c a? should that you've certain knowledge, we're already seeing reports that the ukrainian air defenses, the blame for it, but it wasn't distracted by russia. the judge and seem agreed. send me a key. i am grateful to all the ukrainians who started posting videos,
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where you can see the not part of a missile change, right? but instead that it was a direct missile strike that injured and killed many people in ukraine today. not on the day of of greenish award, this landscape also via retaliation. the un security council said it will meet to discuss the attacks. they're also likely to feature highly on the agenda as a nato summit in washington on tuesday. the ukrainian president is expected to attend and to make another play for more support. it's been 75 years now since the us, canada, and western european countries forced in alliance to defend themselves against the soviet union during the cold war. nato now includes $32.00 countries, among them, the newest members, finland, and sweden, and as nato's leaders gather in washington for a summit that will be more than
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a birthday celebration they. once again, faced the question of how to deal with russian expansion isn't the double use in those poll reports, nato was created on a promise to us and best in europe would defend each other as they would defend themselves. their common enemies in this subject union. also, the end of the cold war, the west seemed to have one blood rush house invasion of ukraine. more than 2 years ago, changed everything. nato suddenly became relevant again and its future is no political spot. when he does for a member of the country is governed washington, it's not just for a birthday party and the celebration of its recent expansion to $32.00 members states and also discuss changes already taken in those still necessary, the response of restaurants invasion to ukraine. that'd be anxious to be looking at america's future engagement. and that'll be also looking beyond your nato's
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increased presence in the in the pacific region is designed to defend democracy and protect the region crucial to the global economy. but some say this increase presence will not be welcome. i think nato and his member states and other european institutions do suffer from a charges of double standards hypocrisy when it comes to a universalizing. their mission. and the feeling in many parts of the global south is that uh, the standards only apply when your pin security or need to interests are at stake, but are convenient. the set aside when other country share similar concerns about things happening in their regions and their countries. considering the many conflicts, owens in which nato is engaged, it's likely to need more money. that makes the question of how american support
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will look in the future even more important summer, asking even if the united states government keeps paying money, will they continue paying attention without thinking stuff. i'm very godless of who the next president of the united states is. i think he called to support relating to let you into he or she has. the americans might focus more on the end of the pacific and for reasons involving china and other factors. and if they do that, it's not certain that they will be able to maintain that engagement in europe, to the same extent as our prospects. and that's the same then of like that, okay? and if that's the case, if that happens, then we must prepare ourselves for that is the challenge. we must collectively face and you're on the phone with them, with the minds of an old bush day and the prospect of a 2nd. donald trump presidency puts a shadow over all of this as well. i think trump will cause nato severe difficulties, even if he doesn't withdrawal, although i think it's more likely he will withdraw. outwardly,
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the summit will celebrate native 75 year success story. delegates will be wrestling with many sense of trust feeling, join nato just every year ago. and it's for an affairs minister, elena, by the toner, is heading to the somebody in washington just before leaving helsinki. she told me about finland's objectives for the summer. oh get them, it's clear. yeah. we uh, we need to focus on increased defense and to terrance capabilities of nato and we, our staff is find that so many more men the countries have now committed themselves to the 2 sense. um, uh, um, well the criteria, nato of defense spending statement is as well above as well. and of course we need to stand unified also in no age and commitment for you create your country. finland shares huge border with russia,
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which has invaded one of its southern neighbors, ukraine, and deeply resent spend when joining nato. what's his beta membership mean for your country in this situation? a major membership means that we are now in the family in which we belong to. in, in the past. payment has always invested very heavily into its own defense that also into defense corporation with the, with the closest neighbors. and also asked the european union men that were asked and the european union. and we of course, have relied also under lisben treaty and the solely deputies within that. but now that the russia bridge lead agents invaded ukraine, seems realized that perhaps the existing arrangements on enough, after all, so we decided together with sweden,
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which was also very important for us to apply for need to membership. and we have started happy got to l. so sweet and now has become a member. so joining nato strengthens finland's defense posture. what role is finland playing in strengthening nato's eastern flag as well? you know, um for us uh, it's always been a strong commitment that we uh we are there to protect and northern frank of so it's a need to all of us. and now now that the, all the countries of the, the baltic sea course and not not brush accounting in our members of, of nature, we are much strong that you get that also. so hopefully are also in the north and feeling to them, as i said, well, we have always taken now security very seriously unhappy invested into our defense . also in the past, say 2 decades where many countries thought that perhaps it was not so necessary
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anymore. so we, for instance, never, never gave awful back, was friction based on me, which means that these days we actually have one of the strongest rest of us based armies in, in europe. not just in relative terms, but also in absolute terms. and of course, the fins are very committed to know, donates are defending down function, but also the entire ally ends. in the most recent polls, i'm almost 80 percent of them say that if need be, they are willing and able to defend also an allied country, not just themselves, which puts us as that the highest highest ranking. so i'd say what comes to the willingness to differential country and probably it has to do with the proximity of, of the russian border that we truly know what it takes to protect our values. because behind the border, unfortunately, life looks very different. so it's been linds for administer elena about on
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speaking to me, a short while ago sketch up on a few other stories making headlines around the world today. several people have been reported that in texas after hurricane barrow made landfall in the us early on monday. millions of homes have been left without power and officials say it could take days to fully restore supplies. farrell has now been downgraded to a tropical storm. russian president vladimir protein has welcomed india's prime minister, never under moody for an informal dinner at a suburban residence near moscow. india has become a key trading partner and buyer of russian oil since the west increased sanctions on the kremlin. the 2 leaders are due to hold the official talks on tuesday. thousands of people have begun marching towards forever need so in eastern bosnia to mark the 1995 genocide there. the annual march covers a 100 kilometer route from the village of nest, where the 1st survivors arrived. days after the massacre,
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bosnian serb forces killed 8000 most of men and boys have for capturing the un protected in place. now it's been 5 years since that historic wave of pro democracy protests swept hong kong in response. beijing impose to sweeping national security law essentially, transforming every aspect of the city since then over 10000 people have been arrested for protests and security offences. many of them students, for those who have now been released many are finding the city is changed completely and now face barriers in their daily lives are correspond with. the conch has been to meet 2 young distance who are determined to stay in the city. despite the changed circumstances, long, etc, and sanchez of packing up the law is to be shipped out of hong kong. but they are not the ones leaving. china is increasing repression of civil liberties here has
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lost a huge exit this. so we will hold all, i'm know, since i've been in jail, most of my friends have left hong kong people who shared my values less visible. now that makes me feel uniform number of i'm still grieving while others are moving on. it's not the kind of work, say, or the pos with usually to, but most out of funds, not willing to hire them. this moving company keeps work to yell people, prosecute us. the protests relate to all political offences. one got fired on the 2nd day of his last job, which is false. claims on pressure from high up. the also says his bank accounts have been suspended and from time to time is followed as a failed. who would like to pay any? he's a very direct impact to the house of everyday life, perform a political prisoners in his era while let just living a normal life is already a huge challenge. i don't that to imagine my future with you right now. oh,
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nice are long and sam, what part of the huge pro democracy protest movement that makes mobile head lice? in 2019 vision was funded by posting the national security laws which gave the government's new powers to prosecute many kinds of descent. ones local in home comb, since the protest over 10000 people has been invested and that number is the following. officials regular say around 40 percent of those the rest it was students lifelong. and so this starts with a student next to this group after the demonstrations to code for continued resistance, but ended up in jail for around 2 years or conspiracy insights, obsession, and seems be released late last year. well, like many other oppositions that goes usually keeps a low profile. today is an exception. he's launching a new teacher friend at the pros, protests grocery store. many of his customers are active. this is all the,
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all the pricing is all, seems the less the bug, you know, i went to jail for sedition because i slapped into dissidents hearing. i am 70 years old. i don't care much about the price when i show up here i live because it's one little thing i can do to support the relief just to. 8 see how they call themselves? waltz launched a is the same day as hong kong implement a 2nd security. don't do anything descend even inside of that, despite the risk. well, in sam, have spoken out about the alleged abuse of young prisoners and for wong assign the t shirts. is a sup to way to share thoughts with the public. some of them half the spoken our homeland as they already have done. oh, a generation. what happened was a trauma that may not get here for the rest of our lives. we will go my lot for hong kong is painful. it still outweighs hatred, toyota, whatever bad situations we face, we can still have choices and create meaning. you know, i, there's,
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oh that's the less than i learned from my time in prison. i don't like for me. i want to walk along like those still suffering, hopefully. yeah. hold on football. they got dropped down in sam time to go back to university said they used to 3 mostly comedies social workers that political convictions with through that despite the hurdles, the choosing to stay and try to refuse to live in what many called the new hong kong of more i'm joined now by the w. c. b. com. who filed that report. your report ends with sam and wong, still living in hong kong and making plans for the future. does that mean the legal troubles are over? yes for now. um the legal comes out to infections uh for the previous national security open says for up to subbing about 2 years in jail. um, but the problem they face at the moment is that they are subject to some potential
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if they continue to speak out or if they continue. and a form of access is something that to be a little bit press key for them to continue to do so. because they already have criminal records, so if they are caught again, then maybe that will result in even heavier senses. but at the moment they're clear so much. do we know phoebe about the conditions, the political prisoners face in hong kong? well i've spoken to a couple of of former political prisoners who are uh, recently released from jail. um some of them told me that um they are isolated all separated from all the inmates in the 2 finale appraisals because they are far as he's out there. so you want to present them from him, so on the thing are the young person is in jail. um. so they have different treatments inside the prisons. but speaking about um the uh the the,
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the conditions inside the personal lease. um, of course in hong kong is they'll have. 5 bad us right, and then some have to mainland china. 7 but we are seeing science on hold for a t slowly like a sop things the trying to kind of like all of the policy, all of the handling meshes that we're seeing the mainland china, for example, a couple months ago with us. so some prominent facing is being made to, uh, uh, tv programs, uh so to 5 police and as on last media to i'm kind of confessed and expressed a remote to us to 2019 protests and the national security of trying to ask the public, an author this is not to commit symbol open says i'm saying that they have very requests for about what they see. so um that was something that mattress was seen in hong kong before, but only my with china,
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but now we're seeing similar things happening as well. and also seems the implementation of a lot of domestic set of national security and all of inmates regard related to the national security opens us. they are restrict her from of her role at the moment. what does political activism look like today in hong kong? does it even a, is it been effectively stamped out or has it gone overseas? well we have to say it's a very rare to see any kind of co test. now, because even if any organization or any of the visual i'll plan to call for the top like to to join this type of protest they may be was by police. i had a feedback, so some of them they just gave up like organizing symbol events because of the risk . so we're seeing more self toe and more interest unless festival,
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a form of activism that like just like we have reported and out in the story like, um, like people this signing to show a kind of access as of right now. but you're not gonna see like tens of 1000 not showing on the streets anymore in the near future and home home. but for those already in itself, we're seeing like all of them. uh, just rallying are on the street. so organizing protests, some homes homeless oversee, that also is trying to run for public office, say in taiwan or the u. k. in the reason in china, what you action we saw hong is trying to make some impact inside the political institution. tv. thank you very much. that was our correspondent, the coal in hong kong. so to friends and the fallout from that snap parliamentary election that was just held there, newly elected lawmakers have held a 1st round of talks on forming
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a new government. following the indecisive result, they met at the french special assembly in paris to started the process that's expected to take weeks or even months. no party got the majority of seats and sundays vote, but the left wing, new popular front lines did when the largest number of seats, the anti immigration national riley party came 3rd and present the con center as coalition finished 2nd skidmore on this. now with our correspondence, sonya follicle in paris and christine, what was in brussels, sonya performing a government could be difficult under these circumstances. do we have any idea who frances next prime minister will be? it's still not clear to told who will run from the bottom and 2 elections have just ended and the 1st session will fall and winter will be held later this month on july 18th. but, you know, the key word here is really is instability. something that president mccall is very
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keen to avoid. he's off the prime minister gabriella thought, who tended his resignation, is awesome to stay on in the can't take room. this is also about ensuring that the high profile olympic games of virus, the set to host the to this month, and that goes all smoothly. there are some concerns of political deadlock in virus could send the wrong signal, you know, could, could really undermine fonts. is image at the time when thousands of athletes and millions of visitors would be defending on the french capital. and along with the car department is still the current cabinet will also stay in place temporarily handling the day to day affairs. the of course, all pharmacy decisions are, are no nice christine in brussels. many are predicting a period of political paralysis in france, which is one of your ups most powerful countries. what are the implications of this for the you a well, terry, given that in the french political system, the president has the say of
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a message pertaining to foreign policy and security affairs. we can expect the degree of continuity in that sense with emanuel crohn at still at the home as president in france until the end of his term in, in 2027. but i think a more interesting development that we've just had here in brussels just yesterday . and the national riley announced that they will be joining the hon. gary in 5 minutes to victor. all bonds group in the european parliament. this is a new group that now becomes the biggest block in, in the european parliament behind the conservatism of the social democrats. and this is now a major political force. and we're also still, you know, sort of coming out of that recent election, which has shifted the parliament ever so slightly more to, to the right. so to say, we know that the patriots, the europe, as this new group is called, is severely or opposed to centralizing power in brussels. they want more pallets
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the nation states. they will be field and candidates now for, for certain positions. in the previous years, we've seen the mainstream policies sort of come together and not endorsed those candidates, but jordan blood tell us who is the leader of this new group now has said that they will be insisting that they are allowed certain positions and certain posts, given the fact that they represent millions of of, of, of, of views and people in the european union. so we will certainly see that manifesting at the european parliament level. sonya given that mccullin's party has lost so many seats in parliament, isn't his decision making power. going to be much more limited now, one of the best of them across certainly images from the snap elections considerably. we could a given that has sent us alliance of the set of law seats involvement experts here have said that my goal is, you know,
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already we can authority ability to shape policy, wouldn't be diminished. i think one concern sure is that my call was now be distracted by domestic troubles at home, may not be able to focus so much on foreign policy. and i know your pin affairs, and that is also concerned about the kind of government that might emerge from this kind of fractured french parliament. how stable that could be. we could also likely have a problem with the stove from a different political party than microns here. potentially from the link between the lines, the new popular front, which one the selection, if that's what will happen, that would be concerns. i think about money about francis already ballooning budget deficit. since that puppies program involves a lot of public spending, but i think they wouldn't really be concerns about foreign policy. my chrome would still have a free hand there. also because the new popular front is pro europe is very supportive of ukraine in, in resisting you know, the russian invasion these of course, the 2 main pillows of, of my calls fucking bumps. sonya, thank you so much correspondence. sonya found that go there in paris and christine
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was in brussels. thanks to both of you. you are watching the news coming up next are environment magazine, eco africa highlights the benefits of working with nature from being keepers and uganda to urban porridge. years in looked on terry martin, thanks for watching the
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eco. the business we easy in uganda is under threat. sand mining, water contamination and plastic waste of destroying this imposing voltage source. such communities are taking steps to protect the ecosystem. piece of material he has ideas. i'm here with bringing people off for us, so i need to i use it before that d, w e. let me see, make the phone call and tell you
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a little bit suspicious. is nato, the strongest defense alliance in the our own little self as lost confidence in the organization. is the 3 w said light on the reasons behind this would be the knocker. how did we get here? close out. in 45 minutes. on the dream of resolution in 1979, the hated dictated somoza was forced out of the people hoped for sarah's society and received international solidarity. i imagined we would change the world
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and for 1000 instead to help with reconstruction. but the end the dream of revolution does july 20th on d, w. the every day we use upline its resources from the air we breathe to the water would need to stay alive. so how can we save got those resources for tomorrow and leave will today? i am chris the lens in nigeria and you are watching eco offrey got and i am sandra co homes or 3. nobody will write to in uganda. we about to meet a range of people who are very passionate about improving their clinic.