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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 9, 2024 11:00am-11:16am CEST

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the, the, this is the, the, the news coming to live from berlin, searching for survivors. rescuers in chief work through the night, the ukraine's largest children's hospital damaged and a wave of russian strikes. sports international condemnation. also coming up, nature chief, he installed back, throws the 1st pitch at a baseball game in the us, but will the alliance is washington summit? p a homerun? pul, ask the foreign minister of new member of finland, the
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hello and cherry martin. good to have you with us. you had the security council as preparing to hold an emergency meeting a day after russia cost outrage with a missile attack on ukraine's biggest children's hospital ukraine's president. beloved them is the landscape called for the meeting. but since russia is a permanent member of the council, they can veto any condemnation. russian diplomats denied responsibility for the strike, which came as part of the largest wave of attacks against ukrainian cities in months. at least 37 people were killed. what you're seeing is a russian me. so the explosion came from ukraine's largest children's hospital and faces the aftermath doctors, nurses, volunteers, and emergency services, searched for victims, a terrifying ordeal for survivors.
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the sure with these white children. for some reason, we always thought that the hospital was protected. we were a 100 percent sure that they would not hit here. and it turned out, it turned out the way it turned out to us. but we managed to get most patients out safely. investigate except for those who were most ill. we stayed with them during the strikes, and in the aftermath of the patients were forced to evacuate the hospital after at last water, oxygen and electricity keeps. mayer said the sold was one of the worst since russia launched its full scale invasion of ukraine. over 2 years ago, genocide population, the brain is right now the whole world see how russian visuals and give me guys,
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the drums cubes, ukrainian citizens, presidents, a lot of mirrors, the landscape said to more than 40 minutes. so i was targeted 5 ukrainian cities, the by raj, struck apartment buildings and public infrastructure. ukraine says it's intercepted, 30 minutes of russia has denied targeting the hospital saying it was hated by fragments of the ukrainian air defense me. so speaking in poland, where he was signing a security deal, savanski dismissed at moscow. denial was, is that a c a should that you've certain knowledge? we're already seeing reports in scope with the ukrainian air defenses. the claims that it wasn't distracted by russia. see i've got you can see my screen, send me a key. i am grateful to all the ukrainians who started posting videos, where you can see the not part of a missile changed or i thought instead, but it was a direct mental strike that injured and killed many people in the ukraine today.
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modern the devil crane is showing this landscape also via retaliation. the un security council said it will meet to discuss the attacks. the roles are likely to feature highly on the agenda de nato summit in washington on tuesday. the ukrainian president is expected to attend and to make another plea for more support. so will these latest russian attacks lend way to presence? lensky is appeal for more allied support as he heads to that nato. somebody washington? here's dw corresponded nick connelly in chief as well. for me you can expect that there is this kind of depressing. can see that it takes pictures of the mega to and of the kind of awfulness of what we saw yesterday at the children's hospital to really move the sections and to accelerate decision making in west and government bureaucracies. as there were posts from, we had a ministers from the netherlands who are providing patriots back thoughts. and all
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of those 60 and jet city, your grandson desperately need closer to suit themselves, saying they would double down with if it's to send things foster we had american governments, folks, people say that would be a clear signal, a kind of response from washington at 2 points in off that yes, there's a tax, will be no change in the position to find out the fraser nearly allowed to use us weapons against russian territory in that kind of 100 settlements afford a strip not allowed to use us abroad. weapons to attack, for instance, russian seals that are used to lots, texting grains, that still disappointment from ukraine. but hope hear that. now slowly, this country is going to get more of those pictures. systems that approve so important in defending your brain cities, but which we are currently very have a handful of them, which means when they do shoot themselves and shooting themselves over cities and deputies pulling on people's heads. great, thanks those people going about the big. thank you very much, shar correspondent and kindly there in t. well, as we heard,
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native leaders are gathering in washington for a summit that will include the alliances, newest members, finland, and sweden will hear from the finish. foreign minister in a moment, but 1st dw in this paul takes a look at how the alliance has evolved, or nato was created on a promise to us and best on europe would defend each other as they would defend themselves, their common enemies in this subject union also, the end of the cold war, the west seemed to have one blood rushed us invasion of ukraine. more than 2 years ago changed everything. nato suddenly became relevant again and its future is now in the political spot. when he does for a member of the countries comma in washington, it's not just for a birthday party and the celebration of its recent expansion to so to, to member states and also discuss changes already taken in those still necessary.
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the response of restaurants invasion to ukraine, that'd be anxious to be looking at america's future engagement. and that'll be also looking beyond your nato's increased presence in the in the pacific region is designed to defend democracy and protect the region crucial to the global economy. but some say this increase presence will not be welcome. i think nato and his member states and other european institutions do suffer from a charges of double standards hypocrisy when it comes to a universalizing. their mission. and the feeling in many parts of the global south is that uh, the standards only apply when your insecurity or need to interest started stake. but are convenient fee set aside when other country share similar concerns about things happening in their regions and their countries. considering the many conflicts, owens in which nato is engaged,
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it's likely to need more money. that makes the question of how american support will look in the future even more important the summer asking, even if the united states government keeps paying money, will they continue paying attention? nothing is deaf. i'm very godless of who the next president of the united states is . i think i'll just the voice political agenda. he or she has. the americans might focus more on the end of the pacific and for reasons involving china and other factors. and then if they do that, it's not so that they will be able to maintain that engagement in europe to the same extent as our prospects. and that's the same that effect. and if that's the case, if that happens, then we must prepare ourselves for it. that is the challenge. we must collectively face and you're on the phone with them as who wants to minds. i'm an old punched day and the prospect of a 2nd, donald trump presidency, puts a shadow over all of this. well, i think trump will cause nato severe difficulties,
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even if he doesn't withdrawal, although i think it's more likely he will withdraw. outwardly, the summit will celebrate and they do 75 year success story. delegates will be wrestling with many sensors. first, fealand join nato just over a year ago. and it's for an affairs minister, elena, by the toner, is heading to the summit in washington. but before taking off, she told me about finland objectives. how does the gallery or oh jack, there is clear. yeah, we, uh, we need to focus on increased defense and to terrence capabilities of nato, and we all stopped is find that so many more in the countries have now committed themselves to the 2 sense. um, uh, um, well, the criteria nato of defense spending statement is as well above as well. and of course, we need to stand unified also in no age and commitment for your credit. your
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country, finland shares a huge border with russia, which has invaded one of the southern neighbors ukraine and deeply resent spend when joining nato. what's his date of membership mean for your country in this situation? with membership means that we are now in the family in which we belong to in, in the past. payment has always invested very heavily into its own defense that also into defense corporation with the, with the closest neighbors. and also asked the european union member or asked and the european union. and we of course, have relied also under lisben tree g and the solely deputies within that. but now that the russia bridge lead agents invaded ukraine, seems realized that perhaps the existing arrangements on enough, after all,
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so we decided together with sweden, which was also very important for us to apply for need to membership. and we have started, happy got to, oh, so sweet and now has become a member. so joining nato strengthens feelings, defense posture. what role is finland playing in strengthening nato's eastern flag as well? you know, um for us uh, it's always being a strong commitment that we uh, we are there to protect a northern flank of so it's a need to all of us. and now, now that the old countries, i'm see the baltic sea course and not, not russia, accounting in our members of, of nature. we have much told me that you get that also. so also you're also in the north and feeling them as i said, well, we have always taken now security very seriously unhappy message into our defense.
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also in the past say 2 decades where many cartridge thought that perhaps it was not so necessary anymore. so we, for instance, never, never gave awful back when scription based on me, which means that these days we actually have one of the strongest rest of us based on using in europe. not just in relative terms, but also in absolute terms. and of course, the fins are very committed to no domains or defending down function, but also the entire ally ends. in the most recent polls, i'm almost 80 percent of fame say that if needs be, they are willing and able to defend also an allied country, not just themselves, which puts us at that the highest highest ranking. so i'd say what comes to the willingness to differential country and probably it has to do with the proximity of, of the russian border that we truly know what it takes to protect our values,
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big just behind the border. unfortunately, life looks very different. that has been wounds foreign affairs minister, elena, by the tone and speaking to me a little earlier. take a look at a few other stories making headlines around the world today. several people have been reported dead in texas after hurricane barrow made landfall in the united states early on monday. millions of homes have been left without power and official say it could take days to fully restore supplies. barrow has now been downgraded to a tropical storm. the russian president vladimir protein has welcomed india is prime minister and a rand remote e for an informal dinner that is suburban residents near moscow. india has become a key trading partner and buyer of russian oil. since the west increased sanctions on the kremlin. the 2 leaders are due to hold official talks on tuesday. open ale is expected to block users in china from accessing its tools and services
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from today. us tech firm has accused john of using as language models to create content and influencing social media sentiment. the move has sparked a rush along chinese, a i companies to attract for open a i, users. it's thousands of people have begun marching towards the scrubber needs so in eastern bosnia to mark the 1995 genocide. their annual march covers of 100 kilometer root from the village of nasal, where the 1st survivors arrive. days after the massacre, bosnian serb forces killed $8000.00 most of men and boys after capturing the un, protected on play. for watching dw news, just a reminder of the top story we're following for you this our, the un security council is preparing to hold an emergency meeting, as rescuers and key search for survivors following a russian attack on ukraine's largest children's hospital. on monday,
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russia launch the wave of missiles against ukrainian cities killing at least 37 people. a mixed close up takes a look at how countries and african agent view nato today. and terry martin, thanks for watching. the my name is the calls back, said loud. thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do that. it's all about saying it loud match. would it be nosy bay? like good. everyone to king. check out the award winning called. com. so hold back .