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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 9, 2024 1:00pm-1:30pm CEST

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the, the, this is the w news lived from the ukraine cold for a un security council emergency meeting officer, a missile attack on a keep children's hospital spots international condemnation. the un says it is highly likely that it was a russian direct strike. but the kremlin is denying responsibility also coming up on the program, the hon. gary and prime minister of it to all bon leaves, beijing and the head, to the nato summit in washington and what he calls a piece mission. so you crane that off to cosy me, things would be russian and chinese lead has many allies, all skiing inside is the actually on the us. president turbine will host that
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to summit and use is a less such a democrats to hit back on new claims over his mental fitness. he says he's committed to running in november presidential campaign to spike coals. to step aside clos, it's been 5 years since hong kong this pro democracy protest fled to away. the rest of correspondence needs to form a dissidence his lives of still being affected today, the money keeps making a very well welcome to the program. the un security council is preparing to hold an emergency meeting and responds to a russian missile attack on ukraine's biggest children's hospital. russian diplomats have denied responsibility for the striking key, which came as possible are just waves of attacks against ukrainian cities in months
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. at least 37 people have been killed across the country. now since then, that's been several drone attacks in the south west of russia. images on social media show russian oil and, and the g sites in flames. and some more, i'm joined now by military analyst, marina moran from kings college london get to see marina. and now the kremlin is claiming of course, the children's hospital. and he was hit by fragments of the ukrainian defense missile, the un and the training and secret service. on the other hand, say it was a russian messiah messiah. what, what more can you tell us about this day? i'm? it's a difficult situation because this is not the 1st time that we're seeing attack flights as during the war. but the problem is there needs to be a proper investigation of what exactly happened. and i know there was
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a proclivity right now to, to believes that russia did indeed, was behind the strike. what is the degree of culpability? is it russia has? so that's something that needs to be investigated by a neutral team. and i believe this goes for any work, regardless of whether we're talking about the stroke us out or the we're talking about ukraine and russia because you are in your life, this the risk a high risk for civilians. and therefore, the international community should take all possible mattress in order to protect those civilians. and of course, to prosecute souls responsible for such strikes, especially if these strikes are intended. because that could have been the malfunction, there could have been fragments. there are different possible scenarios, so the 1st step is to actually investigate exactly what happened and the footage that we have seen. and unfortunately not enough to make any conclusive conclusive
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points of view in terms of the facts on the ground. and then there should be legal steps taken in order to prevent these crime from happening. and of course, international community should be thinking about a possible support to keep them when it comes to arrow defenses. because it clearly shows that the key of doesn't have the amount of fear of defenses that it's thought it did. how this attack comes just before the nato summit, you've made very clear that there's been no investigation yet. but how significant is the timing of this attack if it was a russian attack as well, we know it was a russian attack on several cities. we just do not know if it was deliberately targeting civilian targets or if it was. busy after military targets site,
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in order to be able to analyze what the russian purpose here is, we need to know exactly what happened, what was the actual target, what was the russian general staff thinking what it wasn't trying to demonstrate it was that attack, that being said, targeting civilians or a civilian target specific with hospitals would not benefit the kremlin. and i think we're having some technical issues and i'm afraid we're gonna have to marine, i think we've got some technical issues. i think we're going to have to end it there. i'm afraid because we couldn't hear what was saying, but marina marilyn from king's college london, thank you so much for now to the us. now when the president go by and has insisted once again that he does intend to stay in the presidential race, despite concerns about his mental capacity, he's now received some unexpected support from germany's trunk. flo will upshaw
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it's, he says he is not worried about the american president mental ability. some members of biden's democratic policy, however, have asked him to step aside after disastrous debate performance against donald trump last month for defiant, president biden on the campaign trail. been doing this a long time and i honest to god have never been more optimistic about america's future. if we stick together, i really made it around 2 weeks after a poor debate performance sparked calls for him to step aside as the democratic presidential candidate bite and is on a mission to prove you still got what it takes, all the doubts about his mental and physical health persist, right? no recent headlines haven't helped reports in the new york post and the new york times showed that a specialist on parkinson's disease, a neurological disorder visited the white house 8 times in 8 months. when asked to
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clarify, spokesperson to reading john pierre got into a heated exchange with the journalists. but the president, i can tell you, has seen and are all just 3 times as it's connected to the uh, to a physical that he gets every year that we provide to the uh, wait, wait, wait, wait, i am released once in regard. i just, wait, hold on a 2nd. wait, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, wait a minute. cool. ed. please. little respect here, please. well, i can tell you this just going back to perkins for a little bit. so to give you some answers here, has the president being treated for parking says no, is he being treated for parkinson's? no, he's not. is he taking medication for parking says no. so those are the things that i can give you, full blown answers on, but i'm not going to don't, i'm not going to confirm a specialist. any specialist that comes to come to comes to the way us out in
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a statement, the white house position. so the president has not seen a neurologist outside of his annual physical review. and joe biden has shown no symptoms of parkinson's disease. but for many, a diagnosis is not necessary. according to reports, half a dozen top democrats in the house of representatives said in a private phone call on sunday, the biden should drop out and let another candidate face down republican presidential nominees, donald trump in november's election on monday, biden said that's not happening. he wrote a letter to congressional democrats, claiming she's the man to be donald trump as bite and support fragments. his confidence it seems, is still very much intact that i'm doing now by german american political sciences, catherine flu. the ashbrook who's the executive, vice president of the baptism and foundation joins me from here in berlin. good. see catherine. so we had the bite and says he is the man to beat donald trump. do you think biting this still with democrats?
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best johnson victoria november's election. well, i mean, it matters little what this motor thinks about. uh, president binds chances of meeting donald trump. what matters is whether the democratic national committee, the party ultimately has a procedure in place and has a strategy in place, moving into the hot phase of this election. the pundits and of course the poles will have you know that he is not the right man to continue in this role. and i think the tricky thing about the poles which you can discount a lot of times in the american conferences that you've take. if you take pulling over the years now you do see that a moment of trailing at this moment in a campaign spelled bad news for whoever is the candidate trailing. and that is clearly the case for july. now, not just this moment in time, but over time. so the democratic party needs to think about it's party discipline
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because as we burgess now in your piece, party political heads are still peeling off and speaking out against the president . while the president is trying to sure of his offline, and that seems to signal weakness within the democratic party infrastructure. i don't think that fund manually helps the democrats now as they had into the weeks ahead of. well, well my, my likely be if you're difficult convention for the democratic party, we sold a very heated debate there in our report. do you think people had doubts before the debate and then now they're in to voice them? and i do think that there is probably been doubts a plenty because of the physical appearance that we have seen on the trip that the president took to europe. and then a couple weeks before you know much. and by his case is often linked to his sort of general weaknesses on the speech front. he has a stutter. he has some other issues that he's contended with throughout his political career. but there seems to be a new gravity to the president's. the presumptive health issues that are bringing
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out these critics, but what it indicates and what i think it would indicate to voters who are undecided is that you have know, may have on both sides. you have a man. and donald trump, who's trying to some for american democracy and you have on the other side, a democratic party, they can't seem to really, truly get behind the candidate who has won all of his primaries and who was committed delegates to a convention process. and that's what joe biden did, and his letter is a car, as he said, are we the democratic party that sticks to our own rules? where are we a democratic party that's going to subvert the fundamental, fundamental tennis of our own version of democracy? so who are we and lawyers are seeing those inter, disenchanted with a chaos on both sides. what about international repercussions from all of this, the german trump sla publicly supporting joe biden? but i mean, will the doubts around the president affect the nato summit, for example. that's happening right now. yeah, so
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a couple things. so clearly all the international leaders will be looking very closely at, quote unquote, the presumptive leader of the free world, which is always the role of the american and president embodied. but there are a couple of structural issues that are going on and that has been going on with totally come down entirely by the american leadership is the idea that the ramstein format that was there is a coordinated age. ukraine is going to be put into a more significant fundamentals or mayo form that will be more structural that serves to purposes a to instantly that kind of help and support coordinated support within the north atlantic treaty organization from changes. but donald trump might carry into the organization, should he become the incumbent in the white house, or from any changes that we might see at a present environment. so it as much as allies will largely stick to the candidate as long as he is the candidate. we will be seeing some structural changes made. so the way that the united states and your function together in need of,
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in response to of course, the greatest challenge they now based on language is the warranty. cri, catherine, slave ashbrook from the battles month. foundation, thanks. so much for your analysis, katherine, it was great to hear from you. my pleasure. and as we just mentioned, that lies will be on president biden as he hosts hosts the nato summit in washington, dc. he'll be mocking 75 years since the us, canada, and west of european countries forced the alliance to defend themselves against the soviet union during the cold war. and they so now includes $32.00 countries among limits, newest members, finland and sweden. and it's once again facing the question of how to deal with russian expansion they don't use in his port for boats now. or nato was created on a promise to us and best in europe would defend each other as they would defend themselves, their common enemies in this subject union. also the end of the cold war,
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the west seemed to have one blood rushed us invasion of ukraine. more than 2 years ago changed everything. nato suddenly became relevant again and its future is no political spot. with leaders from member or countries comma in washington, it's not just for a birthday party and the celebration of its recent expansion to so to, to member states and also discuss changes already taken in those still necessary. the response of restaurants invasion to ukraine. that'd be anxious to be looking at america's future engagement, and they'll be also looking beyond europe. nato's increased presence in the in the pacific region is designed to defend democracy and protect the region crucial to the global economy. but some say this increase presence will not be welcome. i think nato and his member states and other european institutions do suffer from
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a charges of double standards, a popular c when it comes to a universalizing. their mission. and the feeling in many parts of the global south is that the standards only apply when your pin security or need to interest started stake. but our convenient fee set aside when other country share similar concerns about things happening in their regions and their countries. considering the many conflicts, owens in which nato is engaged, it's likely to need more money. that makes the question of how american support will look in the future even more important summer, asking even if the united states government keeps paying money, will they continue paying attention? nothing is doubtful, i'm very godless of who the next president of the united states is. i think the goddess of both related to let you into he or she has. the americans might focus more on the end of the pacific and for reasons involving china and other factors.
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and then if they do that, it's not certain that they will be able to maintain that engagement in europe to the same extent as our prospects. and that's the same then of like that. and if that's the case, if that happens, then we must prepare ourselves for it. and that is the challenge. we must collectively face and you're on the phone with them with the minds of an old bush day. and the prospect of a 2nd, donald trump presidency, puts a shadow over all of this. well, i think trump will cause nato severe difficulties, even if he doesn't withdrawal, although i think it's more likely he will withdraw. outwardly, the summit will celebrate, and nato 75 year success story delegates will be wrestling with many spanish press . one of the main topics on the nato summit agenda is, of course, helping ukraine and it's fights against russia. nato member hungry has been critical of that. suppose hungry is pregnant,
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his stomach to all bomb is now flying to washington from china. way he held talks with president, she's in pain as part of a self declared piece mission. and before that he was in most go missing with rushes. president let them in person all but also made his 1st trip since the start of the woodson, neighboring ukraine, where he judge the president, the modem is a lend fee to consider a ceasefire. i'm now hungry, currently holds the european union's rotating presidency. and many you leaders have criticized or buns recent trips, but he says that he has no concerns about them. which talk over the past 2 and a half years, there have been fewer and fewer people like to can talk to all the belligerents. hungry is one of them. i told the president that europe needs piece was a sample of k through see what we have learned over the past 2 and a half years is that we cannot achieve peace without dialogue and diplomatic channels that we can bring in. now, daniel, he could do, she's
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a senior fellow at the jim in moscow fund of the united states. welcome to use that to the w, daniel, big the old on cooling his plan, a piece initiative. how do you think that his suggestions will go down with other nato members at the summit in washington? you know, i think the traveling the policy or prime minister or the result of this signed or shopping a m o e led me to members and actually trigger widespread frustration just coming back to the scoring actually a big problem as somebody who does he is the only european leader is able to talk to somebody to get begins the, the european leader who is willing to talk with you and actually get a new brain deep voice represented at the legacy using table. all usually is very sensitive to an issue. there is already a meeting us that's under a schedule to this wednesday, which we'll discuss in detail. actually it was peace,
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the policy all the young prime minister, which was sort of use the rotation to you. also the president c for it's only 24 purposes. and it should also not forget that each of these actually, you know, you used to be all set to be there, gives you the mention. that's the egret, 6 times of nature's actually one of the biggest cameras in radio, the scene garage. so i think brand new storm and we will need to take time to meet with address a couple of concerns by letter of the pitch for be broke up finally to progress. and as we mentioned, the ukraine's possible future nato membership will be on the agenda in washington. would you say that it is any closer to being admitted? as a member, an investment analyst? i can say that there is a little census on demand that sold. so if you bring that right there, it is clear which one is boss, especially eastern europe and member states to not contain the membership passing
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in a new, reversible way on the nature of the end. but i think it's fair to say that there's an eye on the potential also, single selection before member, nothing gives you a reversible disregard student claim in mutual member. and it's also a matter of fact that's membership criteria, guidelines are loose or missing. so be, for example, this naples from you can generate some development data from practical advancing steps, and i seem to be any unfortunately, steps for want to the potential to determine the brain organization. talking about nato as a, as an alliance. how do you think nato can make itself strong, the given the existing and also the future threats that it is likely to face? this is a good song, respect me to this, stephanie, to stop every investments members and especially european members to lead
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collective defense and indifference. that's a big, stronger, and potentially always. so you can charge less dependent. ready security guarantees these weights of every control factor against. yeah, it's an honorable central return of the truck into the us that be spatial. i think it's important to mention that there are only eights maple members and richard didn't read you actually the 10 person expression, what was the best spending wrong now? did you, did your complete meaning that the number of non performing people members actually call over the last year? it shows it was for the, uh, the easy functions and really separate the uh, in fact, perception of your numbers these, but it was so that they tried to be some way across the organization. and it was so to give the last of what your needs need to protect them by a short future. not necessarily friendly american. daniel hagen do senior fellow at
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the german marshall fund. thanks so much for your time today. okay, let's take a look at some of the other stories making news around the world. and the indian prime minister under, under moody has said his country's economy has benefited from us for cedric partnership with russia. moody is on a visit to moscow. he's been meeting with the russian president, vladimir, who's in india has become a key via russian oil. since the west increased its functions on the kremlin. and israel is expanding its military operations in gauze city. the military says it's pursuing an operation against hamas and islamic jihad in the area. thousands have fled the homes, and they listened group hamas, which carried out the october, the 7th, the terror attacks as one, but the new fighting could jeopardize any sci fi tools. and now it's been 5 years since a historic wave of pro democracy process swept home call and response. they being
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imposed sweeping and national security law essentially transforming every aspect of the city since then within 10000 people have been arrested for protests and security offences. many of them students for those whose now being released many of finding the city has changed completely and now face major challenges in their own daily lives. a corresponding phoebe call met to young decisions who are determined to stay in the city despite all of the changes. while your team and ascension of packing up the law is to be shipped out of hong kong. but they are not the ones leaving. china is increasing repression of civil liberties here has lost a huge x, so this will hold. all right, since i've been in jail, most of my friends have left hong kong people who share my values less visible. now that makes me still learn the number. i'm still grieving while others are moving on
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. it's not the time of what to say or the p. s with usually to, but most of the funds are not willing to hire them. this moving company keeps work to yell people, prosecute us a protest related all political offences. one got fired on the 2nd day of his last job, which his boss planes on pressure from high up to also says his bank accounts have been suspended from time to time is followed and so failed with activity. i use a very direct impact to the house of everyday life. perform a political prisoners in this era will handle that just leading a normal life is already a huge challenge. i don't that to imagine my future with any right now, unless i won't. and sam, what part of the huge pro democracy protest movement that may logo head lice in 2019? the vision was funded by imposing the national security law, which gave the government you powers to prosecute many kinds of this sense. once
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local in home comb seems to protest over 10000 people has been arrested. and that number is the following. officials regular say around 40 percent of those arrested students like long and so this started a student next to this group after the demonstrations to code for continued resistance, but ended up in jail for around 2 years. for conspiracy insights, obsession seems be released late last year. well, like many other opposition, thinkers usually keeps a low profile. today is an exception. he's launching a new teacher friend at the pros. protests, grocery store, many of his customers as to this was all of the, all the pricing is all seems the less about, you know, i went to jail for sedition because i slapped into dissidents. hearing that i am 70 years old, i don't care much about the price when i show up here because it's one little thing
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i can do to support the relief just to. 8 see how they pulled up a something to as well as long stay is the same day as hong kong. implement a 2nd security. don't do anything the send ease inside of that despite the risk. well, in sam, have spoken out about the alleged abuse of young prisoners and for wong assign the t shirts. is a sup to way to share thoughts with the public. some of them have the slogan, our homeland or the up on how it's in ration. what happened was a trauma that may not get here for the rest of our lives will go my lot for hong kong is painful. it still out ways, hatred, toyota, whatever bad situations we face, we can still have choices and create meaning. you know, neither the, that's the lesson i learned from my time in prison. for me, i want to walk alongside those still suffering, hopefully a hold on football. they got dropped down in sam time to go back to university said they used to 3 mostly comedies social workers that political confections with
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through that, despite the hurdles the choosing to stay and try to refuse to live in what many called the new hong kong you're up to date next in good shape, looks at the health benefits of pets. stay with us. and if you can, the,
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in good shape? next, on d, w. data, we often contel, but you little bit suspicious. is nato the strongest defense alliance in the world . but little south of loss, confidence in the organization is the 3 w says light on the reasons behind. this would be the knocker. how did we get here? close out in 45 minutes. on the w, the, you can draw the line between the spaces because i don't believe that spaces is i'm all really relevant criteria and any more than i believe that rice or sex is on frontier in. 2 2 should. 2 2 we humans are
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closer to a chimpanzee and vanishing. pansy is even to a dog a dr. series about our complex relationship with animals. watch now on youtube, d. w documentary, the a survey of a 1000 us petto knows, revealed that 50 percent love the pet more than that mom and 30 percent will than that paul. the test one in full would sell that. com to pay for life saving treatment for adult. okay. people really do love that pets for such as a living with animals is good for our health and wellbeing. others say that that bites things and scratches in danger all health. so what's true,


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