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tv   In Good Shape  Deutsche Welle  July 9, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm CEST

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voice humans are close to that same pansy sign a chimpanzee is even to a dog. but duck here, series about our complex relationship with animals. watch now on youtube, d. w documentary, the a survey of a 1000 us past having those revealed but 50 percent love, the pet mold, and then mom and 30 percent will than that paul. that plus one in full would sell that. com to pay for life saving treatment for a double cast. people really do love that pets for such as a living with animals is good for our health and wellbeing. houses say that that bites things and scratches in danger all health. so what's true, let's find out what the experts have to say.
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welcome to in good shape the . this firm is designed to help children to have them removed from the families by also ortiz, the animals, the head to give them positive thoughts and feelings. even in class, you can see that the animals give the children about some closeness, they need to know what keep sometimes best suspicious of people that's understandable. they've been taken from that family as well. that wrong grow? no, no, no no, no, no no. that's no sophia, so in the morning like this that these children have been through traumatic experiences. and while you can touch the will like this, if you want to feel what the fire is like when to then human human symptom comes the one time they relax around the animals and show that feeling
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a sense of love. we often take a step back and leave them alone with the animals you or raimie in particular. i loved being around the sheep as a screen and i find it always comes you down alone. you just become coma. it's very relaxing cassandra bundles and come on. you can really forget the time that's true . and the lady who knows what's going on the field you me. c kim has been living it is. i've been home for 6 years. he's 19 now and has a chief deluxe in that time to be at work for like, you know, helps out with the younger ones that spends a lot of time with the whole says, hey anita. yeah, no, we must always keep your home slots and you'll some place so that i buy to kim didn't have an easy stockton life, but for a year he's been training as a sales assistant in a supermarket and he wants to achieve even more comfortable. actually my dream
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job is to be a trump drive to sharon brown. try this as soon as it goes to. that's my biggest question. i'd love to get that one day, only one month or 2. currently, a 170 children and young people have been cad for diamond hoffman brown's bike. and the demand is rising, says big miller. maybe many families around depression, news about climate change, energy prices rising, read some boys, triggering fears about the future that is about and parents didn't need help she bones because the children's future is at stake. as a 9th the mindset is um i guess there's one key suite. oh no. right now. as it is, i'm a best posters. it's about identifying what the child needs and what resources the bank of the month and for instance, they might need an activity. so like cleaning out the sheet and have to get praise off to it this which gives them strong yesterday i could i of please activities
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give them the strength and confidence they need to face that daily life. in the future. i have of self confidence the strength of what they need. absolutely. and they work on that every day together with the animals. that's definitely tail upper doors. powell and mia real estate part of the team. i know that i have one. i wonder if you can just post something from the attendance, elizabeth and then everyone else cases that rise and has to guess from the sound of culture and that's what it was. i'm good for apple power at red, open offer. moving more did i buy nano? stop the animal is the key parts of the therapy since 2018. 0 yeah. what is that? what was it? should we find out? correct. i'm going to because they've seen just how beneficial the animals on the real estate planning to have joint roberts to the max on that kind of, i don't mean death as the 4 types. the animals of them freedom from judgement.
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because animals don't have prejudices in my head. what else? one 4th time, comp, time to to you and they accept every one is they all know what they smell like what they looked like or what made their end. yeah. animals that just totally on complicated. yeah. it's on certain was a and when the children will be allowed to return to that families until then, they should be able to spend as caffrey a time hair as possible, surrounded by the stability and hopes they need. studies show that children benefit enormously from being around animals. they get to play mates and learn to take responsibility. they can find worries and see crits in animals that not even that parents know about children with pet spend less time in front of a screen, get more exercise and they're less likely to become as a wait. they also do better at school. done what he wrote, puts even regular visits to wildlife pox, animal shelters, and foams. make
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a difference to children. adults with animals, a healthy, a tooth. they have few heart attacks and suffer less isolation, stretch, loveliness and depression. is not clear from these studies with adults make people more apt to, for whether active people choose dogs as pets. either way, animals are good for us and on mental health. the money while our cuz i'd say is that today's therapy session with the outlook as she visits the on the most regularly and helps around wind. i'm gonna hunt them guns moms law. she gives, he gets a really well and fluffy feeling us what i feel it just feels good to feel the wind . so i saw from the side of the screw on want um yes. so it's a pleasant won't be late like the summarizing,
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that's how i would describe it. so what is that if bush 5 when her husband died 4 years ago, she was looking for a way to get back on her feet. i'll talk to therapy of testicles meeting someone and so what else besides that it was just every night is restless, have trouble sleeping on and yes, as i said, it helps me does who's now i can play my mind. it's like there's nothing in my head when i'm with the, oh my gosh, i so completely free and down the spam clubs and those other shoes. and i and the woman that less maluka discovered the coming effect of the animal some years ago. he and his wife, now i remember i had to pass this feeling on to people. he completed the special training and animal assisted therapy. so miss, it's tell people like no means it's just a great thing to see people's confidence grow during this therapy to tones exploded . be mentioned, they come higher and they're anxious and have problems. and then they start to
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store out on the old stone on and by the 4th or 5th session. they've already picked out the favorite tournament clause. you this old school cook, top many psychologists use the effects of alpha coast to east people in to actual therapy. unlike horses and dogs, i'll practice copy train. patients have to build trust with the animals based on that behavior alone. the highest most. that means you have to become calm yourself. but that happens when you are around the animals. the, you're breathing becomes calm and you're blood pressure goes down the will you just relax and the animals come closer to you on the right and online and on the often mention. so now i'm going to send us the animal start scene, but you can just pull gently with your home. and the animal will feel that on its head and will pay more attention extra. i'm off the l tucker. phone welcomes everyone, not just stays with problems. anyone seeking relaxation can visit any time. it's
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a place where i'm on work about 6 fields, right? to hire we can learn a lot from animals. they don't judge you that it can what someone looks like where that from. they live in the moment and don't worry about the past, the future. they get plenty of sleep. switch off when they feel like kids listen to that guns. and they've got some small tactics, fields in an emergency to a for all over the news lately. taking this for a really impressed with their wound treatment skills so cool. well, i just showed up some cartooning leaves, you know, and set them onto a big our, on my face, showed up in a couple of days. oh, you put it on your skin and that's ok. i usually just eat my home remedies like, oh sure what i swear it does want us to mouth. right? is humans even still the same? we moma, elephant a pregnant for 22 months. can't wait to get that video. so this time i'm much on the lease of a special treat. they make me go into labor soon after giving us started doing that
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to probably because they saw us do it for us. yeah. speaking of getting stuff out, when i have an upset stomach, i eat grass, it's a great way to get any of a curious parasites. how does there a stuff clean the to you? no, no. okay, bye. i like preferences to get high. you can find more cool stuff from the world of science on optics health channel through housekeeping benefits. animals can also spread inspection when an animal scratches also licks off face, they can pass on dangerous bacteria. animal 2 can be as up to um, fabian's and red tiles can carry red types of sound and that bugs, especially pirates, can transmit own associates, that causes long infections. and cats are a source of talk. so says my says switch is especially dangerous for pregnant women . good hygiene meshes can help and get,
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gets checked regularly by defense. and if he gets an animal bites, make sure you see a delta. se acute, playful and cuddly for 5 days. and that's because of serious consequences. few cut owners or wherever else customer doesn't matter what makes kept but so dangerous is that they are often not taken seriously because they look so small and homeless. so it was surprising. i didn't know that the counseling could be so bad until they ended up in a hospital. daniel floodlights was bitten by his cut. the dragon scar on his hands is a constant remind aside as specified, so it was a stressful situation that morning. the count needed to go to she was in my arms, she probably didn't want to go away. and then she turned her head quickly and bit me just very briefly and caught me between my index finger and mental thing. good.
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she washed the wound, stuck a plaster on it and went to work. hardly thinking about it. then in the evening, he noticed that something was wrong, but he's heard was not getting any back to smith and he moved to the back of the hun. it became enlarged and stick of on people's they started to feel genuinely on well with flu like symptoms. so he went to the clinic that same evening just in time. the medical team in the emergency room took the bite just very seriously. they acted immediately on the, on the thing about cut, but it says that the infection costs very quickly, sometimes within hours and it can get worse and a very short space of time. but so you can sometimes watch the wind west. and even while you're waiting for the lab results to come back in the hospital, the problem is that kind of stuff alone,
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but seeing fine teeth when they mind the surface, we just relatively small. the danger seeds deep down a cocktail of dangerous bacteria gets deposited deep into the skin tissue via the needle. sharp teeth spread. understood. it's difficult to see the changes lacking below the surface. the time the bacteria destroyed the tissue, the is the then when it no longer exists and you called to open or you see is costs and not the actual tissues structure that you would expect. monica see that as fiscal safe in, in this situation, the beloved cot veto to go to the vet. but v to put up front so on the side of it was so painful and so deep, but i dropped him immediately. and there so well this is bleeding of the better. oh
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yeah, she goes to talk to the car and just leave it like that. awesome. at the emergency clinic, a wound was disinfected and bandaged only superficially. monica stevens was told to report to have somebody talk to the next morning. stuff about it or not, but then organize it develops in such a way that i was an incredible pain. that's template. no, i took several painkillers and i've never experience. okay. now you can't, i can't describe it. it was like a thief or like being harmonized. i got up and walked around, all the stuff that didn't help me down and that's, that's kind of the block. now does this, she still waited before going to the doctor on that bus and he removed it and said, you have to go to the hospital right away. you call go ahead and do for me. and also by the time she finally reached pelletize, it in his team. the infection was in full swing. it progressed to the point where
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having tire and was in danger. ministers, the vehicle did, but different tissue damage occurs because of the bacteria upstairs and the tissue dies. and so the infection will only here is the dead tissue is also the news. antibiotics attempt to penetrate the tissue and the, and if you think i'm doing this means that the bacteria can continue to spread unchecked. and monica save as case the infection was so bad that she had to have major surgery on her and to have that the tissue removed or but the infection, so close the wound healing disorder to develop the wind to be sealed using skin taken from this for a year later, she still company funds properly. it's a painful process. she doesn't blame a cat, they. she's only a noise that you didn't go to the clinic. so you know, the important attendance and joints lie directly under the skin
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of the hands. so deep bites can quickly lead to serious damage. for this reason, pal sizes says that a come fight always requires hun surgery. because that's the only way to assess whether the wound isn't a potentially dangerous place and how high the risk of serious infection it's often hangs up. depending on that, we can tell whether the wind just needs to be disinfected or whether you might need to open to talk to them or white and to be able to wash it out and clean it. we can only really do that with surgical training and just a moment and as always now spend them daniel phone is not affected quite as badly, but his hand also needed surgery antibiotics when not enough. 3 months later, he can base his finger as well, but the healing process will still take time to escape through the difficult i'm doing quite well man, i don't have that burning sensation anymore. it's just
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a slight tightness because of the inflammation and it's getting better every day. but these days, he's certainly a lot more careful with his teeth. we think of wild animals being the most dangerous, especially the big ones. a 100 people are killed by he pose every yeah. around 50. a killed by lions. 10 by chunks. but sometimes the small ones, much less of a $700000.00 people. yeah. died from mosquito bites. the dangers include spiders. scorpions and what the when warm weather arrives, these creatures are rough and not fall behind. hungry for sugar, they can be intrusive and irritating. and if you're on lucky, you might even get stones. a wants to stay know certainly huts that can also be
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really dangerous. christina bless mountain was stung one day and i'm at i gets these of off of months was my 2 year anniversary this week for about 2 years. and so i was stung by a wasp and once and wonderful electric shock after dr. some shop, i don't remember anything about it because i was unconscious. especially some other fun bodies. but we're still saw just a few minutes off to this thing has circulation. a mother immediately called the ambulance. the emergency don't to fault to christina. bless one's life. when someone is allergic to wash front of that body reacts by releasing the messenger substance, histamine the blood vessels simply die late. this causes the blood pressure to drop the organs no longer receive enough oxygen, which can seem late to call the caressed the
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. fortunately, the emergency doctor was able to stabilize christina blackman circulation, spin basketball and the fastest when i woke up. and at 1st i felt i was in some kind of night fast, like, you know, text that the emergency doctor started talking to me straight away. and i slowly realized that it wasn't a dream that i was lying there. and she said you box that was pretty place. allergies specialist on class cline. height sees lots of severe cases like this. if localized swelling is accompanied by shortness of breath, so nausea, he advises it to the hospital. the missing did puts in the if the patient has an honest select reaction, it's not always life threatening pitbulls that it can involve hives. so swelling of the face and show us of grass. we've done the most, we keep the patients here. i'm want us to the night and i'm enough to buy them. christina, bless mom is now having her ology treated. she's injected with a small dose of wasp on them every 5 weeks to get her body used to it. the desensitization therapy takes around 5 years. is that what i'm implying,
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a tie from a small number of patients may react again and likes to guess that the majority will be protected. uh huh. okay. or insect phenom allergies, especially. we'll spend them that's expected that 98 percent will be protected off to this treatment and up to toughen and always knock this out top because the treatment is not yet complete, she always has emergency medication with ha, this case includes a pen containing a trundle and which can prevent time to for electric shock, but gives her a peace of mind. no, i least of this, i'm going to be the other day we went out to eat and i think that was 7. all right, well the top table we were that was friends and i managed to stay that for the meal, i wouldn't have been able to do that without the treatment stuff. so that kind of shot into having them as well. so afraid of wasps, like swelled up a lot. so it's a nice talk to the last thing. now she's worried that this could be the 1st sign to phonology. that'd be stuff like the house of i to,
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i'm worried it might spread even to my joints. fashion which i've already had to wash this thing this year and it took 4 weeks for it to go away completely. and it wasn't just the various this one when they got to have to do the fastest less and so those are better get it, charged them to know as well as how this could help us dot come from this client, how it skips, how the old play localized swelling around the staying is normal and subsides on that side. but the next time she got stung, it could be different. i used to suggest this to the sites. this thing is the 1st one because you haven't built up any empty bodies yet even via the each subsequent thing increases the risk of sentence ties ation of the oh. so you can never be substance that the next thing when triggering allergic reactions don't always list . that's why don't tell you watched him clips past advisors, people to keep a close eye on every mustang. cool the swelling and don't scratch it. yeah, i'm
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a tune up the whole we have bacteria around the skin and sometimes people scrap just to get us in the wind to the best thing to know when the thought can lead to a so called super infection, not 15. another tech has to treat the area immediately after the staying with a heat pad and you know, have fun. ideally you have the device ready within 2 or 3 minutes and you'll come back and on and heat this thing site with us because i hit this breaks down the pricing and the vendor. so it doesn't lead to such a severe allergic reactions from the truth mission. to the machine on august the day of june. of course, it's best not to get stronger in the fast place, so don't slap it wasps because it makes them more aggressive. loving on them can also put them in attack mode. instead, spray them with water because of course i think it's raining, the flight back to them. the as the old saying goes, a dog is man's best friends and most of people would agree dogs break not everyday
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life and can even chase away burglars. they help in emergencies and with security, and they support disabled people. but what about a dog? generally skilled the it might look like affects clinic, but this is actually an i t company and the dogs a part of the team. andrea is also on highway to walk. she's a vine around among of and she's the bosses dog. the colleagues include grant to and yeah, remember a new abbey and tara, there 8 dogs. and there was much a part of the company as its employees. board member kevin box is responsible for finance, and she think folks are great to addition. the process of results. we should,
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we need to take this who breaks now and then any way. and it's good for people who have adults because they can walk some around the site. we have a huge area here, monday on the house. and you come back refreshed or don't come from the bassoon for sure, but that's it. look, the animal, what forces? friends dudley? i for the last 10 years. the longest serving dog is 11 year old golden retriever, tara she and andrea with a pioneers hes, says thomas. because these hunt, i'm home golf and she just walked around. her room was happy for the stuff to pick her up and move them. what you've yet um is it so she the stuff also i really enjoyed pressing has to be with it and it's made a huge improvement to life for around the office would. but to maintain a good office environment, not tool adults are allowed to come in with that. right. and is one of them is still at home. what is it possible? he's just stay the 6 months old. so he's in the middle of puberty. you mentioned come if he could behave very well towards people, but tools stokes. he's still
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a bit difficult to button this off, but then it gets time i can definitely imagine bringing him with me. also talk to now moments think the experience in the office has been positive, safe talk. but when guests arrived, ginger wants to say hello straight away, which doesn't always go down well with strangers. but the guy song says yes, look because she's so excited. she runs to see them go ahead and type i take her by the color and hold her for a bit more to find. some people are really happy and say, oh i go to talk to that so nice. and others are a bit more reserved. but no one's run away yet to kind of economic studies show the office stokes maternity and prove the walking out was said, i will say reduce stress. i t consult increase out fisher doesn't have a dog himself, but welcomes them head. this is mark taylor as of i like kind of low, so it's not a problem for me. i'm boss. i don't have any allergies or anything with them. so those are easy to get home with you all to much consequence. and these team members
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never get in trouble for sleeping on the job. but how do off every friends unwind after a long day? perhaps a cozy spots on the couch with the next edition of in good shape that you, that the
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machine they do? we often contel, but you little bit suspicious is nato the strongest defense alliance in the world? the global self have lost confidence in organization. is the 3 the you said light on the reasons behind this would be the knocker. how did we get here? or in 15 minutes on the cell phone, you shift your guide to life and it did to to
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explore the latest online trend, navigate your way through the digital jungle, get a global perspective. we'll be your guide and show you what's possible. really massive to you. sit in 45 minutes on the w, the computer. do you do before i change the channel. she survived the ocean bits. thanks to music. he was the nazis favorite conductor positions under the swastika, a documentary about the sounds of power and inspiring story about survival. music
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in nazi germany, watching out one youtube dw documentary dream of revolution. it dictates as the most uh was supposed to have that changed my life. the people hoped for a sara society i imagine, to me, would change the world. tens of thousands of messages from all over the world wanted to help reconstruct the country. this mission became the dream. it was simply a spirit of optimism where we encouraged each other. so many things were suddenly imaginable. there are the most efficient and a dream of revolution starts july 20th month, d, w, the
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. this is dw news live from the ukraine calls for un security council. emergency may think of to miss file a time on a keep childrens hospital sparks international condemnation, the u. n says it's highly likely it was a russian direct strike, but the kremlin is denying responsibility. also coming up on the program, the indian prime minister and the render moody tells the russian president vladimir, who since the murder of innocent children is unbearable and that will kindle sold problems. the ran into of condemnation came that amazing and moscow aimed at strengthening the 2 countries partnerships and you.


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