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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 9, 2024 3:00pm-3:15pm CEST

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the, the, this is dw news live from buttons ukraine called for a un security council emergency meeting offer and miss sol attack on a key childrens hospital sparks international condemnation. the un says it's highly likely it was a russian direct strike that the kremlin is denying responsibility. also coming up, the indian prime minister under moody tells russian president vladimir person, the murder of innocent children is unbearable and the war kind of on solve problems . the right hands, his condemnation came, but amazing and moscow, 8 and strengthening the 2 countries upon the ship and the u. s. president turbine
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sends the less, as the democrats to hit back, couldn't new claims over his mental fitness. he says he is committed to running in november presidential campaign. despite cold step assigned the i'm on you can just mckinnon. welcome to the program. the un security council is prepared to hold an emergency may sing in response to a missile strike on ukraine's biggest children's hospital. russian diplomats have denied responsibilities for the blogs and keys, which came during the largest wave of russian attacks against ukrainian cities in months. at least 3700 people have been killed across the country. since then i've seen several german attacks in the south west of russia. images on social media show russian oil and energy sites in flames. settles. so the kremlin says the
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children's hospital and keith was hit by fragments of the ukrainian air defense mistletoe. but in the u. n. 's assessment, it was likely struck by a russian missile. i office military analysts, marina moran from kings college london for have you good day on. yeah, it is to some to tell what exactly happened that i think that what is required is an international investigation team that's impartial in order to be able to determine in order to be able to look at the destruction, to look at the fragments, to look at the people were around the facility to interview them. so i think there is no simple answer to that. and of course, be accountable person should be home because we're talking about russia and ukraine . so steve, actors, but we need to much deeper than that, who in the chain of command was responsible for the, for that strike, who gave us the, or the, or was it based on false intelligence?
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so i, i think that it's much more complicated than it appears to be up and in the 1st place. and i believe either way, the international community has the responsibility to ensure that there is proper protection for civilians in any one. okay, so new investigation still needed, but obviously the damage is huge. what does this tell us about ukraine's defense systems as well? this is problematic because they've creating inside believe that they have sufficient air defenses in order to protect the key of and that shelves. a huge move or ability gap when it comes to protecting the capital. meaning that president is a landscape, might be requesting more of an era defense batteries from the to specifically because the summit is now going to take place. so i think the needle leaders will
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have to think about how to better support ukraine, at least when it comes to the short term, given the fact that the russians still have enough capabilities to conduct the loan rates strikes and will certainly use this gap in the area to kansas in order to destroy different targets, including those located in the cities, including the capitol. speaking of the nice i summit that is coming up in washington. how significant is the timing of this attack coming up a coming just before the nice face on this as well? i think it's pretty significant from what it looks like so. right, right now the international community is conducting russia, as i said, investigation that should be conducted in order to find out what happens. but as it seems, the national leaders will probably want to support key morrison. they have
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specifically because this nato summit is supposed to discuss what is going to happen with ukraine and prepare for the possibility of the whole from winning the u . s. selections, which would be a huge blow for me to end up possible blow to ukraine as well. so they might be looking at delivering more of flashing, more a to you before the us presidential elections. and i think the strikes play in, in, into the whole picture is showing that you crane cannot withstand the russian attacks without outside support. and that support is needed urgently. ministry analysts marina moran from kings college london. marina, thank you. thank you for having me. are not just ours off to that russian missile a barrage was launched. india is prime minister under moody arrived in moscow for
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talks with the russian president. this is his 1st state visit to moscow since russia's full scale invasion of ukraine. and during his talks, he says, he told, let him in person the piece was of quote, the utmost importance and that the murder of innocent children was unbearable. thoughts. he also said that india is economy had beneficent from a strategic partnership with russia. india has stepped up in ports of russian oil, the spike criticism from western countries that have put sanctions on moscow. you don't use corresponding emily show when has been following moody's visits from rica and lot via because dw is banned from reporting and russia. i also emily, if it was surprising that the indian prime minister had brought up the loss of life and ukraine, so directly was person. i think it shows of what an awkward moment this was in a way for him to read and remote de, because he was there when this attack on the children's hospital happened,
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where he came just after and today he condemned the loss of life, including of children clearly there referencing that strike on a children's hospital hospital in 2 of them, but he didn't directly blame vladimir putin or russia indeed for that attack, which shows he's a, he's walking, you know, an awkward line. but it also, i think what stood out in general today and yesterday and during the meetings was just how much both leader is despite this difficult situation or putting a show on of how close they are of their friendship. they're under the roger moody also today calling, letting me put in a close friend, talking about a trusting relationship. and then also yesterday, during the unofficial part of the meeting, the 2 leaders hugged when moody came to and pretends residency and then putting showed him around and even took him into his course stables to,
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to pet horses yesterday together. so i think all of the shows, and it's really important for both leaders to keep each other on the side, especially for vladimir putin, because he's gained so much economically from the relationship with india. because india has been, uh, you know, taking most of the crude oil that western leaders have been refusing to buy from russia since the war and ukraine began. so the optics of this meeting, obviously, extremely important. i mean, when the west and clean, we try to isolate rusher over its war on ukraine, housing it, and yet visit visits like this one, show that rusher is fall from a loan, obviously, importance of food and to show that to the world. that's right. this is an opportunity for show, for put into show that he has friends. and of course, the timing of this meeting is probably hardly hardly a coincidence. today, the nato summit kicks off and the russian narrative on the war. and ukraine has
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been all along that russia is actually fighting against what they call the collective west. and that nato is at fault for this war, even though russia of course attacked ukraine invaded ukraine, and vladimir putin has been also repeating this narrative that he wants to build with his partners, including india, a multi polar world where the west is no longer dominant. and where the global south is more important, including of course partners like india. so this is really perfect timing kind of to show off that he has friends despite the wes attempt to, to isolate him liberally. thank you so much for that. let's d w 's, emily show and reporting from reger and not be it's going to take a look now. some of the other story is making use around the world, and israel is expanding its military operations in gaza. c. d is ready, military says, pursuing an operation against hamas and islamic jihad in the area. thousands of how
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to flee the homes. millison group home us, which carried out there to the 70 terror attacks has won. the new fight thing could jeopardize see slide talks. thousands of people who've been marching to will trip furniture in eastern bosnia to mock the 1995 genocide that the annual marks covers the $100.00 columbus of root from the village of netbooks. with 1st, the volume has arrived, days off to the massacre posted in sub forces, killed 8000 muslim men and boys of capturing the un protected own place to the us. now, where president joe biden has insisted once again that he intends to stay in the presidential race, despite concerns about his mental capacity, he's not received some unexpected support from germany's trump little of shots, who says that he's not worried about the american president mental ability. some members of biden's democratic policy have the aust him to step step aside officer
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disastrous debate performance against donald trump last month. a defiant president biden on the campaign trail. been doing this a long time. and i honest to god have never been more optimistic about america's future. if we stick together, i really made it around 2 weeks after a poor debate performance sparked calls for him to step aside as the democratic presidential candidate bite and is on a mission to prove. he's still got what it takes, the doubts about his mental and physical health persist. try know, recent headlines, haven't helped the reports in the new york post and the new york times show that a specialist on parkinson's disease, a neurological disorder visited the white house 8 times in 8 months. when asked to clarify, spokesperson for reading, john pierre got into a heated exchange with the journalists. but the president, i can tell you, has seen in our office 3 times as it's connected to the, to
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a physical that he gets every year that we provide to the wait, wait, wait, wait times or at least once in regard i just like, wait, hold on a 2nd. right? no, no, no, no, no, no, no, wait a minute. cool. ed. please. a little respect here, please. well, i can tell you this, just going back to perkins for a little bit. so to give you some answers here, has the president being treated for parking says no, is he being treated for parking since? no, he's not. is he taking medication for parking says no. so those are the things that i can give you, full blown answers on, but i'm not going to don't, i'm not going to confirm a specialist, any specialist that comes to come to come. so the way us out in a statement, the white house position. so the president has not seen a neurologist outside of his annual physical review. and joe biden has shown no symptoms of parkinson's disease. but for many, a diagnosis is not necessary. according to reports, half
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a dozen top democrats in the house of representatives said in a private phone call on sunday, the biden should drop out and let another candidate face down republican presidential nominees, donald trump in november's election on monday, biden said that's not happening. he wrote a letter to congressional democrats, claiming she's the man to be donald trump. as fighting support fragments, his confidence it seems, is still very much intact. several people are reported dead in texas off the hurricane barrel, made land full in the united states early on monday. millions of homes have be left without power and officials the saying it could take days to fully restore supplies . earl has now been downgraded to a tropical storm howling winds. torrential rain, hurricane federal brought chaos, destruction and death to the caribbean, and texas. as it loses its power,
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it's being downgraded to a tropical depression. but that small comfort, those confronting the dramatic devastation and in the of them of the clean up, begins with people trying to put the lights back together normally, where the ones helping people. and so this is the 1st time that is actually hit close to home is overwhelming neighbors with helping each other out with some looking at that homes destroyed and in need of repair from the bulk them up and restoring vital services in texas like energy could still take some time. this will be a multi day restoration effort. so is a big storm that has affected a lot of customers as a governor said 2700000. as of right now, it's going to take a few days for this to get to restored. so, i'd ask texans for their patients as a cruiser out there doing their best to try to restore energy across the state. officials also, on the flooding could last for days. as texans count the cost of the stormy
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seasons, earliest hurricane of such strength on record. let's say you're up to date is coming up. next we take a look at the waste intensive business of faults to function function. so that'd be kept like watching the, the untold story details different points of the find it here. repose here, every weekend on d. w is fast fashion a lucrative business. one of the hardest fashion retailers, she ensure hope so and is now remember to be.


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