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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 10, 2024 1:00am-1:16am CEST

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the the, there's a dw news live from berlin, all eyes are on joe biden, at the nato summit. the us, the president speaks at the alliance of 75th anniversary gathering, and washington as question swirl over his fitness for office. also coming up, the un security council discusses the strike on a cube children's hospital the you and says it's highly likely it was a direct russian strike for the kremlin denies responsibility. and madrid rejoices as spain advances to the semi finals of euro 2024. defeating france, [000:00:00;00]
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the and david love, it's good to have you with us. us president joe biden has opens nato's 75th anniversary summit in washington with a pledge of more air defense systems. for ukraine bite and was speaking after at least 41 civilians were killed. and ukraine in a series of missile attacks, including one on the capitol keepers main children's hospital bite. and speech was closely watched in the us where doubts about his fitness for the office of us president, continue to plague his re election campaign. but 1st and now to some of what by them have to say today, my house in the store donations are very defensive. remember, united states,
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germany and italy will provide you great for the equipment for 5 additional stages, your defense system. in the coming months, united states and our partners tend to ride your credit with dozens of additional taxes on air defense system. if you'll make sure that when we export critical, our defense interceptors, ukraine goes to the front of the line. let's get more now from dw corresponded ben, how many an hour as gruber, who's covering the nato summit for us and washington. welcome, ben. how mean what stood out to you invite and speech? it was indeed a very highly anticipated speech. the 1st one in front of a very international orange, the 1st one since, and that a disastrous debate that has led to several discussions here and of course, kind of overshadowed. also this nato saw me, but we have president finding this already told him a very is symbolic place to the same old. you tore him where these
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a couple of countries met in 1949 and signed the additional a treaty. and that's a message that he but also that the outgoing nato secretary general, a installed big underlined that nato is as strong as it ever was also saying, did ukraine will prevail? and of course, that is the big topic here. and that's something that he said and stressed is more that the t lead is gathered here in a washington dc to see how they support it for ukraine. also, we'll continue with of course, this a new announcement off of a better and more air defense system for your current taking center stage. right. tell us more about the timing of biden's announcement of more air defense for ukraine. of this comes only a couple of days after another attack, a russian attack on ukraine this time on the main a children's hospital in ukraine's capital a keep they has been asking for that for
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a long time to be able to defend themselves. also from this ongoing, a russian attack, they're also fee is that they, it might increase even over the next a couple of days. also symbolism, as these nato summit is under way earlier today, the prime minister of denmark's that that country needs add defense system to defend itself. and a boy is the stories domain. he's a defense man, is the stress that it know of the country. it then a germany has been giving as much a of this patriot system it to be able to, to defend themselves. so 2 of the big discussions that will and now be taking place here in washington is how to further support a ukraine giving them more air defense system. but also the discussions over e as in lifting of restrictions of western weapons that have been sent and will it continue be sending a to you? create is a defense itself against the russian aggression now with november's presidential elections coming up in the us. nato allies don't know what's going to be going on.
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they don't know who's going to be in the white house next year. how are members addressing those uncertainties moving forward with their plans for supporting ukraine is usually behind to a close stores because many of those we have for administered as defense ministers, heads of the types of government that are here. but of course, would not all police say that feeling that that might be seen here in the us, the selection into periods. but of course, the risk concerned they are having this calls. what it would mean if donald trump would come back to the white house and what that would mean for funding for ukraine? but also if we're looking at the regions a where natal wants to get more involved, what would that mean? not only for ukraine, what would that mean also a full taiwan. what will that mean for the in the pacific? and that's another big topic. and that will lead is it will also talk about here in washington. so those discussions overall that happening it behind closed doors and
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not and not in front of, of cameras, giving a press statement. but of course, there is a concern that many tabs here in washington and we know those conversations are going on behind closed doors, dw correspondent, ben, how many hours gruber at the nato summit and washington, thanks for your reporting. the un security council has held an emergency meeting in response to the missile strikes on ukraine's biggest children's hospital. on monday you created an official se dozens of people were injured in the strike. moscow had deliberately targeted the facility, meanwhile, and keep people are still coming to grips with the scale of the destruction de 2 of the clean up by to ukraine's largest, the children's hospital. hundreds of patients, their loved ones and stuff were in the facility when the me so hate on monday the facilities director explained the impact of the strike summer. how little know
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thought that's in the most significant loss is the loss of life. and unfortunately, we lost a highly professional doctor, was very dedicated to children and prevented major casualties. we've lost a young qualified specialist as well as to the renewal and of course we also lost the building. it's completely destroyed for when the sun dialysis for kidney failure, an acute toxicity issue was conducted in that building. now there's no building left and no equipment. we also lost critical infrastructure. we lost the ability to supply electricity to both the new and old buildings. but even though ukraine has published photos of what it says or recovered fragments of a russian cruise, we saw that struck the children's hospital. russia denies its involvement un experts back up keeps claims that moscow was to play.
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the hospitals have special protection on the international humanitarian law. intentionally directing attacks against the protected hospital ease. it will crime and perpetrators must be held to account. mister president, these incidents are part of a deeply concerning part in both systemic attacks, humming health care and other civilian infrastructure across ukraine. the hospital strike was part of a by rush of nissan attacks in different parts of ukraine. on monday, dozens of people were killed. the ukrainian president, 5 to retire the 8 on tuesday. moscow says ukrainian droned, strikes, killed at least one person, set fire to 2 powers substations and an oil depot in several russian regions. in the bottom teeth, there's hope, the nato summit and washington will lead to an increase in support for ukraine and
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didn't turn better air defenses to avoid more blood check. let's take a look now at some other stories making news around the world. india's prime minister and a render mode, he says, he told vladimir putin that piece is of quote, the utmost importance and that's the killing of innocent children is unbearable. it may be comments after talks with the russian leader in moscow. moody also said that india is economy had benefited from its strategic partnership with russia. so you will be dozens of people have been killed in and a parent is rarely ever striking garza according to palestinian medical officials, attentive, displaced families were reportedly hit outside of school and the town of us on your hon. eunice. there was no immediate comment from the military. well, moving on to sports, spain has advanced to the final of the 2024 european football championship. defeating france,
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2 to one. it was far from plain sailing for the spaniards with cullum, winey, putting france ahead just after 8 minutes. but a stomach shot from low, medium, all level. the score, and on the 25 minute mark spans. danny, almost scored after his shot, was deflected by frances queen. de the final score to one and stand fans went wild at the final whistle like here in madrid. spain is heading back to the euros championship for the 1st time since 2012. the final in berlin takes place on sunday . it will see spain playing either england or the netherlands who play their semi final match later today. let's have the barcelona now sports journalist, summer hunters there for us spans now through to the final summer. so what are the reactions like to the left pretty much in the same vein of what you were just
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showing us that there's so much excitement and everyone is just ecstatic that spain a once more and a final. yes, they won the nation's league last year. but we want the roll top, we want the years, we want to pay for ones, right. and it's been quite some time strain. have been going through the transitional period. so the last, let's say 1012 years because the gloria reference 20082012, when they went to yours. and it will accomplish me. it's been a very long time since we've been able to really enjoy the fitful that we were witnessing at that period in time. but it's fair to say that spring really had been the best team at this tournament in germany the season. and they really in the summer, sorry, they really do deserve to be in the final and said, yeah, that's you everything that you're saying. well, we're, we're sitting next to the worst thing people enjoying it. after all. finally, as you say, let's talk about, let me. yeah, miles equalize in go after just 21 minutes. tell us more about that as well. here's someone that if you're a simple sign,
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you need to remember the name he's going to be turning 17 in just 4 days. he's 16 years old. right now. he broke the records that was previously held by polite as the youngest player, to actually feature in a semi final and a major term. it whether it was the will copper, the euro is that record was set back in 1958. and because the score tonight, he's also the youngest players were ever score and the semi finals other heroes. he's a very special talents. it was, i shouldn't say she will go the way that he drove inside. he was able to get around a couple of defendants before he just showed at the top ends to the left corner. it was absolutely beautiful. and i think one of the most incredible things about the medium, all this that he pays is so much maternity and he's willing to take on that responsibility and really kind of drives in the face of pressure and the expectation. it's almost like he is what it is, make a williams, his counterpart on the opposite side, who's 21 years old. that fearless and it's just really brilliant to have 2 such talented wingers have really been driving spring forward at this tournament. and
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hopefully we can expect more of the same from the medium of for staying for a long time. con, that's incredible. just 16 years old. okay, just briefly, england is set to play the netherlands tomorrow. and the other semi final. who do you think span would rather face? you know, well i think they would probably prefer england only because if anybody remembers the woke up in 2010, when the netherlands went up against rain, it was rather spicy to put it nicely. it was very impressive. it was quite a dirty match, very physical as well, and that, that guy lives long in the memory of many spanish people. and i don't think they would want to see very similar kind of treatment from the pitch once again, especially in a final. so i would say they probably go for england, so neither of them have really been trying to relatives tournaments. um, but nonetheless that's what i would go with. okay, was what we'll see who it is later on wednesdays. sports journalist summer hunter. thanks so much. i. thanks for adding me. and the european
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space agency is out of the on 6 rocket have successfully blasted off and it's made and flights. europe's newest rocket launched from the european spaceport and crew and french kiana for a nearly 3 hour flight. it comes 4 years later than initially plans. companies from 13 different countries were involved in the rockets construction and development. the and here's a reminder of the top story we're following for you. us president show fight and has opened nato 75th anniversary summit with a pledge of war air defense systems for ukraine. white and speech was closely watched them in question swirling over his fitness for the office of the us presidency while you're up to date for now,
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but stick around up next to look at the real cost of cheap clothing. what the business of fast fashion means for the planets from one year, so you can always visit our website at dw. com. and david levitz from me, i'm the whole new years team here in berlin. thanks for watching. the via humming does not get drunk. why do gravitational waves squeeze all bodies? how much do we need to put a stop hans? praying for help find beyond fis gets much on d. w. science. outtake talk channel is fast fashion, a lucrative business. one of the hottest fashion retailers, she ensure hope so, and is now remember to be planning


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