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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 10, 2024 8:00am-8:15am CEST

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the, the, this is the, the, the news coming to live from berlin made a play just a boost ukraine's air defenses. joe biden says the us and its allies will send dozens of systems to shoot down russian rockets a day after a ukrainian children's hospital was attack. us president is under intense scrutiny over his fitness for the job. as he opens the nato summit in washington. also coming up un security council holds an emergency meeting on the ukraine hospital attack. un says it's highly likely it was a direct russian strike. but the kremlin denies responsibility and spain fans rejoice as their football team advances to the final of the european championship
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after defeating fritz to want the hello. i'm terry martin. thanks for joining us. us present, joe biden has opened nato's 75th anniversary summit in washington with the pledge of more air defense systems for ukraine. he's offering keep an additional patriot system and says allies will provide dozens more anti missile batteries. this as bite and 6 to reassure allies at home and abroad, that he's up for the job as president doubts about his fitness for office continued to plague his re election campaign by this offer to boost keeps. defenses came a day after the deputy of spades of airstrikes on ukraine in months. the major's celebration.
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but the mood appears smote tips, then festus. the 7th, if you've any of us. so he comes during one of the most challenging times for me to rush the cigarettes against the crate. for more than 2 years, the lives has been tested for its unity in continuous support of the united states. nearly 2 dozen allied gardeners assigned to by allow security agreements that you create more countries or follow. today, i'm announcing the star donation. very defensive equipment for ukraine. united states, germany, the nothing was remaining initially will provide ukraine for the equipment. for 5 additional strategic air defense systems in the coming months, united states and our partners tend to revise your credit with does it with additional tactical air defense system. united states. so make sure that when we export critical, our defense interceptors,
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ukraine goes to the front of the line. the decision could bring some loaner way to the relief for ukraine. i made intensified to rush in that tex but it's not just to boost for defense that you create has been us consult. imagine how much we get it shipped. when all limitations are lifted, we can protect our seat is from verizon guiding moons. if america latest megs a step forward and allows us to destroy ration and managed 3 year across on the basis. and we can significantly limit the ross and access, you know, solves and you agree and boost, they'll keep, buy it out over there. if america lives, she assist us with the necessary deed strike capabilities it gains resident minute threats and logistics in our you brand frame. yeah. and so let's get one such
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decisions to be made fast before the u. s. selections. this november, the result of which could put both us support for the crate and even nature itself into quest. for more of this, we can talk now with a brief pause. he is c e o. of the consultancy rasmussen global and a former director of policy planning at nato. thanks for being with us. for brief, ukraine can certainly use the extra embalming system. the nato countries are offering, but what it really wants is permission from its partners to strike deeper into russian territory. is that essential for ukraine in order to repel the russian invasion? exactly as i think this is the story of the nato leaders, including prisons and by doing expecting you ukrainians to fight a war against a nuclear power, with one hand tied behind the back. and this is obviously encouraging us to hear
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what present by them is announced the delivery of new. but you have the systems both tech pick a different system to call me the next few weeks a month. but this is really fundamentally paying defensive. yeah. and it's just allowing ukraine not to be defeated, but it's not helping ukraine to win this war. and this is really the difference of the diesel nodes between the ukrainians and dos reporting ukraine. and then they told leaders, what is stopping ukraine's backers from giving it what it needs for brace to properly defend itself. is it the internal divisions among nato countries or, or fear of provoking russia? i think is the 2nd point you you made a solemn tele, especially in berlin, in washington days of great a verdict. tons to uh, contemplate possible escalation uh,
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with russia or visa view russia. uh and, and suddenly i think, days almost no fear of a russian defeat. that no for ukraine defeats. so that's why i know we have seen this kind of, they terraced a 2 way of managing the war by making it both of decisions. but every time 6 months, too late, or even 12 too late compared to the last uh, russian escalation and, and even though it does allow the ukrainians to uh for the ball as the line and to now it does not being enough, as we have seen over the last few days with the terrible attack against the children hospital, it's not enough to even contain ra charlotte to load the fee to our shop. because from them with at least the sphere of the possibility that if we were putting really a wheel and no resources and the lowering ukrainians to strike with the need, we call in 5, inflict rock shot at the feet under ukrainian. sorry. and this is sometimes
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a neck and allows you to an acceptable for somebody, the suspicion washington and really help as you know, you're a former director of policy planning and they to, as you know, native declared in 2008 that ukraine and georgia will join the alliance, now, 16 years later, many site that was an empty reckless promise. how do you see it? a i would not say reckless, and i would not sam t that that is indeed a problem. ace, that loses its credibility as time passes. and suddenly, the realities the following day on no other arrangements, the nature that can guarantee ukraine it's long term. so record t and the moment we are able to guarantee your credit. instruct, i'm sorry t, this is gabriel fairfield, letting me up with a phone number. tell me what putting these after is not so much get them into a square of territory east. not only that is to undermine 5 or you can still bring
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t and we have to, to natal, you know, hands to actually respond to that. but days of december of 10 says you where we were discussing earlier, especially coming from bending and washington to take the risk of natal membership, which in fact is to take the risk of peace or ukrainian charts. and this is where we're stuck now. yep. they tow has grown quite a bit. it's a, it's a huge alliance present. biden says, is the greatest defense alliance in history. but the u. s. is nato's biggest contributor by part? can we expect that same level of commitment february's probably us after november's presidential election, especially if the winter is donald trump or well, this is obviously speculation, both on the who would be the winner of the presidential election, but also what we the we know do if it's a don't that truck, however,
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i think the realities and this goes over over many, many years. and many us presidents. the europe ends have to show both value for us monday and come each month. and the numbers are better. uh i think weight took about uh now uh, 2 sides of the allies, us spinning up to 2 percent, which is a big contrast from few years ago. however, i think the next frontier for the europe and seems to show that this money that this spending on paper is trust, late thing on the ground with lock up i. c, t defend europe, where we're still lagging behind and still very dependent on the us is with a few, a lot of, of europe in defense. but the reality is the europeans cannot defend europe. and, and i think it's important for the, your parents to come forward to, to with the next uh, ok. prints of the white house on the 6th of january, with a clear line about how you are up in the next 510 years would be able to build enough capabilities and capacity that you can do. the majority of defending europe
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included with the ukraine. yes, i think if we had the plan like this, that would be a more convincing and the book, positive conversation. what do you see as the main challenges that nato will face in the coming years and particularly, how concerned do you think nato should be about rolling military cooperation between china, russia, iran, and north korea as it should be at it's very deeply concerned about this. mit that's causing a lot himself of the, the auto crises which is a fact of the war or, and rushes need to uh, basically reach to eats or to critique friends for more bombs and more munitions to kid, more ukrainian people. this is of a sides really see of this war. so we will have the front is not just on the eastern boulder of nature,
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but default is now almost global nights and we'll have to faint globally. that doesn't mean nature would have to be everywhere. and if a thing, but the means which we have to have strategies to respond to possible trust that might not call mr. cindy from the east, but might come from different domains and different theaters. that's one feet they're going to, i think this is all about what we do at home. and this is coming back to the big as a big change of nature and the next few years. and the next secret to generate automatic router would have to face that in terms of the visions, any 10 adults. so just deficiencies, thoughts. we've seen the nature population about the need to spend bore the need to be on the pre will 40. and i think that would be the big challenge subsidies. thank you very much for your insights that was published by potty a. c o is or us both in global thanks a lot as well. the un security council has held an emergency
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meeting in response to the missile strike on ukraine's biggest children's hospital on monday. the training and officials say dozens of people were injured in the strike and that moscow deliberately targeted the facility. meanwhile, n t people are still coming to grips with the scale of the destruction de 2 of the clean up by to ukraine's largest, the children's hospital hundreds of patients. their loved ones and stuff were in the facility when the me so hate on monday the facilities director explained the impact of the strike summer. how little know brought that's in the most significant loss is the loss of life. unfortunately, we lost a highly professional doctor, was very dedicated to children and prevented major casualties. we've lost the young qualified specialist as well as to the renewal and of course we also lost the building. it's completely destroyed for we know the stuff dialysis for kidney
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failure and acute toxicity was conducted in that building. now there's no building left and no equipment and we also lost critical infrastructure. we lost the ability to supply electricity to both the new and old buildings. but what do you? the ukraine has published photos of what it says or recovered fragments of a russian cruise. we saw that struck the children's hospital. russia denies its involvement un experts back up keeps claims that moscow was to play hospitals have special protection on the international humanitarian law, intentionally directing a tax against a protected hospital ease. it will crime and profit traitors must be held to account. mister president, these incidents are part of a deeply concerning part in a systemic attacks humming health care and other civilian infrastructure across
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ukraine. the hospital strike was part of a bi rush of nissan attacks in different parts of ukraine. on monday, dozens of people were killed. the ukrainian president, 5 to retire the 8 on tuesday. moscow says ukrainian drummond strikes killed at least one person, set fire to 2 powers of stations and an oil depot in several russian regions. now some sports and span has advanced to the final of the 2024 year p and championship defeating france to one. it wasn't easy for the spaniards with colored one a. putting france ahead after just 8 minutes, but a stunning shot from a link mean young level, the score and on the 25th minute march veins dunny almost scored after his shot was deflected by frances coordinate. the final score to one and spain fans went wild at the final whistle like here in madrid,
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spain we'll head to the euro championship. funnel in berlin is sunday, they'll play either thinking or never been spinning. when's the other settling final match on wednesday? you're watching dw duce, i'm terry martin. thanks for being with the, not just another day. so much is happening all at once. we take time to understand this is the day in depth look, it's karen who use events, analyzed by experts and critical thinking is. this is video weekdays on d, w is fast fashion a lucrative business. one of the hardest fashion retailers, she ensure hope so and is now remember to.


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