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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 10, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the news coming to live from berlin. they 2 places to boost ukraine's air defense. joe, by says the us and its allies will send thousands of systems to shoot down russian rockets a day after ukrainian children's hospital was attacked. us prison is under intense scrutiny concerning his business for the job. as he opens the nato summit in washington, also coming up, israel says it's conducting an investigation after a strike. flies for plains killed at least 2 dozen people out of school when they got us as friends. will ask our correspondence if the killings could threaten
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planned peace, thoughts and the health cost of global warming. as heat waves smother, the us and other countries doctors worn this high temperatures, kill more people than any other weather danger. we look at how extreme heat affects the human body plus spraying for sprint joyce as their team advances to the final of the european football championship after defeating france. the hello, i'm terry martin. thanks for joining us. us present, joe biden has opened nato's 25th anniversary summit in washington with the pledge of more missile defense systems for ukraine, as it recovers from a barrage of deadly russian airstrikes. earlier this week, by the set us will provide key with an additional patriot system and says allies will supply dozens more anti missile batteries. the summit comes as bite and 6 to
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reassure allies at home and abroad, that he's up for the job as president. doubts about his fitness for office continued to play because re election campaign, the major's celebration. but the mood appears. small tips, then festus. the 7th. if you knew the story comes during one of the most challenging times for me to rush the cigarettes against the crane for more than 2 years, their lives has been tested for its unity. in continuous support of the united states, nearly 2 dozen allied gardeners assigned to by allow security agreements that you create more countries will follow. today, i'm announcing the storage donation. very defensive equipment for ukraine. united states, germany, the nothing was remaining initially will provide ukraine for the equipment for 5
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additional strategic air defense systems. in the coming months, united states and our partners tend to revise your credit with dozens of additional tactical air defense systems united states. so make sure that when we export critical, our defense interceptors, ukraine goes to the front of the line. the decision could bring some loaner way to the relief for you cream. i made intensified the russian attacks but it's not just to boost for defense that you create has been us can imagine how much we can achieve when a limitation. i'll lift it, we can protect our seat is from verizon guiding moons. if america latest megs a step forward and allows us to destroy ration and managed 3 year across on the basis. and we can significantly limit the ross and access, you know,
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solves and you agree and boost. they'll keep buying out over there. if america lives, she assist us with the necessary deed strike capabilities against russian military and the logistics in our you paying prime. yeah. and so let's get one such decisions to be made fast before the u. s. selections. this november, the result of which could put both us support for the crate and even nature itself into question. i asked the w as they con lane, keep how ukraine is responding to the signal is coming from the nato summit. a look terry. i think the big problem here is that ukraine hasn't heard a convincing story as to what is different this time around compared to last year's summit in vilnius, where ukraine didn't get a convincing roadmap to membership. it seems like the nato countries are trying to look some kind of new fudge, some kind of new kind of wording to explain that. yes,
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ukraine will join and that stuff is going to happen. but when does ask us that is a major problem seem from here because this is all about this current phase. the, we're right, knowing that your brain expects nato troops to turn up on the front lines in eastern ukraine. but for the future, this is vital because we did out security guarantees. there's a big question mark about whether the millions of ukrainian refugees who are already in europe will ever come back without having some kind of certainty that russia caught in data again. and even for people here, once the board is open, you might have millions of people still in the country because there's limitations of men leaving, leaving because they just don't think it's worth trying to build a picture of the country that could potentially come under attack. so soon again, this is crucial from the ukraine perspective. in the ninety's, ukraine gave up, it's nuclear weapons that it inherits from said in, in return for the security guarantees. it turned out to be pretty much worthless. so there was a real push here that you, this is the country that long term will not put up, will not agree to anything less than security guarantees. and i think this the
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broad question of to nature members want to see you crane when or is it just about stopping ukraine losing. and that was what we heard. so let's get that asking for permission to use us weapons against the russian targets. further away from the boat to really go off to those apples to apples and other targets. right now ukraine is already allowed to hit targets about a 100 kilometers from that folder. and you know, that just isn't on it. so could make a huge difference that allow ukraine to make it that much harder for us to, to attack this country. so you, ukraine clearly wants nato membership, but it also needs weapons. nathan member states a promise more air defense systems for ukraine is that the main thing that the crane wants right now in terms of with this show that is the most pressing kind of part of the ukraine wish list. you've seen those images yesterday, that even key of even the capital with the most dense network, very defensive is still so vulnerable, and it's still so unable to really prevent those russian missile getting through.
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if russia stands alone in one go. but again, this is pretty disappointing. all of these pledges that we've heard from wish that these are all things we knew about the full these things that are being trailed in advance, germany already handing over that patriot system that was basically re announced in washington. so yes, this does typically improve your grades, but it's defend itself, but it is not new and it is not on a scale that would really put it into this problem. i think the big remaining question mark is whether those, these really picture systems it'd be muffled 8 of them. we believe if they were to make their way to grant that would then add up to what your brand currently has and would really allow that map to be closed. and most major cities to be protected. also spoke about ukraine in nature with properties poochie a, he's a c, e o, the rascals. in global consultancy, on a former director of policy planning at nato, i asked him about ukraine's hope of using western weapons to strike deeper into russian territory. as exactly as i said,
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this is the story of the nato leaders, including prisons and by doing expecting you ukrainians to fight a war against a nuclear power, with one hand tied behind the back. and this is obviously encouraging us to hear what present by them. there's announced the delivery of new, but you have the systems both tech pick a different system to call me the next few weeks a month. but this is really fundamentally playing defensive. yeah. and it's just allowing ukraine not to be defeated, but it's not helping ukraine to win this war. and this is really the difference. so to the defendants between the ukrainians and dos reporting ukraine and then they, to leaders what is stopping ukraine's backers from giving it what it needs for brace to properly defend itself. is it the internal divisions among nato countries or, or fear of provoking russia? i think is the 2nd point you you made
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a solemn tele, especially in berlin, in washington days of great a verdict sense to uh, contemplate possible escalation. uh, we've russia, obese of you, russia and suddenly, i think, days almost no fear of a russian defeat. no for ukraine defeats. so that's why i know we have seen this kind of, they terraced a 2 way of managing the war by making it both of decisions. but every time 6 most too late or even 12 too late compared to the last uh, russian escalation and, and even though it does allow the ukrainians to uh for the boys to align and to now it does not being enough, as we have seen over the last few days with the terrible attack against the children hospital, it's not enough to even contain ra charlotte to load the fee to our shop. because
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from them with at least the sphere of the possibility that if we were putting really a wheel and no resources and the lowering ukrainians to strike with the need, we call it in 5, inflict russia at the feet under ukrainian, sorry. and this is sometimes a neck and last me and acceptable for somebody to suspicion washington and billy. now let's take a look at some of the other stories making headlines around the world today. india's prime minister never under moody is in the austrian capital piano, where he met with the countries chancellor. call ne, how about it's the 1st visit to austria by an indian prime minister in more than 40 years. body was previously in russia, where he discuss arms and energy deals with vladimir putin. a russian court has ordered the arrest of usually no bottom. no, you have the widow, a former opposition leader, alexa, nevada ne. he died in an arctic prison earlier this year. and a half is unlikely to face russian authorities anytime soon as she continues her
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husband's political work from exile here in germany. but the australian authorities said a chemical explosion has sparked a large fire at the factory in melbourne. firefighters are working to extinguish it, but warranted could burn for days. please say there were no injuries and everyone was evacuated. thousands of residents were warned to stay in doors to avoid inhaling toxic smoke. or israel's military says it's investigating what happened in one of its airstrikes, the palestinians say, hit civilians sheltering in the school and the gaza strip killing at least $25.00 people. the attack came as israel stepped up. it's bombardments of homeless militants who have been regrouping in parts of gauze of that israel previously said, had been cleared because of health authorities say more than 38000 people had been killed since the war began. after almost carried out the october 7th terrorist
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attacks, the human cost of another is ready to strike in gaza. palestinian medic and officials say dozens were killed of themselves hit the tents of displaced. families camped outside the un run school in assigned a town near, hung eunice by the school guides. i went out to get my children. when the strike happened, a huge explosion. people are flying in all directions, never know ambulances. they took about an hour to arrive. 2 israel's minute treat, told the reuters news agency. it was looking into the incident. it says it was targeting chemist forces in the area that is at the scene of the striking stress that the victims with civilians. lovely and without probably
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a warning locate society towards a few people who are using the internet signal that they weren't side to is they didn't have weapons and they weren't involved in any resistance operations, maybe civilians, and most of the children and the these pictures show the extent of the devastation in hong unice of to israel's campaign in the area. part of its response to the how mess up type of the 7th type of attack on southern israel, the dual thirty's say killed around 1200 people. and so hostages taken this latest as strike as calmly as the 2 sides resumed, efforts to secure a c spot and hostage release thomas has wound the israel's renewed ground, a sold and compartment could jeopardize torques. it'll be as tanya cramer at jerusalem. tell me more about that is rarely ever strike as
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well. we know from the is rarely ami. that's what they usually put out in the statement. they put out overnight that basically they're saying they target to a homeless militants who took part in the october a 7 attacks among other things and saying as you said, that they're looking into the report that civilians were harmed in this strike. now we know from the goals a house ministry that among the victims there where women and children, there were taking shelter at the school is also not the 1st time a school or a 10 city where, you know, people are taking shelter, seeking shelter has been hit and they also said her services that casualties are expected to rise from that. in addition to that dressing heavy bombardment in a gulf of city in the were people in the eastern parts and in central garza where
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all school ordered by the military to leave the area moving further west of the palestinian red pressure and has said they have difficulties to reach the wounded and injured a people, also some hospitals have a bacteria to other hospitals. of course, the own are fully functioning, so it's not an easy task for them. now the military has indicated earlier in the year that they had a goal is to city under control, but are clearly not the saying that's how most of the other midterm groups and their point of view are regrouping. so that means that thousands organ, uh, this place many have stayed and goes to city moving from neighborhood to neighborhood. but somebody saying this thing put where they are because it's simply too dangerous right now. i to move somewhere else in kansas city because any safety this elusive. what about cease fire negotiation? sonya egyptian media reporting that talks will continue in doha and cairo this week . but for these latest is really airstrikes end up jeopardizing those talks.
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while we heard from us, i've been saying that these latest development, especially also what is going on in garza city coach and i could return the negotiations uh, 2.0. and as you said, those negotiations are underway at the moment. we are expecting today a full way meeting in doha and cut out between the is really american katarina, egyptian officials and don't have you also have a mouse that has a barrow there. now this meeting is seeing it as crucially comes of the meeting in cairo because they're saying from what you're hearing from sources here, that this is a meeting to take stalks. what are the disagreements still we heard the some progress, but we also heard from is really officials now a saying that addiction optimism is a bit premature. and that long and complex and difficult as negotiations are heads
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in the coming weeks. and of course, also domestically we have to say of the has been hearing from prime minister benjamin netanyahu. and because of statements he has put out a 5 principles that are non negotiable, which has been seen by some as further complicating those talks. and also as far as coalition partners headset, they don't want to see such a good agreement and they would leave the government. it's such an agreement with the coast. tony, thank you very much. our correspond atanya kramer there in jerusalem. us national weather service says nearly half the population of the united states is under inactive heat warning. the rest of the west of the country is experiencing record temperatures with las vegas at almost 49 degrees celsius this week. and it's been a similar story elsewhere in the world where experts say climate change is causing heat waves to grow more frequent on practically every continent. the world health organization has found extreme temperatures caused more deaths worldwide than any
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other weather related factor. so with more and more people all over the globe being exposed to sustain heat, let's take a closer look at the risks. when the weather heat's up and stays that way for days or even weeks on end, it can be hard for the human body to cope. those who work out doors for are people in rural communities and the elderly, or just some of the groups at particular risk when the mercury climes, especially when humidity is also high. the 1st signs of heat related health dangers include headaches and nausea. if the body loses too much water and electrolytes to excessive sweating, it can lead to what's called heat exhaustion marked by a drop in blood pressure, dizziness and disorientation. if the victim isn't cold and re hydrated, they can fall into a shock and experience life threatening heat stroke. but aside from detectable
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symptoms, sustained high temperatures can have more subtle effects like in cognition. studies have shown that when external temperatures rise, oxygen levels in the blood drop and the less oxygen the brain has, the less able it is to think clearly that's exacerbated when nights are hot to people who sleep badly are more irritable, less focused, and generally worse at remembering things, excess heat, even effects, moods and mental disorders. the causes changes in levels of the neurotransmitter, sarah tone and for example, which is linked to anxiety, depression, and aggression. one possible explanation for why violence becomes more common during heat waves. so punishing like high temperatures can have major impacts, not just on physical health, but mental health as well. and our sized corresponded derek williams,
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who filed that report, joins us in the studio. now. derek, we just saw in the report the 6 dream heat causes all sorts of problems for the human body. how long do we have to be exposed to that kind of heat for it to hurt as well? that's kind of different from individual to individual because what your body is striving to do during the heat wave is to get rid of excess heat. that's fine to, to maintain this core temperature of 37 degrees celsius. that happens whether you're in m snowstorm or in the middle of heat. why? if you always want things to be 37 degrees celsius in your body. so it's trying to get rid of heat and that's going to be a different process for, for example, an older person who's maybe not well hydrated or has an underlying health conditions than it is for someone for example, is for example is, is young and healthy. so there isn't a real clear cut definition. however, whether indexes say that you should start to use caution starting at around 80 degrees fahrenheit of which is $2627.00 degrees celsius. but of course,
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that also depends on the humidity humidity. we hear a lot about humidity. oh there's heat and humidity. what role this humidity play in a heat stress? once you're going to replace an important role because it messes with this whole process of getting rid of the heat that's inside of your body, which happens through perspiration and evaporation of that sweat on your skin. so when it's really hot and moist outside the, the sweat that it might ends up on your skin, we've all experienced it for when it's hot and muggy, that it just doesn't evaporate as quickly. and that's a key part of that process. so um, it's one of the, one of the bad sides of, of, of that humidity. part of the equation does that as climate change progresses and the atmosphere he's up, it's going to be able to absorb more humidity. that's going to be able to absorb more moisture and so that's going to cause a problem going forward in the future. now i think we've all lifted our, you know,
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whether apps, where it says near to the temperature and then the feels like a temperature of her being so much more because of humanity in your report. you talked about how he doesn't just affect us physically, but also mentally as well. can you expand on that? yeah. aside from the aside from the, the physical factors that can, that can in the worst case scenario lead to leave today as well. after after hate stroke, there are a whole range of studies that have looked at the, at the psychological and cognitive function and, and what happens. one of them, for example, was one of my favorites as a, as a 2018 study performed at harvard on students. some of whom had half of whom were living in the dorms that had no air conditioning in the other half living in doors, in the air conditioning and, and what these researchers did was they looked at during the heat way during before, during and after a while they looked at their cognitive functions that by giving them simple tests early in the morning and lo and behold, the ones who slept without air conditioning performed much,
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much worse on it. but it also has an impact on things like mental health disorders and also things like domestic violence. so there's a whole range of, of impact that involve not only the physical aspects of, of, of excessive heat, but also the mental aspect. derek, thanks so much for filling a certain. derek williamson dw science source though in spain has the best for the final of the 2024 european championship. defeating france. it wasn't easy for the spaniards with co money. putting france ahead after just 8 minutes, but a stunning shots from low, medium, a level, the score and on the 25th minute mark. spain is danny, almost scored after his shop was deflected by francis couldn't day. the final score to one and spain fans with wild as the final whistle, like in madrid, spain will head to the euro championship or the final in berlin. this sunday
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they'll play either england or the other ones, depending who wins the other semi final match later today, are well with me in the studio now is the w sports corresponding done. you barcelona, daniel spain are now through to the final, into the plan as well as our victory. you think? definitely. i think span have been the side who have been the most impressive and consistent throughout the tournament. now they do make it to a final for the 1st time, major final. since that span that we've all come to love from 2008 to 2012, that dominated everything unlike that, stay inside this spin side is a little bit different. that's inside really possessive. well within really take so many risk. this side is so exciting. the possessive all very well of course, but they can be much more direct. they love to get the boat out wide fast to their wingers mika williams. and i mean, you know, my, like we saw, they get players into the box, they create a lot of chances. it's very exciting. so well, now that being said, they do leave themselves open to a concert type sometimes. but you know what,
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they say high risk, high reward. so for this brand side yesterday, while it's not a big failure, probably the overriding sentiment will be a group with this much quality could have done better. but spain, deservedly in the final. let me, you know, model to his yeah. legalize or 21 minutes into the game. amazing. so we're saying who's the new mfc, what do you think? i mean, he's got a little bit of a ways to go before we can compare him to messy, but he's very much somebody that we would consider a generational talent. he's unbelievable capable of producing these moments of magic like we saw yesterday. i mean 16 years old, 362 days, and already he's one of the best players for spain and in the tournament. to put things into perspective, there are players on spain who are older than his parents. he's so the sensitive in his actions. he looks far older when he plays the broken record after record
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youngest ever mens international score. he to police record. and now actually it's his birthday, the day before the final between 17 and he said he wants to celebrate his birthday, a champion in germany. stuff about england will play the netherlands later today and the other semi final uh, what kind of match should we expect? a tough match for sure. um these are 2 quality sides. 2 sides of may be struggled a little bit for fluency throughout the tournament. 2 sides that have had their managers criticized for not being able to get the most of the players they have in going of course a little bit more because they came into the tournament as favorites. but i mean, we've talked about this before. we can say whatever we want under south gate, they've been successful in major tournaments. they've reached the $75.00 is at least 3 or 4 times. so it works. might not be pretty, sometimes netherlands, people didn't think that they were going to come this far because although they have good sides very often they fall below expectations. now they've really grown into the tournament so far in their last game. you know, they showed they had the strength to fight from behind to get
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a win. so it might not be the most exciting, beautiful football much, but it will definitely be intense. tanya, thank you so much. danny bus, a loaner from dw sports. if you're watching dw news, terry motion for me and all of us here. thanks for watching the
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machine they do. we often call and tell you a little bit suspicious. is nato the strongest defense alliance in the world? little south of love confidence in your organization is the 3 w said light on the reasons behind. this would be the knocker. how did we get here? flows down next on dw,
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linda is turning this stress into a business idea. the 19 year old hollow vernita is the founder of the bullet points in asked design to make life easier for students. but how does it work? yeah, let me show you. made in germany. in 16 minutes on d. w. the dream of resolution in 99, the hated dictated somoza was forced out of nicaragua the people hoped for sarah's society and received international solidarity. i imagined we would change the world
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and for thousands, collins had to help with reconstruction. but they're all in a dream of revolution. july 20th on d, w, the nature coast itself, the strong this defense alliance in the world and the community of value multiple conflict, but to prevent the confusion. but this view is not sure if i actually want you don't have a protein rights to be in charge. in many countries enough for con asia, the military alliance. it's regarded with skepticism and distrust we often call and help a little bit suspicious that we are being set up for the future goals or.


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