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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 10, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm CEST

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the, the business dw news line from ballot. nato pledges on ending support for ukraine in the war against russia. secretary general, yeah. and stopped bug, says member states. i agree keith. well john the alliance. but it's still too early to say when israel opens an investigation into an s strike which killed at least 2 dozen people at the school being used as a shelter and gaza. the killings put the threats and plans things to stop the help. cost of global warming, high temperatures kill more people than any other wet weather. phenomenal. we look
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at how it's streaming affects the human body. the gab health as well come to the program. nato, a chief un stocum back says member states agree ukraine. well joining the alliance without setting a timeline stuff. but with speaking at naples, 75th anniversary summit in washington, us presidential bible form. and he opened to you and he would also be hosting a jeff financial allies and problems that the white house fighting has been seeking to reassure supports us home and abroad. that he is capable of continuing, as president doubts about his fitness office overshadowing his re election. come today to do the sound of phenomena is following that summit for us. i asked about the intense scrutiny that president joe biden is under. well,
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he writes that his performance here has been as and is being watched very closely as he continues to face questions of whether he is up for the job and able to a beach elected again. and, and leaders and the officials here are doing their best to avoid questions about that. but of course there is a lot at stake for nato. should there be another donald trump presidency and uh, we have seen yesterday. um, a joe biden speaking, addressing the leaders here and he's opening speech did not contain any dies from stumbles. and still, of course, we have to assume that that is not putting his critics to rest because everyone here is of course, waiting for a press conference here that he is expected to hold upon the conclusion of the
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summit. because there he won't be able to read from that tell a problem, but he will needs to answer questions from reporters. now 5 and kicked off as somebody with announcing more ad expenses for ukraine. how about you credit succession tonight to what we heard today from a nato secretary general audience stolz next, who said that ukraine will be offered a bridge to membership piece, poke about a mess with a package for 2000000000 us dollars that ukraine will receive. there will be in you need to command in germany to facilitate military assistance and training of ukraine and soldiers. but it is also certain that ukraine will not receive an invitation to join need to at this summit because that is still very controversial
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among may till members and sources are telling me that there has been quite inciting behind the scenes scenes on what kind of language the final declaration of the summit should contain, with regard to ukraine, and there is a, quite inciting about whether it shoots a say the 2 queens has towards natal membership is a reversible correspondence. i follow from them and they're reporting from washington. thank you very much. i us and our correspondent encasement connelly explains how ukraine sees developments of the night to summit. i think the big problem here is that ukraine hasn't heard of convincing story as to what is different this time around compared to last year's summit in vilnius, where you crank didn't get a convincing roadmap to membership. it seems like the nature countries are trying to look some kind of new fudge, some kind of new kind of wording to explain that. yes you crane will join and that
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stuff is going to happen. but when does ask us, that is a major problem seem from here because this is what about this current phase? the will right? no one in ukraine expects nato troops to turn up on the front lines and east and ukraine. but for the future, this is vital because we did out security guarantees. there's a big question mark about whether the millions of ukrainian refugees who are already in your will ever come back without having some kind of certainty to rush at comp invade again. and even to people here, once the board is open, you might have millions of people still in the country because there's limitations of men leaving, leaving because they just there think it's worth trying to build a future in the country that could potentially come under attack. so soon again, so this is crucial from the ukraine perspective. in the ninety's, ukraine gave up, it's nuclear weapons that it inherits from, said in, in return to the security guarantees. it turned out to be pretty much worthless. so there was a real push here that you, this is a country that long term will not put up, will not agree to anything less than security guarantees. and i think this the, for the question of to nature members,
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want to see you crane when or is it just about stopping ukraine losing. and that was what we heard. so let's get that asking for permission to use us weapons against the russian targets. further away from the border to where to go off to those apples to apples and other targets. right now ukraine is already allowed to hit targets about a 100 kilometers from that border. and you know that decision on it. so it could make a huge difference in allow ukraine to make it that much harder for us to, to attack this country. they call it reporting from caves and of all those taking part in the nature of some of the leaders of japan, the south co. we have a straight. yeah. and the sealants, the formation so i've seen to strength and ties will be alliance. they've long been concerned about china as growing military strength and territorial emissions. and it's closeness to russia like some of the phenomena, reports of their limitless friendship is keeping need to a headache. china has become a vital partner for russia as it tries to soften the impact of wisdom sanctions bridging says it doesn't supply most come with weapons,
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but to need to have the cues. china of building up precious war machine by providing critical components. russia, getting the support from china is as secondary general said, a huge difference maker right now on the battlefield and for china to, for, for, to have a better relations with countries in europe. a lot of fuel in this. but i believe is the biggest threat and what your opinions believe. so the biggest part of their security, since the end of the cold war does not add up. the alliance has to additionally focus on the trans atlantic area, but it's late to strategic concept. nato describes china emissions as a challenge to it. security, the gene already half the 2nd biggest economy in the world. and the numbers, the biggest army and navy in the world. for the last few years, china has been asserting its power and its neighborhood, in particular to watch taiwan, which is considered a renegade province, but also towards japan and increasingly in the south china sea. a region of
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strategic importance for nato countries as well as one 3rd. the global trade is shipped through the area. china can not be treated as a country to find this stuff from a trans atlantic area. when you look at the different european nations allied countries, citizens, prizes or for china beach, it cannot meekly with the control of some parts, some facilities. there's summit in washington dc need to leaders will discuss how to address the challenges posed by china, but also by iran. and north korea who are providing russian with drones and shells need to us also expected to expand its corporation with partners in the in the pacific region. leaders from south korea, japan, australia, and new zealand will participate in the summit. we will build
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a on our practically operation with flagship projects on ukraine, cyber a new technologies. we will also address how to work more closely on defense, industrial production, getting more involved in the, in the pacific area. it's still controversial among some natal members. many expect us to focus more on the region in the future, and then you will p. and so we'll have to do more for their own defense. in any case, the warning ukraine has demonstrated to the natal nations needs partners to uphold the rules based international order. a set of sets of jones from the roll. united services institute told us one day to wants to engage more actively in that region . well, i think you have to look at the engagements of nights over time and see this is a kind of the 3rd phase, 1st phase of partnerships was the period one day. so it was in launching a new pot and those were prospective members. in the 2nd phase of to 911,
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you had partnerships which were very much good. so the global war on terror acts. so what we have now is something new. actually a paradigm shift, i would say it's not just another phase of nato's evolution in its own priorities. it's also a reflection of how the world has changed europe and you're atlantic is no longer a central in the world as it was. if we're entering a new kind of old well era, the center of that cold war is probably no longer your logic either it's in the in the pacific. and so this such a partnerships really reflects that our dime shifts and is not certainly a subbing nato's interest. so i think you also have to see it in terms of subbing the interest of those in the pacific countries. in europe, illogic, security, united states is stretched as never before, perhaps, between these 2 theaters. and so there's, there's obviously a need for nathan pop as of america. they're in the pacific palm as the have a higher degree of mutual understanding and perhaps coordination. now,
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as in the name suggests, nato's focus is been north atlantic. going to pivot to the in the pacific region, meaning less attention can be paid to europe as if they were actually a pivots, then you would have a point. but i think that's probably not the best way of describing here. so understanding is, i think it's rather more enlarging nato's horizon of understanding its place in the world. and also, as i say, it's about the interests and priorities of some of those countries in, in the pacific. and i suppose format saying reformatting their relationships with european and your logic security. it's not just about what's in it for a night. so it's also about what's in such a pot of south 3. 0, straight. yeah. usually even now you mentioned japan, the private associate is a guest at the summit or can japan contribute to the stability of the and the pacific region and in this well,
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as many countries do you see the better sydney in the pacific has been very tied to the balance of, of power between china and the united states. japan's role is really kind of a hold on that because japan is the host of the largest number of us military forces in the region. and so really, if you took japan out of the picture, the united states would have no other country in line. you could play like 100 rolls. and of course, japan itself has a highly capable on forces of its own and is reforming its legal structures and increasing its defense budget to make itself more resilient as a base of allied operations as well. that refers, not just to japan as defense, but to stability on the korean peninsula and around. so i ones, is there a risk that china feels like nato is stepping on his toes in
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china? i think has this uh, outlook in common with russia as you would explain treaties coming together and organizing a collective defense. i mean, that's a collective defenses. a principal of the united nations charter. there's nothing in the just so much about it, but strategically, it's clearly not in the interest of trying to rush out to see the neighbors coming together on a call for i think so, i would see it in terms of that motivation for the chef that jones the from the roy united services institute. thank you very much. thank you. go. let's take a look at some of the other stories making headlines today. india is prime, minnesota, the render embodied isn't the austrian capital vienna. these met the shots calling the home a. it's the 1st visit to australia by an indian anita in more than 40 years. mostly has also been in russia discussing arms and energy deals with vladimir putin. a bus house collided with the milk tanka in northern india,
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killing at least 18 people across, happened on an express way in the state of georgia for this. officials believe the boss may have been speeding when it hit the tank of from behind a chemical explosion to set off a serious 5 at a factory in the australian city of melbourne. 55, just wanted to advance a days. thousands of residents were told to stay indoors because of toxic smoke, but no one was injured. israel's defense minister of government has updated lawmakers on the extent of the damage inflicted on us by the israeli army since the start of the war and gaus. he was speaking in israel's parliament, the connecticut police on no bucks on. we've eliminated a wounded 60 percent of how much terrorists who involved with disbanded $24.00 battalions. the vast majority of them show avenue, we've returned half the hostages and are determined to return the rest at the shop . meanwhile, the him is really, i mean i searched all resident,
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the residents of gauze, a city to leave it stop leaf. it's showing escape routes from the city. the morning follows and these rarely stripes almost witnesses say was a tense con for dispatch people outside of school in southern gauze. people in the city of hon. unice has been burying the nearly 30 victims of the attack. dozens of others where one comes as israel has been stepping off its ground a sold and it strikes on how most militants with often deadly consequences for civilians. these pictures from alger 0 tv shows and maintenance, and this rate the strike hit witnesses say was the un school to and shelter in about time, a town, yukon, eunice, on the ground, accounts told of fear, and panic, and civilian casualties. we
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would buy the screen guides, i went out to get there. and so my children, when the strike happened, a huge explosion. people are flying in all directions, never know ambulances. the took about an hour to arrive. israel's minute treat, told the reuters news agency. it was looking into the incident, it says it was targeting how mass forces in the area of those at the scene of the striking stress that the victims with civilians lovely and without prior warning, locate society towards a few people who were using the internet signal that they weren't side to is they didn't have weapons and they weren't involved in any resistance, some of the nation, the civilians, and most of the children and level of the these pictures show the extent of the devastation in hong units of to israel's campaign
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in the area part of its response to the how mass up type of the 7th type of attack on southern israel. the authorities say killed around 1200 people. and so hostages taken this latest as strikes as calmly as the 2 sides resume efforts to secure a c spot and hostage release thomas has warned that as well as renewed ground assault and compartment could jeopardize towards another year i spoke to a correspondent, tenix gramma and austin, what more? she knows about this attack, the former we know what the is really all me. i said in that statement to this thing. indeed the reviewing of this incident. they're also saying that they had targeted was a precise weaponry. how must militant who took part in the october a 7 attacks and that they're looking into the reports that civilians were homes now
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. we know of course from because the house officials there. they said that among the victims were women and children. we also heard there were seeking, showed any of that a school and we heard also from on or the you an agency for palestinian refugees that have been saying that many of their schools have been destroyed or damaged in strike for in a 4 days. they have set and a and a treat. and of course critics would question to proportionality again of the stripe. and in addition, we already heard it. this heavy bombardment reported from garza city and just some days ago. and these are some areas of where us to evacuate, but now all of the people that remains and goes to city, it's estimated that between 200002300000 people have remained. and our goal is to city that scouts us launch is a city and they have all pulled up now order basically to move out of from the cities been hearing from the posting and read,
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crushing that they say in some areas this heavy fighting going on. they're not able to reach a wounded, an inch it, and the military saying that they are launching this offensive because they say that's how most of the other mentioned scoop i regrouping there. but this means of course, again the 10s of thousands there are on the move and that's not really a safe place for them to go. the value of the israeli government is planning to have killed or injured 60 percent of the how most fights is. uh, what do you make of this plane? love this service, your scholar and the defense minister who set that in the as brand new parliament, the kanethia ti talked about those 60 percent. they were killed or wounded. now of course those numbers can be verified to begin with. uh, there's only an estimate. how many of those militants and sizes are in garza and of course we don't own on the have how most,
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but we also have smaller minutes and organizations infections this, such as these allow me a g, a had operating in garza, he also edited is rel, illuminated at least most of the $24.00 of the battalions. that's the number that has been quoted often by is ready, defense security officials here they've been saying in recent weeks, if they think most of them are either destroyed or at least limited. and they're not resorting to guerrilla warfare, so that they're not operating as a battalion anymore. and of course, this is all in line with, di is really government saying that after october, a 7 that they want to eliminate how much submitted terribly. but also politically, i must have been the ruling power and goes us since 2007, and that they would remove them from power. but of course now we're seeing again this offensive and gaza based on what the military says that there's a, you know, regrouping of some of the militants. so it's of course, a question,
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how successful that can be in removing him off from power w correspondence. tanya exam of the reporting from joseph and thank you it's on last month was the houses june ever measured, breaking last is global record. and as he was continuing to july, people in many countries are struggling to cope with the health effects cities in north america experiencing unprecedented hot weather. 61 degrees celsius in counting people in mexico has northern states of bad california . i used to sewing temperatures in the middle of the summer, but this time they exceeded the average readings by nearly 10 degrees, making new records and bringing more hardship. yeah, but i mean, i have my age, it's very difficult. i'm 72 years old and i've lived here for 50 years
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or less. how do you deal with a sheet? well, i spend some time in an air conditioned room and outside. that's what we do. climate scientists say not only the temperatures are getting higher, but also the stretches of holidays are getting longer. in portland, in the us state of oregon, people are trying to cool down as the cd seagulls, temperatures routine, 39 degrees celsius, or 100 foreign height. a long time residents says it's becoming the new norm. when we moved here, there was probably the really exciting and a big deal if there was like 5 days over 90 during the summer. so obviously these temperatures are a lot different than when we move. yes. such heat waves are increasing the region
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locations so the nor where the locals are unprepared. in calgary, in west and canada, authorities have issued a heat warning local and jose, i trying to help those who may be well rebuilt. so you can go more than a few hours without, without water and heat like this. and you start suffering some pretty, pretty serious health issues. and that's the sort of thing we don't want anybody to have to deal with folks that are out there on the street don't have easy access. so it's really important to have it, have it available to them. it's been a similar story around the world. experts say climate change has made huge waves, more frequent on practically every continent. the world health organization has found that extreme temperatures cause more depth worldwide than any other related
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fact or. and with an increasing number of people all over the globe be exposed to sustain heat. let's take a closer look at the physical and medical risks when the weather heat's up and stays that way for days or even weeks on end, it can be hard for the human body to co. those who work out doors for are people in rural communities and the elderly, or just some of the groups at particular risk when the mercury climes, especially when humidity is also high. the 1st signs of heat related health dangers include headaches and nausea. if the body loses too much water and electrolytes to excessive sweating, it can lead to what's called heat exhaustion marked by a drop in blood pressure, dizziness and disorientation. if the victim isn't cold and re hydrated, they can fall into a shock and experience life threatening heat stroke. but aside from detectable
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symptoms, sustained high temperatures can have more subtle effects like in cognition. studies have shown that when external temperatures rise, oxygen levels in the blood drop and the less oxygen the brain has, the less able it is to think clearly that's exacerbated when nights are hot to people who sleep badly are more irritable, less focused, and generally worse at remembering things, excess heat, even effects, moods and mental disorders. the causes changes in levels of the neurotransmitter, sarah tone and for example, which is linked to anxiety, depression, and aggression. one possible explanation for why violence becomes more common during heat waves. so punishing really high temperatures can have major impacts, not just on physical health, but mental health as well. and here in germany, excitement is building in the run up to the 2nd semi finals of the euro,
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2020 for football competition. and so are the traffic cues across the ducks, german board on netherland fans. a popping across the door meant to watch that team take on english. whoever wins the match to night, place pain in the final spain. one that's semi against fonts, sending funds into a frenzy of celebration. final will be filled out in berlin. on sunday. you're watching the, the news is a reminder of the top stories we are following for you tonight. so as fetched on ending support for ukraine. it's heavy and scope by set member states agree key for joining the alliance. but it's not clear with and israel is open to an investigation into an ass strike at a school being used as a shelter in gauze. as many, especially people were killed the other city upon the unit and that's it from me
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and the names team. so now i live in upstate for you at the top of the i don't go away. coming up next made in jeff, gab offers in berlin from the, in the holders team. here. i support the,
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it's linda is turning stress into a business idea. the 19 year old hon over data is the founder of bullet points in asked design to make life easier for students. but how does it work? yeah, let me show you, made in germany next on dw, how india today is super she tomorrow. a huge problem is our
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fastest growing, extreme, billions of tons of clothing are thrown away every year. fashion labels have pledged to recycle what's, what's actually happening up cycling for the function industry. eco, india. in 60 minutes on the w, the, this video change to it says us so to is killing civilians in the rock roll off to posting. it's julie and his sons became a wanted man. 14 years later the we can expound it is fine and the tree jim is done doing the traces, the stories of a soldier under the volume for off the attack. they speak to each other for the 1st time. finding a captivating story about the struggle for forgiveness. i'm sure. guardians of
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trees, julian, his sons, and the dark secrets of war, starts july 27th on w. ever had an encounter with all sufficient intelligence. if you're a woman or us and of color, it may have been used to discriminate against you without you even knowing it could if we get to do for a loan or who do you out as a candidate for a job. but why is a discriminatory one major reason is the software has mostly being developed to blame. then we meet one young female entrepreneur from malaysia. he thinks that should change the whole. so i made this week a teenage take on to print them, making learning easier with a i and intel.


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