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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 10, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm CEST

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the, the in see that we use live from for less needle pledges on ending support for ukraine in the war against russia. leaders will declare key is on an irreversible path to joining the alliance. use presidential binds as nato can and will defend every inch of his territory. assignment in washington expected to approve billions of yours in press aide for ukraine. also coming up israel opens an investigation into an air strikes that reportedly killed at least 2 dozen people at a school being used as a shelter and gossip. the incidents could threaten plans, peace talks, and the health costs of global warming, high temperatures,
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kill more people than any other weather hazard. we look at how extreme he's affect us all the welcome to the program, and the call for the ukraine is on an irreversible path to nato membership. that's the assurance given by us and european leaders at the alliance of 75th anniversary summit in washington. nato cvn stone berg opened at the meeting of the north atlantic council. it's nato's main decision making body by emphasizing that quote and support for ukraine is not charity. it is in our own security interest, the war in ukraine and further military and financial aid for keith has dominated the 2nd day of the summit. us president joe biden called on the other nato leaders
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to increase military production in the face of russian aggression. as our summit, 2 years ago, we launched a plan to modernize our to turns and our defense. today, we have to ask ourselves, what is next? how can we keep making the shield stronger? one answer must be to strengthen our industrial base. right now. russia is on a war time 40. with regard to defense production. they have their significantly wrapping up their production of weapons, emissions, and vehicles. and they're doing it with double china, north korea, and iran. we cannot, in my view, we cannot allow the lions to fall behind a faster line. and speaking at the needle cell in therapy that we use, alexandra phenomena is in washington dc. following that very summit, alexander, we just heard a part of joe vines opening statement. what other key messages did he have for nato
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members? i think that there were 3 key messages. nicole, a president of bite and we are assured allies step you ask this and remains committed to the alliance and to defending every inch of nato territory. and it was important, of course, especially for those countries in eastern europe or in the politics who are afraid to fear that if you crane falls, they could be next president fight and also praise the accomplishments of what's new to was able to accomplish under his leadership the fact that the alliance welcome to new members, the fact that there are no spending more on defense, that they have hundreds of thousands of troops on high alert. but there was also
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a 3rd message with president fight and urging allies not to be compliance to be aware that they need to do more. for instance, to strengthen their defense injures to a base, to be ready to address any potential threats. the german chancellor is also there and also has met with you granting and president followed him. here's the lensky. did they agree on anything specific in that meeting? while at the beginning of that meeting, president zalinski think that the german chancellor for the german supports, especially when it comes to our defense systems. as you know, germany has been leading efforts to provide ukraine with more. petra, it's a federal reese, and that is what was announced here today that ukraine is to receive a 5 additional ad defense systems. good news for ukraine presidency. lensky. then
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also a stated on twitter that both be there's a spoke about how to counter russian recognizance drones and to russians, guided bombs carriers. but we, we have to say, we don't have an official read out all stats and meeting, and it's not very likely that it's going to be made public. and nato did confirm today that f, 16 fighter jets are on their way to ukraine. what more do we know about that? we know that they are being transferred, said to ukraine, and according to a statement issued by the damage. and that's a government and view as a government, a ukrainian pilots will be able to fly them this summer. and of course, this is not just says the bullets to win the war, but it will make a difference on the battlefield. experts say,
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because it will improve the ukrainian offensive and defensive a capabilities. because of course, we are talking about modern fighter jets that are much more darn and to better equipped at that. the soviets made jets at that ukranian pilots have been flying so far as to the use alexandra phenomena in washington d. c. thank you for that. update well, among those taking part in the nato summit are the leaders of japan, south korea, australia, and new zealand. the 4 nations are keen to strength and ties with the alliance as long been concerned about china's growing military might and territorial emissions . and it's closest to russia of their limitless friendship is givings, need to a headache. china has become a vital partner for russia as it tries to soften the impact of wisdom sanctions bridging says it's doesn't supply most comb with weapons, but to need to have the cues. china of building up precious war machine by
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providing critical components. russia, getting the support from china is as a sector in general said, a huge difference maker right now on the battlefield. and for china to report to have a better relations with countries in europe. while fueling this, i believe, is the biggest threat and what your opinions believe. so the biggest threats and the security since the end of the cold war does not add up. the alliance has to additionally focus on the trans atlantic area, but it's late to strategic concept. nato describes china emissions as a challenge to the security. they think already have the 2nd biggest economy in the world. and the numbers, the biggest army and navy in the world for the last few years, china has been a so i think it's power and it's neighborhood. in particular to watch taiwan, which is considered a renegade province, but also towards japan. and increasingly in the south china sea,
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a region of strategic importance for nato countries as well as one 3rd. the global trade is shipped through the area. china can not be treated as a country to 5. this is not from a trans atlantic area. when you look at the different european nations allied countries, that prizes or for china be economy equally with the control of uh, some parts of some facilities. there's summit in washington dc need to leaders will discuss how to address challenges posed by china, but also by iran and north korea who are providing russian with drones and shells. a need to is also expected to expand its corporation with partners in the in the pacific region. leaders from south korea, japan, australia, new zealand, will participate in this summit. we will build a on our practically operation with flagship projects on ukraine, cyber
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a new technologies. we will also address how to work more closely on defense. industrial production, getting more involved in the, in the pacific area is still controversial. among some nato members. many expect us to focus more on the region in the future, and then your appearance will have to do more for their own defense. in any case, the warning ukraine has demonstrated to the natal nations, needs partners to uphold the rules based international order. and we can now take a look at some of the other stories making news around the world. russian lawmakers have approved and income tax increase for the rich and an effort to build government coffers and funds the war and ukraine. the bill would impose a 22 percent tax on the top. 3 percent of earners must still be signed by president vladimir put in to become law is on the far right alternative for germany party, also known as a f. c has announced the formation of
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a new right wing group and the european parliament made up of 25 m. a peas from 8 countries, including 14 from the a f d. a minimum of $23.00 legislators is needed to create a new group in parliament. british police have located a man suspected of killing 3 women in north london with a cross bow who was found during a man hunt and of being treated for injuries. the victims were the wife and daughters of a bbc sports journalist of israel's defense minister, yas kalonde. has updated lawmakers on the extent of the damage inflicted on her last 5 is really army since the start of the war and gaza, who was speaking in israel's parliament, the gas it today? we saw no but songs. we've eliminated a wounded 60 percent of homeless terrorist involve. we've disbanded 24 battalions. the vast majority of them shovels we for 2 and half the hostages and are determined
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to return the rest at the shop. meanwhile, b is really army, has urged residents of parts of garza city to evacuate. the military is dropped, may slip showing escape routes from the city. funerals have been held for victims of and is really air strike on a school being used as a shelter in southern gaza. as many as 30 people were killed in the attack near the city of on eunice, dozens of others or wounded israel has been stepping up airstrikes and its ground assault against a mazda militants, with often deadly consequences for civilians. to these pictures from algebra, tv show the mainland to these rate, the strike hit witnesses say was a un school to and shelter in about time, a town you on eunice on the ground accounts told of fear and panic and civilian casualties.
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we would buy the screen guides, i went out to get there. and so my children, when the strike happened, a huge explosion. people are flying in all directions, never know ambulances that took about an hour to arrive. 2 israel's minute treat, told the reuters news agency. it was looking into the incident. it says it was targeting chemist full asses in the area of those at the scene of the striking stress that the victims with civilians. lovely and without prior warning, locate society towards a few people who are using the internet signal that they weren't side to is they didn't have records and they weren't involved in any resistance operations, maybe civilians, and most of the children and the these
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pictures show the extent of the devastation in hong unice of to israel's campaign in the area. part of its response to the how mess up type of the 7th type of attack on southern israel, the dual thirty's say killed around 1200 people. and so hostages taken this latest as strikes as calmly as the 2 sides resume efforts to secure a sea spot and hostage release. thomas has wound the israel's renewed ground, a sold and compartment could jeopardize torques. journalist spelling slit dean and tell him you've told us more about the is really plan to evacuate parts of gauze and city as well. just to clarify something, interest of the sources from the military, from the spokespersons office specifically. and they are telling me that this is not unusual. there had been a balcony wasting orders that before, of course, this one apparently course for all civilians. and because the in the go the city of
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to leave it to the cell. but it the after reading get also in irby, it seems to be just an emergency message. that's what they are saying as well. so this is just the so the civilians be there in because a city where where which trip outs can be say in case of an emergency in case of evacuation. but that does not coal. all of them right now, please to leave because the city, although the we're talking about a huge number of the neighborhoods that has been evacuated since a couple of days ago. and apparently the audience is gonna operate in the area, especially in the east part of the gods, up city. but as long as doing this, and they have to be lots of talks about this in the past 24 hours. that's really what the evaluation will just start to, to come to the city. how much is it being under pressure calling this williams not to leave us? also showing some more flexibility in terms of what is going on in the uh,
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it'd be in nutrition for the possible debriefing. good deal. so this means that means that how much could be pressure by doing this because after all, they know that they cannot operate, at least not properly in terms of uh, or in the, in an area that, that doesn't, that has any civilians. they are used to fight in urban areas and that's one car that is i can use against them. right? so just to clarify, what does that mean for civilians? are they supposed to leave, or are they supposed to stay foot as they are supposed to leave the eastern part, specifically according to the letter as the whole from the post person, but not all the simply as it regards to our order right now to leave. that's what i'm getting from this book person's office, and that's what the video that they have put up. but it also says, all right, at the palestinian officials say over 2 dozen people were killed in the or straight on the school yesterday that we just showed their, the israeli defense forces they,
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they're reviewing reports that civilians were harmed at this point. what exactly do we know about what really happened in the middle to say that they told me that the one the most in the day has taken part in the the 7th of october at sac. he operated in that area. well the, i don't have any information about that specific person. uh but um, from talking to uh, guys and uh, and before in terms of attacks that happened before specifically in bra fast where civilians were blended. they're telling me that it's yeah, it is like, that's what happens actually. uh, some of the things are present there, but apparently as well as the much more important for the military to pull those uh medicines. and even if that means that this, some civilians will be wounded and just like it was seen yesterday. of course, this is very sensitive right now because of the,
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the negotiation of all the investigations that are going on with the i c, c o. so it'd be i, c, j. so uh, apparently there has been this some, a very has been a reason for that to say i could use that was the idea of saying, but the investigation is going on right now. also the specific get set up, but again, it doesn't look good especially this time while as well. it's funny for history and it's a for, it's a, it would be addition in the word as trial, hispanics living in tel aviv. thank you. the last month was the hottest june ever measured, breaking last year's global record, and the heat waves continue into july. people in many countries are feeling the effects doctor's warren, that extreme heat can be fatal. 51 degrees celsius in counting. people in mexico has northern state of california. i used to sewing
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temperatures in the middle of the summer. but this time they exceeded the average readings by nearly 10 degrees, making new records, and bringing more hardship out of my age. it's very difficult. i'm 72 years old and i've lived here for 50 years or less. how do you deal with the heat? well, i spend some time in an air conditioned room and outside. that's what we do. climate scientists say not only the temperatures are getting higher, but also the stretches of holidays are getting longer. in portland, in the us state of oregon, people are trying to cool down as the cd seagulls, temperatures routine, 39 degrees celsius,
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or 100 fine height. a low time residence as it's becoming the new norm. when we moved here, there was probably the really exciting and a big deal if there was like 5 days over 90 during the summer. so obviously these temperatures are a lot different than when we moved the sheet waves are increasing the region locations so the nor the locals are unprepared. in calgary, in western canada authorities have issued a heat warning local and jose i trying to help those who may be, well, no bill you can't go more than a few hours without without water and heat like this. and you start suffering some pretty, pretty serious health issues. and that's the sort of thing we don't want anybody to have to deal with. folks that are out there on the street don't have easy access.
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so it's really important to have it, have it available to them. it's been a similar story around the world. experts say climate change has made huge waves, more frequent on practically every continent. the world health organization has found that extreme temperatures cause more depths worldwide than any other related factor. joining us now from austin, texas to talk more on how he affects as all is author, jazz, google, he's written extensively about climate change and his most recent book is the heat will kill you 1st. jeff, welcome to the w. a. tell us what makes extreme heat so deadly. hi, thanks for having me. well, you know, what makes extreme heat. so definitely is, you know, like all living things, human beings have thermal limits. we know our bodies function very well within
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a certain narrow range of temperatures. i think all of us intuitively understand that we all know that when we go to the doctor, the 1st thing the doctor does is take our temperature. and if our body temperature is even elevated slightly, it's a sign of something wrong. so maintaining the stable temperature is really important, and all it takes is sort of, you know, a minor change in our internal body temperature and things start going. you get into danger zones very quickly. your heart starts beating fast. you're trying to circulate more blood to cool off, you start sweating. and you know if you're in good health and you can and you can handle that kind of increase metabolism and stress in your body, you might be okay as long as you cool off. but if you're have any kind of heart problems or health other issues, once you're but your inputs tremendous strain on your body and, and if you don't get into a cooler space very quickly, you can be a big trouble very fast at the longer and more intense heat ways have become more
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common in the last year. we've had record temperatures across the board. to what extent can we humans realistically adapt to a much warmer climate as well? i think the key word in that question is we humans, depending on, you know, who the we is in that sentence. certainly wealthy people who have access to reliable air conditioning, who can easily move around to cooler places, can thrive in, you know, a much warmer climate when people who do not have access to air conditioning, who live in onto an insulated homes or who can't afford to pay for air conditioning, or even, you know, on house people, you know, there's a, a big variation in this, you know, you, on most of the ways people can survive on mars. and i'm sure you can, if you have billions of dollars and you know, it's an incredible technological infrastructure. but in the real world, you know,
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i, in my book, i call a heat of predatory force. and it really is, it goes after the most vulnerable people, 1st outdoor workers, people who don't have air conditioning, don't have access to cool spaces. so this question is, what we can survive is, you know, the question really of simon justice and equity. 2 years ago you wrote that we still had a chance to turn this around to avoid a climb as catastrophe. now 2 years on, do you still believe that and watch in that case, could be a recipe to get us out of here as well. first of all, you know, it is be very clear that the, you know, the warming that we're seeing these extreme. he waves these longer have longer and longer duration and higher and higher temperatures are a direct result of burning more fossil fuels, which puts more c o 2 into the atmosphere which is causing this warming. this is
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a very straightforward science. we've done it for, you know, more than a 100 years. so that's very clear. so the 1st thing you know, that we need to do is to stop burning fossil fuels. and that is the one thing that is most urgent task right now in order to maintain that kind of hospitable planet. but i also want to underscore the, this is not buying airy thing. this is not like we cross some threshold and all of a sudden the earth is uninhabitable or all of a sudden we're doomed. every ton of c o 2 that we eliminate from putting into the atmosphere matters. if it keeps, it keeps it cooler. we are not on a kind of a doomsday or not kind of track. it's a question of how bad we let it get. and the sooner we take action to cut fossil fuel emissions, the, the cooler our future will be and you've traveled all over the world for your latest book. is there one heat related story that stuck with you the most that you
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could briefly tell us? for sure, i think i think the story, the stuck with me the most was the story of there. i tell in my book in the opening chapter of a, of a family who went for a hike in california on, on a hot day. they either were living in the foothills at this here in nevada. not far from you. 70 national park. they knew was going to be hot, but they thought they were ready. they were perfectly healthy. they're in their thirties and fourties, and they didn't come home that night in their families became concerned and the search party went out and they found an entire family, a husband and wife, a one and a half year old child, and their dog dead on the trail and after, you know, several weeks of investigation to find out what happened to them, it was clear that they all died of heat stroke. and that, that was a terrible tragedy and very heart wrenching, story to tell that it really underscores how he,
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we are all vulnerable to he and we are even in, in the wrong circumstances. it can kill all of us. and they control us quickly. and i think that that's really important to underscore, this is not a future event, a future risk. this is something that we all are in danger of right now. and i think understanding the urgency of thinking about it that way, not as a future event, but as a prep clear and present danger is really important. that was to go to author of the heat will kill you 1st from austin, texas. thank you so much. great speaking to you, great saturday. and a quick reminder of our top story today. the say don't leaders have given an assurance that ukraine will become a member of the alliance you as presidential binds, his nato can, and will defend every inch of its territory. somebody in washington is expected to pledge billions of dollars more and so forth for keep including f. 16 fighter jets and that's all from us for now. if you're looking for more headlines in analysis,
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there's always our website that it's d, w dot com to make sure to awesome social media our handle, there is still remaining the,
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the coming 0 same 6. 03 tons. people. stories the most kind items are in receipt of the conflict tours, trying some here. so if i just should know possession of the, the numbers you so much for the next on
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democracy? and what does this mean for the upcoming election? the enemy within starts to lie 12 on d, w. the so fee was born in the body of a boy, but the gender she was assigned to earth never felt right. as i started feeling something was wrong as a child and human that go much worse and keep it takes 3. and then once i left home, i made the decision. i'm so see now it's for now the old name no longer exists and i'm give this miss math. we're accompanying the 30 year old on her journey to her new self look, almost 16 is trans. he experienced diverse reactions when he 1st came at the time sensitive.


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