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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 11, 2024 1:00am-1:15am CEST

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the the, this is vito new news live from berlin, nato and 9 says fresh aid for ukraine. the line says key is on an irreversible path to membership as a collections additional aid and says long hoped for f. 16 jets are finally on their way. also coming up president joe biden host the gathering in washington, but faces growing close to a bonds in his re election campaign. actor george clooney, a powerful fundraiser for the democratic party, furnitures biden, to leave the race also coming of age and fines go wild
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as their side progressives to the final of the euro. 2024 after peasy the netherlands, to what? the problem, felina. yes, welcome to the program. nato secretary general yeah, installs, and burke has reaffirmed the alliances intention of integrating ukraine into the lines. a joint statement by the alliances. 32 members said that ukraine is on a quote, irreversible path to nato membership. they also pledged 40000000000 years of age next year in another boost for ukraine. it was a nines that nato members are in the process of delivering the 1st f, 16 war plains, to the country. that's listening to what the nato secretary general insulted, break up to say. or as you crane continued,
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is watchable reforms will continue to support them on the universe of both paul to nato membership. the work we are doing together now will ensure that when the time is right, ukraine conjoined without delay. it is not the question of this, but the way. all right, let's cross over to washington, where do you to view correspond them been coming out of our youth group or has been following the so much for us. that mean great to see you. so nato secretary general insult him. bird spoke a short while ago. what were your key takeaways from his statement? one of the most important news is not a question on when it's not a question on is excuse me, but when ukraine will join the military airlines. that's a message that we've heard over and over, over these past couple of days. the 75th anniversary of the military airlines. the to a lead is meeting here in washington,
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dc. and what the outcome mean outgoing nato secretary general to install can back a sat was repeating also some of the announcements that were made. also earlier today we heard from secretary blinking, who announced that f. 16 fighter jets from the netherlands and from denmark are already making the way to ukraine will be fully operation on. and of course, the big topics of discussion is how you create and can be further supported, but also a discussion on easing, on listing sanctions on weston weapons that have been sending and that will be continue, it being send also a to a ukraine. and another question of charles that was, ask is, what if donald trump makes it into a, the white house? and he said that it's not only made to that strong with the us, but it's also the us that is strong with nature, having so many allies on it. so they come in on this uh, 2nd day of the summer. there was also a us german, a 9, some in to deploy longer range missiles, such as tomahawks in germany. tell us more about dr. of this right. there was an
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announcement from both the united states and germany on elena bab, of germany's foreign minister met her. yes. count upon tony blinked and there was also a press release. and what they said is that starting in 2026, these new capabilities will be sent over to germany, talking exactly about tomahawks and so called s m 6. miss olds. meaning that this long, long range by a capabilities will then be sent over, will be there in a, in germany. and that's of course, also a signal to russia is many have been asking, and ukraine has also been asking to have the capabilities to strike it russian. it targets within it, russian. that's also something that a nato secretary general to install a book address saying that they might need to strike it. russia, for example, artillery in the territory all see it to win this war. and you said that the support that these allies have giving a to ukraine is not to prolong the war,
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but to ended and to sent this message of unity a to russian president vladimir put the nato allies also said repeatedly that ukraine is on a reversible path to nato membership, but the membership itself is still far from becoming a reality, right. it is fall from be coming out of we all indians that were do reversible is something that we referred over and over in the press center. also since the initial ceremony, what there would be inside, wouldn't it be inside and, and you installed in that kind of dodge the question. when they ask him, what does it mean that it's reversible? that may be so many factors they are. i mean, for now ukraine also wants that, but what happens if there is a change of leaders in ukraine? what happens also here in the us? but of course, that word now made it, and of course, it's not to the allies to, to say exactly what does that mean and what a framework this gives. i mean, the message that they wanted to send to you create and present bullet points to
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lensky is also here in washington. d. see is a the one that you had stole next. that is not a question on if a ukraine will join the nato military airlines, but when that will happen, thanks, been coming and coming out of a groove are reporting for us in washington. well, as the u. s. president joe biden was seeking to demonstrate his leadership qualities at the nato summit. pressure is mounting on him to abandon his bid for re election. a blow came from actor george clooney who's also one of the leading fundraisers for the democrats in the new york times community road. we're not going to win in november with this president. that's not just my opinion. that's the opinion of every sen member of congress and governor. i've spoken to in private former us high speaker and nancy pelosi has declined to back biden's candidacy and urged him to make an early decision on whether to stay in the race for the white
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guys. up to the president decide if he is going to run. we're all encouraging him to, to make that decision because time is running short of the i think overwhelming support of the, of the cost is. it's not for me to say, i'm not the head of the clock is anymore, but he is beloved. he is respected and people want him to make that decision. well, the w, as washington bureau chief in his pole has more on the voices calling on by them to step aside. it's all, it's, uh, it's really called this despite the hold of the volume companion to come down to the bay divided by it and sickness. and also really use the nato summit kind of to show what a successful president biden boss and will be in the future. nothing really is coming down here in the united states. quite the officer just talks about george clooney is very, very popular. he's
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a major donor. and and he said that he just wrote him this the new york times piece that he just saw him lately. and the t biden is still the same man, i quote him here, we all witnessed at the debate. and then we also mentioned that there's of course, the still very influential. a former speaker of the house, nancy pelosi, who talked about by in a very prominent tv interview and when she says, we are all encouraging him to make that decision because time is running out. this is kind of a typical wait for her being such an experience policy maker to didn't directly urge bite and to reconsider his fit for the next. the next was the domains, washington bureau, chief amos. all right, let's take a look now at some of the other stories making use around the world. a german foreign minister, unavailable box, and she wants to focus on her current duties and isn't planning to run for the top job of chancellor. and again, she told us, broadcast her cnn,
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that russia's war of aggression and the situation in the middle east need more diplomacy the far right alternative for germany party, also known as the a, f d, has the 9th, the formation of a new right wing group in the european parliament, it's made up of 25 m p 's from 8 countries, including 14 from the f t. a minimum of $23.00 legislators is needed to create a new group. russian lawmakers have approved in income tax increase for the rich in an effort to feel government, the conference, and fund the war in crime. the bill would impose a 22 percent tax on the top. 3 percent of earners must be signed by president vladimir proven to be comfortable. british police have located a mine, suspected of killing 3 women in london with a crossbow. he was found during a man hunt and is being treated for injuries. the victims with the wife and
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daughters of an bbc sports journalist will sports now and england have beaten the netherlands to one in the semi final semi finals of 02024 in germany. chevy simons, opened the scoring for the dodge in just the 7th minute, but then harry came forward in a penalty for england to make it wonderful. and in the 1st minutes of out of time all the watkins seals, the victory of england finds, went wild at the final whistle. unofficial team. awesome. it's coming home right out here in london and all over the country. england faced spain in the final sunday of more on this were joined nearby broadcast sports journalist december hunter in barcelona, in the spring summer. great to see you as always. so 1st and foremost,
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what did you make of the game? did england deserved when? so, you know, i think sites is and as a neutral, i was really hoping that we would get a game which would be tight and had goals and it, and that's exactly what happened. i would say that in other than started all the better foot. deleting ok, that's 7 minute go from tell you some is actually in one district. beautiful goals . was that kind of nice news in the middle of the park there? and have you seen his driving forward from lead to the box as long? right? sure. but even reacted very well. i will say, i don't think it was the penalty there was contact, but the defender was going into blocked the short heavy canvas finishing his strike as well. none of this, it was given to go a little bit lucky. the 3 lines at that stage of the game, but at the same time you have to make your looking. so sometimes they do things that english did not tonight. and that 1st period, the 1st 45 minutes, the guy it was applied for the best performance that received from me with his tournament. and i think everybody was saying, wait a minute, where is this version of it?
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you've been all alone. you weren't attract minded, they were married, there was so much movement. all simple. they looked a real threat when they were coming for the thing for as long as came in the coach of the netherlands house on made some really is to textbooks, weeks. in the 2nd half we spoke very different game. they were completely able to stifle and shut down the lens who had to resort to sideways and passes. so they needed to provide a little bit on the once more at the end of the match. uh, great sounds great, however, was very, very smart to the calls that i made, the substitutions off the bench with all the watkins a player that had only featured for 20 minutes in the tournament. up until tonight, 9 minutes after coming onto the pit to produce because i sent them through to the final. so i do think that overall on balance, they made the right calls guys not k tonight. i'm english deserve to go through. um, unfortunately for the other ends it's, it's another missed opportunity to haven't reached the final. i believe it is, is 1988 when there was samara england with spain in the final. what is it that has
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made this spain side so successful so far and bureaus? oh, that's a great question because i think there's a lot of different ingredients. i think credit absolutely has to go through. instead of wednesday, the coach, she's really been able to bring a collective group of individuals and create a unified team. there really hasn't been a lot of superstars in the side. go into the tournament. maybe you can say rotary what i thought. but otherwise, this really has been and united funds have a lot of really great talents that have taken a step forward. and really sean, it's been a nice mix of all of the more experienced veteran players and young adults. how does that have come through? and i mean, your mouth has been an absolute cessation breaking record 16 years old. the youngest players to speak to us any finals in the year of breaking tellers record in 1958. i'll become in the other searches for a new european championship on the other side. i think the williams has been an absolute tougher defensive. and i think that there's the funds as well as paid to the strength of what he has available to you. and so he has made this brain side
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dynamic energetic, they have lots of different ways of playing back, some types of the middle. they can pay at why the director can sit back and defend, they can force it possession. and that's something that we haven't seen from spain to have a long time. this is the 3rd thing completion from that. so you can start to start from 2008, 2012. so lots his credit to the managers, the tires, and also i think that just having a great time. so it's really showing and it's bringing the results. that's it. we'll see how the game goes on. so a nice time or i'm not as neutral as you. so i, uh, i do hope to stay and wait on, so they put this thing is always summer hunter, sports ernest joining the car. so there you go. tags them, right? take care. thank you. have a good one. all right, and you are uh, watching d w news. uh, don't forget that there is a plenty more news and information here on dw, you can follow us on d, w dot com. and there is that also our social media accounts are handled. this thing
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to be in use as well, for me on the team here in vernon. thanks roger. take care. the name is the calls back. saved loud. thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do that. it's all about saying it loud things. what are being nosy, bad, like? good everyone to ok. so to be turning into a microphone, sorry. check out the award winning pop. com. i don't hold back is stony a lot.


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