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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 11, 2024 6:00am-6:16am CEST

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the, the, this is the, the news line from berlin, nato, and answers, fresh aid for ukraine. the line says keith is on an air reversible passed to membership as a pledges additional agents as long hoped for ac. 16 jets are finally on their way . also coming up president joe biden, hosts the gathering in washington with faces growing cold bind's in his re election campaign. actor george clooney, a powerful fundraiser for that, that democratic party are just biting attendees. the race
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and england funds go wild. esther side progresses to the final of 02024. after feeding the net. the popular phone in the us. welcome to the program. a joint statement by nato's 32 members says that ukraine is on a quote, irreversible path to membership at the alliances 75th anniversary summit. they also pledged 40000000000 euros of age next year, and another boost for ukraine. it was a 9. so alliance members are in the process of delivering long awaited at 16 war plains, to the country. this is a picture is worth a 1000 words. this one says less about who's in it, then about the man. many fear may soon be with the spectre of
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a donald trump presidency looming large over washington. native leaders move to future prove the military lines, chop up their list, ukraine, which trumpets threatened to cut support for re elected. we will increase our support for ukraine by establishing a native coordination on the security systems. i'm training for ukraine on by ensuring a sustained support for the long term. the plan includes minimum funding of $40000000000.00 euros and military 8 within the next year. it also includes a new command center in germany to coordinate training the weapons deliveries. but there's also short term relief on the horizon. and i'm also pleased to announce that as we speak, the transfer of f. 16 jets is underway, coming from denmark coming from the netherlands, and those gets those gets we'll be flying in this guy's ukraine this
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summer. to make sure that ukraine can continue to effectively defend itself against the russian aggression evening everyone. however, members stop short of extending if they are invited to join the alliance general us ukraine continues, is much more reforms will continue to support them on the universe of volt paul, to nato membership. the work we are doing together now will ensure that when the time is right, ukraine conjoined without delay. it is not the question of this, but when a member sought to send a message or power soft to both friends and foes, as native grapples with the likelihood of losing its most senior leader. all right, let's cross over to washington now and speak with bradley bowman. he is a senior director of the center on military and political power. the foundation for the defense of democracies. thanks for joining us on d. w. use. so this is being the alliances at 75th anniversary.
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so much how relevant is nato in 2024. i think nato as an alliance is more relevant and then it is ever been. you know, when you look back to the founding of nato 1949 signed there, and constitution avenue in washington dc. the north atlantic treaty are right in that very room that they're in this week. one of the goals was to keep the mosque out from and we keep mosque out from invading any members of nato. and that remains as the communique as the, the declaration release today emphasizes the number one concern of the alliance. right now that the, the threat from russia has manifested most clearly in ukraine. and so i think the alliance is incredibly relevant. i think america needs nato more than ever. and i think nato means needs america more than ever. and. 2 nato's relevant, not just in europe,
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to trend him to trans atlantic security. i would argue it's also relevant to the situation in the pacific of china and is also relevant in the middle east. so it's a fundamentally vital and important alliance. now nato leaders agreed on a substantial ukraine, a package that includes establishing a nato, combined in germany, to facilitate training and delivery of security assistance to ukraine. tell us how important is this step? i think it's a very important, it's is one of several initiatives being announced and codified this week in washington where you see uh, europeans increasingly stepping up. uh and a lot of away got some of those countries i would say are stepping up belatedly, but better late than never in germany with its political importance in europe and it's large economy. and it's geography is vital to, to turn aggression against the alliance. strengthening the alliances, military posture, deterrent posture on the alliances, eastern flank and supporting ukraine. and so i think this is the right decision or
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the right time. and i'm glad to see germany stepping forward to play it's appropriate role. how close is ukraine to becoming a member? of nato, the, in the, in the declaration released today of the alliance and all 32 members were quite clear that ukraine's future is in nato. so they were clear on that they were less clear on the timeline. they said, if you read the language carefully, when a lot allies agree and conditions are met, or you know, if, as my kids said something about vague to me, i think i'd have to discipline them by the, you know, that's about as vague as you can get so the intention is clear, the timeline is not. so how should now util, address china, it's growing influence in the context of global security, and it's partnership with russia. so, you know, let's remember that nato is fundamentally, fundamentally, and the lines of democracies. and you know, if you read the preamble the end, the 1949, the lennox treaty north atlantic treaty,
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it talks about the members commitment to freedom and the role of law. and uh and uh, and they've reiterated out in the washington declaration today. and so when you look at the behavior, of course, of russia, but also of china, those autocratic, authoritarian, even totalitarian regimes, in some cases are fundamentally opposed to those principles. and, you know, i think there might be some in europe that might think, hey, you know, china as far away as not really our problem let the americans take care of it. but i think that would be a fundamental mistake because china is not a distant threat to europe. it isn't a very proximate threat in the cyber domain in space. and also it's military civil fusion policy by which china is trying to elicit lee and the less will it leslie choir european technology for the purpose of pretty national champion companies putting european companies out of business. and funneling those technologies, the people's liberation army. so they can defeat american and allied forces in the
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taiwan strait. and so those issues combined make china very much at the right, very relevant. and i would encourage your viewers not to miss the military exercise in bella ruse. right there next to ukraine, where you have trainees military forces. so at this very moment, we have europe and men, women and children being killed by north korean, a, ronnie and weapons, and china supporting the russian defense, industrial base, fueling out more, and then sending troops to belle a ruse to do joint exercises with bell roof. a puppet in proxy, a vladimir put and so our, our our adversaries understand the value partners the transatlantic community need to understand the value partners as well at this moment. thanks. bradley. bradley bowman from the center on military and political power of the foundation for the defense of democracies, as well as us president joe biden was seeking to demonstrate his leadership qualities at the nato summit. pressure is mounting on him to abandon his bid for re
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election. a blow came from actor george clooney who's also one of the leading fundraisers for the democrats in the new york times. clooney wrote, we're not going to win in november with this president. that's not just my opinion . that's the opinion of every senator, a member of congress and governor. i've spoken to in private former us high speaker, nancy pelosi has declined to back biden's candidacy under urged him to make an early decision on whether to stay in the race for the white house up to the president to side. if he is going to run. we're all encouraging him to, to make that decision because time is running short of the i think, overwhelming support of the, of the cost it's, it's not for me to say, i'm not the head of the clock is anymore, but he is beloved. she is respected and people want him to make that decision. dw, as washington bureau chief amos poll has more on the voices calling on by the step
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aside. it's all, it's, uh, it's really called this despite the hold of the volume companion to come down to the bay divided by it and sickness. and also really use the nato summit kind of to show what a successful president biden boss and will be in the future. nothing really is coming down here in the united states squared. the officer just talked about george clooney is very, very popular. he's a major donor. and and he said that he just wrote him just the new york times piece that he just saw him lately. and the t by them is still the same man, i quote him here, we all witnessed at the debate. and then we also mentioned that there's of course, the still very influential. former speaker of the house, nancy pelosi, who talked about by in a very prominent tv interview and when she says, we are all encouraging him to make that decision because time is running out. this is kind of a typical wait for her being such an experience policy maker to didn't directly
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urge bite and to reconsider his fit for the next the next in his folder. let's take a look at some of the other stories making news around the world. he's really army has dropped sizes of leaflets on god's a city urging all residents to leave the leaflets showed escape routes and said that kansas city remains a dangerous rewards on israel has been stepping up its grand souls on how much militants with often deadly consequences. for civilians, german foreign minister unattainable bulk says she wants to focus on our current opportunities and isn't planning to run for the tough job. of chances are she told us, broadcast or cnn that russia's war of aggression and the situation in the middle east . need more diplomacy on the far right alternative for germany party, also known as the a f d has a 9 c formation of a new right wing group in the european parliament. it's made up of 25. any piece
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from 8 countries with more than half from the a f d. c. russian lawmakers of approved income tax increase for the rich in an effort to fill the government's conference and fund the war in ukraine. the bill would impose a 22 percent tax on the top. 3 percent of burners must be signed by president vladimir putin to become law. 4th, mounting them, faith from the netherlands to one in the semi finals of euro, 2024 here and jeremy chevy. see months opened the scoring for the duction, just the 7th minutes, but then hurricane fired in a penalty for england to make it one all. and in the 1st minutes of out of time all the watkins sealed the victory or england finds went wild at the final result beyond official team, on summits coming home, rung out here in london and all over the country,
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england face spain and the final on sunday if you don't use over moody visit the matching dormancy says this england side have come a long way. during the tournament, england have delivered a lovely underwhelming performance a year or 2024. but there was nothing underwhelming about the 91st minute window from ali watkins, his goals and funds and ecstasy and england into the 2nd european championship final ever. and 2nd, in a row, despite criticism of coach garrett south gates, he has now on the now i believe, let them to one of the most successful periods in the history with 2 finals and a semi final appearance. in the last 4 major tournaments, there was still problems for england to fix 2 of the best players, harvey kane and jude belling and spill. look out of place in the system. but england finds what care about that tonight may going to bully oliver moody reporting from dormant. they're all right. anyone with a fear of heights?
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look away. now. a hollywood stillman has beaten the record for the longest slack line walk. yeah, and ruse may be 3600 meter walk across the strait of messina, between sicily and mainland equally in just under 3 hours. worse is also the only person to have performed a double black box slip on a slight line. is incredible. all right, here's a reminder of the top story. we're following 40 nato was ended. it's 75th anniversary. someone with fresh 8 and 9 suites for ukraine to help us fight off rushes invasion. a joint statement said ukraine was on an irreversible path to join the lines, right? you are up to date to open next to dw documentary with a look
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a fusion and the dream of endless clean energy. that's after a short break. and don't forget, there's plenty more news and information on our website, the www dot. com. and you can follow us on social media. our handle is dw use on public folder in the us for me on the team here brand. thanks for watching the january 2021. the attack on the united states capital. thousands of people took pods and among them some of these manipulative voices. our former high ranking military leaders wanted us veterans 10 the backs on democracy. and what does this mean for the upcoming election? the enemy within starts to lie 12 on d, w. so
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my day starts out. so for in the morning we are in the.


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