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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 11, 2024 9:00am-9:30am CEST

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the the, this is dw news coming to live from berlin data. it says ukraine is on an irreversible path to membership leaders. the blocks 75th anniversary summit. also pledge billions and pressure. a recent deliveries have helped to stall russia's offensive and eastern new crane near it's 2nd city. also coming up present, joe biden, hosts the data gathering in washington, but faces growing calls to a band in his re election campaign. actor george clooney, a powerful fundraiser for the democratic party purchased by them to leave the rates and germany's 1st black african born m p chooses to step down around. but the
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obvious had been targeted with arsenal attacks on his office. we speak to him about his decision. plus england football fans go wild is their side progresses to the euro, 2024 final after beating the netherlands to one, the low. i'm terry morris, and good to have you with us. a joint statement by nato is 32 members says that ukraine is on a quote, irreversible path to membership. at the alliance of 75th anniversary summit, they also pledged 40000000000 euros of aid to keep next year. and some of the, some of the members, recent deliveries appear to be making a difference on the battlefield, are following russia's spring offensive with ukraine's 2nd city hockey. in the
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cross hairs nature partners gave keep the green light to use the weapons they provided inside russian territory. up to a point that has helped stall moscow is offensive, which some analysts see as a turning point. the aftermath of russian was showing in the harkey region in early may. initial gains by russian forces seems to catch you cleaned off guard, and raised appears that ukraine 2nd city hockey could be in danger, potentially paving the way for another attempt to seize keith. it's thought that moscow strategy may have been to force ukraine to move its forces from the battled tone of cha cpr on the eastern front to the harkey region in the north. to enable a breakthrough in the don't that screeching president below them. years of landscape vowed hockey would not be allowed to fall and appeal to keeps the western
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allies to drop some of their limits under use of missiles on russian territory. in response, ukraine's western backers including the united states and germany, looked at some of their weapons restrictions previously seen as a red line. the west said keith could now acquire american made long range missiles, known as attack comes across the border into russian territory. where many troops are stationed directly on the other side. some analysts say it's been one of the bloodiest campaigns in russia's war on ukraine with up to hundreds of poorly trained russian soldiers being killed every day. but while ukraine and its allies focused on preventing hockey from falling russian forces did make advances in the east forcing the withdrawal of some ukrainian troops from cha, cpr. still cube has demonstrated it can adapt quickly maintaining its defenses and preventing russia from making deeper territorial gains. it's more of those
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where you can talk to gustavo russell. now he's a senior policy fellow with the european council on foreign relations, and is currently here in berlin. welcome to the program, go. so 1st of all, give us your assessment of how ukraine and russia are currently positioned on the battlefield. does ukraine have what it needs to defend itself and push russia back while the rest and some of the offensive, or the major offensive for this is still going all. um, i would not yet call uh ukraine being on the other side of the hill. and i, i guess that will have some 2 to 3 months still, but they have to train the new recruit. recruits um, uh, personalized, quite, quite stretched. uh, fox, uh, ukraine. uh, size patches, the russian offensive. uh, quite well, so fall uh, some minor reset stuff. they will mine on um yeah,
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point by alternative close to tight a could, could stall, i would say. but the, the thing is of course uh west and the systems are, is good for the end of the year or into the spring. but then we have the us presidential and latest latino electronics, and we'll have to see the international assistance that goes from that aspect of the year on the phone. oh yes. given the circumstances, things look better spelt at the nato summit in washington, and it just wrapped up ukraine was told that it's past and to nato membership was quote, irreversible. but keith was not given a timeline for joining nato without such a timeline. commitment can we really say that keeps nato membership prospect have improved most really because the principal from the open door has been there since ever, basically on the fee. remember back to the infamous bucharest summit declaration
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that trojan ukraine would join nature, but just enough, now i have a not defined point in the future. it is pretty much the same. well, on the other hand, um a political invitation. uh, where is a clause that if conditions are matched, would be of course, a strong a signal. but of course in practice, you train knows that as long as the voice ongoing in the core and face of nature, membership is pretty difficult to chief, even the off top box of the signal, of course to the ukrainian population. that is, that is the important thing these days that you train fights, voice independence and find support sovereignty. ukraine trying to choose a different path than a russian satellite full decades. and they see natal membership, us kind of the long term prove c and security guarantee that they will not be again, a reference that's a lot. and that's why i sort of the reason people thoughtful,
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they don't die for any particular president or for political party. did die for the kids growing up in a country that has chosen the pos of independence and, and so i think a, the stronger the signal these days, the best of the native members at that some of the pledge to stuff up the delivery of f. 16 fighter chance to ukraine. how important are those jets for ukraine? a very, very impulse, indeed. voice. basically one of the under reported sides of this whole war. we have seen a devastating missile attack. a few days ago of these cruise missiles can be intercepted by fi to patrols ukraine, house and law scientists in the a to cope with them. unfortunately, because their core in soviet era of sciences, very much worn out. and the lack of a me signs for these fine cuz they don't have sufficient fund to controls india to,
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to cope with the defensive council juice is the other thing is, of course though, to keep a russian francophone was that way for me. ukrainian s face. that's an important task, and f, all these task is roughly estimates that ukraine needs about 80 or verbal scientists. we are unfortunately very much below the benchmark. now ukraine has been given permission to use some of the as western weapons to strike russian targets within a limited range of the border inside of russia. talk to us about the limitation, how significant is as well for ukraine, the listing of the previous limitation notes was frank ross at all was tremendously important because restaurants being a sanctuary. now of course they have a 100 kilometer range limit, and of course all the targets they strike inside russia with less than what comes
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down per year uh, arranged with a u. s. and soon nature come on here in germany that, that agrees on the targets to be struck. now, the, the kind of individual target coordination thing that works pretty well. and i think this limitation isn't all the problem. the range limitation for ukraine is a problem, especially when we look at air base, it's a lot of the light booms, the tire russia conducts outflow and from races inside. russia are relatively curious to ukraine from the rest of funds on the bottom. i spend all of these area and here of course, are you brain would love to strike these out, but he has to move the russian scientists further away because the further away russian cycles, all stations, the more time that has to spend flowing in and out the theater and come fly so many saltisha day and i but of course ease the pressure on our ukraine in front lines,
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but it was on a series close to the boulder that uh, bombarded by the i phones pretty much on a daily basis. do you think that 100 kilometer limitation will be broadened the ukraine might eventually be given permission to strike deeper into russia? i think it will. uh, are you are. you have to say that all these kind of general limitations make no military sense. you have to look at and what's going on, what russia is preparing, how much a given target plays a role in ukraine's defense is gonna have to wait. the risk of allowing you train to strongly keep was the risk of allowing a target to be there. and do with stuff and whether you do that, whether you wait the risk on a target that is 30 kilometers away or 250 killing me to somebody doesn't really match up. and i think it'd be the target coordination of that has been put in place with the ukranian since the beginning of the delivery of record of taylor
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assistance has worked for over 2 years and ukrainians have on their, their previous commitments. they know that if they don't, they don't get any supplies of these me, so systems anymore. so of course, the reason to all of that, and i think this kind of a case by case judgment is the best way to go all the time. the general assumption is basically just give the russians on idea of where to base that base their own nation that miss all systems to be all side to strike range and do whatever they do and want to do. i'm b as b as it falls us into a debate on perceived russian red lines stuff we, we have to cross again and again and again and again. cuz of thank you very much for talking with us today. that was good stuff, russell, a senior policy fellow with the european council on foreign relations. thank you. i much, i, as well as us present joe biden was seeking to demonstrate
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his leadership qualities at that native summit. pressure is mounting on him to a band in his bid for reelection. a blow came from actor george clooney who was also one of the leading fundraisers for the democrats in the new york times. clooney wrote, we're not going to win in november with this president. that's just, that's not just my opinion. that's the opinion of every senator, a member of congress and governor. i've spoken to in private and former us house speaker. nancy pelosi has declined to back biden's counter to see and urged him to make an early decision on whether to stay in the race for the white house up to the president decide if he is going to run a we're all encouraging him to to make that decision because time is running short of the i think overwhelming support of the of the cost is it's not for me to say
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i'm not the head of the clock is anymore, but he's beloved. he is respected and people want him to make that decision. so you can look now at some of the other stories making headlines, round world, russian law makers of approved and income tax increase for the rich in an effort to feel government coffers and funds of war in ukraine. the bill would impose a 22 percent tax on the top 3 percent of earners. it must be signed by president vladimir putin to become law. is really army has dropped thousands of leaflets on gaza city urging all residents to leave. the leaflets showed presumed escape routes and said that gaza city remains a dangerous war zone. is real, has been stepping up its ground assault on her most militants with often deadly consequences for civilians. stripping foreign minister on the bed box says she wants to focus on her current duties and is not planning to run for the top job. of
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chances were in germany, she told us, broadcast or cnn that russia's war of aggression and the situation in the middle east need more diplomacy. a piece, far right alternative for germany party to f. d has announced the formation of a new right wing group in the european parliament. it's made up of 25. any fees from 8 countries with more than half from the a f d here and one of the only for german lawmakers in the building this talk is stepping down weeks after revealing death threats against him. carumba the says he wants to spend more time with his family and make way for younger talent. in 2013 the entered the german parliament on a wave of optimism, but his tenure has been overshadowed by racist attacks. dw met with him to talk about his groundbreaking career as he was the 1st african born m, p to sits in the been the stag. for carumba,
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the abbey's political career has since been beset by racist. attacks on death threats have disability do not even moving on to spend more time with families. he insists the extremist have no one is good now that's no that isn't exactly what the other sides except that you are tired. that you intimidated. i can only repeat that, i would not be intimidated because i know that the vast majority of people support me for some reason. in 2020, and one attacker saw the abbey's office in the eastern german city of holla. last month, he published a chilling death threats sent to him. everyone hate you on wants to see you, burn it, read. i quote, you're all going to end up hanging from a lump post. been really for if we, if we don't publish it, the investigating authorities can do that job is and that's why a populace. this in this case is extremely, really depressing because my team was also black, made and fries. my team opt out at a price window on the door would that he's not alone across town. many
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politically motivated crimes have doubled in the last decade. but it seems like these mass protest against the far right this year that offer him the group upon the group of people in this country who's practice the hatred and insight into the head. these people exist the group as a small group. they allow their presence, but you have to realize that the best majority of our society is open minded and tolerance. and the vast majority of fighting for cohesion in our society and in demand how to conferences, i'm and how was it a good sense of colleagues across paul them into paid tribute to his contributions and see his departure should be a wake up call. i really regret the tease retreating. we need his voice. you missing the? now we need to think about changing this climate in our country, and it certainly won't be changed by aggressive language. the central less
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politician says part of the reason he's stepping down is to make space for the next generation. yup. and either i'm giving you a peer to these young people to join the parties, join to try to didn't get involved and really participate in the elections and invited in our mitsubishi can he's not quite finished. he will officially stand next election in late 2025, plenty of time then to make a difference and reflect on the state of german democracy. last month was the hottest june ever measured, breaking last year's global record and as heat ways continue into july. people in many countries are feeling the effects, doctor's warrant that extreme heat can be faithful. 51 degrees celsius in counting. people in mexico is northern state of california. i used to so in temperatures in the middle of the summer. but this time they exceeded the
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average readings by nearly 10 degrees, making new records and bringing more hardship. yeah, but i mean, i have my age, it's very difficult. i'm 72 years old and i've lived here for 50 years or less. how do you deal with the heat? well, i spend some time in an air conditioning room and outside. that's what we do. climate scientists say not only the temperatures are getting higher, but also the stretches of holidays are getting longer. in portland, in the us state of oregon, people are trying to cool down as the cd seagulls, temperatures routine, 39 degrees celsius, or 100 fine height. a long time residence says it's becoming the new norm. when
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we moved here, there was probably the really exciting and a big deal if there was like 5 days over 90 during the summer. so obviously these temperatures are a lot different than when we move. yes. such heat waves are increasing the region locations. so the nor where the locals are unprepared. in calgary, in western canada, authorities have issued a heat warning local and jose i trying to help those who may be well nobel you can go more than a few hours without without water and he'd like this new, straight suffering, some pretty, pretty serious health issues. and that's the sort of thing we don't want anybody to have to deal with folks that are out there on the street don't have easy access. so it's really important to have it, have it available to them. it's been
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a similar story around the world. experts say climate change has made huge waves, more frequent on practically every continent. the world health organization has found that extreme temperatures because more depths worldwide than any other related factor or so in england have beaten, and other ones to one in the semi finals of the euro. 2024 in germany, chubby z months opened the scoring for the duction just the 7th minute. but then harry came fired in a penalty for england to make it one all. and in the 1st minute, an added time, all the watkins sealed the victory of the and a going says, went wild. and the final was all the unofficial team anthem. it's coming home, rang out in london and all over the country, england faced spain. and the final on sunday
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us and for more on this i'm joined now in the studio by my sports colleague daniel barcelona. who has been following this tournament from the beginning. the new england scored again in the dying moments of the semi final last night to beat another one's in book a place in the final against spain on sunday. uh, what do you say that england's when was well deserved? depends what you ask. i think that's the ones they will feel a little bit hard done by. they had a few questions of the referee, especially on the penalty shop call. but that being said, those were the strongest side that england had played against. and it was a very, it was very kind of evident that the beginning they started out a little bit sloppy, another ones punish them right away, scoring an early goal. but that being said, it was the best performance we've seen from england so far. and you can really see, especially in the 1st half, they were very quick and they're build up. they were very aggressive when they had
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the ball and when they didn't have the ball. and something that we saw is actually that when the pleasure of receiving the ball, they look to go forward. they look to attack instead of turning around and playing to the side or playing backwards. and that led to them creating a lot more opportunities and being very dangerous. and that's something that in england was actually criticized for throughout the tournament. and we saw also their quality that they have in their side subs coming in, making a different scoring that last minute goal that we've seen them do so many times the tournaments. so that's also a very positive for a team. and i turned him like the arrows, they have that momentum and they can win at the very last minute. so you mentioned sloppy. i mean, the english england team and the coach had been criticized throughout this tournament for their performance. would you say that criticism is justified? oh yes and no because i mean you've got to kind of feel sorry for the guy because he's been criticized for his tactics for his pragmatism. his team selection, the timing of his substitution. you name it and he's been criticized for it. now i
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think that comes from the fact that england have one of the back sides in the tournament and in the world. so as a fan, as a spectator, people really want to see something more. they want to see more attacking play, but what you don't realize is that in international football and in tournaments you don't have the time with your team to be able to really instill a style of play a formation. so that leads to change being a little bit more effective, let's say. so what do you have to do? you have to minimize the opponent's opportunities on your goal. you have to not take too many risks and you have to kind of get through and do what it takes to win . now that being said, it's effective, it's not so pretty on the i sometimes you want to see more from these players. but what can you really say to south gate? you know, he's made it to the euro spinal 2 times in a row to the semi finals, 3 or 4 tournaments. so as in england and what do you want? do you want to play a good football and not win anything? or do you mean you want to do what it takes, turn it football, and when a trophy let's look ahead to the final on sunday. it's going to be played here in
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berlin. it's going to be england versus spain. what can we expect? well, spain, definitely the favorite side, i think coming into this one throughout the tournament. they've looked the best in terms of their performances and how they played as a team, everything positive across the board. you know, their high brands, they're creative, they play attacking football. so it's really a side that has also players that can change the game an instant. and so you think that they have a good chance, but you cannot disqualify england because they yes, they were unimpressive. in the naco stage, or in the group stages, but they've gotten progressively better throughout the naco, say just, and that's what you want to do. as a team in a tournament, they have that momentum. they have the capability to go down in a match and cloth from behind and get a victory. and they have the quality and the depth and experience and players to be able to give span a very good game. and also when the tournament plus in a,
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i know one game, you never know what happens, it's going to be tens, it can go either way. and this one slips tournaments so far. uh, all these teams playing well, great teams, many of them would you say the best 2 teams will be playing in the final. um, i think it's very, that's a very hard question. i guess i think spain, of course, because in terms of the way they've been playing, they've been amazed. they've been amazing and they obviously deserve to be there. they've also beaten teens on the way to the final, like germany, france, italy, croatia, that is no easy run. so definitely from that side span deserve to be in the final england, have one of the strongest slides on paper. and if you look at what this team has done over the years under south gate, they've constantly gotten very, very close. so and with this crop of players in this golden generation, as we would say, you kind of think they wouldn't deserve to win it. so yeah, i think from one side, the 2 best teams are in the final,
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maybe not in terms of performance as you've seen them get there in different ways. but you can't complain about who we see in the final. germany was very eager to host this tournament. uh, they wanted to recreate the wonderful atmosphere that the country experiences experienced when it hosted the world come back in 2006 as this tournament been good from just a football point of view. or i think it's been good from many point of views. actually i've had the, the fortune to be able to go to many games and many fans owns across jeremy throughout this tournament. and i can tell you that the over whelming sentiment has been extremely positive. you know, we saw so so many fans here. it was actually pretty peaceful. i mean, there were a couple of encounters between france that that happens all the time. the fans were extremely pleased with. we saw some great, great match ups the tournament. yes, we did see some lack luster performances, but as we already talked to and that's what it takes sometimes to get to when and
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that's the approach that some teams take. but ultimately i think it's a positive tournament. and the final will be a big one. tony barcelona from dw sport. thanks so much. i'm terry martin. thanks for watching. or the
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box makes sure that the diversity of it's residence, the commitment to one another, no matter what focus
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on come fix on this week. our 1st interview with a southern use wait a minute, says to god, the wolf, again, raising key questions on his government tactics, human rights, and this person, as us activation says the conservative informing the as the discriminant place. i thought i should please fast for a fast minute stuff that he wants to do to join antigua protest confident in 60 minutes on dw, the drawing on innovation. and the zip code is 1011 on which i don't expect much living with them anymore. this is not a good environment, not for me. not for my children without civil rights and with no prospect.
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but what can we do in david shutter stock, august, 3rd, on the w. the . this is focus on europe. i'm larva lola, welcome. in france, a far right party that was long considered taboo, stood up the gates of power for the 1st time in decades. but victory for the national reality was blocked after a last ditch alliance of centrist and left his parties. now frances, facing a political deadlock with no route gaining an absolute majority of fractured land.


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