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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 11, 2024 2:00pm-2:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is dw news live from the in the united states will begin deploying long range weapons to germany in 2026. the 2 countries say the move demonstrates the commitment to nato, to european defense. russia says it will consider a military response. and nate, so says ukraine is on an era of us, it will cost membership of the alliance as it pledges additional supports and fresh agents to keep the concerning the un sounds. v along the vast evaluation orders issued by israel in gauze associates. it says full, single ready displays,
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people to flee again. will fuel maps the menu can? thanks so much for joining us. we begin with breaking news coming in from the northern french city of all 5 sizes that are racing to contain a fire in the cities gosset cathedral local authorities say the structure which dates back to the 12th century was under govern renovation. work. the place is an ominous reminder of the 2019 blaze that nearly destroyed the knots for the cathedral in paris. the law church has now been evacuated and emergency services are the same. the cause of the site is not yet known, but will of course, bring you more information on this story as it comes in. now,
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in other news, germany and the united states have announced that they will begin deploying long range missiles to germany. from 2026, the country se the move cements the commitments to nato and european defense. in a joint statement, both governments said the agreement would include tomahawk s, m 6 and a hypersonic weapons with greater range, the weapons on nuclear capable and have a range of more than 2000 kilometers. they were banned by a tracy with russia until the us withdrew from that tracy 5 years ago. and we can get more on this from our chief political editor, mikayla customer, who joins us and now from the nice so summit that's happening in washington dc. so it makes it a lot. what is this deployment of long range missiles to germany going to look like and tell us how significant it is that you have needs agreed to this it
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is a huge step. it shows that the german concept will not sold once to take it german defense. and it's scaring russell awesome. doing anything more significant in the future to the next level. from 2026. we expect those weapons as tumbled to actually be stationed in germany. the range of 2000 kilometers, put small sco within that range. so it's on surprising that russert reacted. in fact, a rough quote the, the, the deputy foreign minister said that would be an a military technical response. there's also an narrative from the russian side that says that this is an escalation by the 2. and of course, with the russians, claiming that the entire war of aggression in ukraine was really a result of russet being threatened. so clearly it is the german shots, the united states, and the by nature willing to take this political risk of potential level escalation
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of sourcing a potential new alms race, so to speak. and, but it is seen as a cool principal in the future that germany needs more of a, terence, it needs american partners until it can build up its own capabilities. and that's clearly something what i felt stressed here is a target he has as tom. so to build those own capabilities in germany, so would you say that this is a sign that germany is stepping off and taking more of a leadership role in the nato? what something? well, that's so also said to quite clearly aust, exactly that he said he sees that certainly has a special response to the team that he's himself posting and gemini, is willing to fulfill that. what it does not mean. and that's also important to stress its own nuclear capabilities. that is simply a complete no go, that remains a new goes. germany has us nuclear weapon station to you as part of that nucleus
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shield provided by nate to but it doesn't sync own capabilities domestically. this is already causing quite a political storm, is encoded some part of the greens. want to have a debate about this. well, this is already signed with the united states. so be interesting how he explains that back home. and he's also willing to take a hit in the public debates. this is not necessarily going to be popular. he had positioned himself as a chance. the piece to only really matters to school in the opinion polls, if you was able to, when he was able to demonstrate that's very corston towards the rest and not provoking russia, not creating any kind of impression that nato germany specifically would get involved in the route between russia and ukraine, this is now a very different step and it points to germany willing, ready, and wanting to take more of a leading role within they to in the future. i said,
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i think so much for that update. that's chief political editor, michelle, you, alexis, and the reporting from the nice i, summits in washington, dc, and the fuzzy to nato. and then the states currently missing and wolfington mall king the alliance's 75th anniversary. they've reiterated that commitment to providing more right to ukraine and said that team is on a quote, a reversible pos tonight have membership. ukraine's future is a night, so that was the joint task summation made by now to leaders at the alliance's summit in washington, dc. however, they didn't lay out a specific timeframe. instead, ukraine will be invited to join quote, when allies agree, and when conditions met us, ukraine continues, is much will it reforms will continue to support them on the universe of volt pos,
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to nato membership. the work we are doing together now will ensure that when the time is right, ukraine conjoined without delay. it is not the question of this, but when and while this may not be exactly what keys wanted to hear, nato secretary general un stokes and beg, did have some words of consolation. we will increase our support for ukraine by stop, you're shooting a need to coordination on the security systems. i'm training for ukraine on by ensuring a sustain support for the long term planning periods, minimum funding of 40000000000 euros in military aid within the next year. which also includes a new command center in germany to coordinate the training of ukrainian troops and weapons deliveries. there's also no immediate release on the way so much. i meant
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the f sixteens are on their way. the transfer is happening as we speak. uh they'll be flying in this guys of ukraine this summer. that's another very important proof point. because again, it concentrates flattery pollutants, mine on the fact that he will not allow us to train. he will not last to us. and if he persists, the damage that will continue to be done to russian is interest will only deepen so well and they told stopped sure to providing any clear details for you kind of the session. so shares for the north atlantic teeth realization data, right. the declaration was intended to send a message of power and some a data to to friends. unfair was a, like elizabeth bro is a senior fellow with the atlantic council. transatlantic security initiative aisles to other lily whether she believes and they say members have shown unified from to the summit. they certainly have what they've done is perform a,
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a diplomatic seats that should not be under estimated. the deep dive issues within the lines about how to approach ukrainian membership of the alliance. some countries, some member states feel very strongly that if you train should be fine to, to join because it wants to join. and other countries, including the last of, via the adapt would be um and uh on the bicycle. and with this statement that without it, they have to have essentially managed to bridge the gap between those irreconcilable positions. and that shows a commitment to making the alliance for a problem and going out the same problem. sorry, we disagree on ukraine and that's, that's it. that was elizabeth bro with the atlantic councils. transatlantic security initiative. speaking to me a little earlier now as the us president joe biden, 6, to demonstrate his leadership qualities, atman, they, so summit pressure is mounting on him to abandon his bid for reelection. further
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blow came from the act to george clooney who's also one of the leading fundraisers for the democrats in the new york times committee, roach. we are not going to win in november with this president, and that's not just my opinion. that's the opinion of every sentence, a member of congress and governor that i've spoken to in private, but slowly some of those opinions on making their way into the public as well. the democratic sent us a piece of welsh as the months has become the 1st senator to publicly cool. so the president biden, to withdrawal from the presidential race and, and the tv interview, the former us. how speaker nancy pelosi seemed to dodge the question of whether or not she backs biden's candidacy. she said the decision was up to him up to the president. this aside, if he is going to run a we're all encouraging him to to make that decision. because time is running short of the i think overwhelming support of the, of the call it's,
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it's not for me to say, i'm not the head of the clock is anymore, but he's beloved. he is respected and people want him to make that decision. to the middle east now in the united nation says that is deeply concerned about a new evacuation order issue issued by israel on wednesday for the 2nd time since the sellers of the war with him off all residents of gauze, the city have been told to leave israel says it's now targeting several areas where it leaves. the remaining homeless militants have re grouped a smoke seen over a guys of seats, a just hours of to israel dropped lift. let's telling all its residents to flee the order, send thousands of photos statements on the round. again, it's with the to the i'm going south because of the blocking of phone services and the harsh living conditions when i do, and also the lack of food and water that i can for,
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for the lack of the dozens of palestinians were reported killed across guys. that over the past few days after these really our me once again stepped up, it's operation is a case from us. israel says it's main goal is to destroy the remaining militants. we have no interest in homing civilians in dollars the city or anywhere else. we're trying to get to, to the terrace where the terrorist attack from, or whether you have a set up base. these really military says it has pulled out its forces from guys a seat is, should die district. after they completed a 2 week operation. there. some of the residents went back there to assess the damage model and further after the 1st incursion we came here and repaired or how is this all in an order to shelter ourselves? we fix the windows and covered them with plastic sheets. i know how you know, but we have returned to should jaya, after 15 days,
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you can see the destruction hang on us about this very nothing even trees. there's a lot of greenery in this area, so i got the 100. what is the gold of his? don't have trees and what is my go to disability see, but i think that i'd be more then again, it's as it's rarely soldiers return to some areas that had previously been declared clear of home us civilians and gaza continued they search for a safe place. i expect to sco sanderson who's the director of a $1000.00 with the unread that's the united nation, not united nations relief agency for palestinian refugees. and he told me about the impacts as rails latest evacuation order is having a thank you for having me on this afternoon. and what we've seen is a population of about 250000 people in guys, the city that have been displaced. again, almost all of that population has been displaced at least miles, if not twice and many is 7 or 8 times. and they've been on the move, trying to find safety. they moved west the idea f is reported,
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they pulled out and they came back. the summer comes out. we spent a lot of time recently just trying to figure out where people are moving out. we do know that thousands have come across the checkpoint into the south and why the gaza into the middle area. and we're trying to ascertain, you can just, you know, these people what their needs are, while at the same time trying to figure out where people are and then or what their needs are. and how we can meet a scroll down to some that direct turbo says in y'all's, a full on right. now, before we go here is a quick look for you at a close encounter between man and while, but far more friendly than the one from the classic novel. maybe dick very solo across the north atlantic. tom worthington shot this video of what he estimated will more than a 1000 pilot whales surrounding his croft, u. k. based adventure. so the vast pause more than a 100 no school miles of the new foundland coast. it did admit, and it was
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a bit scary, but he said that wales coming to say hello, it was a special trees after a rainy morning. that's all for the show coming up next. don't film follows the journey of a talented young don't set from ukraine. still seeing the fresh in germany. thanks so much for watching the can you see what old cars tires have to do with the production? here's a hands on the real me indeed much now on youtube. beauty, you know, wants to help both him and his talent. then the last 16 years old as flood the war
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and you.


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