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tv   Conflict Zone  Deutsche Welle  July 11, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm CEST

3:30 pm
and so many things were suddenly imaginable, the most efficient and nicaragua, a dream of revolution, dots july 20th on the w on complex on this week. our 1st interview with a subbing is really minutes. this is because of war, began raising key questions on these governments tactics. human rights and it's prisons and us accusations of the country has been bombing garza indiscriminately. i mean, side chick, please. diaspora fast minister, but he wants nothing to do with due to join. empty will protests abroad. we ask why he's accusing sprains prime minister of anti semitism. once again talks on a hostage release get on the way. but what are the chances of a breakthrough? the hosp whose families one the government say one less it to pico. another thing
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i'm gonna try to clear you welcome to come fix on it out. it seems that ability talks well again, take place this week over a possible deal on releasing is really hostages and pausing the fighting in gaza. what are the chances of a breakthrough? this time to think it's all to, to do that aspect. it's how to den, i hope we will reach an agreement. obviously, one of the main purpose of the war mode of the main goals is to bring back our hostages. $120.00 hostages that are still kept in come us dungeons and daughters. and i hope that we can reach an agreement. apparently your parameters, so suddenly throw in a new list of non negotiable demands just before the talk to do to start again. the times of israel said his move was met with and got by is rarely security officials and mediators who not for the 1st time accused him of trying to sabotage the deal.
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is that what he was trying to do for the last minute spoken very well? no, i think that it seemed areas to say it defied me this to is fully committed to bringing back the hostages that are kept by the months does of some us and we have set goals for this war and we're not going to withdrawal. the goal is to defeat from us is to and highlight is military capabilities is political and government capabilities. and that, that is a, these are the goals that we've set and we're not going to move backwards from these goals in order to reach these goals. the ami himself, not the prior, it is still the, i mean the himself knows that we need to have a control control over the feed identical. we don't the same call. we don't the fatty matter and to allow the idea of forces. food scales movement
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all across a gas, a streets, and it, these are the demands that are, we cannot, uh, we cannot to give up these the elements and we can have the ceasefire. and we can release the demo east unfortunately, but we, we do it, you know, to bring back out people. but we won't give up the conditions to complete the mission of and now they didn't come us. it's me that didn't any leaders the army says, but uh, you're not going to achieve your items chief idea of spokes bus and daniel had got reset and then interviewed last month on channel 13. whoever thinks we kind of limit ne, thomas is mistaken. making how must disappear, it's simply starting signed in the eyes of the public. a mazda is an idea how much is a political party? it's rooted in the hearts of the people. how much is the muslim brotherhood? it's been around for many, many years. judging by the results so far,
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he's right. as a 1st and foremost, commodities suffering heavily is not one 3rd of its at least manual rich commanders . and he's also going to paul. although the philadelphia quote, we don't, uh, we have the dozens of tablets that are the main dollars that from these tablets have. he had the weapons coming. expose is coming from this side. they've been into that. and how much is an idea? it's not something that i care about. and just like in nazi germany, there was also an idea. it was an ideal, a logical movement. you don't care what a military spokesman says. i'm saying that we're not speaking about eliminating the ideal. i'm us. we're speaking about eliminating the tale of waste of come us that go exactly like that. isn't that the the weapons factories of from us
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is me to delegate, but it is. this is what me to eliminate the idea. maybe the way we will be will be been, will be leaving the ideal come us. i don't care as long as it's come us as a military organization does not exist. so you talked about your aims of the war, but as far as the people are concerned, 2 sides of the as rarely public se, returning the hostages is more important than continuing the war. you are losing the face of the hostage families in the statement over the weekend. they said the people of israel boat at the time and again, every poll, but it's in favor of a full deal for the return of all the hostages. we will not allow government ministers to torpedo a deal once again. they threatened that if the government fails to accept a deal this time, millions will take to the streets. they're not impressed with the government's performance of a well 1st uh, set of groups of february is of the hostages,
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and also victims of the warriors failed doing the wall with different voices. and some of them seeing that we need to go into a deed no matter what other conditions and obviously, and we can have disagreement. and all of them is 1st and foremost when this war it's not going to be easy. we made a significant progress as i, as i've said one 3rd of the 2 always of some us where eliminated most of these media carry and factoring capabilities. and besides capabilities, vouch and capabilities. most of the last most of these capabilities, we can never cease fire and we can release some of the oldest and, but we cannot stop the war. and we cannot allow time us do so by. while the war has gone on, mister chipley, israel's reputation has suffered greatly around the world. for now, a majority of americans, your closest allies, disapprove,
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of israel's conduct to the war, 55 percent against. and so does that government, despite on your progress stations about protecting civilians, president biden has accused israel point blank of indiscriminate bombing, one of the most serious charges that can be leveled in more time. he is in a position to know what he's talking about is that you have the closest possible intelligence connections between israel and the us. to 1st, i not aware already of the western army recalls for civilians to exact weight. and the, as well as a ducks are going to be lounged in a docks. water rates again stay is come, us a it positions. and the idea is extremely careful that in, regarding to civilian lives. and i think more than any of the wisdom of me at about the be all. and i've seen the polls, many polls and how about harry?
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said others, and most of the population in america as feasible is right? yes. we do have a chatted with the younger generation and, and we would need to do a lot of work of education and it at public diplomacy, it to have a better situation in terms of public diplomacy. but as the main mission now is to win this war against a jihad, these general society organizations was threatened to commit the crimes of october 7 raping, murdering be heading, neutralizing bodies again and again and again. so it's, it's not that we have a choice here, and we didn't, we did not choose add to this war. it wasn't our initiated, we were attacked. and this is a very natural response to do these attacks. under what circumstances is indiscriminate bombing, not of all crime in your view. what do you mean,
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the indiscriminate, the bone being? this is what president biden accused to of indiscriminate bombing, the accused, but that's not the reality. the bomb things are so he doesn't know what you're talking about. okay. so how do i sound it's? it's a gas he gets from us down. it's yes, he doesn't know what he's talking about. he's wrong is wrong. mister circular, you don't use 2000 bomb bombs if you want to go easy on civilians deal, which is why am i right? yeah. you friend, if you of all the into, if you call the civilians to evacuate baterri deleted before and then you use heavy logs because it's some cases, entire streets being trapped by bonds at all from us. i think it's absolutely a digital rate. so you bought the company with the americans on that bite and himself said in may, civilians have been killed in gaza as
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a consequence of those volumes, the 2000 bomb bombs and other ways in which they meaning israel goes off the population centers the state department also flagged bits concern saying it was reasonable to assess that israel had at times, used american weapons and amanda, inconsistent with international law. that's quite an accusation. do you have, do you have the other uh opinion, how can you dial good and how much still it's wiley in the condos at 20 meters? 50 me though, sometimes 70 me. those been used the ground helping you do it without the heavy bombing. you can tell me how will you do it? do you feel nothing for the huge number of casualties that you've caused? 38000 that more of an a 2000 injured more than a 1000000 people displays thousands of palestinian children's dead. and which was, which was this war, me spelt him. no,
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i'm asking about how you feel about before. let's say we didn't, you are, this is life. this is life. we didn't shoot the life full pallets. good. so i work a life, eat so more. you feel the lives, how much open war we didn't choose this war. what do you want us to do? say it ok. you can get away with the burden. you can dial families that live raping the be great being murdering years and people in the bobby strolling in dialogue ages what, what do you expect us to do exactly? well, the environment expects you to listen to him these, but people asking about better than by that i'm asking you as a reasonable human being. it's not, i'm not here to answer the question. i'm here to ask them to get your views, but by them those are the vision. it's a little more obligation to eliminate come us whatever it takes. i think we're
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making huge efforts to prevent the kidding of civilians. and that is despite the fact that hundreds of civilians both dissipated in the murder rather inc. raping of the lesson is ladies on october 7th. so this is not about prevents, this is about the future. we must seek your villages and our people where those come us operate from liking for structures. schools hospitals is overriding from this even population. so he makes it very, very difficult to create adult the separation and to add a situation in which there are no civilian casualties. this is the war started war against the dial me. it's a war against a table. organizations were uses the population as human shields and you know, it,
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you don't take kindly to criticism, do you? um, you said you are not interested in building alliances, even with diaspora. jews who take part in international protests against your military campaign and god, why is not a role jew suppose to think the same way you do about this for no opposite. we can add disagreement, but if you're going without the semite a muscle, boulders, medius, boulders, and so that's a problem, that's a problem. yeah. you co pay, jo sanchez, the spanish prime minister $90.00. see my for saying you had genuine doubts about whether israel was abiding by international law is present and bob said, look and present them bite. and also in on to see might for expressing is no, no isn't no reason why a lot of them are not at all. then why is pedro so you compare the sanches? do you compare sanchez divided? both have concerns very. both up comes out very different. you think you can get it,
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i should say on your lot sanchez, but not about by that is that is sanchez is a communist misgivings. but that's what we need do those things. we need to reward the policy union with the state because of the events of october 7. sanchez came to offer fully the day of the hostage agreement to condemn easily. and to be all around on the back of the hostages in the most difficult way possible. so about sanches really uh i stand behind my words that some of the same like a and e responsive of is not a serious leader. and then by the never said such things. yeah. the criticism and that's okay. and we can have disagreement, but i would not compare bite into sanchez. it's like to compel by then to mental, i'm shown, or you think it'd be, can your comments about sensors are helpful to your country insulting and
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ridiculing important people? or is it just itself most most of us will grab a good and with what when i see on to say like, like for being all got away old middle ensure and will refuse to rick obadiah from us as a tool. organizations refuse to come them at the mass up here of october 7. we have nothing to the bank with these kinds of leaders, the sky delete those other lines would come us tables organizations be if it'd be a cd affility, you're compliant about anti semitism in the west, but the protests against your action in garza console be explain the way as anti semitism can, but i never said that any demonstration against these that is it on this, it might act that can be created. so i think of the state of the as a just like any other nation and that's perfectly ok. but when you are blocking the entrance of the jewish students,
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add to go into that campus because they are the jewish at. that's a by some it is a. and when you are calling from the rebuild to the c, palestine will be free. meaning they will be no, we use rel, meaning if mcclin's and good general aside against the jewish people, then you are not the same light as so this is on by some of them and saying that the, please a stop on thinking guys our or something like that and that is still videos and we can draw a line in between the 2 as this was going on you and of the leading politicians as we seem continue to claim the moral high ground your own human rights organizations have a very different view. your public committee against torture slammed your armies treatment of detainees, and it's steve came from prison and the mega front and other facilities. and then there's really dr. who was station this confirmed,
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the collection of report sites in a pulling treatment of detainees, much of it amounting to torture. just this week he said in april 2 prisoners have their legs amputated due to having cost injuries, which unfortunately is a routine event where or compress it. you said in breaking the law or do you care? so is this a vibrant democracy? is it, as you didn't see the human rights activist, the discussions in the supreme court uh this that a month base is now closed because of the complains of diesel depositions. and this is the state will be, is a, if you heard any criticism coming from human rights, actually based about the conditions of which in which the hostages are being held. if you heard something from the red cross about this, the conditions of the hostages or the killing of the hostages inside chief, a hospital or in the i must done is that you heard anything uh like that. coming from uh,
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from augusta. how much did we hear about the conditions in the state came on another prison facilities since there was no public authorization. so people help out until the 45th day. and the red cross wasn't allowed to visit families when not informed of where that relatives were. these were forced disappearances one day that they mind is being closed because of the complaints that the conditions we're not, we're not good enough. i don't think we need to give the some us still east and added the look statement. they need to receive the minimum and that we uh oh, by international or nose and we spend by the installation of those. and, well, if there any situation in which there is a problem, then we have a, a legal system to make sure we stand according to international your, you don't like human rights organizations. do you,
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you have in the past dismissed them as anti semitic, and anti zionist, whose purpose you claim is to undermine israel legitimacy and spilled the blood of it, soldiers and citizens who actually set that as a conference 2 years ago. are you when i would really say gab of the criticism that you have to kind of construct this daughter for line cabinets, 1st, the legitimate and you're saying human rights organizations. some of them have a clear political role pro, bought a cd and organizations. for instance, the shock, for instance, but said in breaking the silence, the, the old, these organizations are, have any funded by a you were being states and the democracy that you are so proud of it. i am proud that these organizations can operate. but some of these organizations, a hostile several, these organizations with fight full, they knew about prisoners, but they won't fight for the rights of their own people. so therefore i also have
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criticism to some of them and i distinguish some of the overrides in the fairway and not just against the, not just regarding to uh, this, the rights of the, till least. and but those while doing everything to protect their, at least by 3 main silence when it our people without being bridge, which are massive, accurate, rate, diesel. that is ations in that i mentioned some of them breaking the silence. but tell them, i think diesel daddy's ations and i permitted godaddy's asians an invalid to writing against dell overriding against the state of reason. let's, let's look at the day off to the war ends. whenever that is going to be secretary of state anthony blank, i'm says that has to be a clear political plan, a clear humanitarian plan in order to ensure how much does not in any shape or form was you control of gaza. you're never going to agree to palestinian statehood next
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to you. are you the 1st of all them? if you examine the situation the image rolled it in terms of the, the population, most of the population was about a senior is around 70 percent. and it was established on the british model that though we valid stein uh and i'm not sure that the you can say that the palestinians doesn't have rights there. so they have rights that we need to have in about a senior. then we have disagreement with jordan, i think we can afford both only injured and somalia. i see if we can afford autonomy and gaza. we get a lot of full and the full, the state was an army. and i think this is the biggest, this is of october 7. am actually the best fox tool, the palestinians, head of state, a small state in gaza. we evacuated 21 villages that we have destroyed
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our own villages. we evacuated 10000 people from their homes in order to bring the piece in order to allow the other seniors to govern. uh, guys, out and you saw the outside the, you know, the, the bay alarm to be loaded. i bought it came out to you. you were like prison gods, outside the prison instead of in reason why prison. because nobody could leave without your say. so nobody could enter without the ball the data boulder with egypt and ops date with, with whom, with whom you co operate. where did you sleep? yes, with egypt, the modem with egypt, they can though they had thousands of them, were able to walk the news or and to bring salaries back home. there was trade where we've got them and we received october 7. so what is the lesson? do you want this to evacuate all villages?
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the lesson is more from the fact that you facilitated the funding of hamas in order to divide and conquer the palestinians, didn't you? to prevent them from speaking with a single voice knowing but how much of the thought of staying with our 2 would be as each of us wrote, you promote the training that they chose, the palestinians in guide that shows in elections from us. and you chose not have them sign that zone shows come on us. they chose come us. they chose according to the scott, the research institute, to so both even now to support october of 7, most accurate, they do not regret. then my 2nd of october 7, they are responsible, human beings. they could have chosen otherwise. they could have turned the gaza into single pole. they could have invest not in manufacturing, the size and 900 kilometers of pilots beneath the ground. but to build
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ours hotels, factories, they didn't do it. they wanted us, they didn't do it on the same line, but you want a state, and that's your 1st prime minister david been go to and said a 100 years ago. there is no solution to this. both of you want the same line, both of you want to have it as states, that is no solution to this the last time. did you as a prove david been go in right? haven't but i think that what we have we're seeing is that is a, is a culture of lice, with prosperity, of no hatred towards the palestinians. you can go into every single adoption that out. i mean, is that and ask the kids about the song. i was born for peace to arrive. in hebrew, i need not be the shuttle she lock you the and you can go to any can them in gaza
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and ask the kids in gaza. but of the talk about did use about this table is obviously do eliminate them hot. go at doc. this is the policy in any education. and by the way, it's not just come us, but also to be at all. this is the big difference between palestinians and use of that is listed here. we are each live we cherish live, they cherish. there was the typically that's as the guy deal on a gene of the muslim brotherhood. although kind of valley oh, past submitted button or hold them will be, i mean if we say any general side equal ideology, racist ideology, this, they might ideology that is the reality they can choose to create in gaza state a flourishing state with an economy. it didn't do it. all right,
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mr. typically, we run out of time. thanks very much for being on comfort. so thanks for you. the
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box makes us the diversity of it's residence, the commitment to one another, no focus on complex on this week. i 1st interview with a southern use randy minister,
3:58 pm
so god the wolf again raising key questions on his government practice, human rights and his person and us expectations of the country. they've been coming in discriminatory. i thought a check please by ask for a fast minister. the ones who refuse to join antigua protest, conflict in 90 minutes on dw the sometimes to show our gratitude to the highlight for every week, not the model. what i mean, obviously i know i know i might just do it and i'm hoping dw newport task. think strength amounts,
3:59 pm
but it's actually about move. join us as we travel around your, facing the history of every day of that. and that's something right around the wells. and i need to talk to you back, just a subscriber id. listen to paul. gosh, then we'll take you along for the ride this video change the word it says us. so to is killing civilians in the rock roll off to posting. it's julie and his sons became a wanted man. 14 years later the we can expound it is fine and the gym is done doing the traces, the stories of a soldier volley for off the attack. they speak to each other for the 1st time. finding a captivating story about the struggle for forgiveness. i'm sure. guardians of trees. julian, his terms and the dark secrets of war, starts july 27th on w. the the
4:00 pm
. this is dw news live from the in the us will station, long range weapons in germany. that and in washington say that deployment demonstrates the commitments in a so i'm to european defense. russia says it will now consider a military response. and nato says, ukraine is on an air reversible pulse to membership of the alliance as it pledges additional support on as much as 14000000000 years in fresh $816.00 plus kenny as president william versa, dismissal unless his entire cabinet, it's in response to weeks of violence and the government protests,
4:01 pm
i'm the storming of parliament over.


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