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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 11, 2024 6:00pm-6:15pm CEST

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the, the business day, the we news line from berlin, the u. s. will station long range weapons in germany. berlin and washington say that employment demonstrates their commitment to nato ends to european defense. russia says, and we'll consider a military response. nato says ukraine is on an irreversible path to membership a b, a lines as a flat, just additional supports and at least $40000000000.00 euros and fresh a key plus kenny as president william brutal dismisses almost his entire cabinet. that's in response to weeks of anti government protests, and the storming of parliament overtax rises
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the uncle for at least welcome to the program. the united states will begin stationing long range missiles in germany, starting in 2026. washington and berlin say that employment cements their commitment to nato and european defense. the agreement includes tomahawk s, m 6, and hypersonic themselves. the weapons are nuclear capable and have a range of more than 2000 kilometers. and we're banned under a treaty with russia until the us withdrew from that 25 years ago. at the nato summit in washington, german chancellor or f shows welcome the us decision to station long range missiles in germany. so that's, i think it's also important the results of this meeting together with the decision
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to organize coordination and responding in germany, which i think is really a better step forward altogether. i think it is the right time for right decisions . i believe that's another aspect which is important for me. the united states decided to deploy at the precision strike capabilities in germany, which i think is a very good decision. and it fits into all the decisions we already took to our brussels baron chief alexander phenomena joins. as from the nato summit in washington, alexandra schultz mentioned the city of the spot. and there, that's where nato will set up. a new command center. is this the spelling of your i'm taking on more responsibility within the alliance? yes, i think that it's definitely assigned that to your pins are willing and ready to take on more responsibility with the creation of this new native command and be spied. and also the fact steps need to,
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as an alliance is ready to take on and leading role in called in a team, military assistance to ukraine and the training of the ukraine and soldiers as also a very significant and according to you installed them back. they nato secretary general. it is going to puts a military assistance to claim on his term for team and all of that is, of course, part of nato's plan to try and prove the alliance and it's age to ukraine. because many india lions here that donald trump should he be elected again, coach would use american or security role in europe and maybe even put in as to old military assistance to ukraine. so they are trying to get prepared for that. but the experts that i've been speaking with told me that a m u of so is not able to replace the u. s. and they are held for ukraine. and so
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we will see how successful all those efforts will be. now, alexandra, is that the appointment of long range missiles in germany, and what is that going to look like, and how significant will it be for nato security architecture here in europe? well, nicole, i think that this is very significant for you. well, but also of course, any particular for gemini, because we are talking things you hear about the long range missile capabilities, including as you mentioned before, a tomahawk permit. so that can go over 2000 kilometers. i hypersonic me, so i'll and other modern weapons that will be deployed temporarily in germany in 2026, which is of course meant as a deterrent against any potential threats. also, of course, russia and we have seen that they have already reacted saying that this decision,
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as a link in a chain of the course of escalation, a budget for germany. this is a guaranteed uh, added to terrence. and of course of this also, it's showing that the current administration is committed to nato and to protect the teen q a. p in territory the current administration. but come november could well see a change in the white house. is this something that could be undone by donald trump in his possible 2nd term? well, it's still not from is it like that? and then of course, as a commander in chief, he will make his own decision. and that is something that is not being the cost to you openly, but of course uh, behind the scenes allies are trying to prefer their contingency plans. and there are discussions going on, what it's a could mean for a the alliance a,
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it's a donalds, trump gets elected again, ukraine gets money, at least 40000000000 euros. and weapons, of course, was everyone gathered in washington in favor of this new as package. well this package was approved long before this. um it stopped it. uh, but it's of course not an easy decision for allies. menu staff has to deal with budgetary restraints, especially in europe. and there is one member states that have member states that opted out of a military assistance. also, a financial assistance for ukraine is hungry. so uh uh, even though uh, the other elyse were able to move forward without them. uh it is showing you that not all of them are on the same page. alexandra phenomena in washington dc. thank
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you so much. take a look now and some of the other stories making news around the world's taiwan is defense. ministry says it has detected 66 chinese warplanes near its territory, the aircraft or thoughts to be joining chinese navy drills in the pacific. the exercises coincide with the summit of needle leaders who have criticized aging for supporting the war and ukraine. state media and china say 6 people have died and floods caused by a record rain fall in the south west. nearly 500 residents were evacuated. torrential downpours hit the tongue, ching area causing landslides and destroying homes, aspire of the gothic cathedral, and the french city of juan has caught fire. the cathedral is around 800 years old and was painted by the impression is claude one day the cause of the blaze and extent of the damage or not get no serves. top court has overturned
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a government decision to hold plans for your biggest lithium mine. yes, really, in mining jain, rio tinto code now developed the side 2 years ago. l grade were both permits for the multi 1000000000 dollar project activist fair. it'll permanently damage the environment to united nations as it's deeply concerned about a new evacuation order issued by israel. and the 2nd time since the start of the war with home us, all residents of kansas city have been told to leave. israel says it's now targeting several areas where it believes the remaining militants have regrouped. smoke seen over guys a c t just hours up to israel dropped, lift. let's telling all its residents to flee the order, send thousands of photos statements on the round. again. that's what the deadline claims sell because of the blocking of phone services and the harsh living conditions when i do and also the lack of food and water that i can for,
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for the lack of the dozens of palestinians while reported killed the cross guys that over the past few days after these really are me, once again stepped up, it's up a ration to gaze from us. israel says its main goal is to destroy the remaining militants. we have no interest in harming civilians in dollars, a city or anywhere else. we're trying to get to, to the terrace where the terrorist attack from, or where they have a set up base. these really military says it has pulled out its forces from guys a seat is, should die district. after they completed a 2 week operation. there. some of the residents went back there to assess the damage model and further back to the 1st incursion we came here and repaired or how is this? and in order to shelter ourselves, we fix the windows and cover them with plastic sheets. i know how you know, but we have returned to should jaya, after 15 days,
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you can see the destruction here obvious that this very nothing even tree. there's a lot of greenery in this area. so i got the how to start, what is the gold that was don't have trees, and what is my goal? does a civilian see? but i think that i'd be more than again, it's as it's really soldiers return to some areas that had previously been declared clear of home us civilians and gaza, continued a search for a safe place to the county. and president william rudo has dismissed almost all of his cabinet ministers and as promising to form a new government ritual also sacked. the attorney general. the announcement follows weeks of unrest over an unpopular finance bill. opponents say the bill would impose on affordable tax rises on people and businesses within 30 people have been killed in the protest. here in berlin, one of the only awful german members of parliament is stepping down carumba the i'll be received death threats and says he now wants to spend more time with his
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family job. he was elected on a wave of optimism for the center left social democrats in 2013 but races jives of overshadowed his term. he was the 1st task looking for an m p to sit in the been dis, doug, but carumba the bees political career has since been beset by racist. attacks and death threats have disability. nobody's moving on to spend more time with families . he insists the extremists have not one, he decided anything so good. now that's no advantage and exactly what the other sides, except that you're tired that you intimidated. i can only repeat that. i would not be intimidated because i know that the vast majority of people support me if but somebody in 2020 a no one attacker saw the abbey's office in the eastern german city of holla. last month, he published a chilling death threats sent to him. everyone hate you on wants to see you. barnett read, i quote, you're all going to end up hanging from
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a lump. post vinny fairfield, if we don't publish it, investigating our far, i just can't do that job. that's why a populace this and this case is extremely, really depressing because my team is also black made and prize. my team off dot braswell the on the door would that he's not alone across to many politically motivated crimes have doubled in the last decade as well. but it seems like these mass protests against the far right this year that offer him the group on the group of people in this country who's practice the hatred and insight into these people exist. the group is a small group. they allowed the present, but you have to realize that the best majority of our society is open minded and tolerance. and the vast majority of fighting for cohesion in our society and in demand how to conferences. i'm an how was it a good sense of us living colleagues across paul them into paid tribute to his
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contributions and see his departure should be a wake up call. i really regret the tease retreating. we need his voice, humans and the now we need to think about changing this climate in our country. and it certainly won't be changed by aggressive language to the central left politicians as part of the reason he's stepping down. there's to make space for the next generation. yup. and either i'm giving you a peer to these young people to join the parties, join the tried to, didn't get involved and really participate in the elections and invited in our mitsubishi. i can, he's not quite finished. he will officially stand next election in late 2025, plenty of time then to make a difference and reflect on the state of german democracy and some sports as before we go england to be the netherlands, to goals, to one and the semi finals of the year 2024 football tournament here in germany. i
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always seem on the open the scoring for the dodge and the 7th minutes of the match . but harry kane fired in a penalty for england's to make it one all. and then the very 1st minute of added time, all the watkins sealed england's victory with another goal. the americans being, when fans going wild, add the final whistle. england now face spain in the final on sunday, the fairly unexpected one for many years. a reminder of the top story we're following for you. the us is to station long range cruise missiles in germany for atlanta and washington state and a plumbing demonstrates their commitments to nato and to european defense
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specialist as it will now consider a military response. next dw documentary looks at destructive, over fishing off the coast of west africa, states you in for that. i'll be back with more at the top of the next hour. hope to see you then the, the, the growing us interagency as the palestinians ever known, we can't expect much living with a bare minimum without civil rights and with no cost. this is not a good environment. yeah, no no my children and favorite shadow stats oldest good on the w, the.


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