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tv   DW News Africa  Deutsche Welle  July 11, 2024 7:30pm-7:59pm CEST

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is the most efficient in nicaragua, a dream of revolution? dots july 20th on the w. this is dw news africa coming off on the program. roland are prepared for elections, but will they change anything? president kick, i'm a faces limited opposition as he seeks of falls presidential term, but rights groups continue to voice concerns about rolanda as political climate plus the image that's causing a sta in cameroon, president paul b. as door to the in the spotlights. i made the countries n t l g b t last prescription for survival. how nigeria is economic timeline is affecting access to medication and health care for millions and the cross cultural music linking gonna and germany,
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the we made some of the legends behind the distinctive sound of the highlights, left as marked on the african music worldwide. the hello, i'm told me on the logical welcome to the program. rwandans will be voting and elections next week and president paul cook, i'm a is widely expected to buy another sweeping victory. he's been lead us since the end of the countries 1994 genocide and the most recent election kick me one nearly 99 percent of the votes, but not without controversy. while the country has made economic advancements, white's groups have long accused. the rwandan government of stifling,
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political opposition all corresponded. mario miller has been monitoring the run up to the polls and she has this report from 2 galli. a danny is what many people think off when they think of rwanda and mold in plain, developed and say as capital. the government has led todd to sell this image. we've been mostly successful and the most important things that we wanted to get done. which means security and safety for london's bringing back home refugees of uniting london's justice and progress and delivering to hundreds run up to date is better off than it's ever been. ronda has grown economically reduced maternal mortality and improved health care. it has also become a major conference and tourist destination, but that's not enough. especially when 60 percent of london still live below the poverty line. says a position need to fix why and happy with the data. so much of
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a ment. i agree that to the, to got it. we have a beautiful building, glen, this is sweets. button development is most of that development is they indicate to be able to people. and that's what have appropriate for my invitation among the kids on that 5 use that has all kinds of for me to provide to him in other countries outside the to get, he would have to have a who's we need to go do a need that explicit do we need to or tie we need to or it's but that's just this menacing stuff to have to shift speak to and be right. has been a fee is critique of president pool come down there for decades and was punished for speaking out. she was imprisoned for ages were challenging the government narrative of the 1994 genocide, the targeted the tootsie minority and killed about 800000 people. are you good? the size of the, the institution is alondo from the government of quasi or
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a label to be the enemy of the coffee. like to me, i spend the a to using the present order because it has get the size of the parts of the government. so this is why i ask that they have to understand that we need to also democracy in our country to have a system, the bit of development. we need to to have a lead. that is what i could account about before the citizen government has been praised for bringing separately to design to the 30 years since the dentist. that was no. well, the criticize the countries for human rights record and foods disappear, hinge and extra 2 additional cleanings and georgia, a routine 14 members of freaked wine, you'll be or is a position party and 3, john list behind bars several more waiting trial. the government denies the problem. we did. we did not assessing if people were a country of law. we're country that find his life. that is the biggest, less than that we learn from the genocide o job is to take care of one of these. people are free to say whatever they want.
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the country rang 144 out of 180 in the world, press freedom index. do you think it will be a free and fair election? yes, it's all, it's elizabeth. it's widely expected that pul, cuz i'm a will win this election with more than 90 percent of the vote, as he has done in previous polls. which i now by clemency into my uh, senior research on human rights watch. she joins us from gary. it's in from school to have you on the program. clementine, now is gum is re election a done deal. i thanks for having me. um. so the elections and we're wanting to taking place in having the restricted environment, the political space, and we're going to is controlled by the up here. if i'm president, who can government, is there any to other people who are running against him in these elections? and they want less than 2 percent of the vert combined in the last election.
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several position leaders who tried to register as candidates were unable to do, sir. and the server doesn't know position members who are currently in prison in the one to so, so that leaves us with a very limited perspective in terms of how things will progress going forward. oh, give us more insight as to why the opposition looks the way it does. why isn't that a strong opposition? because the political opponents and rolanda being outspoken and critical of the government, its policies is a dangerous attack. we've documented numerous cases of rwandan opposition. members . critics, commentators blockers journalists who's been found that and suspicious 2nd sponsors who's gone missing. we've had national intelligence on that to a step, has been held incommunicado,
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grew up on trial or convicted in prison in violation of the human rights. so ultimately that restricts have a need the opportunities for people to be much as political figures and opposition leaders in the country. oh, what about the, the election process itself? we do see that there are huge numbers turning out to vote for president obama each time despite these criticisms. you mention, so why is that? so why don't we see, for example, protests votes. i mean, what we've seen in the past is the president's winning in around 9598 percent of design um, which is up to do to huge as you, as you say. but the faith isn't taking place in a free and fair environment, and it's certainly not taking place in an environment where people can freely express the political opinions and take part in political life and the country. so
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that has to be factored in. when you look at the election results, how much in the more draw from human rights watch? many thanks for speaking to us. thanks very much. you're watching dw news africa still to come from jazz everything. we live the high life with the legends of like and then music scene for jane, germany that blends cultures, styles and traditions. the recent instagram post by brenda b, a dose of cumberlands president paul, the spot to media speculation about her sexuality. the post features a photo of brenda, kissing brazilian model, violence, violence shed on the final day of pride month communion law prohibits same sex
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relations with penalties of up to 5 years in prison, but miss b a is currently living abroad. so how's the story being received? in cameroon, place a own report from the port city of twila. she kissed the girl, i should liked it. that seems to be the message from ben w. she calls herself cameras best daughter on her posting on easter down those more than simply hints that she's in the same sex relationship, a criminal act in cameroon. o, g, b, g, q, people fees, up to 5 years in prison on wed spent social stigma. so i'm gonna select the country and i'll just leave heated lice like i need to she. so let's get who knew all too with how dangerous these off for quit. we're now using how real need to protect i'm afraid for my life every day. i'm afraid for my life and i'm returning home
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from book and i come across someone who might have some doubts about me. or if i see a man and i have to detect his advances, i'm afraid of being hit in the street. i'm afraid to hoard hands in the street, but the bus and i share my life with that is because they can invest and throw me in prison without any respect for my rights. and if there was a time when people you know, never who would just go by, she was in their relationship with a woman. both of them were brutally beaten and tried to and would rate. the police went on, willing to help them get justice. read one last question, protested the commission of police at the police station kept on mentioning to us the lot are to go to 471. and we could hear some of the 1st thing. if you are
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lesbians, we are going to ask you and lock you up. it could be worse than what happened to you. they said to the girls that don't just the feminine, but not to masculine. like in between, many believe brenda can afford to come because she, some of the ruling edit wise jaleece is reason enough license of cameroon on a private jet here. not everybody else, despite the privilege, the president's daughter seeing clear headed car about the ruth she stake if i could use a lot she to frank to be the any with the sweater activities like homeland quin hope them britain because of the mission which he got to beat in the country that act somehow was somebody that was like 3 not because of the privilege of the fact that she's the president, but just being high set as brand as i mean the we do are coming up to see i like these and i like this person and i want to show the whole or that i really love
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this person is something that we also see like an act, of course, on the streets of dweller onto eligibility. sentiments to me and hi. it's on the lucky that brenda will be arrested and sent to prison by our fathers carpet. however, some people do hope this will be how feet you should with us to come to the, to, to this race for the republican war, disagrees for the presidential couple. once it's all you look at such a child for the 1st band to this doesn't exist in homosexuality, it doesn't take seconds on your number of law condemned the act strongly. that means you to has to be punished. it's not fair to punish other people not and let others go free and one that's a good everyone is equal before the law with the one on one. the results. the law against homosexuality is one likely to change any time soon. a. how does the brenda's publics done is seen as a window seat for compact to use? like i need to? well, fighting to be seen on hood,
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i have hope that one day i can freely express my love. in the same way without prejudice and judgement from people especially that i will be respected and accepted by other people of my own right. as a human being for yes, i have hope you cannot make challenges in nigeria have caused a strain on people's pockets, but the situation is also having a direct effect on health. the rising cost of living means people are having to pay more or even go without them much needed medication. and even the drug providers and not immune as dw, so at least i took them out, reports doing
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a one day call has to be living with asthma all her life. i son also suffers from the condition, but she's no longer able to bite inhalers. she needs because medicines and nigeria have become so expensive with the, with the economy is going things are really, really gets in tough email. you're struggling to buy food stuff. and you also trying to spoke up on your medication. so for me, i kinda cut down on the inhaler for myself. i went caught things for my child. the cost of medicines has gone up because of inflation and the volatility of the exchange rates. this has made it more expensive for nigeria to impart drugs. so my brought this, the result has been discuss it to your basic met, seems and higher prices. drug practicing nigeria has been under price is $20.00 a 13. that's how it's not supposed to do to correct inflation rates. this have to
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be by optic used to sell for around $1000.00 that are for a full dose each. that's what was left on a dollar. what now? sales for 9000 on there. that's about $6.00. the shortage of met since that's also become more acute is several international pharmaceutical companies left major area because of the economic conditions. the government has promised to invest more in local drug manufacturers. but many fear that may not be enough to plug the gap. well, there's a limit, so what local manufacturer has come to o the goods and to allow the lives of um, ends of must because and some of the products that don't some what item did you notice month bucks you guys in the, in the country with this the limits of what the kind of to the economic hardship is, links to the decision to remove the fuels subsidy. the government says it's reforms will improve life for citizens and in the future. and that the cost of living crisis would eventually ease. but like many nigerians, dwayne needs
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a solution. now people have all sorts of complicated conditions. and imagine how they are coping, you know, so for me, if they plead so the government, whatever needs to be done, 1st find a way to stabilize the se, calling on me, things going out of hands for 3, and others who cannot afford met. since this is a challenging time, last week now to delta or the allow all of into a medical doctor and team lead at the health city. a tech enabled social enterprise in nigeria. good. so i'll be on the program of doing law. now to tell us about the current state of things, from what you witness to operations, how on nigeria is current. you cannot make problems impacting the access to health services and mets info when i durians. so being a part of the, quite hard and for some people it's wonderful to buy foods,
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no physical medicine. so for most people be as you know, come back to stuff medication. i'm telling me to keep you on, you know, just using, you know, um, um, quality medications that you saw spot of medications. i the also results using things like a i called medications, which we come on the call. i will usually you're by language, a nice area. and you know, the problem with a board is that you don't really know what's inside. but because people have no choice, this things of cheap already they have to label. they don't have to consult the doctor or people consultations if would you use it. so to revise. so using things like i bought, i have some people that job that have to mostly be a problem. say maybe someone as an accident. and maybe the goal is get broken. instead of going to hospitals to get, you know, possibly the care they ask, you know, to go to try to shut up on the steps is because those people are cheaper than going to hospital. so the effect is, you know, it's not off,
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i'm just can see it close. and how are you able to advise people? um, because you do give, give people that health care advise how, how, how does this affect the way you relate and engage with people. so the way to stick it where it relates with people especially. and so what policy changes or, you know, industry collaborations or what kind of action do you think is necessary to improve health care access and nigeria in the face of these economic challenges. so rank up about i would say l to insure right, that's a huge problem. and nigeria and the vast majority of minds areas. i'm with each one, right? a lot of people pay out of pocket for health care. and this page is vishal by pro, by god's too bad when someone has a pdf. okay, problem like that, quite a problem, right after $0.10 for a job. but since you have to pay out of pocket for every single b, do you've your noise shirts issues, because i would want my turn. so policy wise,
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i think the majority of insurance, which are g as in look, work to do in a story about mid past missouri. if you have the police on shore, i'm most of the companies us afraid policy is, you know, about a college being drawn pharmaceuticals to produce drugs that are, you know, stand out for people. a lot of people rely on what's more expensive brass because you know, this be our own pharmacies, f, i'm all on one big farmers and those day or so if you apple, it says that encourage them and provide useful the biggest as of some eco's outcast to okay, stuff a lot on lot being taught. we appreciate your insights. thank you for speaking to us. oh ok. are now to a form of music forged by demand, migrants, or on half
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a century ago. that's grown into a thriving cultural scene, both in gonna and here in germany, mixing the generals of jazz, funk re gay sold. i'm afro beach bug, a high life offers and intoxicating mix of weston and african sounds. and i've been to meet a new super group here in berlin, that's at the heart of this ever evolving musical movement. the living, the high life in berlin. style the multiple generations of performers coming together in celebration of the west african countries culture and music. and we've been lucky enough to get a sneak preview of the distinctive command sound at the bands rehearsal studio.
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pot, thomas is one of the most well known faces of the high life scene. i'll put another way, he's a good man, high life legend, i suppose to be the region now. because of the eclipse dot dot, dot, dot, i use everything that is the phone. and the other thing is john rob music originated in coastal gun in the late 19th century, but was brought to germany in the 19 seventies and eighties by musicians, leading political instability and the country's military regime. and now with access to new music and the latest instruments, the let the creative juices flowing in by the name being abroad. do you think that added anything to use on competitive the the and got it
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done because of the equipments me 1st please. how do i do from sound good, if i'm in that, to swing on this new stuff, come from the sizes and you know, keyboards and so so we do ready for this kind of sound that sound evolution soon got a new name. the highlights, a style of music associated with the many migrants who would travel between gonna and gemini, with a match at the heart of a so called bug, a movement, a not to the gym and wood for citizen. the thing that charles a more i found that putting a band together wasn't always easy. the tires were dose of something so proud to get it was was, it was
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a photo. so i kept thinking and was wondering how, how does that work, and what does that translate to with your audience as will appear and, and by holding kind of somebody when it is on page as of june phrase a little that some of those on life when they come to come religion and music easy . but what was it was fair but over the years, burger high life only became more popular with his experimental, across the border approach. seeing his playing upon the venetian of african music today, the music went from when border took together and then when they were, they came back and changed. and this is how we ended up with a release today. so i think we try to stay original,
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but we also made these sites and then use today's tools to make it sort of multicast. i will say the band is now preparing to play gigs here in germany and elsewhere in europe, hoping to delight fans, old and new with a modern twist on the classic bulk of highlights blend. all sounds the and if you can't make the live gigs, but one more highlights, then check out the album gonna special volume to that's from sound way records, who have long been researching and discovering music from donna and nigeria, amongst other countries. and it's on that river, make notes, we sign out, but there's more on our website and our social media channels. we'll see you next
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time i sent out the
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the sofa. but how is the multi 1000000000 in your business varying in the age of renewable energy even the saudi arabia is banking on a green future. all the oil multi nationals cooling eclipse logo us in 30 minutes on the w. it's linda is turning this stress into a business idea the 19 year old honda vernita is the founder of the bullet
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points in ask design to make life easier for students. but how does it work? yeah, let me show you made in town many in 60 minutes on d w the i think the forward is twice think ahead or was focus outside the box on your but always remember to think for yourself. we all had to sign was incredibly like providing you with free information
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dw, made for mind several did a wide range stream it. so linux, rice, regression being helpful rate and burned in south africa. well, with disabilities more likely to believe that job or lack lives matter, protest, racially motivated, the least by the same sex marriage has been legalized, discrimination pauses every day. long so many we all because life is the main the, the,
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this is the, the, when it was like from berlin. the us will station, long range weapons in germany, berlin and washington say the diploma demonstrates their commitments, tomato and senior team defense specialist, as there will now consider a military response also coming up kind of as president william rudo dismisses almost his entire cabinets. the response, 2 weeks of anti government protests and the storming of parliament over tax rise in the united nations sounds the alarm on israel's order to evacuate cause a city aid worker say force.


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