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tv   Global Us  Deutsche Welle  July 11, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm CEST

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so everything in between moses video and audio production, 5 d, w, i hope that you will tune it, whether it's baskets themselves, to don, for goals in india, sometime sports are more than just the game. the saudi arabia has points to reach carpet neutrality by 2016. so why is it still investing in oil and windmill supplies of the fossil fuel run out? the in 1956, a g o scientist for show and professor at stanford project is the global oil production with peak around the year, 2000. this came as a huge shock at
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a time when well was driving more and more of the economy. some people thought it would mean a global financial crisis and others a full on apocalypse. since then, predictions about peak oil have popped up again and again. supply problems were supposed to start in 2011 with effects noticeable by 2015. there was talk of high prices for food and fuel, supposed to impact agriculture and electricity. but none of this ever happened. the supply problems that everyone freaked out about never came. so it did happen. and so to be worried about running out of oil. the 1st looking at this question now is completely different from the decades ago because there have been huge changes in our lives in the early 2, thousands. we weren't really thinking about life stuff off of your electric vehicles for nearly unheard of, to an end of our oil supplies seems like i just central crisis for the planet. going awareness of climate change, renewables are taken off and the amount of them in the mix is usually it's not
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cheaper to generate electricity from solar and wind then from fossil there's also way more attention on electric vehicles. 14 percent of new vehicles sold globally in 2022 or electric compared to just 5 percent in 2020. even the united states in china to huge polluters are making have the investments into green technology. and something pretty special happened in 2023. when we're looking at renewables, investment, which case has been growing rapidly, insurance trends to net dot from both afield. in 2023 bar it see to make coughing used to work for the key. and our research is how markets align with kind of policy got to be set to wind one that much would move without fossil fuels and oil, in particular, the future of renewables is looking brighter and brighter. and that is made the engine oil take on a whole new meaning to say about 15 to 20 years back. there was a concern that the supply is going to be run out of all in total area as an engineer and standard and poors chief energy strategist. now the. busy service
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advisor for which is that really hit their key, carter slides or demand. this is a really huge shipped and october 2023. the international energy agency published a report predicting the end of oil and other fossil fuels. only this time, the end is a peak in demand, not supply. and this predicted to come in 2030 high demand and low supply means a high price. low demand and high supply means a low priced oil executives around the world were up in arms over the report because less demand with the same amount of supply to mean following prizes for foss, fuels, and less profit for the industry. this is a big deal since demand for oil, it's been growing every year except 2020 when cove it hit. this wouldn't mean that we wouldn't use fossil fuels anymore, or that it would become much harder to justify new fossil fuel projects. because our supply of fossil fuels is doing great. the oil it, i'm probably not with the base of the kind of there's as we have about 40 years. oh
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i am. and that doesn't even count on the new plan projects. this is mostly thanks to our newest technology called hydraulic fracturing your fracking tracking is a process that involves injecting a slushy of water and chemicals into rock screening tons of tiny cracks. this allows oil and gas to escape and be collected at the surface. the waste water has been often injected deep underground, which can contaminate the local environment and cause earthquakes. tracking took off in the united states in the early 2, thousands and the country now produces more oil per year than any other nation in the world. so much that it's affecting other countries, states and saudi arabia or you or he or corvettes, and actually right now because of servers or supply the market staff, reducing not less than what they can produce. so on the one hand, we might have an oversupply of oil and on the other plateauing demand. also, investors turning away from fossil fuels. the oil companies are used to expanding and major oil producers like show exxon and total energies are also bedding on
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rising demand. data suggested that companies i think that the p were increasing the production stakeholder is the lead researcher on a report that investigated well. companies, communication claims, hotel energies, stated it was full cost to 25 percent of its contacts to 2022 and renewables in that tricity. when you look at what that includes, it also includes some kind of gas finance talent. they may seem like they're shifting towards renewables, but they're actually still banking on a fossil fuel future. the business operations on changing particularly, or the pace made it that will says it will be against policies that would all sat change or bringing about quicker. but at the same time promoting this very public narrative that they are doing, they can stay don't oil. companies like russian ross, nest and saudi around color, also betting on future money from fossil fuels. even though projects improve now may never be profitable. new sites taking years to build up infrastructure and to
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get ready for truly in financial times, they might become stranded assets. something that was invested in that became obsolete for some countries to, to 40 percent of into our fiscal budget could be at risk as the foundation on phones or an old process full that can have a massive impact on the economies. these countries increase the living, sounded to those in these countries, and that impact could also hit individual citizens directly. many pension funds around the world are invested in oil and gas. these companies fail spectacularly. millions of people could be plunged into financial insecurity in their old age. so based with the end of oil, it seems like investing and renewables at the smart financial decisions. they're cheaper and there's less risk of new projects becoming stranded and unprofitable in the future. so all of that is the more for more as much there's not going to be overnight because according to all predictions, we're going to continue to meet fossil fuels for a while. they're used as a backup power when wind and solar are running and widespread. nuclear isn't likely
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to come on line and time transport and energy storage also need to improve for us to be able to quit them entirely. but the more investment goes in, some more renewables improve, and we desperately need that to keep existing on this planet. but we are on the way . it's no longer a question of if, but when, instead of being concerned about an end to our oil supply, we should be worried about pumping too much of it. with falling demands in a world shifting to renewables. it's not a smart decision either financially or for our life on this planet. the, the, the world's largest oil explored on saudi arabia. the kingdom is looking to massively expand its green energy production to help diversified economy and reduce dependency on oil. it could be a huge step in the world's quest to hold climate change. boston is saudi arabia, really quitting oil, the this
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a co city items to be completely carbon neutral. incident famous, the line wants to house 9000000 people in a 170 kilometer long strip of skyscrapers towering 500 meters above sea level. and that's just one small part of a much bigger plan. cold neil. no roads, no cost 0 emissions and run completely on renewable energy. this is the glitzy face of saudi arabia is a vision 2030 and ambitious roadmap to move the world's largest oil pal away from fossil fuels. the world needs me because the world needs change. it all sounds great on paper, but this skepticism about where the saudi arabia can actually pull it all, you know, the saudis have been making a lot of wildly over ambitious goals. the country's wealth is built on its massive oil reserves, which are distributed by a national oil company, a remco ramco is now 98 percent savvy,
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owned and valued at about 2 trillion dollars. it posted a wrinkled profit of $161000000000.00 in 2022. and this war chest is now driving the kingdoms vision 2030. it's a plan that sounds as ambitious as it is paradoxical. a country built on oil wants to move away from oil, but one the, so i the real i mr. definitely help you sir. the little so here the softly, if you have a she is a team defect to rule the crown prince mohammed been so mine is the face of vision . 2030 the saudis. once we get 50 percent of the energy from renewable sources by the end of the decade, currently the pallet by 99 percent fossil fuels the. this is jim crane, who specializes in energy g, politics, international organizations,
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lee, i am after world bank, et cetera, has been urging the saudis to diversify their economies for a long time. finally, those warnings have been taking hold. the initial target about $54.00 gigawatts of renewable energy capacity. sadie recently said the sitting at just 2.8 gigawatts. well, there's about $21.00 to $24.00 gigawatts on the development. this is karim l. g and the climate consultant based in london, whose focus is on the middle east. i'm not a bad thing man, but if you'd ultimately, whether a 50 percent target can be issued, i would say that looks very difficult. mohammad been so ma, never the less appears to be giving it a very decent crack to success. as sadie rule could be judged on this green energy hill and the saudis are indeed talking a big game kind of shows us really at the better place. and we found that we have to do something else and have to do it. but here's the thing,
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irrespective of this green vision, saudi arabia isn't exactly putting a cost, quit fossil fuels. it's quite the opposite. it's still plans to pump out as much oil as is humanly possible. and phillips cough as to the brand inspect and saudi arabia also wants to increase natural gas production by 50 percent. and it's actively searching for new markets to explore its fossil fuels. the salaries have been, you know, not just diversified, but they're also doubling down on, on oil as well. i mean, they've been buying a lot of refining capacity in developing countries. that targets live mainly in asia and africa, and investigation involving britons. channels poll recently found that the saudis were aiming to artificially praise oil demand in developing nations for cheap cause supersonic commercial aviation, and floating power plants at the club,
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$28.00 world climate conference. saudi arabia claimed the common emissions from fossil fuels and not a problem if they can be recycled, all store argues are the problem. the enemy is emissions and smells also feels that a few matters of carbon in a way um by recycling it using of the alternately capturing and storing it. that would be no problem with the with, with, with having some emissions. there's just one tiny problem. the tech to do that isn't anywhere near advanced enough skeptic site. it's merely a destruction by fossil fuel producing nations. and we'll finally investment away from the renewable energy karim, l. g. and the estimates that the tech, if it works, it'll be available at scale. and to potentially 2040, i think 2040 is too far. we don't have enough time accepting. i'm going to have a general state approach that we shouldn't be weighted to one technology and in an hour drive towards the composition. but to depend on a technology that isn't available until 2040 at scale is
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a great risk. so while saudi arabia matches on into its brave new brain energy, well, that's still looking to convince developing countries to take the oil and persuade the world's leaders that manage in common is the solution to the climate process. so far, the plan is on track around code predicts boil demand will actually increase to $105000000.00 barrels per day in 2025. for all that talk about funding climate change in building a better welding. flashy, promo videos. disarray be unlimited. hasn't changed that spawns putting oil just isn't a consideration instead, they'll just sell it elsewhere while cleaning up their own energy system to make the world's carbon reduction targets. it's a win win for saudi arabia. and if the kingdom pulls it off, it could be in a more powerful and lucrative position than ever the full the
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so when saw to don one, independence from so done in 2011, the mood was due for it. but soon the civil war broke out political chaos and poverty still dominate life and the small nation. many young people face a future without prospects, but not all of the time to get ready for the paxis sports use. then his power bank he has a long journey ahead at 5 o'clock in the morning. keep my yolo sets off for training. he doesn't have money for the bus, but he's big dream is to become a basketball player. and so he runs for 2 hours in
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flip flops from the suburb where he lives to one of south students, few sports grounds in the capital, juba. i don't mind your dad, don't mind your dad, nobody will accept that. don't mind, i'm not that, but nobody will not complain. so it just you off to give on like, walking down mentality. there's a high level of ability among the players here and how key my your, the faces of lot of competition youngsters taller than 2 meters are no exception in south through that. and there is great commitment to even 4 year olds practice for hours in the blazing heat stamina pared with a lot of talent. it's not easy for 13 year old hakim viola, to stand out from the crowd. dang, b. r. dang, runs the training. he used to play himself in the us. it was only in 2011 after
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south to dine gained independence, that he returned. the sports center is dedicated to keeping young people from for backgrounds off the streets. this is a good environment for them. you know, to interact, to develop physically and mentally also stay away from trouble. juba, the capital city has high levels of poverty and crime. the parents of most of these kids are in less than $2.00 a day. so training is free. as many children spend the whole day at the sports ground, donations in part from abroad means that this center can also provide lunch after 3 hours of training hakim and as friends are very hungry,
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then it's time to relax on the games console. featuring no fee for teams from the american n b a, the world's top basketball, the for many years basketball, maybe the only way out of south sudan. i dream is to play and, and get a play to navigate. now play for those guys on my you know, cause like they, when they went out last the present and played with the south through then national team competed in the 2023 feet of the world cup. and there's also qualified for the 2024 olympics to 1st for the country. the team is revered in a way its president can only dream of the south. sudan has just one basketball stadium. and with the local tournament going
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on, the only national player still playing in his home country drops by coach bar as friendly and approachable the chance depends. i have the upcoming olympic games. he knows just how important basketball is to people here. it brings together men and women from the new and think ethnic groups who are normally hostile to each other. the we are having a lot of disagreement among us politically. we felt among over century 2000 and a team and to put divided. so we were trying to, to look on something that's going united looking for a nice thing with the money we, we money to get this one in any sports. we have a lot of negative things that been, you know, happening to us been said. but now is opportunity we have,
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we've been given this opportunity to, you know, to say the narrative to give the people different story. i mean, the thing, it's a big responsibility plus a coach bar is determined to be an investment for self sudan representing his country. well, in the outside world, after a long day of training, hakim, i o stays to watch the games, and to learn some tactics. south sudan has a lot of young challenge, like in the average age. here is 16. the next day is sunday, a day off. hakim spends a few hours at home. he lives with 28 relatives, siblings, cousins, uncles, aunts, and his mother. it's not a family of athlete. keens passion has long been a topic of conflict between him and his father.
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remember kim came to me and told me that father, i went to the football flare basketball player and i was upset in mind of was absent minded to him because according to the recording of this country, i cannot afford him to the play for the musket buying new sneakers is out of the question, as they're much too expensive. jack, my older would like his son to continue as education. so if they get something like that, his punch i ships, i wouldn't be heavy. which is why hakim and his friends hits a training course in the afternoon. they all dream of a sports scholarship in the us. it will be difficult for hockey, my older to stand out against the competition. but he already gets so much from basketball, including a sense of pride, strength, and tenacity. the
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it's hot and dry, but these kids don't care. they are passionate about playing soccer. off the village is betia poor lies in central india far away from the big cities. and it's developed into something of a football mca, to both got off. thank you. and soccer is the 1st thing i think about when i wake up my friends that were ready waiting for me so that we can play fast. we practice policies and then we divide into teams and play a much and based in a country rec, cricket is the main sport. but they render a big number. 25 is when a bishop who is young, so could talents his idols,
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a big international names. and idle missy your lot in by the value of the young k is hope that sucker will offer them a way out of poverty. to this vote is already what one small miracle here around 20 years ago, bishop who was notorious for the alcohol brute, find the cool families and in the middle of a tune with the children who were involved, both with the brewing and with the drinking guess that a database a back then even the government promotes to dates what people would need the extra licenses for members of the local tribes. with the i started training the children and told them they wouldn't get any better if they continued drinking. we motivated and encouraged them at 1st, just a few kids began training, but more and more have joined their now 14 coaches who also train players in the
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surrounding villages. the region has become known as many brazil, 45 talented play as he has made it into the national lead. moved him from any other region in india. that's helped get sponsors on board. in the beginning, coach res. com put half his salary to world supporting the children a. yes ma'am. that's little. yeah. tell us a minute. now there are real houses here and sort of in the past. that was something like that, but everyone was very poor. they were hardly any soccer big. so t shirts for children borrowed them from each other who is just thinking of what you're going to get there. we had few results here, but we always sold a ton of them because it doesn't tell us like that to render vega and his friends. they dream of becoming captain of the national team and train twice a day before and of the school. the weekend, 16 year old, very end read does his homework in between the training sessions. his parents are
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happy that conditions have improved so much. they used to be in lots of alcohol, produce to you now that is normal. what can we send the children to school? i want them to learn and develop children here on their loan. get involved in alcohol production. that is that all in the past, grandpa types used to drink alcohol to then no longer around and that kid sits delsey playing, so that's distracted them from drinking. now everyone goes out and place. okay. including the goals there is crazy about sucka as the boys. i'm brimming with self confidence, like 16 year old stuff now. as the last may i get on the window west and the boys. it all depends on training. if we train more, we better if we train less we,
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we cutting the daughters to be to me was that you have to decide whether you want to be ahead. well behind jenna jad, the applebee's to and i to and that's at the but there is one big difference between the male and female soccer players in rural india. and it's hard to overcome. let them know that they tell you i can if we get really good and then all parents, maria, so it will destroy our dream for active debt. that's all i want to train hard to make a career out of stuff. instead of getting married in a day, but my mother says, getting married is important. like i say, my support is important, but if she insists those i will have to do it. it's been looked at and they've been here in many brazil. people have managed to build a life free of alcohol, but breaking away from traditional gender roles may prove a tough a challenge the,
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the, the,
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it's linda is turning this stress into a business idea. the 19 year old hollow vernita is the founder of bullet points. in asked design to make life easier for students. but how does it work? yeah, let me show you, made in town many coming up on d, w. to the point. strong opinions. international perspective. nato is celebrating its 75th anniversary and the
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shadow of unprecedented challenges with 32 members. it is the biggest, it's ever been. but is it also stronger? find out on to the court to the point in 30 minutes on the w, the how many platforms can you handle single tenuously without having the feeling that it's just too much you might see me. how much can we do simultaneously? multitasking these, the modern because if we do too much, we get it all wrong. we mess things up,
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risking brain damage. so let's stop this self sabotage, humans and multitasking watch. now on youtube v w documentary, we were taught that they're not even human really there. we call them targets or silhouettes. this video changed the world. it says us, so just killing civilians in the wrong area. oftentimes thing it's, julia sons became a wanted man. is being accused of journalism. 14 years later, the weekend expound is fine. the engine is done during the traces, the stories of a soldier under survivor of the attack. they speak to each other for the 1st time, forgive me, but the slowest. don't think that i carry any resentment or a grudge in my heart to see the captivating story about this struggle for forgiveness and truth. guardians of trees. julian, his sons,
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and the dark secrets of war, starts july 27th on d, w. the is the state of the news, and these are a top stories. the united states will begin stationing long range missiles in germany starting in 2026. washington and berlin, save the deployment cement their commitments, tomato, and to europe, team defense. the agreements include tomahawk s, m 6, and hypersonic missiles. the weapons are nuclear capable and have a range of more than 2000 kilometers. only when you when says the latest is really evacuation orders for gaza residents will fuel mass suffering, continues its campaign to arrive.


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