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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  July 12, 2024 4:02am-4:31am CEST

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freed assessor and biggest political arrival, donald trump took to the stage in florida to once again be little the trans atlantic organization and criticize its members. faced with the prospect of trump returning to the white house in 2025, the current leaders of the 30 to nato states have dedicated their summit in washington to future proofing their commitments to each other and to the partners to rely on them. that includes pledges for long term security assistance for ukraine and still on ease roommates, on the call for lucian, berlin. and this is the day the . so this is a very successful, the summit, very prepared with a lot of very important decisions to be already tokens will take the language itself, the documents, it's really strong. we can see that said the audience made the real steps forward.
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i think the language with russia is, of course, rather robust for self evident reasons. it's driving a war of aggression against ukraine. it is about increasing our capabilities, increasing the strength of nato, and also spending more for the trends back to the in ski and the pain. we support the pump that you piece. that's basically that would just this is not the piece also coming up on the day, a new survey shed light on an alarming rise and anti semitism in europe may need you say they have never been so afraid. just for germany, we seen jewish homes marked with how much symbols, receiving occupations, option diversities, and i think the jewish people just don't feel same in europe anymore.
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the welcome to show on a 75th anniversary summit, nato want in super tray, one thing above all, unity and the plan largely worked without much wrangling over semantics. all 32 members agreed on their final communique way before the end of the meeting. but the harmony might not last the possibility of a 2nd term for donald trump is you as president, an outspoken critic of the alliance and support for ukraine? as many members fearing the worst, unsure of what nato's future will look like? member states declared that keeps future was indeed among them some day somehow. but despite this promise and wide reaching pledges of a few cranes willed them, as the landscape is likely to be leaving washington disappointed restrictions on the use of long range weapons and military targets. and rush of remain in place. he
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had called there lifting a game changer. curious speaking earlier on thursday. we of course, if you want to win, if i want to prevail, if i want to save our country and to defend it, we need to leave all the limitations i spoke about to this part. there's this, you can need it with united space for the secretary of and the united states will begin stationing long range missiles and jeremy from 2026. washington number limbs say that employment cements their commitments to nato and to european defense. the agreement includes tomahawk s, m 6, and hypersonic missiles. the weapons are nuclear capable and have a range of more than 2000 kilometers. they were banned under
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a treaty with russia until the us withdrew from that treaty 5 years ago. german chancellor or life shots welcome to a decision for the united states decided to deploy the precision strike capabilities in germany, which i think is a very good decision. and it fits into all the decisions we already took. it is something of the parents, so it's secure in peace and it's a necessary and important decision. at the right time. the kremlin has reacted angrily to the announcement deputy foreign minister a certain day, re up golf, that it was clearly directed against russia and vowed quote, without nerves, without emotions, we will develop a military response. and i can now welcome christine birds. xena, who is at the nato summit in washington. she is the managing director of g o strategy north at the german marshall fund. she works on us northern baltic and
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arctic security and defense issues. glad you could join us today to see how significant is this announcement that the u. s. will station long range missiles in germany starting in 2026. and this is a really important step forward for having a credible to trend against the russians in question. when you look at what the assignments exploration has announced, the 1st big block of text is all about having a real to turns can nieto do what it said it's going to do 2 years ago at the madrid summit, there was a movement of political will and a promise to defend every inch last year and build this. they were a plan put in place about how to get the capabilities organized and resourced, so that nato can do what it said it could do. and now we're seeing that we're seeing the ability of nato to come together to defend its territory and to present a strong enough front. but there isn't
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a question in any adversaries kind of mind about whether the us and whether germany, whether other allies are serious about defending their territory. and so to times is a matter of strength and about whether others can call the literal, literally yes. but if you push, is there something scary that you're going to hit? and so this is an essential step for you repeat, secure, and essential step that hasn't gone down well in moscow, the russians have promised a military response. so need to be worried. this is a nato decision. this is a movement of a resources that are with india. lions, this is tremendously far from russia's borders. meanwhile, russia is attacking and at shooting cruise missiles at ukraine. for example, the one on monday that hit the children's hospital and other russian missiles have fallen in nato territory in poland. we're not talking about need of shooting
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anything, simply having something in place to be able to defend itself. if russia chose to be aggressive against nato, terence that is a different condition. russia should not try to threaten nato about what can, what needle can do on nato territory. and russia is the one that is actually to be narrow though territory. what that specials in organizing massive sabotaged attacks across the lines. now, this is a true french. russia has to show this bluster, it has to be a for its own audiences, very vocal about any changes. i don't think we should be especially concerned about reactions to, well, the exercise um, different question. it's not going to result in the attack on the us looking at the pledges made to ukraine has promised a lot,
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but it seems unwilling to lose and the restrictions on how the ukrainians can use the weapons supply to them by washington. how big of a blow is that for president zalinski? this is of course they just might be depressed. and so the question is, how does he need the tax stop? it's important type of air defense systems that divide and announced on tuesday. this will knock something out of the sky, but it's really important also for ukraine to be able to stop by the a task where it starts. and it's clear that that moment is not going to happen right now. to re seen an iterative approach by washington and by the whole alliance to providing aid and money, things that were off the table 2 years ago or now firmly every day. in practice, this comes to whether or not there are tanks at, excuse me, have heard previously in the summer to day are going to be flying in the ukraine later this summer. that also was a red line. providing
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a tech comes these longer range weapons also, it was off the table until it wasn't striking within russia was off the table until it wasn't. and so again, we're going to see a process of getting rid of development and it's very hard trans anticipate when the jam will break. and when there's going to be again, a new decision. but there is a constant pressure to move forward the landscape. and as we saw a clip to under your mock, have they have been very grateful for the supports that nato has given at this summit. and that is a remarkable contrast to last year. we're anger and just we've been with paramount and here is gratitude for the serious supports that nato allies have given, is much more the tone and the message that we create the i want to talk about the communicate, i'm sure you've seen it. it kinda seems like the language has changed a bit on ukraine. we're no longer talking about victory, but more of success or of ukraine prevailing. what do you read into that?
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i language changes the most important word that was debated in advance of this summit. declaration was the word of you're reversible. does ukraine have you reversible path to joining the alliance that where it is in the final communicate? i think many people are very happy about that. there are some caveats in terms of democratic and security progress. there is a need for ukraine to keep making that progress to be accountable to the alliance. this is something we have seen in best spar, and of course that is not a relationship that is going to be used. ukraine is under tremendous pressure to show that it is up for it that will continue. i but the language about victory, it's interesting. jake sullivan, the national security adviser spoke here today, and he very much spoke about the success for the frame failure. for russia. he says a shift in words. i don't think we quite know what the speeds. how would success,
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different from victory was failure? different from last are the words victory and boss to cataclysmic in a way is failure and success more palatable? and can we define success in a more flexible way? in some ways? uh, technically this can help you prayed, finish and complete its path towards 0 atlantic integration to getting into the european union to receiving a letter of invitation for nato. but again, there's a concern that all of this feels a little machine. it is in precise. how does ukraine remain in the strongest possible position? and how does the pressure learn that its invasion of ukraine was a catastrophic failure and one that it should not attempt anywhere else? the lack of repetition is going to be very important. but again, there are, there is word play and i think what is important is to show actual progress on the
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front lines and political change in the longer term. to make sure that the nato club does, in fact, eventually include ukraine, end of the stakes of attacking ukraine in the future would be so catastrophic, but ukrainians who feel safe, sending their children for cancer treatment in a hospital. not worrying that a missile is going to hit the wall, they are there as christine per xena of the german marshall fund. thank you so much for all those insights. gifts as the presidents of gaza city and those who had started refuge there or on the move. yet again on wednesday, the is really army issues. the 2nd full evacuation order of the city since the start of the war affecting hundreds of thousands of people. united nations has expressed deep concern about the move, but israel's military says it's necessary to target. tomas militants believed to
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have regrouped in the area. smoke seen over a guys of states, a just hours of to israel dropped lift. let's telling all its residents to flee the order. send thousands of photos damian's on the round. again, it's with the to the i'm going south because of the blocking of phone services and the harsh living conditions when i do, and also the lack of food and water that i can for, for the lack of the dozens of palestinians were reported killed across guys. that over the past few days after these really our me once again stepped up, it's up a ration is a case from us. israel says it's main goal is to destroy the remaining militants. we have no interest in harming civilians in dollars, a city or anywhere else. we're trying to get to to the terrace where the terrorist attack from, or whether you have a set up base. these really military says it has pulled out its forces from guys,
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a seat is, should die district. after they completed a 2 week operation there, some of the residents went back there to assess the damage model. and further after the 1st incursion, we came here and repaired, or how is this all in an order to shelter ourselves? we fix the windows and covered them with plastic sheets. i know how you know, but we have returned to should jaya, after 15 days, you can see the destruction here on is that this very nothing even trees. there's a lot of greenery in this area, so i got a lot of stuff. what is the guilt of his don't trade off and what is my goal disability? see, but i think that i'd be more then again, it's as it's really soldiers return to some areas that had previously been declared clear of home us civilians and gaza continued they search for a safe place of war and gaza also continues to have severe ripple effects on palestinians living in the occupied westbank, hundreds of thousands of people,
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there have lost their jobs in part after israel revoked palestinian work permits following the october 7th turbo tax. by how much that, despite the militant group having its primary base and gaza, not in the west bank, the loss of their jobs in israel and the occupied territories is plunging. an increasing number of westbank residents into poverty. and this is cascading through the palace. doing an economy with dramatic effect. it'll be as funny for shar reports now from ramallah and from the nearby village of sofa in the occupied westbank. a good selection having the will. jade somewhere else says he worked hard and was proud he could provide for his family. until recently, we were working in construction and before the 7 and the and everything closed he can see where he worked from his home. it's behind the security barrier as well . he always needed the permits to go there. but after last october is how much
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power attacks, eas, revoke the permit for what they said was security reasons. tens of thousands of other commuting palestinians and occupied westbank are in the same situation. and i'm out of, you know, we're being punished. we're being suffocated here. they were being but seeing, i mean, what, under a lot of pressure, the feeling month disconnect, tickets, punishment, so part of stadiums of demand. and the 7th of us, they would, you know, he'd lived in stuff, a village near rum on many here had jobs in israel, but without the permits to go there last relying on a form of work or savings on top of that, everything has become more expensive inflation and slower truck routes through ease, really checkpoints, since october 7th, have been driving prices up here for another semester on our roof. we used to buy for 5 different kinds of food. we had to do more now we can band it for the one kind of that i would issue out of this. for many palestinians, it's become
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a struggle to buy even the basics as the effect of job loss was tricked, goes through the economy. the numbers are staggering, they're all back estimates of this may. the 300000 people here in the occupied westbank have lost their jobs so that they got into cells to can you to, to can use ralph. and those as well because drive out price here because of the economy crisis. 96 is the seller of the korean says the decision to free spell a scene and work permits with food, the damage their relationship with these really authorities. i think that will make backlash against as right. and settlers in the west bank because both about the unemployment reduces or all confrontations produce is what we call a strike against now. but one of the things that are responsible for their suffering,
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i don't believe would yates family realize on the efforts of 2 of his sons, who still have work in the west bank and his wife fixates that however, there are many women who try to help the husband that are plentiful things to sell and that's colorful. but in general, around many options that i didn't and committed and then we can wear left with no alternative to say about specs and i've been to, i left to deal with the circumstances. if miles is where the forces have controlled movement of palestinians in the occupied westbank with barriers permits and checkpoints for decades. now, it's all even tighter and yet is really companies need work or selecting what you need. they have started hiring people from other countries like india sparking spears. the poverty here could become permanent the ripples from the war and gaza are also reaching europe on wednesday vandals,
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the face the statue of jewish holocaust victim. and frank and amsterdam. they use read pains to write the word, gaza, according to newly published surveys, 75 percent of jews living in your own field. they're being held responsible for the actions of the as really government. that is just one of the findings of the study by the use fundamental rights agency. it was compiled before the last hair attacks and the resulting war in gaza. jewish community organizations have separately registered a sharp increase and anti semitic incidents since october 7th of 2023. and the new study found that 80 percent of those questions feel that anti semitism has grown in their country. 90 percent say they have encountered anti semitism online and 76 percent. feel there at times have to hide their jewish identity. let's bring in lawrenceville and tyler from germany's i'm a day when tony
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a foundation that's an organization engaging against the far right parties, racism, and anti semitism. great to have you on the show. again, it's now learned the survey was conducted before the october 7th terror attacks and the start of the war against tomas escalations in the middle east have in the past often led to spikes and anti semitism. now is the true extent of the problem. then even more severe and that's for sure, i mean what we've seen after october 7th, as a severe rise of global anti semitism in relation especially to israel. and also is really related to some interesting um, just for germany, we've seen jewish homes marked with symbols, receiving occupations. i've seen diversities. and i think the jewish people just don't feel the same in europe anymore. john,
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lots of never happened. and you've talked to a lot of people affected by this. of course. just give us a sense of how this, this rising anti semitism is impacting the daily lives of jewish people living in europe. i mean, it would be not used to say, but it has been easy before october 7th to express your jewish identity in europe or in yeah, germany. i mean, i think that's the country that i can talk most about, but um it just has severely increased the people now need so high density people have to take security measures, not just for that expression of religious rituals within center dogs. but also, i mean just for they do like for gatherings and all of these things have changed
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severely. and i don't think that we have yet to reach the peak of this rise on purpose. i'm a dozen women, you're almost all jewish people who took part in the survey said they had experienced anti semitism. where in society does that have come from? it's no longer just the far right. is it, you know of course not. i mean, the never, it has just been the far right. especially if you look into countries like france, but we've seen a lot of anti semitic terror attacks driven by them is that's what's in the way, leads to this new spike. as i mentioned, this also social media ends the expression of what's we called by ro advertising because it doesn't no longer needs any established anti semitic thoughts. but through the sheer exposure to some of the concept,
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especially on test firms, i picked encore and it's the ground. and the combination of loose ends this information together with anti semitic tropes. we see this new rise off. what i would call byron into something that says, what can be done to rain that in the rain and online have speech because it's often anonymous. i mean, a lot of ways that firms have a responsibility to delete the recognizable as i submitted comp time. does that happen? no impact this yes, especially i think not all that farms carry that out. super well, but especially anita, we've seen a growing sensibility towards impact submitted content that is now select immediately and being taken down. but then we also have that for like type talk
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where especially young people are confronted with the conflict between israel and the purpose of this time. and we've seen that, for example, after the bombing of the hospital in february where the combination of an uncertain use situation let's to us by an anti semitic incidence. this adds video is being shared. that's just where not prompting the true. while even established newspapers might not even sure about what has happened at the same time, we had an enormous and pleasant medic mobilization online. and i think what can be done immediately and what should be done this just sign up solidarity by the civil society. i'm, everybody of us can show what this expression of
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a be. it's sort of different the both the jewish population and europe. thank you so much for coming on the show that was lauren's blowing, tyler from the i'm gonna do antonio foundation and that is our time. but make sure to stay informed. stay engaged and stay in touch. so you can follow our team on social media. our handle there is at the the news. it is the latest headlines or analysis you're looking for at there's always are websites, dw, dot com for now though from the entire team on the day. thank you so much for spending part of your day with us by the
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what's makes your risk the diversity of it's residence, the commitment to one another? no masters your focus it's linda is turning stress into a business idea. the 19 year old hollow vernita is the founder of bullet
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points and asked design to make life easier for students. but how does it work? yeah, let me show you. made in germany. in 60 minutes on d, w, the, this video change the word. it shows us so to is killing civilians in the rock of to posting it's jillian, a songs became a wanted man. 14 years later the we can expound a is fine and these 3 gen is done doing the traces, the stories of a soldier under the volunteer of the attack. they speak to each other for the 1st time. finding a captivating story about the struggle for forgiveness. i'm sure,
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guardians of trees julianna's times, and the dark secrets of war starts to lie 27th on the w. the . this is focus on europe. i am larva lola, welcome. in france, a far right party that was long considered taboo, stood up the gates of power for the 1st time in decades. but victory for the national reality was blocked after a last ditch alliance of centrist and left his parties. now franz is facing a political deadlock with no roof gaining an absolute majority of fractured landscape is threatening to deepen the divisions over immigration and identity.


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