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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 12, 2024 6:00am-6:15am CEST

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the the, this is dw news line from berlin, joe biden, defiant, in the face of growing pressure to abandon his re election campaign. do us president tells the world's media, he's the best qualified person to beat donald trump and says he wants to finish the job in the white house. also coming up, united states is to station long range cruise me. so i would say here in germany, berlin and washington said the deployment demonstrates their commitment to nato and defending europe. russia is considering a minute treat response, the
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unpopular phone any as welcome to the program. us president joe biden says he's still running for president heading, journalist, he can still get the job done, binding the peer to the news conference in washington at the end of nato's 75th anniversary summit. he spoke at length about his achievements in office, saying he was the best qualified person to run for president. biden's mental fitness has been under scrutiny since he appeared confused at the bait last month. several top democrats of withdrawal and their support for his campaign for re election in november. while earlier i asked dw washington correspondents, our beef bureau chief at amos pole, if she was surprised by how long president biden spoke. so that's actually really interesting, that's the answer. so many questions because, you know, before the press conference menu said, always probably only allowing 3 or 4 questions, but no,
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it went on for i don't know. 1520 questions. it felt at least a very long time. so those 2 holes that off to this press control rented would be clearer if donald trump quite sorry if joe biden would stay in the office or not. they are disappointed. it's, you know, he performed quite okay. he made only like one bigger mistake. calling donald from the vice president, but other than that, he just kind of tried to, to show how much knowledge she gained over his long time in office in foreign policy. and also his a, kind of his knowledge in economic old questions. so overall it was an okay performance, i shall say. okay, well in a so i've been keeping an eye on that. what's being said in the us media, i'm sure, of course you are to will all of this be enough to side and says critics, you know, politics is all about perceptions, isn't it?
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didn't i followed quite a couple of press conferences, and i saw a lot of interactions with joe biden to suppress over the last couple of years. and it was, at least in the beginning of this press conference, a really hostile environment. one could feel the president fight and is really mad about the reporters because of these many, many critical reports coming out lately. i honestly think this will change pretty much nothing. those who think you should run again for presidents will keep doing so, and this critics won't be silenced by this performance tonight. right. well, in a stay with us, because we're going to come back to you in a moment to talk about the actual nato summit itself. as well 1st, as even as, as mentioned, questions about jo biden's mental fitness were field a. m, as well earlier at when he introduced the ukranian president using the name of the
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russian president. and now i want to hand it over to the president, ukraine who has as much courage as he has determination page. i'm a president of the big president present list. i'm so focused on the boot and we got to worry about it anyway. suppressive. i'm bet you are a whole lot of things from us. all right, let's go back to washington where d. w. 's bureau chief in his pole is still with us, anus had at that moment to go down at the so much have that other leaders and attendees been commenting on biden's mental fitness. that was of course, a shock and it was right before this highly anticipated press conference, but i think we have to be fair here to bite and correct it themselves right away. and that's exactly what, for example, the german chancellor or love shots referred to when he was asked about that,
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saying, or love shows that many people make mistakes much more than one would think. i just referred to to joe biden as a president. donald trump, you know, people mix up names, i think that's not really the problem here. you do that after a long conference with these hours and hours of meeting and high performance, which joe biden date, it's more of the, the kind of the off them off of this. this is really this the page which was such a deep thirty's officer and you know, everything is kind of adding onto that. and the big question will be, is a job. i didn't really will be able to clear that. and again, with this press conference today, he wasn't able to do that. yes, as i mentioned before at, we're going to talk about the actual nato summit itself, strong support for ukraine at to say the least,
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and what is being the big achievements and successes that joe biden mentioned in his press conference. yeah, so it's definitely um the fact that the ukraine gets billions and billions of dollars and additional weapons uh, they will get these badly needed uh, air defense fight and they will good fighter jets ends and that is also a huge accomplishment from the perspective definitely of sa lensky, that they agreed on the irreversible pos to a full membership of ukraine. you know, the kind of piece of salt here is a, that everybody said that even this, that support ukraine will not be able to counter the or offensive was before the russian offensive. before next year, so yes, they get all the support. uh they wanted. but is it still too late?
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i seen this, leave it there. dw washington bureau chief is always a pleasure. the united states will begin stationing long range missiles here in germany from 2026. washington and berlin saving deployment cements their commitment to nato and your pain defense. the agreement includes tomahawk s, m 6, and type or sonic me. selves. weapons are new care capable on top of a range of more than 2000 kilometers. they were bind under a treaty with russia until the us withdrew from the treaty 5 years ago. or the nato summit in washington, german transfer or shelter. welcome the us decision to station long range missiles in germany. that's, i think it's also important the results of this meeting together with the decision to organize coordination and responding in germany. which i think is really a better step forward. altogether,
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i think it is the right time for right decisions. i believe that's another aspect which is important for me. the nighted states decided to deploy at the precision strike capabilities in germany, which i think is a very good decision. and it fits into all the decisions we already took as a russian plot to assassinate the boss of a german weapons manufacturer was foiled earlier this year, science to us intelligence that's according to cnn, the broadcaster says, i mean pop, erica, the chief executive of assignment, tyler was among the defense industry executives across europe targeted by the criminal us intelligence services, passed the details of the plan to the terminal parties pop back up as being a high profile supporter of ukraine's war effort. answers company has produced artillery shells and military vehicles for keith. our political correspondence, so i'm in young, has more details. we lost a run by tell the company,
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or whether they could confirm any of the details about this alleged assassination plots. and they told us that the count call me don't companies security matches, but that they are in regular contact with the security services here in germany. and that they take measures as necessary. now it's worth knowing. ryan midtown is one of the biggest european arms manufacturer is a big supply of tanks and artillery munitions to ukraine. in fact, it saves itself, it's the largest maker of voluntary munition in the world. and this company in june just opened a, uh, a joint venture with the ukranian state firm to repair. and both of we also have bills tanks in ukraine. it goes as plans to stop producing a tillery munitions and ukraine as well. so this is a company that is significantly involved in the ukranian war effort.
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so i'm in young there. let's take a look now at some of the other stories making use around the world. the sizes of people have gathered in trevor needs. so to commemorate the killings of a thousands bosnian muslim men and boys in 1995, it was the worst massacre in europe since world war 2 to international courts have ruled. it was genocide. 3 people are missing offer landslide caused by heavy rain in western japan footage films by local residents showed a mass of mode entries. party damaging a multi story parking facility. all stars ease of issue, the highest level emergency warning for over 22000 residents in the area. after shelly deval has died at the age of $75.00, deval made her name and a series of landmark 19 seventies classics, including 7 films with the director, robert altman. she is best known for her role in the shining devout,
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died of complications from diabetes. rio de janeiro has put up an array of colorful statues to raise awareness of the threat to the endangered jaguar . the fiber glass sculptures are being displayed right. the city before being sent around the world. jack words are struggling to survive. india, amazon rainforest. now the canyon president william rudo has dismissed almost all of his cabinet ministers. and this promising to form a new government, rotors and ads which follows weeks of unrest over and on popular finance bill. opponents say the law would impose on affordable tax rises on people and businesses . more than 30 people have been killed in the protest. dw phoenix when ringo is in nairobi and we asked him a 5 the response to wrote those action. so generally kenya's happy with the
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announcement to day with president william brutal fi ad. almost everyone in is coming in just retaining that time cabinet secretary and the deputy president. and most of it, people feel that the president had actually you why did politic called cronies and they won not having the country in their way. uh they were supposed to so at, you know, not expertise. just last week, the president, i knew that to the fact that some of the company that secretary lobby of the land team, they had dealings to walk or dropped and they needed to, to do a checkup. so everyone's thoughts, the president was going to add yourself with these cabinets, but people are happy that actually, all of those cabinet secretaries have gone home and it will be a new start. as, as a new team comes in the next few weeks. see, to come, a ring of their firefighters have put out a blaze in the spire of long cathedral in northern fronts. 3 workers at the side is
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suffering from smoking nation. the cathedral is more than 800 years old and was painted by the impressionist closed on a witnesses a capture. at the moment a smoke rose from the spire rule and medieval cathedral. and that's the one that come on if you're not all foot initial or tool we heard via that are the turned round. and so the cathedral spire bestbuy, the material covering the restoration work was spinning details that would be explained on the black smoke up of what i put me out. this is the 1st thing we thought about was what happened in paris with the not true them fire. the 2019 fire at no time cathedral in paris coupled its fire and collapsed its roof. it was on everyone's mind as 40 fire engines with scores of firefighters raced to the side of the almost 1000 year old cathedral at some 120 meters above the ground. fire crews
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located the source of the blaze on a spire undergoing restoration work. but officials have not said how the play started. firefighters stayed on scene to ensure a new hot spots can re ignite. all damage was assessed. so again, when you're on the table, we're talking about the heritage site that has very high volume and some specialized firefighters supporting us when conducting an inventory of outlets. for example, with that could have lots of damage from finding the final single day. i'll do the school when that extra food, i think the little beloved cathedral, which was repeatedly painted by impressionist artist cloud. mooney, remained standing authorities say there is no risk of it collapsing due to the fire to okay, you are of today's head. there's plenty more news and information on our website. that's d, w dot com. and of course you can follow us on social media or handle. there is dw
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use on top of all the s from me and the entire news team here in berlin. thanks for watching. take care. don't see a very soon. the, the untold story is designed to point to the find it here repos every weekend on dw the.


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