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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 12, 2024 10:00am-10:31am CEST

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the the, you're watching the don't we can use live from the lead you as president, joy bided, makes a series of gaps that the night, toys, somebody in washington. he's facing growing pressure to a band and his re election, campaign pot insistence. he is the best qualified person to be donald trump, also coming up an alleged clause by russia to kill the boss of to him in these leadings arms manufacturer. it was stopped earlier this year, according to the us media report sign. metal has been key and delivering weapons to ukraine. around 60 bodies are found onto the rubble of a neighborhood in the east of kansas city after israel and military declares the
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ends of an operation dates and full football fans here in germany. the potty is almost always the road 2024 tournament is being held to 6 is we'll take a look at what's what will and what has the welcome to the program. i'm jared read us. president joe biden says he's still running for president detailing journalist. see, can get the jump done by the in a p that a news conference in washington at the end of nice hers stephanie faith anniversary summit. he spoke at length about his achievements in office, saying he was the best qualified person to run for president. biden's mental fitness has been on this great new since he appeared confused at the bank last
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month. several top democrats have withdrawal and their support for his re election campaign. this coming november as well. so started press conference was meant to reassure democratic lawmakers and viruses about the us presidents, mental fitness spot wide and made a number of blonde is most strikingly when he welcomes ukrainian president, florida, mr. lensky to the state. and now i want to hand it over to the president ukraine who has as much courage as he has a determination based gentleman, president, president booth present lives. i'm so focused on being food and we gotta worry about it anyway. it's present, i'm bet you are a hell. well, what concerns do you have about vice president harris is ability to be donald trump . if she were at the top of the ticket. look, i wouldn't have picked vice president trump to be vice president. i think she was not qualified to be present. i'm following the advice of my commander in chief, my,
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my, my of the chief of staff in the military, as well as the security defense. and our intelligence people will say they'll be use benjamin, although his group has more now and the reaction to joy, biden's, licensed football, sleep ops, the pressure is very big. and so those were not sure if a president biden should remain to democratic candidate, of course of these a 2 slips will not help them. will probably help them reinforce their idea that he should step aside. because the 1st slip where he mistakenly referred to the volume is that lindsey is present, putting happened even before this highly anticipated and longer press conference. this is own team. busy of a big boy press conference and with the 2nd level, who referred it to vice president, come all the hires. as vice president trump happened when he said that he picked
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her because he believed that she could to beach trump. it was a lengthy press. conference were presented by and spoke about one of his favorite topics. you can say that's foreign policy, but the question of cause remains. if this is a topic where he will win undecided voters and also democrats awaited solve them for after this need to summit to be over to call them president. but to step aside from this 2020 full presidential race and immediately as soon as this press conference ended, the top democrats in the house intelligence committee and several others that just that. so biden's campaign has been, as you said, on the ropes, and for 2 weeks since the present bite and support debate a performance, we can expect that cold. if for him to end this campaign will also continue growing . benjamin putting these slips and stumbles aside. what were your main takeaways from what president biden had to say at the conference? steep price. this is some of it is just at the 75th anniversary. somebody
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spoke at length about nato, its values in the united states. you recounted how it, for example, helped get finland into the military alliance. what to do against china for supporting russia during its war against ukraine. you also spoke about his interactions with is several for and lead us. he made a clear point in a position on natal, also stressing that this is a position that is very different from his previous as a former president, trump, by saying that trump has no commitment to nature whatsoever. and it, what would happen to nato and its commitment also to a ukraine's past to membership that this new summit cold air reversible. if donald trump makes it back into the white house, was of course the elephant in the room during this very day. so that the summit lost it, but it was, of course, a question that many of the attendees of the leaders of the, of nato. they were here in a washington dodge. many of them said that they hold the strong transatlantic
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alliance, will a continue in the future regardless of who is in the winehouse. many of course torching the question, but that's a included probably something that is in the mind of a lot of them. what will happen, and not only to the alliance to this trans atlantic, a lines if a donald trump makes it back into the widest. and that's something that might actually happen. so on one side, for president by disappeared, unity to show himself. but as we just spoke about it and fears and of course, concerns for me by many democratic saying that he should step aside just quickly, benjamin bide, and says he's to get a job to finish that's of the cost to get re elected. what's his campaign going to look like from here on it? still be several trips. it will be in michigan. you also will be in texas next trips already and coming a the campaign says that it will continue. that will be more trips coming up. but of course, the pressure it will continue, is it present? joe biden says, i want to continue. i want to finish this job. that's the correspondent opinion of
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all there is group in washington. thanks a lot then you mean well hungry is prime minister victor old on has made we'd form a us president. donald trump just out was off to the end of that night or something that's in washington. the meeting captured here at trump's mar lago has died in florida, is likely to further upset budapest allies off the whole boundary widespread condemnation from european count about the meeting. russian president vladimir bruce on last week hungary took over the rotating presidency of the european union . this month old bond made for me us president trump is calling it a piece mission, taking into consideration that the to have rather pro ration views. do your opinion leaders think that this will be to the detriment if you crime? well, that's a question. i put the d, w 's brussels correspondent ben, take it a, it was suddenly notes help ukraine. the lead is afraid, the dresser could be under the impression that the rest is now divided into costs
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for ukraine. and they also afraid that the donald trump, if he makes it back into the white house in the fall booth, allowed ukraine's interest to make a peace deal. a so called peace deal foss with russia. and but the uses, it's only up to ukraine to determine and when and how a ceasefire talk. so peace talks could even start. and so it's, it's very difficult for the you to see the anything positive in all buttons to a trip to trump the mr. alban is a staunch supporter of donald trump, and he's most seen as a loose cannon as, as a renegade by the other european leaders. now this meeting of costs beyond comes just off the old on amendment for them is a landscape letting me person and she didn't ping it sounds like old bond is really
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not on the same page as your pen latest but there is no come and page if you will, you need us all of them, but all button on the java side. they say there cannot be peace talks and all but is not a dealing on behalf of art speaking, travelling on behalf of the you at all. although all button on the other hand says in interviews that he is taking and seizing the moment that these now that you counsel president and wants to use this extra weight to, to promote and his so called mission is so it's very difficult for you to, to handle this now this is unprecedented. never before. and you council president even has acted like that. a band that he uses old band isn't acting on a hot summer, even calling for him to be disciplined. will victor over on face any kind of consequences or that is also a difficult the,
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the legal services of the, you know, checking in the background if there is any possibility to strip mister alban of the council, the presidency of this is also unprecedented. but it's very unlikely that this will happen in the us now, agreeing more or less on the kind of a go slow strike or concerning the hungary and present to you this presidency is where they will not attend the high level meetings that the presidency is calling for him to punish mr album, this is kind of a diplomatic punishment if you really but really just to all buttons being pressed by that that is very doubtful. that was our correspondent band, the good in process bound. thank you very much. is a quick round up now some of the world news headlines, at least 60 people are missing off the part of a hill collapsed and swept away to passenger bosses on a highway in the pole search and rescue teams or on the st. approximately 150
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kilometers southwest have kept men do by persistent monsoon, ryans are closing widespread devastation. kenya's president william router has dismissed almost all of his cabinet ministers and his promising to form a new government. router's announcement follows wakes. yvonne raced over an unpopular finance, built upon inside the law would impose on affordable tax rises on people and businesses. more than 30 people have been killed in the protest. and a wildfire continues to burn through southern california despite the if it's of hundreds of 5 fighters, according to the us forest service. nearly 5055 years have been deployed to find the place from the ground along with several ample in units as well. a russian plot to assess the night, the boss of a german weapons manufacturer was stopped earlier this month. thanks to us intelligence that's according to cnn. the broad cost to us is ottoman papa guy. the chief executive assignment task was among defense industry executives across europe
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. targeted by the kremlin us intelligence services, pos decals of the plan to terminal far. he's popular guy has been a high profile support of ukraine's worth it, and his company has produced artillery shells and village ridiculous for keith. a political correspondent, matthew moore, is here in berlin. he has more details on the story. well, this is really an extraordinary story and the allegations come from information from 5 us and one west on official one. according to the russia has been planning to assess to be a number of defense industry bosses across europe. the most mature report we thought was targeted, i mean pop back up to the pulse of line, montage avenue. biggest weapons manufacture, pop, had got partly in recent months, has really had a security detail, which is, which is like that of, of, of the federal minister here in germany. and what we, what we've been told, what we understand from, from media reports cnn, is that the american authorities identified this plot and said it was the most
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mature of all these plots. and they told you having authorities who are able to intervene in good time unless the company is really crucial to get you to ukraine's war effort. they've just opened up a joint venture to repair and build tanks and ukraine. they are the one of the biggest producers of an artillery, artillery musician and ukraine. and we are trying to tell yesterday if they could give us a call. and they said to kind of comment on security measures, but said that they are in contact with security services here in germany on a routine basis. matthew, how have jem and officials reacted to all this? it's like the fishing do. don't like to give a running commentary on, on things like best. but german chancellor schultz was asked about this yesterday and washington the neutral summit. and he said he wouldn't go into detail. but he did say cool. this is the order of the day. and he went on to see, we knew about various fritz threats from russian activities and are watching them very carefully. the foreign minister and a bad bulk also said the shows that your opinions must protect ourselves on know
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who be not eve. for months really, jem and leaders and security officials have been warning about russia's hybrid warfare in recent weeks and months. we've seen some of that come to, well evidence. i feel like of some of that coming to fruition. and yesterday, the boss of me to you and starting back said that really does fit into a pots. and that we're seeing that russia is targeting european europe and of kind of sabotaged attempts. and so basically they're saying that this is proof of what we've been wanting about for months. that europe really needs to wake up and, and, and, and what closer together and on our security basis to, to prevent attacks of this nature. matthew, i, t, as you just said, they have been warnings about a possible campaign of hostile acts by russia. how seriously a german authorities taking this as well some if you have to look at in the last few months here in germany alone, that'd be less of like incidences which have have been suspicious. there was 2 men
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who were arrested in bavaria earlier this year on suspicion of planning an attack on u. s. army base. one of the main. at the other legend we've been in contact with an individuals in most school. and here in berlin area in the spring, there was a suspicious fire with a factory belonging to weapons makers deal am. and the initial findings for that report say that it was done to a technical feeler, but they've been unfortunately media here that there's evidence that of, of russian involvement. all of which only adds to the concerned that the west is really the subject of a hybrid warfare. campaign being waged by russia, that's all dw political, corresponded matthew moore. thanks a lot about matthew. well, finland's, paula meant to say to vice on a bill, granting border guards, the power to turn back asylum sake is coming from russia. it is expected to pass as both the ruling rockland coalition and many opposition will make us a backing it. the government says, the government has said that the bill is vital to stop future arrivals despite the
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little being at odds with finland, international human rights commitments. a finland, so called a deportation law. let's border guards and migraines back to russia without the chance to claim asylum. it can be enacted for a temporary period based on what the finish government says is, must goes instrumental ization of migration. it's not the question of asylum, it's question of our security. the finish government itself acknowledges the new law conflicts with european union international laws which ensure the right for those in need to ask for protection and all 18 legal experts. the finished parliament consulted advise the classes with finland's own constitution, which led to the addition of the right to appeal within one month. but some parliamentarians, even from parties in the government coalition argue this is still unacceptable. well, at least actually, i am very concerned that convince opportunities to demand compliance with international human rights treaties from other countries will be decisively weekend
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. but most finish, lawmakers believe is a good is difficult compromise. that may also allow reopening finland's border with russia closed since last year over the migrant issue. the continuation of the current situation is definitely a worse option. almost 2 thirds of their citizens and a recent poll supported the deportation law. it's the turn of finished thought about between security and the values of democracy, of human rights. at the same time, i think a lot of things feel that we need to be strong against russia, and we need to show them that they can target us in this way. and this law will be one way of trying to determine that type of actions from happen. the use, newly approved migration packed, allows temporary border closure unlimited asylum procedures. when a member state believes migrants are being instrumental lives, but opponents say the finish law blocking applications goes too far. as somebody expresses the wish to apply for international protection, they have to have access to and sign
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a procedure. and that's the key element that is being removed by these meshes. so in that was but there, there isn't all this breach of a, you know, but anyone hoping to see the european commission take finland to court over the new measures may be disappointed in april and commission president ursula of underlying visited the border to check out the situation, she agreed with the finish government that the kremlin was using these people to try to destabilize the country. she sent you money and border guards to help helsinki deal with it. this is not just about the security of finland, but it is about the security of the european union. but catherine willard says this type of response allows russia to exploit border state of panic and creating more in security where the better way to manage the situation with to be, have a calm and mileage approach to refugees taking protection, i'm not removes the power from these different states to try to manipulate people in order to gain advantage of the european countries. instead,
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if the finish loss stands, she fears more european governments will toughen their own measures to keep asylum seekers out. the rescue teams have retrieved around 60 bodies from onto the rumble, and they said shy neighborhood of kansas city, that's according to officials. and the homeless run territory causes civil defense agency said that discovery came just uh, was after is, riley troops withdrew from the area images from the side show the extent of the destruction. residents told the i a pain use agency that i returned to find nearly all the homes had been demolished, is rouse me. latrice is it has now completed. it's to a condition instead child. yeah. and that its forces have moved on to other parts of kansas city. can speak now to the couple use senior international correspondent funding for a child who joins us now from jerusalem. funding to senior. give us the latest,
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please. on the is right of the offensive and gaza. this is what has been waging war relentlessly for more than 9 months now. but even though that's been for really pretty much across the street, there was still spots itself. i wouldn't refer to them as pockets of safety because obviously that would include regular access to food and water, but some pockets of call, meaning that you didn't hear directly in the neighborhood where you were booms raining down and you. but what's happening right now is a renewed offensive and gaza city that was the most densely populated, the biggest city of the entire gaza strip before the war and tens of thousands of people move back their move back to them, the worst or the course of the past few weeks and months as ease was shifted, its focus to this house to home unit as to what i saw. so what's happening right now, the people are back about 250000 wit audits to leave again by israel, so they can continue to bomb gaza city. but what sounds to a technical, obviously on a very humanitarian level level is just
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a huge challenge. we're speaking about people who've been coping with this war on some level for mood and 9 months. these are people who are tired, what traumatized and are simply people who cannot leave their truck in the homes because they're the hearing, the bombs, the hearing, the gunshots. so you don't want to be trapped basically the crossfire between homeless militants and as well. and even though there's still go safe roads out, designate that is safe for us, but use, well people have died on those roads before. so it's a very, very precarious situation, right? now, but also politically, because i'm a split, it is just sad a few days ago that these really defensive reading your defensive also jeopardize to put back the piece talk. so wherever these talk actually all at this point, back to square one, nothing. and you just mentioned these pace talks. is there any, are there any progress? are we seeing any progress in that respect? it really depends on who you listen to us president by then just just sit in the
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press conference said that there's some progress being made and that allegedly, both from us. and he's one of agreed on the framework overseas fire, but there's a lot to be done is as prime minister nathaniel here has been saying that he's committed to the framework framework. but at the same time, he's been accusing how much that they are making, allegedly, some demands that are then again inconsistent with this framework wide from us. again, the sing and accusing israel of playing for time and stalling the entire progress. what we're here right now is the fact that we have told, so i'm going right now, this is egypt. one of the key mediators apart from guitar, there be only one key issue here is also trying to come up with some sort of a surveillance system that again, is running through to between gaza strip and egypt. with that, especially, facilitate the result of these very true, a very key components here, apart from the very basics of the 3 face piece plan that was put forward by the, by the administration in may. um that is the end of the history piece. i'm making
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sure that hosted just being released at any rate to and for palestinians that are is really prisons right now. thanks. so that's funny. that was the double use senior international correspondent, finding a job in jerusalem far as well to support now. and the euro 2024 football championships are drawing to a close with england and spying facing off in sundays final. now while the highest germany crashed out in the quarter finals, the tournament is being held as a success. so far as security concerns have proved unfounded with the largest police deployment in modern german history. but there have been controversies both on and off the field. the sole fever is the closest thing euro pash to a shared religion. absolutely amazing. and then the european championships is carnival, meets thanksgiving, meets wholly the party as well. funds
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from across the continent did for 4 weeks and german streets, highways and bars. but before a single ball was kick, there was anger in the german camp about a contribution survey that find one and 5 people would prefer more white players on the team. he's. he's can also it as, as it's racist in the end, jeremy, to talk with a convincing when and got people dreaming of a summer fee retail. but also the pitch there where hiccups, the countries aging trading network straightened transform was a bit rubbish. like a bit robust was very robust and so with the weather, want to didn't dump in the mood. germany's match with denmark was delayed, nor did it stop the dutch dancing speed
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were sold for the toes. ukrainian funds offered a stock remainder of the war waging it came on following a collage of fallen soldiers at one match from a security point of view. additional board or checks and digital tickets appear to have done their job by control. the sea was never far, there was a cry of to a truck is play. i made the ultra nationalist gray roof gesture during a match. you a for bind him only for a stadium of turkish funds to mimic him, days later, a, a. lots of germans. there was an unspoken cake throughout this journey that their multi ethnic team could silence the racist by winning for the coach, deal, team spirit to be an example for the nation of interest to i simply wish for this country that we understand that things are simply better together and some of, especially if i help my neighbor to come to the hedge,
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to finish it faster than if he does it, tell the 9 a month. so when he did eventually crash or to spain, the pain was h don't every face. and julian now goes moon, seem to more, not just the defeat, but the end of the party. which of the 5 of us, uh, it's not often the almost every player who leaves the compost tiers in the rise. i think is a huge credit to everyone on this da here. and i'm going to give something to stuff was thinking of staying the latest pamphlet in a bull run. they're insane. and now the 3 people taken to a hospital because spoiler alert, they were injured. bible's as is the tradition, the base released on an $875.00 me to cost where ron is trying to avoid being run over of gold. as you can see, not everyone really a chief task animal rights activists. cold runs which take back to the 16th century mediaeval cruelty. one runa remains in
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a serious but stable condition. are you up to date here on the w up next softer, so break is the news africa i'm tired. reading police don't go in the
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world, but you will tell here we are happy that we are boxing the story. we have a getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold hosted to use the dream force and for the future in the stories and issues that are being discussed across the country. news africa. next on d w. finally, is this the solution to global energy or not?
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your fusions, how the engine national metal project is a massive hi text hovel. it could be exploring the possibilities and risk of nuclear fusion. the dream of invoice clean energy in 45 minutes on d, w. the dream of resolution in 1979, the hate to dictate is the most i was forced out of nicaragua. the people hoped for sarah society and received international solidarity. i imagined we would change the world and for 1000 republicans had to help with reconstruction.
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but the end the dream of revolution does july 20th on d, w. this is dw news advocate coming up on the program. roland are prepared for elections, but will they change anything? president kick, i'm a faces limited opposition as he seeks of falls presidential term. but rights groups continue to voice concerns about rolanda as political climate plus the image that's causing a stat in cameroon, president paul b as door to the in the spotlight. i made the countries n t l g b t last prescription for survival. how nigeria is economic timeline is affecting access to medication and health care for
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