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tv   In Good Shape  Deutsche Welle  July 12, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm CEST

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with the bare minimum without civil rights and with no cost. this is not a good environment. no, not for my children. and favorite shadow stats oldest good. on the w, the power health magazine comes to you from berlin. city popular with visitors from all over the world. eager to see the brandenburg gate mtv tower. check out the iconic little man on crossings drawers and many parks and find out just how dog friendly a place it is. so hold on. do you remember what you've just seen on the show this time we find out how our memories work and how to boost. welcome to in good shape. the
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hello my name is brain. i can remember thousands of things, but to make sure i don't forget what i've learned to keep in mind. information only stays with me if it leaves a memory trace. i don't get a score, a memory trace of something that's created as soon as you start to encode something . and when you start doing code something a chain is set in motion at the sign ups level, that is at the molecular level of the brain through what's called long term potentially ation. that's how memory is actually form. well, that's the memory choice. what i really need to concentrate on the subject matter that i'm learning the very presence of a cell phone just strikes me and ties up some of my capacity. so get rid of it. it can be more effective to study in a quiet room with this few other distractions as possible instead of it library.
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that way i can focus on the essentials. lindsey is of a made up to fit your attention is focused on multiple things. the effect you want to have, for example, while learning is significantly diminished because we can't use your full capacities in terms of attention at the tip of the office i'm quite on get. also sometimes i learn most effectively when several impressions are linked together. when i learn on a screen, i only have the written word with a book, i have additional input, what the paper feels like and where the information is located. for example, at the top right of the page, making hand written notes or drawing a diagram of the learning material, engages different sensors and creates additional memory choices bends. you know, i can memorize huge amounts of material, construct stories that build on one another. they make a semantic framework around the content they're memorizing. if they're learning
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vocabulary and they're only learning verbs, it's much tougher than if they're also memorizing nouns and additives and building them into a story. first of all, another important point repetition, memory choices only becomes strong and lasting. if you review the subject matter the next day, whether vocabulary, fax, or formulas, months, vice the scene, it's known that people forget the most by far within the 1st 24 hours, put 50 percent of everything we learn will be forgotten. and the next 24 hours. that means if you want to consolidate your learning or review it so you have it for a longer time, meaning create a permanent memory trace and long term memory. then repetition will improve the effect once he doesn't have the best of the in effect for this to work. well, i need vitamins and minerals put most of all, lots of carbohydrates and amino acids and enough sleep. my
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curiosity is boundless, so cheap learning new things that will protect me from forgetfulness and dementia. well into old age. one demonic device is said to have it storage ends in ancient greece. according to legend, a poet left a palace after giving a recital. and soon after that the building collapsed, burying all those present. the poet was able to help identify all the victims by recalling who had set where at the event. whether this really happened is up for debate. but thinking places, stories, terms and phrases can certainly help us to memorize things. this positive news in gemini is home to you are getting paid to send a grandma stood with memory who originally planned to be a fall. ma elsis hop is the 1st thing i did was learn the names of 200 countries in the capitals while milking the count. that was my 1st challenge and the fact that
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it worked on the 1st attempt was great. i had to milk the cows anyway. i can still name the countries in the capitals today. according to the 57 year olds guessing ones grey meant to up to speed is just a question of using the prop a message box there can you can learn the names of us presidents on your body. my feet are ryan plates. i hit the flow with them i and as i, as in, in gym and, and teaching cohen, so i, as in house and then my knees is each of the room one says, do i know you in jem and kennedy's day. so kennedy's gun silver cocked in one pocket is john lennon and the other, his sons, the whole set of johnson for the dentist, johnson, for you. and then we have a man made style in jim and then nick stuff. richard nixon is, was matt needs to be something remarkable, not boring. like this cost is going to learn how to do it. then by default, both faces together in front of your face and look at them from above. but this is roughly how big your brain is and this morning i'd like to show you what you can do
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with that sound marked as always, wanted to form a desktop. mentally training is already a standard feature in schools in some countries, which is relatively new in germany, in the location or low calling method. pupils are off to build a route through the classroom, linking the strange with this and maybe a 3rd or 4th. imagine there's a big stick in position one on the 2nd floor here. yeah, yeah. instead of the pillow, there's a huge pipe by those posts coming out of this 0 to pass some blood out of this double 0. the bulk body is sliding down the door here, cold and well, that's kinda what we've just done isn't nonsense. it's 10 native dug species. you'd have to learn for a hunting exam down this as it, it was like yourself and the students go on to list them all correctly. was it to see the mid the i the semester? i thought it was pretty useful because it really works. yeah, just fine. that's fine, like the fact that you can remember most things with these mnemonic devices. that's
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what you have to think outside the box. that it could, the contents of the system you're on the, i found it really funny to keep linking different things. and then when you do things different things and then went through them, sometimes you really had to smile is how much was the language of one. so i just another time and i think it's a really good idea, especially when you take subjects where you have to learn tons like biology or physics. it makes a lot of sense to keep practicing it. and it also trains your memory that it can utilize the max each time. students could comp the coming time down by about 80 percent simply by using the method they just learned what's more. it doesn't require talent, just a little practice decide it's been constitution entries on time. that's very average. and that's why i find this so fascinating because i would never have believed i could do something like this. if it was calm. if someone had told me at a scene that i could memorize a 1000 numbers, i would never have thought that was possible. if it was the best, it's possible with a bit of training, just about anyone can have
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a memory like an elephant elephant. it's really do have amazingly good memories. they can retain some things for decades. they recognize other members of the same species and even people they've had contact with. they also remember watering holes and other important places and can reliably find their way back to them. your rage and j 's or another species with impressive recall. they know exactly where they've heading their supply, even when everything is suddenly covered in snow. elephants and jays retain all the information that's vital for their survival. but what about us? in the past memory, with both of us, something like this, a droll in the brain where every thing you learn and experience is stored and retrieved when needed. but there's no such thing as
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a single jewel or memory. memory is made up of many different systems. short term memory serves as a kind of n c way for all memories. it stores information for just a few seconds to a few minutes. everything that we remember for longer has to pass through a crucial switching point in the brain. the hippocampus. this is what information is filtered, evaluated, and compared with previously still with memories. if new information is important enough, it's transferred to a long term memory in the cerebral cortex. on long term memory stores different types of memories in different systems assessment skills or the task sweet land of filed into all procedural memory. once we've learned how to run defined, for example, we don't need to continue to be think about it's of the cerebellum is especially important to this form of memory.
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another for them as long term memory is known as to sexual memory. this is why we keep everything we've recognized as a rule. old person. for example, the dogs, a different thing. cat or this summer landscapes, a different the winter months. the cerebral cortex is where these basic testing system, factual knowledge is stored in our explicit or declarative memory. for example, the aging is the capital of china. all that albert einstein came up with this theory of relativity. in most people, this kind of learned knowledge is mainly processed in the left hemisphere with key areas linked to speech and language in a cage. and then there's the autobiographical memory, whatever our own personal experience is, and history a story like our 1st day at school, fastcase well, as the peasant event,
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memories of situations, the to emotionally meaningful tend to be stored here for a long time. go to biographical memory is especially complex, involving several parts of the brain working in sync. so memories are contained in various systems and we don't just have a single kind of memory. but many when it comes to education, schools and universities are still center state just they have been for centuries. of course, things have changed over time. in recent decades, projectors and blackboards have given way to interactive white boards and other modern tech has moved into. although it's still down to students to do the learning, digital resources have a lot to offer on your young has made it to his mission to may come to standing mass, easy and fun to youtube, but is pushing us about transforming education. the mission gets we need to get
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schools in gemini ticket to noise. now, if we don't, we'll be left behind worldwide. we need to step on the guns when it comes to digital learning and see change because payment by my name's daniel young, and i'm best known as the mine in front of the white board who helps millions of people with my math videos. when mentions ought to be, this is to know exactly so hundreds of love from one house in my to daniel is a successful mass youtube. with his explain the videos, he turns the subject, which many hate into something cool and helps, and posts, exams. i want to find out exactly how he manages to get so many people excited about it. today on getting on the look for ones because the community always asks me when can we meet you in person? maybe do some math problems, take photos to some of them. it tells you that you don't watch daniel's videos, it has
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a k o t to send links to you to come up, plays the brackets. now someone else who might not be when i was revising my high school diploma last year, there was some topics i didn't get the videos are super helpful. and the video format means you're learning a lot and there were no distractions to announce nice things to you. i managed to post my monthly exam on the said, go, i watched and lots of you'll videos and you really helps me along showed you the goal. with daniel's videos, students can focus on what they need to learn, but he wants to take the next step step until they get to page occasion of the future shouldn't be location dependence on the item on it. so i believe that's finally possible, but there's still a lot of potential life to explore should be split into it all, start date on the tennis coach in soup with this tennis. sometimes coaches handle so many people said, hey, you're good at mass to how about math tutoring. and in those early days i really
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did go from the tennis coat to my closet to produce the 1st videos on the on the demand is high. according to one study, 47 percent of young people in germany between the ages of $12.19 use, explain the videos for landing, including for topics covered at school. daniel has become something of a mass. he arose and many in gemini, his videos are free to watch. instead he's company ends money through clicks and advertising partners. what are the 16 few bid of what i place a great deal of emphasis on authentic collaborations? that means i work with institutions. so companies that really wants to make a difference in education, especially ones that to helping digitalized schools shouldn't have something to get to the daniel records around $10.00 to $15.00 short video is speech related. this is thousands to say about 500. that's because of
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the outcome your videos enable so many students to understand the formulas like these is a common pushed thing as i've also with moodle. feedback suggested because they're always available, the explanations of simple they don't last hour as many people have little gaps and then knowledge which don't get filled as they move on through school. and a simple explanation kind of close the gap. and they're available at any time for you didn't get upset high daniel posts, his videos on a number of different platforms, all of which a compassion age with and visit this. also with youtube take talk. instagram are all of a social media platforms based on advertising. why be chosen to be on those? because if we avoid social media, we'll lose the kids because that's where they are. so we need to meet them where they all, with great content, that's side custom lighting and we'll be focusing on. daniel believes there's an
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urgent need for an alternative to social media platforms. he's working on a learning platform for gemini, wherever explain the videos make by ex, but so available for all schools, subjects, free of charge and accessible to everyone minded. the ceiling is for my vision is to have old schools networked one time for me especially said that teachers have more time to focus on teaching that people. so daniel is also an inspiration for young student teaches. he's regularly off to speak at events, including university conferences. he says his conviction about the need for an into just a plenary learning platform, the tv youtube, and so many kids turn to youtube to help with math, physical or something like that. and that face with a lot of advertising on destruction, this could, we can do away with that. so we're on boarding many professors with material we can trust in coming from how it, daniel aims to make more high quality educational content available online. so the
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young people can learn any time anyway. i'm assuming everything has gone ok during the revision stage. there's just one more key hurdle to overcome accessing what you've learned during the actual exam for that it can be helpful to know what happens to us before and during an examination and how to combat nerves. oh no, i'm not going to make it. i need some sleep, but what if i fail the exam? doesn't you? if this sounds familiar with college, life is no joke. you want to perform your best, but often it's hard to stay focused and disciplined all the time. but it is possible to beat the college stress and a so your exams let's explode the science behind that. the,
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the stress hid students all over. there was a number of seem to have increased. for example, do out of 5 college students suffer from anxiety $1.00 and $3.00 even from depressive. symptoms coverage has had its own part to play him. but stress for say, is not bad. it can make us do well in exams. stress straps up our body and mind and import into dangerous situations. it increases hormones like adding in dominion and cortisol, which speed of a hard to improve of concentration. a body has been doing this for centuries to coal, puts dangerous and important situations. it's called the fight or flight response. but when stress hormones reach very high levels, the system and then performance and concentration decrease.
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typical signs and symptoms of high stress levels can be a founding, heart, headaches, nausea and for sleep and problems. concentrating, in extreme cases, stressed into the anxiety that can make you go completely blank in tests. so why does it feel like anxiety swallow is your knowledge been feel dominates spots if i'm drains communication factories can get low regardless because anything we've learned, even though the information is stored in abilene, because when stress hormones a high brains control center right behind the forehead, the prefrontal cortex stops regulating her thinking and emotions as it usually does . instead pulled about like b like the last, the center for emotions and compulsive behavior takeover and what we feel is feel all as a split. now this before the test that's nominated. but besides from being ready
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for bed, another important and faster is how and what you think in a stressful situation. thoughts like i'm a bit nervous but that's okay. can actually calm you down. but thoughts like i never make it as fail set off of this just cycle of feel and rising stress time on the the good thing is you can do something about it. the bad thing. you might have to change some general habits in your life. one important aspect is taking breaks even if you're under time pressure engenders everything that relax as the body in mind hits with stress and anxiety that are some scientifically proven methods that really work. studies have shown the benefits of practicing mindfulness relaxation, breathing exercises and meditation. there are lots of apps on the market that offer
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these methods, but be a little careful which one you choose as only a few apps have been scientifically evaluated. see if you can find some information on it before using it. another important factor in feeling been balanced is a good night's sleep being and yet to out of 3 students don't sleep enough, particularly during exam periods, they cut down on their sleep. it's really impacts it up to they make performance. one of the primary functions of sleep is learning and memory. if you don't sleep, memory simply doesn't happen. how much sleep younger does need is not clearly known, but it is thought to be around 8 hours. finally, let's talk about giving your day a bit more structure, set up
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a good plan defined times for rent, and what you learn and venue exercise. meet defense. listen to good music or use social media, especially in the 2 weeks before an exam. a good study plan has suddenly not tried to avoid last minute cramming and all nighters. and if you feel like you can't manage, you're stressed out inside the talk to people usually trust like friends, family, or university counselors. don't hesitate to seek professional head. try to find out which of these tips help you. and there's a good chance you'll say that most mostly to college lies in the social media universe. there are many people who seem internally successful . look amazing at always appear happy. a recipe for self doubts and misery,
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especially if we go down the road us comparison that can be difficult to know when we should take a break. after all, many of us suffer from fomo. we still don't know enough about the effect of all this on mental health, especially when it comes to young people. oh, smart science dominates a lot about time. here in foss, motion is the cell phone use of a 14 year old. scientists are investigating what happens in the brain with tech talk in stuff and similar platforms. the focuses on young people who according to an e, you studies spend more than 3 hours a day online, especially on social media. as well as my, when i guess the 1st thing i do is reach for my glasses and then i grab my phone and check my middle against the nice new comes. and instagram is instagram throughout the day, and things like youtube a lot to while i'm ties, you hang up with some say, interesting, the all photos or fun man. during the pandemic, i spent around 2 to 3 hours on the slide. it was really tough when i read,
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that's because i had no idea it was taking up so much of my time. so we'll see the site discuss not the big social media companies are accused of deliberately creating dependencies, especially among the young people whose brains are not yet fully developed. less to enter name, the companies optimize the content they show to make the use of stay that for as long as possible. that could be instagram, facebook take talk, etc. that goal is to show advertising to on monday. if the company that's the business model, the specific use that means that repeatedly showed content that surprising and rewarding, which also has an impact on the the come in system that does come in is known as the feel good home mind on social media. each slight flight can post releases the whole mind turning us into opening junkies. numerous scientists believes that the mechanisms of similar to alcohol and drug addiction, social media addiction can also trigger depression, anxiety disorders,
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and the other ailments, such as a consent and a cooling for social media dependency to be formally recognized as a mental health disorder. scabbing their flesh was scared as we would see more research funding if social media were recognized as a behavioral addiction. and that would be best to public awareness and more options for treatment for the 100, but to better investigate the phenomenon of social media rejection, such as need data from the major platforms. i'm just, it's, we've let this happen for almost 20 years now and have allowed platforms to continue to optimize that algorithms. the impact on society is growing. so we need more insight into what's happening, all who the best of the existing scientists say, the impact of social media on young people's brain development is the biggest experiment ever conducted on humans. and the outcome is still an open question. and that's it from us. well,
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almost can you still remember the pictures of or when from the beginning? it's so your memories and find for and if the rest of the show now makes its way into your long term memory, even better. and the same goes for the next one. so you that the
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leasing models, which is in the human names almost have to find every day using discount remains of mel just places to construct. suspicion will serve as a while also testing innovative watch just saving cultivation message to india in such a few minutes on the w to the points. strong opinions,
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clear position. international perspective. the nato is celebrating its subsidies. 5th anniversary and the shadow of unprecedented challenges with 32 members. it is the biggest. it's ever been budgeted. also stronger. find out on to the court to the point in 19 minutes on dw, the what college myers have to do with the production. here's a hands on the real media. watch now on youtube. get ready for an exciting, auburn toyota look surprised. hi,
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irish. and i'm ready to dive into the hands of human to do you have you have a one, dodge, to delete it from port please go to the spot and unexpected side. so slide the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, the, the business, the that is like from balance us president to buy that makes a serious of gas, the nato summit in washington. he's facing growing pressure suit and abandon his re election campaign, but in service he is the best qualified person to be. donald trump, also coming up a russian plot to kill the boss of germany is leading arms. manufacturer was stopped earlier this year according to the us media report. the from around with


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