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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 12, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm CEST

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the, the business dw, it is light from balance. us president joe biden makes a series of gas at the nato summit in washington. he's facing growing pressure soon abandoned his re election campaign, but insist he is the best qualified person to be donald trump. also coming up a russian plot to kill the boss of germany is leading arms, manufacturer was stopped earlier this year. according to his us media report. the from around with todd is a major supply of of weapons. and i'm in addition to ukraine and finland, parliament costs the bill giving voted gods deposit turned back migrants crossing
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from russia to move. critics say breach has the human rights the guy that says, welcome to the program. us president joe biden says he's still running for president telling journalist see can get the job done by the pit at a news conference in washington at the end of nato's 75th anniversary summit. he spoke at length about his achievements and office saying he was the best qualified person to run for president. biden's mental fitness has been under scrutiny since he appeared confused at a debate last month, 7, several top democrats have since withdrawn the support for his re election campaign . and thursday's press conference was meant to reassure a democratic lawmakers and voters about the us presidents, mental fitness. the button made
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a number of blunders most strikingly when he welcomes ukraine's president. what of them is the landscape to the stage? and now i want to hand it over to the president ukraine, who has as much courage as he has determination bases. i'm a president, president booth present list. i'm so focused on the boot and we got to worry about it anyway. it's present, i'm bet you are a hell. well, what concerns do you have about vice president harris is ability to be donald trump . if she were at the top of the ticket. look, i wouldn't have picked vice president trump to be vice president. i think she was not qualified to be present. i'm following the advice of my commander in chief, my, my, my of the chief of staff in the military as well as the sector defense in our tells us now that spring in us, i will, is this issue lives looking at this, which is
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a bit painful is joe button still fit for office? i watch the whole thing and it's a very different image than just a few. i guess. yes, he has he, he has more frequently, but in the past always stumbled over words. i think his defenders are going to say these were common mistakes that folks make all the time under extreme pressure. he went on for 20 minutes in, in depth conversations, talking about nato, talking about current conflicts, around the world, around trade policy, things that would be really hard to do if someone was genuinely suffering from mental capacity. now there's, there's 2 things about this. he might be fit for office as he demonstrated with way as well in this press conference. but is he a fit to convince voters that he is to and to be donald trump? that's such an important question and it gets at the heart of what people are kind
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of not actually saying kenny be president, he's kind of proving again and again, he's an incredibly successful administration, but can he be donald trump? and i think that question actually goes back to the mc that goes back to the democrats. donald trump kind of did its 1st shot across the ballad democrats in that debate. he was classic trump really strong, really aggressive. and democrats responded with panic. mm hm. so is it fighting alone that can't be that trunk, or is it all if the democrats have a problem waiting this campaign? this real quick us analysts, thank you very much. this is a russian plots to assess the night. the boss of a german weapons manufacturer was stopped earlier this. yeah, and that's according to the us board costs of cnn, us intelligence alerts. it's german authorities that i'm in pop out of the chief executive overriding baton. it was among several defense industry executives across you of that would targeted by the criminal russian says the report is based on fake
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information from anonymous sources. i mean, pop, say i got the hey, the one of the world's biggest west pins, manufacturers. and according to us officials, the target of an advanced assassination attempt allegedly masterminded in most school, the u. s. a left to german allies who weren't able to intervene. whether that's an item, this sort of, this won't go into detail. well, this is the order of the day, like at the same time, i'm happy to tell you that we know very well that we see our septic suppose to various threats from russian activities. and that we are very casually watching that ourselves as our credit, to back up the is a key called in european efforts to assist ukraine's war machine. right. mate house has produced tanks and october we shelves that are crucial to keep of waste and authorities have one for some time that russia is waging a sabotage campaign. and these are no standalone incenses. these
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are part of a pop gun part to a ongoing russian campaign. and the purpose of this campaign is of course, to intimidates uh, an $8.00 from supporting a ukraine. in a pool german police arrested to man on suspicion of planning a lot of sabotage. the target a us army base in bavaria where you cleanings soldiers are trading. the plot could be traced to moscow, and they ask them on professors that they need them passed on this information, which the 2 had gathered to a person connected to a russian intelligence service. and then in may, a mysterious fire broke out a subsidiary of weapons make a deal in belin investigate to see the cause was a technical defect. but media reports in germany see intelligent services have evidence of russian involvement. in finland, the parliament has passed the bill,
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granting bought a gods, the power to turn back migrants coming from russia. the ruling right when coalition in many opposition little make has backed that decision, the government to set the new rule is vital to stuff future arrivals a finland, so called a deep rotation law. let's border guards and migraines back to russia without the chance to claim asylum. it can be and acted for a temporary period based on what the finish government says is most goes instrumental ization of migration. it's not question of asylum. it's question of our security. the finished government itself acknowledges the new law conflicts with the european union international laws which ensure the right for those in need to ask for protection and all 18 legal experts. the finished parliament consulted advise that a classes with finland's own constitution, which led to the addition of the right to appeal within one month. but some parliamentarians,
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even from parties in the government coalition argue this is still unacceptable, but at least actually i am very concerned that convince opportunities to demand compliance with international human rights treaties from other countries will be decisively weakened. but most finish, lawmakers believe is a good is difficult compromise, that may also allow reopening feelings border with russia closed since last year over the migrant issue. if the continuation of the current situation is definitely a worse option, almost 2 thirds of their citizens and a recent poll supported the deportation law. it's the turn of finish, not enough between security and the values of democracy of human rights. at the same time, i think a lot of things feel that we need to be strongly against russia. and we need to show them that they can target this in this way. and this law will be one way of trying to determine that type of actions from happen. the use, newly approved migration packed, allows temporary border closure unlimited asylum procedures with a members deep believes migrants are being instrumental lives. but opponents say
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the finish law blocking applications goes too far as somebody expresses the wish to apply for international protection, they have to have access to and sign and procedure. and that's the key element that is being removed by these meshes. so in not was but that there isn't all this breach of a, you know, but anyone hoping to see the european commission take finland to court over the new measures may be disappointed. in april 1, commission, president ursula of underlying visited the border to check out the situation. she agreed with the finish government that the kremlin was using these people to try to destabilize the country. she sent you money and border guards to help helsinki deal with it. this is not just about the security of finland, but it is about the security of the european union. but catherine willard says this type of response allows russia to exploit border states, panic, creating more in security where the better way to manage the situation with to be
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have a calm and mileage approach to refugees taking protection. i'm not, removes the power from these different states to try to manipulate people in order to gain advantage of a european countries. instead, if the finish loss stands, she fears more european governments will toughen their own measures to keep asylum seekers out. oh, that's good. more details on this book i was born unto, she also filed the report enjoys us from brussels. terry, the finish parliament has now approved this rather controversial law. what does that mean for fillings policy on its border with russia or that's right. it just passed by a 56 majority, a 167 to 31. so if 2 more lawmakers had gone against the law, it would not have passed that shows you just how divisive it was. now what the proponents of the law say is that they could now open the border crosses which have
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been closed since late last year. because now they would have the tools they need to send back these people that they believe were being sent by moscow. and so there may be some very real and, and near term results from the law in that there could be some transport across the border again. now there won't be of a big change in that because of sanctions against russia for his full scale invasion of ukraine tourist aren't allowed to come and russian cars aren't allowed to come through. but there would be some normal every jury transport and people with relatives, dual citizens, with relatives on either side of the board or could travel more easily. so that was a big point that the government used in saying that it wanted to get back to some sort of normal situation on the border using disability. a border guards to turn back. what they say are instrumental lies migrants. well, how does the finish government know justify the going against both the advice of the legal experts and several human rights organizations?
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this is a kind of awkward situation for the spanish government because it's known as a very law abiding country. and for example, the united nations said finland, you can't do this 18 legal experts the parliament called in to advise them. all said, you can't do this, it goes even against villain's own constitution, in addition to e, you, law, and it to international obligations. so the finish government says look, we're only going to do this for one year. we're going to a college and national security incentive to do this. and you know, we're going to hope that this shows russia, that they can't push us around this way. but it does basically on his face break, the e u. a ban on uh, pushing back migrants, especially with a without allowing them to, to, uh, apply for asylum. so yeah, it's a difficult situation and i would expect that there are going to be some legal challenges to this will be why the,
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you implications to think that certainly what human rights advocates believe, those countries that already would have liked to have a, a strict or regulation on their border or countries where russia has definitely tried to do this already lobbying lithuania, poland, and they may well look at this finish lawn say, how could we get a law like this through our parliament and declaring that there is a national security incentive for it so i think that's the experts that i spoke with very much think that this is going to be a precedent for other countries. again, it can only stay in place for one year at the moment as an exceptional measure. but certainly those countries who a may have been looking to keep out more migrants, but be feel that russia is trying to manipulate them this way are expected to, to follow suit corresponding to schultz that we quoted from brussels. thank you, terry. now let's have a look at some of the news in brief,
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a pause of 77 pilot whales has died after watching the shore on the beach on the scottish island of sunday. and what could be the biggest mass spending for decades . experts say it's too early to know what caused this event. do you regulate to say, you know, most platform x is misleading uses and violating european content rules with its blue check marks for verified accounts, and the funding that leads to hefty fines. x becomes beside the company and as many weeks of the excellent meta to full file of the new digital services, a packed full migraines have drowned an english channel while trying to cross to britain. the navy patrol boats went to the sides after being allowed to that several people had fallen into the water fence. please say around 70 microns were on board. israel says it is taking steps to increase the flow of 8
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into the gaza strip through the portal for i stalled. the tons of supplies of piled up on the gauze of side of is rarely controlled border crossings. the un says it is unable to collect them for distribution, as is really military operations against how must make it too dangerous to move around. for a family daily life struggle against hunger and a worse thing for any patient crisis. boston and hygiene is not something they can afford to move an annual limit. well, there is no silver shortly. no, the church locked and one other, nothing. when i yeah, i mean the price of soap and even if it is available in the gaza strip. so we can't afford any yeah. yeah, no, i don't have money to buy, so can she can do live in the refugee counseling centers. garza here lack of sufficient doors. it's clean water, no working fluid system threatening. everyone's has or some kind of you kind of don't have money to buy food and let alone buy
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a bottle of shampoo or so i have lice in my here due to lack of so to see and i'm an adult woman another minute and then get an adult woman brushes her hair and lice, come out of it. why? because we don't have the supplies we need. no one takes care of us on the slot and what it could be to go to the left side because it doesn't mean despite mounting international pressure on it, straight the delivery of it. and because that has been far short of what is required, is trying to see if it has made efforts to ensure you in agencies can make the liberties and believes that you went for the female. the 14000 pallets, by the way, that this stuck here. and they're not collecting, so do you and decided not to bring more trucks because they're not picking it up and disability. so meantime, the private sector or continued to war, and those trucks are private sector from does that do or the ring in 14 goods to guys industry building. but the u. n. c is active fighting an attack from militia
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groups, leave it on wife. financial aid is being dropped off from the israeli side. it is being lifted in area and then we in some private sector entities are also picking up the, the trucks that the un trucks that are getting or picking up 8 are doing it, offering a great cost because they are being either looted or taxed at this time the forces continue to fight against how much lack of administration in gods have created widespread lawlessness. attempts to transport 8 by c has also not being successful. the us build to be a facilitating the n g of 8 was marked by challenges and it's not expected to be permanently dismantled. but these explanations don't help people like the of the, the family, for them to live in a mean one thing continued suffering. and that's bringing
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the diamond, she found that the international network for aid relief and assistant in, in iraq. and joseph from is simple. are we just so the ultimately family situation, darren, gaza. how common is this scenario that as well? i was just in you guys. uh about 10 days ago, and i can tell you that, that what you've seen there is widespread. it is basically what you see everywhere . and you obviously end up seeing a lot worse than that in a certain bizarre kind of dark way. if you have a ton, you're considered to be luckier than others, because what you also see is people squatted on top of what was the rumble of their homes. very, very few people actually have access to proper toilet. you see open sewage running everywhere. there is a severe lack of clean drinking water. there is no ability to shower or bade yourself and it is absolutely impossible to get supplies in. you heard in that
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report that you air there from these really spokes person, putting the blame on, you know, you on organizations for an ongoing to back up. well, that's not exactly the whole full picture, especially since israel continues to abdicate its responsibilities towards ensuring the safe delivery of humanitarian assistance to a population that needs as the most. and then you have, of course, the mental tool of all of this with the concept displacement, the drones that are buzzing overhead, the constituting bombing some reality that nowhere is absolutely safe. look, i've been in war zones for more than 20 years right now. and i have never seen anything the likes of which i saw and because now with, with the loops is running right? how mos intercepting a convoys and soaring prices and shortages. how does your organization in uh, ensure a reaches those most the need as well? that's the problem and let me explain a little bit more of the dynamics on the grounds that whole have masses, intercepting aid convoys. narrative is not entirely what you see,
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that is actually problems in gaza. what is actually problem involves a right now what is actually preventing aid from being picked up from where the israelites are dropping it off is criminal games and looters and a lot of it centers around the cigarette smuggling. and it happens on certain specific trunks of road that are chunks of road that we can only cross with is really approval there. and something of a no man's land areas that are not populated or currently inhabited. but have, you know, a number of birds out buildings bombed up buildings on them. and along these roads you see games are mostly young man, some more organized than others that are caring the tons, a couple of them have machetes, they're burning tires. and they have whether it's, you know, pieces of metal or tree trunks or whatever it is, a base thrust across the road to them block a trucks coming through. some of them are ludicrous commuting sakes. they want to
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lose and then sell on the market. but a good number of this criminal activities actually stemming from the fact that since the beginning since october 7, israel has found the entry of cigarettes to the gaza strip. and as such, right now, cigarette smuggling has become a cash cow. one single cigarette costs between $17.00 to $25.00. so if you're able to sneak, say 5 cartons of cigarettes onto on a truck that's around the $20000.00 pay day. now these games are mostly only targeting a truck. they're not targeting the commercial trucks. that are going in and this is raising a lot of questions, but obviously, you know, gaza has a lot of tribal dynamics that exist between the traders and whatnot. what 8 organizations have been asking for for quite some time now is alternate routes to be able to use to move the 8. because right now we are restricted to the routes that is real permits us to use, but there are other alternatives. so to go straight back to answering your question
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is how do we ensure the safe delivery of aid we can't. and that is a very big problem because we cannot resolve this on our own. we need these all routes and we need more security from these really over routes which are under their control. now there's other problems as well. can you tell us more on the internal challenges within un agencies we have heard about turf was in contract, right. and like, how does that affect your, your work or not? we are a small organization. we say well out of anything it is that you know, you may or may not have heard about of i, i went to a number of the coordination meetings there. there did not seem to be any sort of internal turf or, and that sort of defies logic to a certain degree because there is so much need just about everywhere that there, there is absolutely no need for, for that sort of a dynamic to exist and actually my own personal experience, quite to the contrary, it's been that various organizations are, are quite willing to cooperate on the ground. but because i was saying, you know,
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we're a fairly small organization. we rely on, on the support of other organizations to be able to do what we need to get done. but we're also very hyper focused on serving the, the communities that, that need the services that we're providing that range from running, you know, psychosocial activities for children to trying to provide things like sanitary pads, you know, baby diapers, baby males when we're able to get it in and, and ensuring that, you know, we're, we're getting fresh vegetables to, to communities because what we're having to do right now is 8 organizations is because the 8 itself is not getting in. but in the south, for example, commercial trucks are, we are then able to purchase vegetables off the market and then distributed that to, to the families that are in need. me. thank you very much that i'm a diamond from in our off now the rather appealing wedding of the son of india as rich as mine is underway and
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combine for days of celebrations, will mock the union of on bonnie and already come merchant. the guest list reads like a who's, who, of indian and international celebrities. the finish line is fine and the insight the off the 7 long months of celebration. this great indian wedding is coming to a close this weekend. the happy couple. the son of a judge, richest man location. bonnie and the daughter of pharma icon very much and the 29 utilized tying the knot in an average cd and decided many we've been to national celebrities and even was leaders expected to attend. this week's legs kicked off in moving by with a mass wedding for 50 couples who couldn't afford their own celebration
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the a, b i. c. this marks the beginning of the facilities for our children. a not invited cuz wedding with sylvie to avoid it. but many said, this contract is precisely what makes this $320000000.00 reading so obscene. it has included thousands of private jets allowed european reading crews, a pre reading event that saw the lights. so vienna and mog stuck a book as guest the engine prime minister is expected to make an appearance this weekend, underscoring his close ties to the business di, cool. but it is ridiculously doing it guy. yeah. you. how with like of the the last of the best dates are due more to be
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taking place on monday. giving the proper, the johns to at last to begin the loan 1st viewed, much celebrated marriage. and before we go, the latest pump blown a bull run in spain has seen another 3 people taken to the hospital because spa, there were that injured, bundled, as is tradition to be solved, released on an 875. meta calls with ramos then tried to avoid being run over old gold. as you can see, not everyone achieved that. a, the bone runs day back to the 16th century and animal rights activists, so called for an immediate end to the practice. one run remains in this area is a stable condition you want cdw new z. as a reminder of our top story for us, president biden has made
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a series of gas at the nato summit in washington. he introduced ukraine's welcome to zalinski, as president protein biden is facing growing pressure to abandon his re election campaign. and that's it from me and the team, thanks for watching. the
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policing was sausages in the human names, almost have to find irritate. using discount remains of melts, of places to construct, suspicion most are reservoir, while also testing in the water saving cultivation met india. next on d, w to the points, strong opinions. international perspective. no is
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dream of revolution, july 20th on d, w, the offline, it is changing. second for the what? the rising global temperatures and more and more extreme weather events are making frequent headlines. hello and welcome. i'm sorry, we've got the body and you're watching. as an ecosystem scenes, we not only need to amplify out efforts to save them, but we also need to adapt our lives and our livelihoods to ensure that we can keep up with the change and size.


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