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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 12, 2024 7:00pm-7:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is the w news alive it from berlin. a condo is under severe pressure in garza . tell us any ins are pleading for more help as gains exploit the power vacuum left by fighting between militants and israel. the united nations says that distributing supplies is almost impossible now. also coming up tonight, european leaders lashing out at hunt, gary and prime minister victor or bon, after a series of secretive overseas trips the latest seas or bond shaking hands with donald trump. just days after meeting with the leaders of china and russia. and for football fans, the party is almost though just one game
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left that year or 2020 for the tournament is being held to success will take a look at what works and what hasn't worked the bridge off. it's good to have you with this on this friday. israel and the united nations are trading accusations over why desperately needed supplies and the gaza strip are not being deliver. israel says that it's taking steps to increase the flow of 8 and it blames the u. n. for failing to distribute the goods, but then you when says ongoing finding and the breakdown of all in order or making distribution simply too dangerous for a family daily life, it's a struggle against hunger and a worsening sanitation crisis. the boston hygiene is not something they can afford
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to been annual. let me know. there is no service, you know, to church locked and one other, nothing. when i yeah, i mean the price of soap and even if it is available in the gaza strip. so we can't afford any yeah. yeah, no, i don't have money to buy, so can she can do live in the future. got been federal garza here. lack of sufficient doors. it's clean water. no working fluid system threatening. everyone's has or some kind of you kind of don't have money to buy food, let alone buy a bottle of shampoo or so i have lice in my here due to lack of so to see and i'm an adult woman another minute and then get an adult woman brushes her hair and lice, come out of it. why? because we don't have the supplies we need. no one takes care of us on the floor. that's what it can be to go to the left side because it doesn't mean despite mounting international pressure on it, straight the delivery of it. and because that it's been far short of what is
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required, is trying to see if it has made efforts to ensure you in agencies can make the liberties and believes that you went for the female. the 14000 pallets, by the way, that the stuck here, and there are enough collecting so that you and decided not to bring more trucks because they're not picking it up and disability. so meantime, the private sector or continued to war, and those trucks are private sector from guys that do or the ring in 14 goods, in to guys industry building. but the u. n. c is active fighting an attack from militia groups, leave it on wife filing. the aide is being dropped off from the israeli side. it is being lifted in area and then we in some private sector into these are also picking up the aides, the trucks that uh, the wind trucks that are getting or, or picking up 8 are doing it often a great cost because they are being uh, either looted or taxed at this time,
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the forces continue to fight against how much lack of administration in gods have created widespread lawlessness. attempts to transport 8 by c has also not being successful. the us build to be a facilitating the n g of 8 was marked by challenges and it's not expected to be bowman and to dismantle it. but these explanations don't help people like the of the, the family to put them delays in a mean. one thing continued suffering, hunger used by minister victoria bon has met with former us president donald trump at trump's moral lago home in florida. it is the latest in a string of trips, including meetings with the leaders of china and russia, that has european leaders asking what is or bon up to or by his label. his travels a piece mission, but germany says he's causing damage since taking over the rotating presidency of
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the counselor to you at the beginning of july hungry is victor old man has been making himself busy. he's been on a cell style piece initiative meeting. well, the latest a number in the trips, as he goes, his 1st trip was the keys where he met with ukrainian president the landscape. before heading to moscow for talks is russian president vladimir putin. a trip to so many in brussels and across the board to find his staff trip, which he w piece. mission 3 point oh yeah. hold on headed to by jing right. he met to johnny's president, c. j ping. when he said that china is key to creating the conditions for peace between ukraine and russia. channel then flight to washington, dc for the nato summit. on the summit, sidelines, he met with turkish president russet type of i'm for peace mission. for point of he
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reportedly asked for tech support for the hung, gary and peace initiative. the 1st installment, so all band had to florida to meet the former president encoded presidential candidate donald trump. off to the meeting, hold on a long time from support to posted on x, that trump would solve the war in ukraine. the hum, gabby, and 5 ministers unilateral push for peace, has not been warmly welcomed by his native allies. for a note, it did lead to a rare moment of agreement between french president and manuel mccall and german chancellor or life shouts. so the choice, but let's be clear. he didn't do this as the president of the european union for the coming 6 months. he was not in that role, it was as the prime minister of hungry that he chose to make that trip to and that was, he's a choice as representative of a silver nation and no other devices and not all of these trips but missed the old bon happened as the prime minister of his country. no one wants to limit him in
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that, and no one would want the best of this. but he did not act on behalf of the european council about mister candace with an old patient about on these early days. it is the presidency seem to have only solidified all bounds. reputation as an oxide on the inside of your active night type, which had them health research fellow or me defend, right. gave us her take on or bonds, so called peace and did she did. she says that his travels tell a story of disruption looking at the timing. so he is undertaken all of these trips within the 1st 2 weeks in taking over the presidency of the counsel. he is deliberately blurring the lines over whether he is undertaking these trips as prime minister of, of hungry or by holding the rotating presidency. you know, if we look at the promotional materials, he has used the hunger and presidency hash tags on promotional materials. he has
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displayed you flags, wellbeing keys. so all of that serves the bird of boundaries which the even cells has said. districts are illegal in our breach of the treaties. and it's been reported in both chinese and russia media. but he was there as a representative of the youth. so even though he himself so said, oh, that is not the case. and i'm here, you know, this is a binding field trip. the fact that that's not how it's being seen in china on russia. it's usually problematic and just goes to the point that he's blurring the boundaries. he's trying to cool disruption, and he's trying to put forward in advance his own agenda. that was i me to find right there speaking with his earlier speaking of disruptions, edmonds, parliament is past the bill. granting border guards, the power to turn back migrants coming across the border from russia. the really right wing coalition in many oppositional leaders backs the decision of the government says that the new rule is vital to stop future arrivals. the finland,
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so called the deportation law. let's border guards and migraines back to russia without the chance to claim asylum. it can be inactive for a temporary period based on what the finish government says is most goes instrumental ization of migration. it's not question of asylum, it's question of our security. the finish government itself acknowledges the new law conflicts with the european union international laws which ensure the right for those in need to ask for protection and all 18 legal experts. the finish parliament consulted advise that it clashes with finland own constitution, which led to the addition of the right to appeal within one month. but some parliamentarians, even from parties in the government coalition argue this is still unacceptable, but at least i actually am very concerned that convince opportunities to demand compliance with international human rights treaties from other countries will be decisively weekend. but most finish, lawmakers believe is
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a good is difficult compromise, that may also allow reopening feelings border with russia closed since last year over that migrant issue. if the continuation of the current situation is definitely a worse option, almost 2 thirds of their citizens and a recent poll supported the deportation law. it's the turn of finish dot about between security and the values of democracy of human rights. at the same time, i think the lot of things feel that we need to be strong against russia, and we need to show them that they can target this in this way. and this law will be one way of trying to determine that type of actions from happen. the use, newly approved migration packed, allows temporary border closure and limited asylum procedures with a members. deep believes migrants are being instrumental lives. but opponents say the finish law blocking applications goes too far. as somebody expresses the wish to apply for international protection, they have to have access to and sign a procedure. and that's the key element that is being removed by these meshes. so
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in not was but there, there isn't all this breach of a, you know, but anyone hoping to see the european commission take finland to court over the new measures may be disappointed. in april 1, commission, president ursula of underlying visited the border to check out the situation. she agreed with the finish government that the kremlin was using these people to try to destabilize the country. she sent you money and border guards to help helsinki deal with it. this is not just about the security of finland, but it is about the security of the european union. but catherine willard says this type of response allows russia to exploit borders, data panic and creating more in security where the better way to manage the situation with to be, have a calm and mileage approach to refugees taking protection. i'm not, removes the power from these different states to try to manipulate people in order to gain advantage of a european countries. instead,
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if the finish loss stands, she fears more european governments will toughen their own measures to keep asylum seekers out with the euro. 2024 football championships are drawing to a close with england and spain facing off in sundays final, the tournament is being held a success so far as security concerns have proved unfounded with the largest police deployment in modern german history. but there have been controversies all fevers, the closest thing you're past to a shared religion. absolutely amazing. then the european championships is carnival, meets thanksgiving, meets holy. the party is wont funds from across the continent did for 4 weeks on german streets, highways and bars. a thought before a single ball was kick,
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there was anger in the german camp about a contribution survey to find one and 5 people would prefer more white players on the team he's. he's can also does this. it's racist in the end, jeremy, to talk with a convincing when and got people dreaming of a summer fee retail. but also the pitch there where hiccups, the countries aging trading network street and tried to call was a bit rubbish. like a bet rubbish. it was very robust and so with the weather, lot to didn't dump in the mood. germany's match with denmark was delayed, nor did it stop the dutch dancing spear were sold for the toes. ukrainian funds offered to stock remainder of the war waging at home on falling a collage of fallen soldiers at one match from
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a security point of view. additional board or checks and digital tickets appear to have done their job by control. the sea was never far, there was a cry of to a truck is play. i made the ultra nationalist gree wolf gesture during a match. you a, a bind him only for a stadium of turkish funds to mimic him, days later. a, a. lots of germans. there was an unspoken cape throughout this journey that their multi ethnic team could silence the racist by waiting for the coach deal, team spirit to be an example for the nation of interest to i simply wish for this country that we understand that things are simply better together and some of the best. so if i help my neighbor to cut the hedge, to finish it, boss doesn't. if he does it tell the 9 a month. so when he did eventually crash or to spain, the pain was age. don't every face. and julia now goes moon, seem to more, not just the defeat, but the end of the party. which of the 5 of us uh,
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it's not often the almost every player who leaves the compost tiers in the rise. i think is a huge credit to everyone on this da here and i'm going to get something to stuff emotional in there. we'll see you again to the top of the, of the, the dream of revolution. it dictates as the most uh, was full of company that changed my life. the people hoped for a sara society. i imagined we would change the world. tens of thousands of messages from all over the world wanted to help reconstruct the country. this mission became the dream and please.


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