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tv   Focus on Europe  Deutsche Welle  July 12, 2024 9:02pm-9:30pm CEST

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on europe, i am larva lola, welcome. in france, a far right party that was long considered taboo, stood at the gates of power for the 1st time in decades. but victory for the national riley was blocked after a last ditch alliance of centrist and left his parties. now, franz is facing a political deadlock with no route gaining an absolute majority. the fractured landscape is threatening to deepen the divisions over immigration and identity. will these issues are shaping the political landscape in several european countries . the alternative for germany or a f d placed 2nd an e parliament elections, but they're anti immigration. and xenophobic rhetoric has set off alarm bells. don't add up. horseman wants to stop their rise and found at the group granny's against the far right. the seniors recently collected at 33000 signatures to shut down the f. d 's donation account and the bank complied. but in the village of
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doable in the state of facts and me getting through to voters isn't as easy. it's an a f d strong hold and the grannies are struggling to have their voices heard. activists are taking to the streets for democracy, intolerance, and the small sex and town of do that. and then to think of it all granny's against the right to you. i was i just as about all of the other people in the values we whole lot would be more about freedom, the quality, freedom of thought. i heard i get that. so i live in recent elections about 30 percent of the voters chose the a f d. a party who has sex. any branch has been designated as right wing extremist by germany is domestic intelligence agency. the f. d less is out against other german parties, denies human cause, climate change and campaigns against l. g b t q rights, and refugees is coming to i can assure you that perkins made heads. girls who
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publicly supported dogs and other good for nothings will not secure our prosperity, economic growth, and the social state. thoughts. the grand east against the right or watching this right word, surge with great concern. the. they want to talk to local aisd the voters. they've got coffee and cake and information about the right wing populace. that's view, i'm problem if we can give out our information and out materials to a few people so that later this evening some might think it over in private and possibly realize, oh, i didn't know that. that would be the greatest thing, was the 3 of those the horsemen found at the group and do the an after journalist reported on a right wing meeting near berlin there and the politicians, right wing extremists and some conservative politicians are said to have planned reporting, millions of immigrants because the boss is
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taught me, i think the fact that such a discussion happened was shocking and deeply disturbing english and convinced me something had to be done. some was supposed to come up to the group, started out with 18 female activists. now there are 41 they want to learn how to count or right wing populist arguments at practice sessions like these. almost all of them are confronted with racism and extremism on a daily basis and workplaces sports clubs and elsewhere. i was sure this has but that's why we should speak up in those moments then hopefully by the most frustrating thing for the active, this is when their neighbors see them as the problem and not right wing populism. of things they all, when i draw months of payments for the ground, these against the right, for instance,
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the campaigns were organizing and into and i'm also confronted with like the silence or people turn away and act as it hits us. while the problem that is still as if we are the ones making trouble here, you but the grannies aren't giving up. there's too much at stake. this thing so they often might not anchored. i want my grandchildren to grow up in the same free tolerant democratic state that i did mention opening. and now i'm so worried it's all going down the drain again. go to store, i, let's go to the, the dates. but today know a if the voters show up to chat with them at their stand, despite free coffee, tea, and take none of the local seem interested and decide to stay put inside. there's simply no dialogue between the grannies and do bins a if the voters pull,
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the grannies will be working over the summer to reach folders. had original elections in the stronghold of the ring yet. and saxony of norway is known for its majestic fjords. narrow in legs that were carved out by glaciers. each year they dress scores of tourists who arrive on crew ships to enjoy the sites, but they leave a huge environmental footprint behind. the guy around graf yard is a world heritage site and is one of norway's most visited to protect it and norway has taken the bold decision to bad diesel fueled ships from 2026. captain frank, all born saxon fears, he will lose his livelihood. as 0 missions, vessels become the only ones allowed to sail in the waters. majestic mountains. getting up from the deep blue water. the feud landscape on norway's west coast is breath taking the beautiful. it's unique natural environments. attracting,
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taurus spend all over the world. many want to see the guy wrong or fjords. most of all the trunk or boons sucks and make sure the giant cruise ships are able to dock for those of us living are the crew ships are our livelihood, or whether we work in the harbor for sale with a tourist. a lot of people live from tourism and have no alternative to live up to the stall. so how the general called tom out to you. as soon as the ship has docked, the tourists pour into the village, shuffling between souvenir stores, restaurants, and scenic lookout points. some $400000.00 crews tourists visit this place every year. but now nobody's government wants to drastically reduce their numbers and above all band pollution caused by marine diesel fuel. starting in 2026 ships that burn this type of fuel will no longer be allowed to dock in the harbors. the
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ships on the cross ships cause the world's highest emissions per passenger and travel kilometers on you flip, some of you and they pollute are fjords, so therefore they have to get that. and that's why all parties in the norwegian parliament have decided on a 0 emission policy post log on or inside could all new to they were the industry. this will be a huge challenge. since most the cruise ships still run on diesel. but there are exceptions like that. you read the docked in another port in the guy wrong, or if your mikaela front, you only believes that in mission free cruise is are possible in the engine room. the manager of the cruise operators shows off the company's pride and joy ship engines that run on liquefied natural gas l n, g b. except for because for the 1st time we use that if you and which is not the temperature, but these actually refrigerated and these, we open up the possibility for us to adopt in the future with the end of the few.
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as few as we can much nowhere and start going things of that small, i see the 1st step of a of a journey replacing marine diesel with l. n. g means a significant reduction in emissions. it also saves energy for the accommodation in facilities on board. since cabins and pools are heated using the ships engines. but there's still a long way to go before the control room can go without diesel. all think the other thing when they are a very strong winds, the captain can switch systems at the touch of a button to click the switch. she would no longer the n j, but it would go back to the diesel, which might give you a little bit more to code reaction plus the reaction signs on the 1st is the ultra modern vessel is the flagship. but the fleet, it costs around 1000000000 euros to build. still this technology doesn't go far
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enough for the norwegian, government, people if they want to come into our fjords they've back the wrong force because l n g is far from being emission free slipped. it may be an improvement of 20 to 25 percent compared to other fossil fuels, and that's far too little. and you dial out 2030 until now. only electric power, cruise ships like this one have been able to sail into the fjord without emitting any harmful exhaust. but the power in these huge batteries only lasts about 4 hours after that the ship relies on l. n. g. the 1st steps toward making cruise ships green there have already been taken, but the technology still has a long way to go and ignore waste. government remains firm got wrong. it will see significantly fewer tourists. the port captain thinks that that will have a negative impact disabled l i for on the we're aware that something has to be done
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before the environment, not in the but it's all happened very suddenly. and i can hardly imagine the consequences of pixel. so i fear for the lively to those of us living in these fuel desk and logging in tulsa, voiding the boarding if you were on the board captain. and many residents are there for hoping for a transition period so that tourists can continue visiting the guy wrong. the fuel or by ship for years to come this is tail nieto, a parish priest who lives in his spanish country side. it may sound like a tranquil life, but the tale is in high demand. he attends to more than 40 churches in the region of zamora. it's one of many places where the population has plummeted over the past decades. it's a phenomenon known as empty spain. but tell you when a group of youngsters are trying to breathe new life into rural areas. town, the joe in his handful of keys are on their way to one of the 43 churches. he
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serves the parish priest. them at least stay in the spanish province of similar i drive 50000 kilometers a year. gotcha. i mean, as far as a necessity for recreation to the is is how do you see this is one of the villages in his parish, 40 residents a graveyard and a church, a photographer wants to take some interior shots. the tail schedule is full and he has no time to stare. he moved to at least stay at 29 years ago from the provincial capital of tamora by choice that i couldn't with any people in speed or i think that the rural areas are less important is or what i after a few years here, someone asked me when i would be promoted, when i would finally be sent to the city in the literally didn't understand that i came here because i wanted to be here for the move. i know you are likely that, but then you can just tell, i can forget, give us that i can tell,
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gives the church key to an elderly couples that the photographer can take his pictures, seniors like them, keep the village of the lives of many young people move away. that is it almost everything used to be more humane. right now we're alone and need help with is the, the villages are emptying out. so tales. mission goes far beyond the religious as well that this i feel the create challenge as it must restore dignity and quality of life regardless of each of the independent. we also need to few young people that they can have a future here on the country side, getting and portal support. it really wasn't going to be a problem. not as 15 kilometers away. 54 year old fathered yet to meet with them. young catholics. they come together from the nearby villages to pray and discuss problems. they loved the region,
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but many move away and not just for training and education. if that's the tower and the more emigrating there are. so few of us and young people want to be with people road age guy, a 10 days or so is the place. that's why we're here. these thing you can count on me, k o tries to boost their self esteem with activities like this one says, i want the people to feel more reachable for me that understand that living in the countryside is worthwhile though, because how do you? yes, i feel move away. i'm only thing you need is didn't time to learn a little, but maybe they'll come back. when do you go to this village or another one to see what else you, what i said i'll go in for the 1st reality is the jobs and prospects are few details here, opportunities for he would not keep up the struggle have you. is there anything you say that the door so you have to be idealistic,
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not mind people after all, or the reason for the dwindling numbers here that my, that after the problems that come with them to and people have the power to fix the problem, use of approval, kind of what assume i know is i will consume one of whether it's, i mean, quarter case at least the roads are good and the internet works. meetings are being held online like the one with the citizens initiative working for a functioning health care system. many of the state runs, enters are closed, they want to change that to some of the same as maybe cause that's the soonest that if the doctors here know clinics could reopen because on the 30th is done within place. move people to special here that seems like, but above all, those who stayed would have promptly general dentist because even i think they have a right to doctors. i mean, didn't, did it to the evening j o is celebrating maston. maci on is on his own. he simply can't
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manage the services of all 43 churches, but he is assisted by other priests, and the people here will not give up so easily. as we have to give them a for the most, we may not have enough firewood guys, but we keep the embers alive to spread hope and then you'll see on if there's no one left click the last one to turn the light to do it as long as someone still lives here and you know, we need at least a glimmer and get him because he mounted in the shop of desperate outside positive details. the city priest who came to the country wants to stay. he's going against the trend, and many here hope more will follow his example. the leaning tower of pisa is world famous, but italy is home to 2 other structures that are off kilter. they're located in the heart of bologna as old city center, the towers of gary's end, and as he nelly dates back to the medieval times and their age is showing,
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despite efforts by engineers to straighten them out, the towers keep moving. and officials fear they could collapse its hopes. a new restoration project will help them find their footing once and for all to 900 year old towers stand slanted in the city of balloon, yet they've always been anything but straight. and the larger one, tony, as the natalie is 97 meters tall. it's smaller siblings. they've got these then the tower tops out at just 48 meters and leading sharply. now there is real concern. the towers may collapse up with us and such as the locals have a bad feeling about it. it's really painful to see such an important historic monument in such a poor condition with someone. you know, i've lived here many years and over the course of time, i've seen the tower tilting further and further. it's a really important symbol of the new we hope with my stay that way and won't have
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to be torn down a step to ensure that doesn't happen. the city council has even brought 70 year old engineer and that fail approve me out of retirement. the expert on both towers, she leads the restoration committee. she's headed to the construction site together with her colleague phillip beaufort. allow me, rooney knows, there are 2 main reasons why the tower is thinking it's suffering from a disease. it's had since birth. it was so bad, could we that a 100 years after its construction was started when it reached a height of 60 meters, 12 meters has to be taken off because it was already starting to lean muscle. yeah . and since then, it's selling a foundation that supports the $4000.00 ton tower, has continued to crumble. the area around the towers has been cordoned off
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in norman's. containers were set up right in the center of the old town side, the soonest assigned to the committee recommended. we set up this double stock of containers, case you. that means that they've been studying the towers for years. so let's say that you did receive, this is how we're attempting to protect the surrounding buildings still, and the people who continue to pass by here take on seeing what that honestly thought alice, the concrete anchor is hold the containers down, steal nets, or to be added to protect the church and the bigger tower, the cities historic center has become a permanent construction site. there have been rescue attempts before during the 19 ninety's engineers used on here and rings to secure the tower. and in 2021, the foundation was reinforced with steel cables to prevent further cracks. oh boy, bullying. we are to observe the structures here and read it here. we end here to
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this is exactly as little space. so there are gaps in the walls, thickness. he's got a quote that has the bird and transferred from the walls above has cost an overload . so the phase is less resistant. until recently, the tower had always tilted towards the east, but that changed in may 2023. suddenly the pendulum showed 20 goodies and was leaning towards the northwest 2. nobody really knows why this is where the pendulum is. it's the most visible instrument in the tower. so meet that it starts at the tip and hangs down to here. is what i prefer to measure the towers movement . i mean, thoughts are measurements system and shows how much is moving in the system. i think these are what i can do that. can you define this to towers the moment, sir, and it's always been a moment. the one there are also acoustical and optical sensors as well as
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a gpi system at the top of the tower. it is likely the most monitored monument in italy. in course the install. so know most of the state of the tower is very closely observed. at least we continually check data from the sensors, which deliver information on every movement of the tower in real time to speak. one thing is the planned reinforcing and renovation work is expected to cost 20000000 euros and continue for a decade to keep the tower standing for the next 900 years. to moving into a retirement home is a step that's often rod with emotions, but not for bill wall. he loves his care facility in western england. it's an old folks home with a nursery allowing seniors and children to spend their days side by side. it's giving the elderly a new lease on life, and the kids a chance to learn from their elders.
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having fun is easy when this thing in the senior citizens rest of the sounds can home belong, chesta, elderly people, to mention patients and kindergarten, children live together. there's children who sold people of the quality people all together. we will get together. i think it is absolutely fantastic. i called a my god to be the being. wilton has at least as much fun playing as the children do. he used to be a truck driver at 80 full email needs assistance, and that's been living in this into a generational community for 2 years to visual. go over our
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job. that's easy. always to take a shift rule piece. fail with jim hughes used to be an engineer. he's showing 3 year olds, jacob, how to handle the trail. and these joint activities are optional for young adult and like joyce aston takes part as often as she can. what's the weight we come down? and that's just the don't seem to enjoy it. clean this. me see how the guiding principle here is but know who should feel isolated. many are on a 1st name basis. the old residents that also nothing. li, cold, brand,
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friends. i'm happy to share some of that in life experiences with the children at the end, and they just knew how to be in the same confidence that confidence is stay on the line. i think she's getting along with the residents and said as it's so fast and big thing as well as the communication skills for them to think towards them as well. so what, how she actually treats takes it from and we get to see the front of the project is 2 years old, but it took several years to plan it's intergenerational. concept is new to person . the projects found as hope that community will serve as an inspiration to office. we look to influence on we'll to improve this in australia and, and kind of working with the university on,
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on models in china. because everybody is notice that there is a need for this bill who spends the charleston noun with the kids. they call him abil stuff. say that children to come when he was that we knew it with, with believe david with what. but what we've seen in the last, almost 2 years now, as far exceeded expectations in terms of relationships in terms of 2 or i'm the last thought we have to was one secret, especially excess. is that the elderly, as the kid stopped trusted to do quite a bit, such as going for walks together. little cheer of children should be getting it. sadly,
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it's nature every day with the children is a new beginning for e and then on the good day, probably don't go where you don't don't do whether it's a direct don't you go away. yeah, id like. 2 that's all from is this, we get focus on your you can watch more of our stories online on our website at cdw . com. thanks for your company. bye. for now. the of the co ask for it in volume and to come sedation. the superstition in gonna many people
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believe that the weather is by square. it now specially trained use for gates on working with indigenous communities to challenge traditional prisons. africa next on d. w. finally, is this the solution to global energy? or not? your fusions, how the international metal project eater is a massive high tech puzzle. it could be exploring the possibilities and risk of nuclear fusion. the dream of invoice clean energy in 2 hours on d, w. the
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this is a video and audio production, 5 d, w. i hope that you will tune in the line with all the ease changing, and there is much we can do to help ourselves a fellow creatures on the environment. welcome to equal africa. i am son, drug of homes that we know what you write to income plot. uganda. we're almost taking the cheap around the world. we view basic. that's right, sandra, a request for sustainable practices. we'll had as far as some remote.


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