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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 13, 2024 5:00am-5:15am CEST

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the, the, this is the, do you use live from berlin? joe biden defies. calls to have funds in his re election campaign. or it comes as bite insights is growing pressure from democratic lawmakers to drop out of the presidential race, also coming up starting into the manslaughter trial against the actor, alec baldwin, the judge dismissed as the case hang police withheld advocate withheld evidence the
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unpopular finally as welcome to the program, us president joe biden hit the campaign trail and made a growing calls for him to buy out of the race for a 2nd term. addressing supporters in the key swing state of michigan binding stroke, a defiant tone invited to continue in the race and said he was the only democrat who was beaten trump and said he will beat him again in november by and also attacked drums record in office enclosed him a loser. michigan is part of the trio of blue will states along with wisconsin and pennsylvania, that are key to a victory in november or. well, earlier i spoke to dw corresponding, janelle do my lounge who was asked the biden riley in michigan. and i asked her, what were the main takeaways from bite and speech, as well as you know, pablo we've arrived at a time or how joe biden delivers his message. message is as important, if not more important than what he actually says. so you're right there. this was
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in a vigorous and energetic joe biden, but i don't think, i think the last time that i saw him as energetic was the state of the union address. this was the joe biden that people with showed up to that 1st disastrous debate between himself and donald trump. but worth noting, of course, that todd, this is a complete comfort zone for him. he's surrounded by tearing our supporters. he's able to read prepared remarks off a teleprompter. but what struck what so? well, what struck me content wise was how willing and aggressive he was in terms of going after donald trump. so he called donald trump, a rape is to reminded people here that donald trump is a convicted felon. and he said that donald trump is a threat to democracy. you write him or he reminded people of the threat opposed by agenda of 2025. that is the assumed blueprint of
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a trump. so 2nd administration, if he were to get one, it includes uh such things as abolishing the department of education. but so the fact that he was able to do that is probably going to lay some of the concerns that his supporters have that he no longer had it in him to go after donald trump in this way, in the way that he did not manage during the debate, so that's what they got from him today. right, well, you've had a chance to speak to people. there are they supplied and riley in detroit. what have they being sign to? of the well, i would like to bring up again that these are tearing supporters at this raleigh. so as such other messages when they talk to me were they run along similar lines of these things that joe biden is the man for the job. because he has been doing the job. they pointed to his record of job creation of sweeping legislation. they also said that they were motivated by fears of project 2025 and the threat that donald
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trump but missed that a 2nd. donald trump a term could bring. but i'd like to point out that we are in michigan, and this is not an easy loading demographic for joe biden. so you had the riley here inside, but outside you also had a protest, the right from the a band and bite and movement. and that, of course, so are those are protests or is that are trying to get voters do just that a band invited because they're angry with him over his handling of the israel gauze a war. one of them even told me that the handling of the israel goes toward told him that biden no longer had the moral authority to lead. but these age concerns of the last days, told them that fight and no longer have the capacity to lead. so that, that's 2 issues that represent liabilities providing that are converging in that one protest group. all right, we've got about 30 seconds left, janelle, so briefly,
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if you could, you think that this riley and data extended that news conference that he had yesterday are going to stop the pressure on them from other democrats. not quite yet top. pablo because what about the debate, of course there was that it raised the bar for every single performance that joe biden would have from here on out with every performance he has to knock it out of the park. so what he has to be able to show is that he can deliver a performance like this every single day for the next a month, and if elected for the next 4 years. and that is something that we don't know just yet. thanks. janelle has always dw correspondent in the united states, janelle, do my, do my loan. joining us from detroit, let's take a look at some of the other stories making news around the world. japan's prime minister, familiar casita is in berlin for talks with transfer or f shows. security is set to
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future prominently in their thoughts. both theaters expressed concern over tensions in the, in the pacific especially workshops called the growing cooperation between russia and north korea, which he said was a clear violation of un sanctions. the red cross is at least $21.00. students were killed and dozens more injured in nigeria when their school building collapsed while they were taking an exam rescue workers report hearing the voices of survivors trapped in the rubble of the 2 story building. the regulators say a lot in mosques, platform x is misleading users and fi light in europe. and in content rules, if it's blue check marks for verified kinds in finding that could lead to have defines ex, becomes the 3rd company in as many weeks after apple and mehta to full file of the new digital services act. a part of
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$77.00 pilot whales has died after washing assure, and a beach on the scottish island of sunday in what could be the biggest mass stranding for decades. experts say it's too early to know what caused the event 2 weeks before the olympic games are going to start in pirates so far, these in the french capital side are confident that the river sand will be clean enough for athletes to swim in. as part of some offense, they worn heavy rain could push that level so dangerous bacteria backed over the limits. before the games begin to sound pretty much pulled with the can. yes, police chief has resigned following criticism of police conduct during antique government protests last month. sparks by government tax hikes, president william wrote those office the names coons resignation, the day after roto par here need his entire cabinet. bowing to the demands of
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protesters, router withdrew the tax increases, but protests have continued. protesters accuse police of using excessive force and abducting dozens of people as they tried to stop the demonstrations. at least 39 people have died, india and rest. so for our correspondence, phoenix miranda is following the story for us in i robi and we asked them earlier, why this resignation is coming? now there is ignition is coming now because there has been mounting pressure on the president to fire the inspector general of police. i live to the village as of a position causing the presidents to fire. the inspector general an awful these. and then at least i spoke to this evening also said that based on the changes that have been taking place in the country, the inspector general for needs and thoughts that probably the time to design has come. the inspector general of police had been accused of killing in a sense,
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protest as he was accused of abduction and was accused of leading a force that continued to perpetrate no less this in the country. now this is the 1st time, therefore lease, and that his watch have keys in the sand protest has just left the eye during the height of opposition, protesting their country. police killed 45 in no sense of protests as again and the aspect of general police remained at the house. so all these fucked as in the pressure and the cause for him to resign probably informed his disease on to do the own double ox and resign idea to do as a judge in new mexico has dismissed the involuntary manslaughter charges against doctor alec baldwin. after finding the state withheld the evidence from the defense . the routing brought a sudden and dramatic end to the proceedings only 3 days into the trial. in 2021 bold. when saved me shot, send him a tarver for helena hutcher. nissan said with a gunnery that was supposed to be loaded on the blanks on mon prosecutors had tried
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to argue the actor had increased responsibilities. as the film's producer. earlier i asked the entertainment during this k. j. matthews, in los angeles, why the judge dismissed the case? to yeah, everybody was startled, i think we all saw. so this trial within probably a week from friday, which would be next week. but the judge felt that she had no other course of action, a bunch of dismissing this case against alec baldwin. and mainly it boiled down to have it here of evidence that was not disclosed to alan baldwin attorneys before this case came about early on friday morning, alec baldwin, attorneys filed a motion to have the case dismissed, and they said it was based solely on the fact that they discovered that there was evidence ammunition that was presented to the prosecutors after the armor had to go to yours. reed had been convicted,
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i saw one brought in ammunition from the state of rush and presented it to the prosecutors after she was uh convicted. that was supposed to go into a file label, rushed in a case number attached to it. but i did not happen because the prosecutors, according to them declared that this uh ammunition wasn't. uh, it wasn't important. it didn't come from the same batch that was used of acute, unfortunately alena hutchinson. so they just decided not to file it under the case number. and that was wrong. according to the judge, they said that any thing that was presented from the russ set should have been logged in under the rus, a case number and present it to all of the defense attorneys. and because they failed to do that, the judge built felt that they had no other choice, but to dismiss this case because it would have been prejudiced against alec baldwin . okay, j. the tragedy that led to this legal case has sparked
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a wider conversation by the use of weapons in film and t, v by actors. are we seeing any changes as a result of this? or you know, no legal standing trip changes. so you're not seeing policies or rules or requirements on sets with guns being rewritten. however, what we're hearing in hollywood is that you're seeing a lot of films or tv series, perhaps not use real guns, just use c, g, or use props. so they don't even have that problem whatsoever, which means that they're probably using less armor is rather than take the chance of having a real gun that supposed to be supplied with dummies. they just the choosing not to have real guns on the set at all. thereby eliminating the possibility of what happened on on the rest set back in october 2021 tank se cage. i certainly a tragedy. what happened? k. j matthews, joining us from los angeles tonight. thanks. southern europe is sweltering under,
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brutally high temperatures. just as the region reaches, peak tour sees extreme heat straining, southern europe, much of it will use roasting under and extreme heat warning when it's over 40 degrees celsius. shade in july though or the priority for we're a tourist i have, i had when i got my but i think so. yeah, it's in big cities. maybe your ologist said temperatures were even higher than official reports. we're seasonal and concrete radiates heat above ground, and asphalt softens under foot. is it ruining towards vacations? depends who you ask. i don't think it's that hard. i'm from australia. so we have temperatures like this. but with humidity, there's no humanity, so i'm not even sweating. and hungry, a heat warning has been in effect all week authorities verge,
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people to drink plenty of water interest more than usual or the heat wave is proving life threatening for budapest homeless. the government has ordered social services to take people off the streets to cool off. it's hard, it is hard, but you can survive just like the cold in winter. you can survive, it gets to its heart, but you have to stay in the shade and you look at and albania, firefighters saddled wildfires and a heat wave that reached 42 degrees celsius. hundreds of firefighters and military personnel have fought as many as $23.00 separate fires since thursday. similar conditions in southern bulgaria also lead to wild fires, where fire cruise brought to save homes and dangerously high temperatures. the monitors in romania is capital, bucharest, rich 44 degrees. that's commuters struggle to travel and buses and trans without air condition. all right, you are up to days. oh,
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next is rev probably be looking at venezuela's fuel crisis. don't forget, there's plenty more using information on our website. you don't, you don't. com and you can follow us on our social media guns. don't even use us to handle. for me the team take care the get ready for an exciting auburn toyota look surprised. hi, irish, and i'm ready to dive into the hands of human to do you have you have a one to talk to me before you go to the spot and unexpected side to side. you can draw the line between the spacings because i don't believe that space is, is i'm all really relevant criteria in any more than i believe that rice or sex is on frontier. and. 2 2 should.


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