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tv   Euromaxx  Deutsche Welle  July 13, 2024 6:30am-7:01am CEST

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i understand can have a say like the right to present data used on instagram. follow the a miraculous recovery highway 100 year flood in germany changed the lives of 2 wine makers. a city unto itself, one makes its temples ran bizarre unless the and deliciously medicinal what effect as licorice have. and how is it made these stories and more coming up on your own mac, the
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winery of the year 2024. that title has been designated to the myer nichols vineyard run by 2 sisters in germany's palm valley. they were hit hard by a devastating floods in 2021. would take a look now at how they turned a crisis into an opportunity. the barely 3 years separate these images. in mid july 2021, a 100 year flood, devastated the r valley in western germany. at least 135 people lost their lives here. the how did to wind making sisters manage not only to survive, but to once again produce top quality winds and such a short period. that's the whole time that we're standing here today is largely owing to sheer lot to how many people lost their lives in the 2021 flood. yeah,
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we luckily only lost our winery. i might make a mistake and i'm to to today we're going to tell you how we rebuilt our winery door to. and mike are vince, there's body and soul. the sisters are now the 5th generation to be running their family business. the maya nichol winery is renowned in particular for its piano and wars. their export into the world from the small town of danno and the our valley. their business was even named 2024 winery of the year. the, the winery itself is located just 60 meters from the river flashback to 2021 on the night of july 14th to 15 with the ars water level rising from continuous rain. the sisters had no inkling of the consequences. the storm would bring i see that it would be almost everyone who lives close to a river knows about flooding and basically knows what to do. that's what we did all
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day being on since we piled up sun bags and protect for the flood was on the floor beside. it does full fuss. i combed above the head, we never thought it would reach the scale that it did. pop on the flood waters began coming in unpredictable waves, which soon burst through the wineries walls. the sisters found themselves in a life threatening situation. spencer, luckily the water was only half way up the window. you know, when there's water on both sides of the glass, you can't break it anymore that the end of the group does has done well actually it hadn't risen above the pain yet. so we weren't able to break through it and swim out of the building. often good boy, the house swimming. the sisters managed to escape the raging waters and climb into a tree. there they hung on for hours until they were rescued by the fire department
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the following morning. as on company, it was a stroke of luck that we were able to hold onto each other. it meant we were able to keep each other going to get the content from the very start we began discussing the damage. what's broken, how we could continue with what we were insured for a couple of the slides. i can kind of office as is judson king. we basically started thinking about how we would go on to validate the device of 8 hours and a tree is quite a long time huffman and bones. and some of this, not the day after the flood, the full extent of the disaster became apparent. the sisters had lost almost everything. the damage ran into the millions. the opportunity to gain leaving was never an option in our vines. i hear as wine may coast, we work with nature and nature and some people's willingness to help. also gave us so much and harder to manage. giving i wasn't an option. i've gotten to see folks at the office who gave them on time. there was more hope to come 9 up to 380 wind
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barrels that were swept away or destroyed or returned unscathed. a special vintage is that the sisters called the last barrels. with the help of family, friends and colleagues, they began with a thorough clean up with rebuilding came a new beginning from then on. they would only produce organic winds. at 1st, the winery was brought back to life with temporary solutions. by 2025. the nickels planned to build a completely new and sustainable winery high up on the vineyard, protected from flooding, nestled in nature, using lots of wood and natural materials, and with a leafy facade. them. yeah. and it's the, it's not that we feel unbeatable or indestructible now ovens, but we've been tested to our absolute limits. i'm just new comes into this. we know what we can achieve when it's necessary and what's possible when it's cold for
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a smoke. this is when it's most, it goes on and that's built us out and given us confidence to face the future, them all costs, but it's because the r valley is still living with its traumatic memories. many of had to throw in the towel or move away. neither was an option for doing that, and micah, for them swimming against the current, has been worth all the efforts. are you planning a trip to the turkish city of assembled? if so, then be sure to put the grand bizarre on your list of must sees. it's the largest market in europe and has a staggering amount on offer the capella torsion as it's known and turkish is far more than a covered market. it's a city with in the city, with more than 60 lanes and some 3600 shops run 525000 people. all told 21 gates lead into the bizarre. it's a little overwhelming at times because there's just a lot of noise and people,
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but i think it's super cool that you can find so many different kinds of things and one place either task. so people work here or the really nice. i'm probably just when you meet asia a bit and you feel like some of the yeah, of course will come on closer. the mixing with like the templates also and it's all good. everything is okay with the everything that my tempted tourist can be found here from carpets, to design or brands, whether genuine or psyched to spices and souvenirs that you would never have dreamt of buying before, visiting the bizarre items to bag. so that's one part to i bought a turkish towel, this is somebody home for here and they have it in uh let me be gone. they have night keys, they uh, 1st of your, oh, i bought some closer to the,
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i mean it is real. candle holder is some fee for my mom, but now i'm still shopping. you know, our team to is ready for the shopping challenge. who can get more for the $300.00 traditionally run, all will be revealed later. every store and the bizarre has a history. how she's good natalie has witnessed 5 decades at the capella charger. my father is that the bidding with this shop and i was 3 years old. and now i have 55 and i go up with the carpet the say go up with the carpet. that's the, you know, what's the meetings of was that to me? you know, my was just carpets come from all over turkey. each woven and nodded pattern has its own meaning. every agent is their own color on design. this
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is running what that symbolize of life. this is the inside, this is blue, this is read. this is i, i, the protection you know, like from the bank dice, the bizarre dates back to the 15th century when sell to investment. the 2nd found it after the conquest of constantinople. the market was initially build for trading textiles and jewelry. over the centuries, it grew into a global, commercial hot in what is now known as the symbol the there are no official figures, but it's estimated that 400000 people visit the bizarre every day. this makes the co pilot choice. so one of the east temples, most popular landmarks the
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time for the chain challenge reporter versus camera, that each has $300.00 lira about 9 years. 900. okay. do you have any for free on road? that's right. how much, what is an $8250.00 uh it's a $6069.00. so how much on a 100 so could i get like 5 of them? i only have 300. that was maybe $650.00. like i say now, i only have 200 for these have yeah.
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most of people noticed that your 3, you know, you asked me the price and the telling you like 51 on the part because they know you. you guys going to negotiation because it's through vision. and during our reporter got 5 small bowls. our camera man got a bottle opener and a candle holder. i think i want what do you think who handled the best? our tip don't find right away. compare prices 1st. put in the ground. bizarre. we can't promise that you'll be able to find the store again. licorice is a particular kind of candy is sometimes not sweet at all for a long time. licorice was primarily used for medicinal purposes today, enjoying some varieties comes with a word of warning. or this one seems, seems good either you love it or you hate it. there's not much in between with licorice and how it actually tast
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9. like almost like mercy and like tang e at the same time comes when gets got something, sell ammonia, something verbal that not everyone likes heat as a mac, eh, but somehow it's got a touch of lemon. i'd say coca cola puts in a little bit or 2 o 2. it's 2 herbal, quite different to say i can shop it can be spicy, sweet, savory, me, i should make this. i think it takes quite good. and i like everything they've got in this container down there. we can agree, it's generally dark brown to black. it can be sweet or savory, or have a bite. and it triggers strong opinions. licorice comes and many kinds. we'll go over what this mysterious to it actually is and where it comes from. it all begins with the inconspicuous little, la cruz planned, native to western asia and the mediterranean region. the region in europe,
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the best known for it, is in southern italy. here in colorado, as in fact, the best tasting licorice is grow here and calabria, the flavors, the plants get from the land in the air. i'm, i'm song at 1st. it was considered a weed. and so farmers pull it up so, so they might cultivate the land. by today, of course, it's one of the most important times we've gone on our territory, france and even on some territory. hob rosa know in the calabria region is home to europe's oldest licorice makers. i'm a really family has been making licorice by the same and changing recipes since the 18th century. using only one ingredient. dr. liquor is rude. they only use the sweet part of the stem on the well. ok, there is some noise. the part of the plan we are interested in growth underground and that's basically the route itself. does that mean that i think that's exactly
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what we see here and to pull it out, takes that big tractors with the girls that can reach down to 80 centimeters or even 100 deep in this oil. that, that shouldn't be meant that you may pro, method of bend. did you perform the task in the factories pedal halls that used extracted from the shredded liquor is room chips is boiled down to a fix 0. this is where it naturally acquires its dark color ration. heating dissolves the activated carbon in the root function, but at the 1st concentrate of the jews headboard in here. whether it's oil down for 10 to 12 hours larger. how long depends on how concentrated it was to begin with. but i don't know if that was the most of your. as soon as the paste is picking up, it will be cut into strips to cool in harden even more. rolling out in pushing step by step, produces the typical loss and form the alma really family begin selling licorice around 1500 and opens their factory for block cigarettes and 1731. at the time it
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wasn't considered a food bath. i mean, this was the licorice varieties have undergone a radical evolution. i'm sorry. i didn't know. at 1st licorice was only used as a medicine school to fill out. the plan was good for sore throats and stomach pains as well. i'm song, so it was medicinal, been the, i mean, only as a 2nd thought was our licorice a success as a candy also that success. but even as can be licorice should really be enjoyed in moderation. they can raise blood pressure, the morales licorice museum next to the factory. traces the evolution of licorice from the medication to a treat, the grown up kind, and the sweet candy. today, the company produces soft gummies and blends with chocolate. but the best seller is still, the original mazda engine is made of your licorice. i think it's easier like it or you don't like if it's, it's no, no air in between. i think i enjoy
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a licorice presence in small quantities. personally, i don't really like liquors, it's best to, can you? i know that it's a great sweet kind of. i don't like the taste. it's too sweet. i think it's delicious. and it's different from other sweets just kind of it's different sweets for different people. salt lake gracious popular in scandinavia. sweet lacrisha is preferred in southern europe, but the dutch consume an average of 2 kilos per person per year. and what do you think of licorice? now i talked to eastern europe and the policy city of cross off. it's a circle center, survive the 2nd world war, largely unscathed, and now draws millions of tourist each year. a reporter and youtube are able to back shows us how to spend a day in across, off welcomes or can i go? this is pulling 2nd largest city and then really popular tourist destination. i
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think it's one of my favorites. i'm really excited to take this tour with you today and show you around some of the most gorgeous historic places with my lovely assistant. getting back in this, i did a lot of the most beautiful cities in europe for good reason. and it's old town and the bible castle haven't included among the unesco world heritage side since 1978. it's really popular among torres and even don't love it. and it's historic records speak of crackles in the 10th century as a city of trade and culture across the roads from merchants and travelers for over 500. yes, it was also poland, capital city come to kings and corey nations. and of course the famous bible castle, the from the bible castle, you can take a nice and relaxed stroll along the same river, the vis you lie. after 15 minutes and a couple of swims later, we 10 off inland again to the neighborhood of craziness. because he is probably my
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favorite neighborhood in all of poland. so it's actually the old historic jewish lived. it was the heart of the local jewish community for 500 years. and one of the most important centers for jewish culture in order to do this. and is the dissertation extermination of cochran choose by this. during the 2nd, the story of pack of jews. and their tragic fate is shown in the movie shouldn't business, some of which was filmed on these very streets. so one of the things that i've noticed about track of so far is that pretty much every single place has been to, has been really dog friendly. which just makes it so much easier to travel with a dog. oh, good. you think we ever before we go to dinner, let me show you where people from crackles by fresh ingredients. every day. the old
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plush market has been around since the 14th century. it's been destroyed and rebuilt twice close during the nazi occupation and modernized again, often and they're really wonderful thing is that you can find. 2 much organic, local goodness, like static lab gosh, i know, prides itself on sourcing radians and food from some of the best supply is around. just you can see it and just the beauty of everything up here. it smells so good. it looks so fresh kind of makes me wish that i could live in crack of just i could come do my grocery shopping to now that we've seen where the people could, i could get their fresh produce. it's time to enjoy some of it as well. box it cuz he may ask for some amazing middle eastern food the so what i love about eating out and because he me is especially is that in this strange mix of 2 things. so on the one hand you've got this like contemporary,
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organic, healthy cuisine and on the other, you got this really amazing sense of history. you know, we're sitting here between these ation brick walls. and there's really a sense that this place has been around very, very long time. the. oh my god, check this out. this is the most amazing summer lotta oh, my god, this brad is home and fresh. all right. the if someone were to ask me, hey, what can you recommend me one place to visit in poland, only one. i would probably tell them to come and visit cox. i love it here. it's really, wes, checking out. you guys. take a glance at any orchestra in the western world,
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and it becomes obvious that it largely consists of white members performing in the classical round. but the general orchestra is different. it's your only ensemble in which the majority of the musicians are black, the in 2015, the technical foundation set out to make the world of classical music accessible to regardless of skin color, their scholarships network. and the technical orchestra are powerful tools on this quest with non white musicians still under represented in the world of classical music, we just wanted to make classical music the one previously given the opportunity i would say in general, past and kind of has a lot more difficulty getting into any of the playing with
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people like me. it was empowering. one thing that jen case stands for is diversity double basis cheating. one no clue who has irish, nigerian roots found to tend to cut orchestra in london in 2015. she's been part of the classical music world for decades. here you visions of color are still in minority. i decided, well i'm, i'm going to look for people. is because i need so many people say it did say it's not your sort of music and any black people who play classical music meant not very good. they're not very good and safe. they were very confident with it. so by so i have to find out for myself, and the more i looked, the more i found, the well of the tenant runs the american conductor. cassim abdulla has worked with many famous orchestra around the world. this is the 1st time he's
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rehearsed and performed with the technical orchestra, a uniquely beautiful experience. he says, the hopefully this new generation of this coming up will realize the importance of making sure that the arts and music is really accessible to everyone that i think connected. it makes people realize i see people playing like the violin, the show all these instruments in a really high level professional way. and so that's what i think which indicate does best. some musicians who started out in the orchestra have become sought after soloists like british chalice. to shake who connie mason and his sister pianist. i said that kind of mason the, i mean i'm always side when people move on, especially in numerous times like this but to say sitting on our shoulders. and we
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sit on the shoulders. it's, it's, you know, it's, it's that we support each of the south african tell us to able to allow to also started his career with the traffic of orchestra. today, he's a globally recognized soul, the west and composer he still feels deeply connected to the technical orchestra. the i'm a journalist from south africa. there's probably another tennis to the group from another country. you know, with a totally different perspective. you know, our color doesn't make us have the same ideology simply so we're all expert in ourselves and within speaking to each other and playing with each other. we find answers of what we want to be in. the society. technical orchestra plays about
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$35.00 concerts in europe and the united states each year. the musicians mainly perform compositions by multi ethnic composers like this piece from 19 o 3 by british composer, samuel co ridge taylor, whose father was from sierra leone. the we are not a nice, we're not missing a to what we're doing is i'm really finding what is already fat. we're playing music by l. golf, bronze, beethoven, boy, jack c, bailey, yes. et cetera. side by side. with that black, a counter tops cynical orchestra encourages young musicians of all ethnic and cultural backgrounds to enter the world of classical music. and their concert hall audiences are every bit as diverse and
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without a rubber but another edition of your own max. be sure to follow us on social media for more fun and exciting stories from around europe. as always, thanks for tuning in and till next time. it's good, right, and i'll be the same the
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and i'm a visual artist living in working in japan as big as my city. the parts metropolis young creates are separating their wings here and finding freedom to join lady to find out coming up on d, w. me hope not. we're
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a one of the stars of x equals couple bosh soft ground wrestling in kampala, modified thing like you've never seen it before. if somebody crazy and the best part is the women seem to be needing the fax, the citizens 7 percent in 30 minutes. the we were taught to, they're not even human really there. we call them targets or silhouettes. this video changed the world. it says view as told is killing civilians in the wrong oftentimes thing it's, julian, his sons became a wanted man, is being accused of journalism. 14 years later,
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the weekend expound is finally done during the traces, the stories of a soldier and the civilians are off the attack. they speak to each other for the 1st time forgive me, but that the slowest. don't think that i carry any resentment or a grudge in my heart to see though a captivating story about this struggle for forgiveness and truth guardians of trees. julianna's stones, and the dog secrets of more dogs to lie $27.00 on the w. a dream of resolution in 1979, the hated dictated somoza was full also to make a rug why the people have forced air is the sizing. i've received international solidarity. i imagine tweet would change the world
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and for 1000 republicans had to help with reconstruction. but the end a dream of revolution, july 20th on d w, the . this is dw, using these are our top stories. us president joe biden has hit the campaign trail in michigan. i know that growing pressure to have binding his re election, campaign bite and told supporters and the key swing states that he must finish the job and to beat donald trump in november's election by mis facing coles to drop out of the presidential race after a series of gaps in recent weeks an internal investigation by israel's military has acknowledged that its troops failed to protect.


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