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tv   Arts Unveiled  Deutsche Welle  July 13, 2024 7:02am-7:31am CEST

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the, the nelson mondale. i lived in this, the largest city in south africa. but your honest book is now home to a thriving and died. ok. wow. look at that. when i was growing up was considered a very serious profession. and this place that we in right now, august house that has all of these contemporary arts of studios, and it was completely unknown to me. the sense graduating i have made prints, making and painting my art phones. it has been rewarding to create pieces that have
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been featured in major exhibitions in europe and south africa. the i'm going to introduce you to some job of items that are revolutionizing the way we see african contemporary art on this continent. this got coming up in this episode of dw use oxy africa. we made street arches the bones much and i was in the euro celebrate strong african women. pain to play single banning shows us is edgy paintings made from recycled materials and ancient mythology. is the inspiration for skelton 90 by the tumble. it'd be some modal by tells us how she creates a indic magic photo collage is and we will see how job a line need. let me need healthy young photographers find their own personal subject matches. this is model name of
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a vibrant cultural district and the innocent model name is a so to would that means place of lights and level name is the domain of the bones and much not for did loans the streets. his kansas defines a shy about his aunt as a boy, but the strong woman and his family encouraged him to the city and eventually create his super sized public onto x box. are you gonna take me on a tour of some of your uh, let's do it as go. yeah. yeah. so i'm about to show you some of my work and mobile name and stuff i've done in recent years. and the progression from high side the ink cartridge of them to bonds like this on this scale. uh, maybe yeah. these are, these are probably the storytelling nice or saying i'm part of the narrative better, which are you pushing. and for the fact that the 2 women are closer and so rich you with heritage in college and tradition and you know you have
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a lot of control. i try to paint it straight on. ready this yeah, to a pain straight on to we did so the pod print, pod painted. so i painted the portraits and design the background. patents have been painted. those then painted the portraits. amazing. so you want to show me something else? yes. just start on the corner, the man or i love this head piece. yeah, this is sort of a crown. so for thing, this work, it even makes me want to grow my hair out. basically speaking about how strong the mind of a woman is. um that's why this like measuring and just like different stories, the narrative of the background in energy, everything. i think i'm forwarding being a woman and being strong and i'm unapologetic,
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but it's in the way it is next to it. the bonus takes me to a new cultural precinct called jew city all goes sideways. and that's the thing that's got to work every day. like for us, how do i type data? i'm done 2020 or on june. 2 bones, why did you choose street dogs overseas? i would say to be over the visual language that i believe that it's 50 everybody odd spaces on tends to be a bit intimidating. that even though these speaking to a wide variety of people, that people can go into spaces, which is in a way of life only for the needs the wow. yeah, exactly that. and all the stories that i taught within, like the i relate to every day, every day, people over that page. um, so i feel like people can relate to much more and um they can see that sad part of it. and also the effect that they get to see the whole process resolves in like in
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the creative process. i like part of a lot of it. yeah, i get to ask about it. they get to engage and live and they get to interact with. it's amazing. so the bottoms, i'm gonna have to see you a little bit later later. see later the, the bones, materials are inspired by photographs. and johannesburg has been home to a number of great documentary photographers, including the legendary david gold plan. the gold led spend time in the community of to closer and humane toward photographer job. a lot of the plan, meaning that many has gone on to create photographic with about people over coming day to magic past the
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the double line. it gives clauses on saturday mornings at the local high school in the to cause a township 19 for 2 copies, everything like that. and we need to understand like in the background, save it for the 2 at home. home home could be any way we have to be pissed on that . so like i said, we're not just taking you taking photographs, that's the crating of that meta to like. busy the project, so it's only about taking photographs, but it's dealing with this problems that they faced on a daily basis. so my main aim is to, to coronado, the use of photography, how, how photography was used. i ended up a during the times and also just to expose the young ones to photography.
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so i'm here to learn more about photography and i had a dream. and then you just gave me those camera. and i was like, i'll just pick this camera so ever since i'm on the journey, i can see a good picture. double lani isn't always in the classroom. he currently has an exhibition at the prestigious goodman gallery. this exhibition consists of photographs that he took in 2021 in the shop full community. the shuffle massacre took place on the 21st of march, 1960 south of johannes. but the apartheid laws. black people had their freedom of movement, restricted, and were forced to carry past books. residents marched to the police station to protest, but as far things opened, fire approximately 250 people were injured. and 69 died.
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in this project, i calibrate it with the community. oh this of us is that with a 1960, how do i directly affect it by the shopping shooting? i remember the 1st time when i get to portrays already, so i have this option with them to improve, and that's the way then some, you know, the object that trap to them. memories of the things that, for example, this bec, that was there, the formula to find it fast. so this became and prove that the father has passed or doubled on the also photographed objects belonging to community activism. like this for the days that belonged to a woman who mobilized resistance and chavo. in the days of a project. they used to hide the documents, the meetings, and the minutes in this people. and one day the police came and turned
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a house upside down and but when they go to dispute, they took it and just threw that way. and that's how she she, she could save it no way. most of them, they've never spoke about this to anyone and the level that we engaged in. so to conversely becomes a very important part of the project and the start opening off, you know, they would share this as me, which for me it was great for them to retain themselves even to photographs. so what it would do is that we edit them to do so i also invited them to the opening, you know, and i mean, their response was very, very positive. so, i mean, my, my life more to say was those tvs will help his job. and i am who i am because a few job, alonzo, many is a photographer and close dialogue with his chosen protagonists. the,
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i'm now to meet an options who use this photo is in a very different way as the legs are having the healthy so peaceful sources. all kinds of images from the colonial era, which he then recombines to create new kinds of african narrative. in this way, she is reclaiming african history. my i thought about identity, the spirituality, of course, developing african things. black. what is your inspiration? so i do a lot of research and so i came across ology and i was just like, so interested in it and i was like, why don't i just put this in my work. so that's why i started doing a lot of cuts in case like animal collages, which is just because the case just wanted to use my hand basically wanted to get your hands did. and i just paid the. so the odds just sort of gave
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me that gateway to like going a little bit more about myself. so piece those narratives with jewels the contributions of story telling was in her family my arts sort of outage in your own narrative. yeah. because you'd be strategically made to forget so much about on his jo, choose search or i really like this thing is actually based on the body of work that just finished quote for it was about the municipal vendors on top of a hill. that's basically what i like. has us monitor. yeah. yeah. yeah. and it just showcase boy alone guess is way too. we don't know what he's waiting for, but i actually did like a short sell them on it in the animated show. cool boy. so peaceful finds the manual in a nighttime course. it's a magical world created from paper cut out that feels like
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a modern day fable. a visa, thank you so much for allowing me in c o in showing the odd. it is been an amazing day. thanks. the i'm so excited i'd say be so this interpretation of african odds. apparently it's odd museum has an exhibition kind of bridging the gap between contemporary effort and not an african artifact. the i n n i and the advocate us convictions curious to move you think, you know, the value of a conviction like this aesthetic office piece of stuff, but unity to use africa as they spot to the point. that's the reference point, and they create the suits all the search,
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the same creative work that has been done throughout the ages. and this work still continues. and i think that's what it offers. it offers everybody, you know, relates, i think, office then the ability to point to something that shows the creativity of african people to turn in this episode of dw use oxy. i forget we are visiting johannes bates. odyssey this is victoria yacht, a cultural space which is strongly connected to the street life around it. visitors can walk right in and get to see studios of a number of autism is a very uh full time, so excited to see me to a visiting place in group. and the students are at a studio to see is woods that has been a hit in europe and new york, the blazing focuses on disrupting colonial narratives. south africa.
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so placing it in your studio, i see print making, i see painting, sculptural work. what is your preferred medium painting give bit to these other mediums, for instance of this comp trust. i scale it to a nice my way excited cleaning my painting to life to live performance. oh yes i want to. so you the cow head. oh yeah. before means, like as expressing myself in a way i used my one body and a close to my on my so to move around and express the such an idea of those ideas of that 15 minutes coming from the page. there's a tendency of having so many details for the little odd to the law side, so do little outrage. they are the ones that assist me to creative ideas about
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media and is because to stop child performance video installation. so nice thing i've realized recently, even though for edge of things like tissue paper and gift dropping into your web, can you tell us a bit more about what prompted this change. these are sort of people. that's why the, in an envelope, in south africa, priest and antea potted activist, michael actually was seriously injured in a late diploma in 1992. his don't have hands now and it's going to have the one i'm looking at the materials itself. that me throw that travels a lot to know across the globe to do the different gifts and to take it in. but i did see with my way, can make it a lot of sense because most of my wake from the file blue, so beautiful. but when you come close that window seats you, it's not beautiful as i do now. it's time for placing an i to do some colorful
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collaboration out of can to you. let's see what you can do together. i think all the pains find cycles. and that forms the face to face is of this triangle. it is better to love. people don't know. why do you know that it's fido and in invention, pink. my dear. it's like how to modern invention like pink lot in old doesn't. uh, it was during the time of the previous life brotherhood, the pink and purple and light blue ball came an actual color allowed flag placing please on file list say no, this is this all my work. i know you went through this for this deal. the ladies clearly original, feel comfortable coming to see when everyone that's when it's done all weekend but or each of they can is it pretty need of to you? oh my the oh wow. it actually makes really good together so nice. so my the color.
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oh wow. nice me i like 3 of say, i know it was i received a speech for loans in terms of the control. yeah, it looks like a t is that that is not in the will follow up. so they were never in the and i really don't think in my lifetime. no, unfortunately not kids, not even. but what, what do we think? what do you think for the i love it. the image is the color, the energy, the color is the bob. you know, this is me, you know, i, i think the most that didn't invite you is the. yeah, yeah. the my time with placing has inspired me to visit keys off mile. it is
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a popular cultural and created this nation for many young people. it is also has to the search a gallery and over audrey gallery, where i exhibit much of my own what the stages and i think it's because they some of the live so many things to me. it has all these contradictions within itself. it's this thing that kind of looks so silly, it's cheap, it used to be it, it's called p t d. and the ostrich, i kind of sometimes use it to symbolize the fact that people like to know things that they shouldn't. so with, in violations of africa agenda based violence, which is a massive problem. yeah. and australia is always trying to ignore something by pushing it said into the sand. being abroad, luminance of africa is a very complicated thing. our racial identity is deeply engrained in race. in violence, in oppression and i think was in my work and was in my own. i didn't see i'm trying to find a perfect middle ground where i can feel hard against things. it's happened to us,
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but also be open enough to figure out what it means and imagine will to be a brown woman in south africa. and my wish fee is to fizzle. i'd rather die out in a dry and bang, been fizzle out. the next stop on out dw oxy africa, jenny is the johannesburg district chippy style. this is the west coast bronze foundry. the and this is the width of artist and scope to non deep on top of the . so what i do share because i don't have the facilities in my own studio,
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i create and costs or my brunswick. what type of themes do you explore within the work that you do? yeah. the things that i work with are the connection between animals and humans. or how in mythology, within different civilizations, animals and humans, either live alongside each other or marriage into one another, some point 5 thing versus protecting. so quite a sort of broad spectrum of things that noise thinking around the kind of binary or the line that exists between what seemed to be opposite. so my preferred median is inks and crayons and print making. what made you decide on scouts and what is it about sculpture that attracts you to a 2 of our thinking, a very 3 dimensional way. i've kind of become bored with one medium in. okay, so i move between performance photography, painting making because i think one of these medians onto different questions. how
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does scale play a role in your practice? the interesting thing about sculpture specifically is that how one encounters with it being installation or just the single sculpture a fixed how they read it, you know, so i think just as in my practice, in general i've used scale as something that either draws you in or kind of makes you a number scared of time, so it's kind of loose between those 2 feelings for me. what is it about bronze that attracts you so much? is a historical space around how bronze is worked with a be in europe, or even in africa with the old friends. the cost is i've been and i think for me there's something around how the material immortalize is the person being, you know, that is really amazing. there is a shiny elementary but also adult elementary, how you use patina,
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really helps and shift put the material dimension looks like at certain points. so i liked the facility and it's, but also how it's it's been used in different civilizations to more to last people and animals in, in very specific ways. so nice when the cooling body comes on, not as the day goes to an end, d w's odyssey africa brings me back to the in the city. and august house, the i've always found drawing to be a good way to process i've been inspired by the dictation of all the
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different artists i've made, each in their own unique form of expression. i hope that this signals to old south africans that we can have a voice, no matches who we are. way we come from the found back in my building and i'm about to meet up with the volumes because he's going to help me leave my permanent mark on the streets of joe. that the
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a box a good bit, jeremy badge as thoughts. and when does it is done so it might as well get on this . one is a very nice spot for i want you to teach me actually the use grapevine property, you just me, i guess, and i teach are you kind of as while. yeah, that'll just be one line of people nowadays. random all comes out. okay. so basically in the resorts. oh my gosh. i never thought it was difficult. i accidentally feel like you should finish the automatic the to them. i approve of this. the bones interpretation of
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a lady's 40 piece of legs because that's of creativity is all about collaboration. this is indeed w's odd. see, i forgot bringing you to hand is the most vibrant, odd. see the, [000:00:00;00] the
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the meat hope not. we rate one of the stars of exceed those couple bosh soft ground wrestling in kampala, fighting like you've never seen me before. if i'm somebody crazy and the best part is the women seem to be needing the fax. the $7.00 to $7.00 to say no,
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it's time for visual noise, for sustainability. but also for horsepower the, it's time to the mobo revolution. in 60 minutes on d w. not just another day. so much is happening all at once. we take time to understand this is the day an in depth current use events, analyzed by experts and critical thinking is this is bit weekdays on w. why do,
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how many does not get drunk? why do grab a tasteful waves, squeeze all bodies? how much do we need a day? do i stop praying for help? find the on fis gets much on dw science and outtake talk channel. is tradition a relic of the past or something that we still need today? no, i wouldn't say i'm fully traditional, but the values that ingrained in me, like respecting my elders, helping others or even speaking my mother tongue she had at all, we have so many ways of preserving culture and on this week. so we will explore executive that welcome to the 77 percent. the show for africa's majority under 35 annual host. okay. didn't question of here is what we have for you today. in our street debate,


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