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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 13, 2024 8:00am-8:16am CEST

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the, the, you're watching the, the news life from balance. joe biden defies, calls to abandon his re election campaign. it comes as 5 and faces drawing pressure from democratic lawmakers to drop out of the presidential race. also coming up a dramatic ends to the manslaughter trial against actor alec baldwin. but josh dismisses the case, say police withheld evidence the
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i'm going to show you as well. thank you for joining us. us president joe biden hit the campaign trail. i'm a drawing calls for him to about out of the race. for the 2nd time, a dressing supporters and the keith swing state of michigan biden struck a defiant tone and vowed to continue in the race. he said he was the only democrats who had beaten drums and said he would be some again in november by no sort back from record and office and calls him a loser. michigan, as part of the field of blue was states along with wisconsin and pennsylvania that are key to victory in november. he made it clear in his address that he was on through to those who had selected him as a candidate. probably probably because 14000000 democrats, like you wrote it for me, the primary you maybe to nominate knowing i was not surprised, not the point is not the insider's, not donors. you the voters you to sign it? no, no, no,
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i'm not going anywhere. let's talk about that dr. jackson. james is the resident senior fellow at the job in march the fund. welcome to the program. doctor james, we just had the president said that he's not going anywhere. do you believe him or? i think he believes it that i think it's going to be pretty much what's going to continue down the road and. ringback there's some clarity in the democratic party about this question. they can hold on for much longer to see whether or not it's going to be him or someone else. so they are in limbo at the moment. but i don't think 5 is going anywhere. has he just said, there is this uncertainty in the, in the democratic party, but we also have seen this immense focus on everything the gas made by, by and including by the media. do you find that focus on fair? i do in the sense that there is so much more to be talked about with regard to where trump has done some similar type of flaws, initial impressions,
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issues. and so the last of the focus on what's at stake in this election is, is rather disappointing because it seems to muddy the waters of what this election is all. what do you think the democratic party needs to do now to save itself one way or the other? i have to clarify. they have to clarify what was going to be the candidate and that's the bottom line. and it seems to me that the question can't wait to too much longer as well or not, but at some point or another, they're going to have that, as we say in english treasury. but they, and at this juncture, i think the technician was going to really be as much of a contribution to their loss as they fear that there might be a loss, was biting. the question also comes up. many of them who are worried about their own futures in this context of seeing whether biden is going to lose that they may lose their seats in the house or the congress of the senate. so there's that mix as
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well, but they can't really go on too much longer with the chevy he will be facing that started but speaker, lots of bodies and zooming out of bed. you focus on german american relations and we saw chancellor show of defend biden. and there is some new to summit, but do you think that all into one little while you feel it in germany about president biden's ability to be trump? i would know too much about whether or not the germans are worried about by and i think they're much more worried about trump. and so the question really comes down to who is going to be able to defeat trump? that's the bottom line, i think in germany, the question is also going to be whether or not but, and in the domestic scene, there's going to be able to make his argument as forcefully as he's made. and what for an aussie, those features that he gave recently, and they know cuz some of where the air conditioning and it seems to me that the issues going to be for the germans and new york in general is, is there,
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is there going to be a possibility that the mr. vine will continue to be in the white house for and will there be someone else who will be equally adamant about the need for a strong transatlantic relationship? doctor jackson, james starr from the german. lots of fun. thank you so much for your to your analysis. thank you. now is red and the you are not treating accusations over why desperately needing supplies in the gaza strip on not being delivered. israel says it is taking steps to increase the flow of it and blames the u. n for not getting the goods to the people who need them. but the us, us ongoing fighting and the big donald low on auto have made distribution dangerous . for i believe family, daily life, it's a struggle against hunger and a worst thing for any patient crisis. boston hygiene is not something they can afford to move an annual love and more. there is no silver shortly. no,
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the church locked and one other, nothing. yeah. hagar, i mean the price of soap and i'll, even if it is available in the gaza strip, so we can't afford any, you know, i don't have money to buy, so can she can the living and refuge account been federal garza here lack of sufficient doors? it's clean water, no working fluid system trickling. everyone's has or some kind of you kind of don't have money to buy food, let alone buy a bottle of shampoo or so. i have lice in my here due to lack of so to see and i'm an adult woman another minute and then gives us an adult woman brushes. her hair and lice come out of it. why? because we don't have the supplies we need. no one takes care of us on the slot and what it could be to go to the left side because it doesn't mean despite mounting international pressure on it strain the delivery of it and to cause that it's been far short of what is required is strange face it has made efforts to ensure you in agencies,
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can make the liberties and glimpse the un for the female. the 14000 pallets, by the way, that this stuck here, and they're not collecting. so that you and decided not to bring more trucks because they're not picking it up and disability. so meantime, the private sector or continued to war, and those trucks are private sector from does that do or the ring in 14 goods to guys industry building. but the u. n. saves active fighting an attack from militia groups, leave it on wife. financial aid is being dropped off from the israeli side. it is being lifted in area. and then we in some private sector into these are also picking up the, the trucks that, uh, the wind trucks that are getting or picking up 8 are doing it often a great cost because they are being uh, either looted or taxed as is riley forces continue to fight against how much a lack of administration in gods have created widespread lawlessness.
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attempts to transport 8 by c has also not being successful. the us build to be a facilitating the n g of 8 was marked by challenges. and it's not expected to be bowman and to dismantle it. but these explanations don't help people like the of the, the family to put them delays in the mean. one thing continued suffering are well daemon founded in the international network for ege relief and assistance. she told us more about how challenging the situation in gaza is right now. what is actually prevalent involves a right now what is actually preventing aid from being picked up from where the israel is or dropping it off is criminal games and looters and a lot of it centers around the cigarette smuggling. and it happens on certain specific trunks of road that are chunks of road that we can only cross with is
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really approval there in something of a no man's land areas that are not populated or currently inhabited. but have, you know, a number of burnt out buildings bombed up buildings on them. and along these roads you see games are mostly young man, some more organized than others that are caring the tons. a couple of them have machetes, they're burning tires. and they have whether it's, you know, pieces of metal or tree trunks or whatever it is a base trust across the road to them block a trucks coming through. some of them are ludicrous polluting, say they want to leave and then sell on the market. but a good number of this criminal activities actually stemming from the fact that since the beginning since october 7, israel has bound the entry of cigarettes to the gaza strip. and as such, right now, cigarette smuggling has become a cash cow. one single cigarette costs between $17.00 to $25.00. so if you're able to sneak, say 5 cartons of cigarettes onto on
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a truck that's around the $20000.00 pay day. well that for us, our waterman speaking about situation and guys up at the amount of some of the stories making news around the world. a jeff ounce prime minister who american see the isn't the land for talks which wants a little olaf show it's secure. she said to featured prominently in that talk both the, the us express concern over attention some of the in the pacific, especially what shows called the drawing cooperation between joshua and north quarter. which he said for the care violation of un sanctions. 2 weeks before the olympic games are due to start and status tardies and the french captains say the confident that the was sent. would it be clean enough for app needs to swim. and as for all of some events, bought the one heavy rain good. flush the level of into his bacteria back or the limits before the games begin, both with the pre do. do you regulate to say eat on most platform,
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x is misleading. use those and violating door open, contemptuous with blue check marks for verify it accounts. and the finding that could lead to hefty fines ex becomes the tow company. and as many weeks off to apple and mehta to fall on file of the new digital services act. now let's go to nigeria by 22 students have been to the when the school record last student morning classes, the accident happened and the central, it's actual problems. it is not yet clear what the cost of electrical apps botched residency. it came off to days of heavy rain to the local community in shock and panic. the school caved in while students were in class. on friday morning truck children kept crying for help. under the rubber i was desperate parents and rescue workers tried to recover students. many survived put some, couldn't make it all into the
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most concerned. and we have about 16 main into the main ones. and then we just open at to see the dozens of villages foothills as excavators going through the debris building collapses all comb and nigeria. since 2005, at least 152 buildings have collapsed in the capital lagos. the blame is often on lex regulations and the use of sub standard construction materials. now a judge in new mexico has dismissed the involuntary manslaughter charges against ac to alec baldwin off to finding the state with head evidence from the defense. the ruling brought a sudden and dramatic end to the proceedings only 3 days into the trial. in 2021
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farther in fairly short settlement, the dogs before lena hutchins at once set with a gun that was supposed to be loaded with blankets. prosecutors had tried to all do the actor had increased responsibilities as defense producer? oh, you are the austin today and douglas gauge. and matthews in los angeles. why the judge dismissed the case? yeah, everybody was startled. i think we all thoughts of this trial within probably a week from friday, which would be next week. but the judge felt that she had no other course of action, a bunch of dismissing this case against alec baldwin. and mainly it boiled down to have it here of evidence that was not disclosed to alan baldwin attorneys before this case came about early on friday morning, alec baldwin, attorneys filed a motion to have the case dismissed, and they said it was based solely on the fact that they discovered that there was evidence ammunition that was presented to the prosecutors after the
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armor had to go to years. read, had been convicted of soul. one brought in ammunition from the state of rough and presented it to the prosecutors after she was uh convicted. that was supposed to go into a file label, rushed in a case number attached to it. but i did not happen because the prosecutors, according to them declared that this uh ammunition wasn't. uh, it wasn't important. it didn't come from the same batch that was used of acute, unfortunately, elena hutchinson. so they just decided not to file it under the case number. and that was wrong. according to the judge, they said that any thing that was presented from the russ set should have been logged in under the rus, a case number and present it to all of the defense attorneys. and because they failed to do that, the judge phil felt that they had no other choice, but to dismiss this case because it would have been prejudiced against alec baldwin
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. a statement on the schedule, matthew is you are up to date, but do sticker on if you can. 4 up. next we look at that as well as for field crisis, whole country with the was largest crudo to 0. if this happens in ford fuel from it on, that's up off of the big number such as well, thank you so much for being with us. the d. w. travel over here, besides the history food. well, let's go to so when it comes to sustain dependency information and trend, this is alex texted on d. w. travel, you can have it. what about you? what your opinion feel free to write your thoughts and the comment? this the shadows of joe, these pod costs and videos shed lights on the dog is devastating colonial har is infected by germany across and he employed the schools to.


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