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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 13, 2024 2:00pm-2:15pm CEST

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the the, this is dw use life from the land to help us help both or he and gaza says in his way the attack is killed. thousands of palestinian civilians says really 300 others were injured. taken to a nearby hospital as well as animal targeting, the homeless commander told to be the chief architect to be october 7th terror attacks almost as cold, the attack of grave escalation. and after the political as quick the off the shops, how will france govern itself? in the wake of surprise, elections that have brought unexpected results and with no party having the majority, it needs to form a government at immune by a lavish,
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multi $1000000.00 wedding attracts of glittering gas lives. well, highlighting the massive gap between which employ in india, the i've been visible and welcome the homeless run health industry and gaza says that and is by the attack on the southern part of the territory as killed at least 71 palestinians. and wounded, almost $300.00. the ministry says the injured and did were taken to nearby and now, so hospital in arguing is some reports timing witnesses say the strike or strikes landed in a camp with thousands of displaced, thousands would take them shelter as well as military says it was targeting the homeless commander was being described as one of the architects of the october 7th terror attacks in his way. and if i try to joins us from jerusalem,
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give us the latest on the striking hundreds. so you're looking at those pictures how people with the they are hands are coming through the rubble, trying to dig through the sand and trying to take out casualties, civilians we can see children there on these videos coming in. now, one can only ask how many people are amongst the casualties. the number that we're hearing is simply the number from the gods, the homeless run of for it to see their house or stories. and they are speaking, but at least 7 to one people killed and many wounded like we are hearing that there hospitals in the hospital, this is apparently completely overwhelmed by the sheer number of people wounded casualties that are being transported there. at the same time. you're not hearing much from ease realities without casualties. what we're hearing that they are looking into reports, they say, and they made very clear early on that this target was meant to take out the top command or of the military being of how much will, how much they use. and to do
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a targeting a place that was there describing it as a place, it was fence and full of militants. mostly. now that contradicts in fact, earlier statements of other attacks where they were saying that when residential buildings where it hits or schools in the past, that in fact these were the height out of time. us admitted students. and always when they were, these strikes wasn't just how much admitted into that way hit. but a lot of civilians, especially women and children for the a. is there any clarity yet on the exact location of these targets? so what, so, so far that is stripe happened in hon unit as now. this is one of the 16 governance of a gaza strip in the south. if i, this is a place where hundreds of thousands of people at the beginning of the war be a order to go. because is well focused at the beginning of the war on the north and, and on the central part of god district. this for free refugees whatsoever. the western part of communities is the sofa. i'm
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a wasi camp and it's just on clear whether that swipe actually happens right exactly in the caps, even though that wording, cat one has to be careful because it's not really a cap to say so, but it's become known as a camp as well. and more refugees, more and more displaced people. in fact, they didn't, they didn't uh, that strip have been twice of set up tents on sand. really difficult conditions. that is ok just which part of one unit at this point has been hit. but regardless, over the course of the past months, how nunez has been very frequently subject to nested bombardments on, on a very big scale. and this one is just a very significant one. also with regard to the political implications is and this is what's the current, the battery fights. if that top command are mohammed, they had been really killed, dw 25 job with the context there. and the latest from jerusalem us and dw is contact at the is where the defense forces for an interview. we will keep
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you up to date. let's take a look now at some of the other stories making news from around the world. us president joe biden has hit the campaign trail to make growing calls for him to bounce out of the race for a 2nd to addressing support is in the key swing state of michigan spite and struck a defiant towed in bout to still run one democratic senate to add about 20 house democrats and publicly cooled them by the step assigned to russian warships ever bind in the southern chinese city of some john or joined naples drills. first phase includes as the air and anti submarine exercises, the nations have boosted that ties since rushes full scale invasion of ukraine badging and most could save the drills will deepen their strategic partnership defense. now where last sunday's election results of it turned out to be an unexpected search for the sorry,
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we'll go back to what happened last weekend. we were expecting a search for the final right. but it ended up being a search for the fall and left, leaving in peace with some difficult choices. a left wing alliance managed to put the ring, the penn national rally party, and 3rd place without itself winning a majority. so politicians are now faced with the problem of trying to form a government of correspondence on you found like a reports do you not? the deal is a member of the center left socialist spotty, and has been elected to the french monument for the 1st time that she spot of the left wing alliance. the new popular front, which was hastily put together to beat back the searching for right in recent elections. i'm so happy that we have been able to be focus on the most impression, far as it just to preserve our country from this it already that have fights so many years ago. and we know how awful it can be, count, you know,
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and the values of our republic as being more than the anger and that the fear of the other end. i'm very proud of it. but the fond rights defeat is the only certainty this selection is produced. the listing alliance, the new popular front may have won the most number of seats in the french parliament or the assembly, and also not. but by no means do they have the absolute majority that is 289 seats . they simply don't have the numbers to govern their own. and that a deep divisions among the parties that make up this alliance about the wasteful. but one big reason for that disunity is this man, look middle shot. he hits the biggest spotty in the alliance, the radical lifting fronts and both parties. he's a polarizing finger revised by president mccall center scan, who came in 2nd in just an extra of the one. the new popular friends plans for the
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economy would be disastrous. but the radical less blog i'll do, voters elected them full day program seniors and we've succeeded in pushing back the far right and the selection. that's because we stood hope among voters. well, if we dash those hopes you don't do a lot of voters within say ok, which will turn to the far right. well, new valley, similar to the center left, the social is spotty, says it's more open to compromise. so it's best place to run from. one of the billing came out on top on the left and european elections just a month ago. we've made the most progress as a group of nearly doubled our m. p. 's for a party that's already govern france. we're a party that builds the bridge between the radical left and the center left. you know, some of the bush and rich buildings is exactly what we'd be needed to overcome the deep distrust and divisions. first i'm a dnr, but deals says this stock sick atmosphere needs to change things that we will have
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to learn from germany or with the roof and talents. and we have to learn how to get a consensus, a majority about the projects before i'm not able to do that. we know that in 2027. this time, we will not be able to stop the national rest of it on the extra rights to get to get to the age of our country. over the beginning they were killed in parliament when it's 1st session. the most pressing task would be to try and publish together a working stable to government. amy, which we began. and so when you found like a joins us live from paris, the left the lines one the most states in parliament, but no majority. what are the scenarios for forming a government right now as well,
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i think for president because perspective um, lecturing and lines new popular front, which is quite an unwieldy group with these full parties which have a lot of intelligence divisions. the best hope for him is that this, you know, a lines kind of falls apart and his interest movement when teams up with logic parties on the left. that the socialists of the greens and on the right with what is the rest of the republicans and that could form the basis for some kind of a working coalition. the them, the on people, the numbers on there. but the politics that are on the suppose the incredibly complicated the new popular front is, is really blind of that success and easily since the election, the modern parties and likely to move away from the fall left there. another option for president my call could be to appoint some kind of an open to, to take some kind of government to the concerns about you, the whole lot long, something way back with somebody. i think we're looking at to, you know, peter, the instability here for sure. why is the left so opposed the president's coal for a broad coalition? what prison macro made those calls?
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in the recent letter he published what he said, really no one had won the selection. he said mainstream parties with what he called republican values for now come together to form some kind of a clinician government would. that is widely understood to include parties, not just on the far right, but on the far left as well. the people on the left will tell you it's unfair to equate these 2. and i think the big issue here is that the far left front on both bought the late to buy the 5 by leaders on the mental show we saw in that report. this is the biggest party in the new popular front and middle show may be controversial, but the spot is usually popular, especially in kind of money to go to the suburbs around big cities. we played a big role in blocking the far right in recent election. so the new popular friend says my crowd really has to respect the choice of waters and invite them to form a government which includes the fondest and how could the political impulse affect frances ability to golf and especially with the games in a couple of weeks. it was today we saw a piece of my calls interest grouping,
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or pointing 5 minutes to aton as the kind of a president of the parliamentary group of gabriella ton. of course, staying on his appointment is to indicate the capacity. the current cabinet is also staying on temper leave to kind of handle the dates of the affairs. but we really don't know how long this arrangement will be in place that have some speculation that govern government might have done this and i've written resignation next week . and then we have no idea what happens. like you said, uh the, the olympic games are due to be hosted in paris just uh, just a few days away, a few weeks away. and we really have no idea then who would be in charge. my feeling is that the current cabinet would probably stay in place. temporary correspondent, sonya follicle, or the guess list is just one highlight when the subdivisions which is bad is getting married. i don't know bonnie and body can motion 6, traffic and 4 day waiting continues to move by. but the lavish nuptials of spot
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criticism highlighting the stock inequalities in india. from the card to ashley and sisters, to former british prime minister tony blair. to bollywood star shot route con the globally lead to our ocean forest and moon by and they've all dressed the part day and over a 1000 other guests are here to honor and a money. the son of asia's rich, just man and his bride roddy, come merchants, the daughter of a farmer tycoon. after 7 months of lavish pre wedding festivities, it's finally time for the 29 year old coupled to tie the knot. and celebrations will go on for 4 days. it's a wedding that has redefined the notion of extravagance, costing an estimated $320000000.00. it's been the object of global fascination,
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but also widespread criticism in the able to be, i mean we would be happy if india was being discussed that that happiness index of our country would have gone up, then they would have been happy. and that is very something that can be said, but it isn't even in this country, just celebrations for fuel by again, this possessing many that that does not begin celebration and we would not be input as to what i'm used to buy by such and such as your readings, that's it. whatever the outcome for the happy couple. the chasm between the millions who struggled to make ends meet and the glitter rossi enjoying the i'm bonnie's hospitality. couldn't be wider. as a reminder about top story, this island, how most helpful authority in kansas is in his way. the attack is killed thousands of palestinian civilians in indian. only $300.00 more is about sammy said it was
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targeting a musk man to go to be the chief architect of the type of savings here at time. keep watching data we will have more use for you next down, the conflicts, crises, every single connection mapped out shows the geophysical reality. the on the board is what makes things 2 ways a mapped out navigating a changing world. now on youtube, this shadows these costs and video shed lights on the dog is devastating colonial horrors infected by germany across up and he employed discourses.


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