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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 13, 2024 6:00pm-6:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is the w use life from the land. hundreds of civilians dead and injured in his way the attack on a humanitarian zone in gaza. thomas run helpful so far. he says medical facilities are overwhelmed. israel says that targeted to military commanders and of political stand off in front president mccall, snap elections, main note party has the majority to form the government. we look at negotiations within the left wing alliance. the
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i've been visible and welcome and his way of the attack on a humanitarian zone in the gaza strip as killed and injured hundreds of people. israel says it was targeting to have us command is including one of the plan as well. they also have the 7th terrorist attacks, as brun health ministry and gaza says at least 71 people were killed in the strike on a cap for displaced palestinians in the southern city upon units. the, the moment is really missiles hit the, the of the mass, the smouldering embers, it's all my wasi displacement comp designated safe. the last sort of model, the head, the on the line was displaced 12 times. this was meant to be the safest barrier. and con eunice of the busiest area, again, my name is an elderly people,
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the women and children in the old civilian is applaud. next matheney, and that is the model of husband. and he left him. i was sitting in my tent when the dance around me and this building where he applied. we started running and i got out of the tent and ran into the street. one of the bombing was relentless on the whole street was full of bodies that we started running. these documentarian aries, designates and yahoo talks about in the run north truman and terry area. so safe area seems the one to again send you one a month ago. the as rainy army say they would targeting to have mass come on to to they claim or hiding among civilians. one of the targets was mohammed. dave is ro believes he was one of the most minds of the october 7th, tara attacks. how much official denying the claims by b, as randy military accusing of intention,
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the targeting civilians via tech come out of my la c is the latest in a series of israeli strikes on areas in gauze where displaced, palestinians sheltering a correspondent in jerusalem funding to try has more on the striking hon units. so why don't we need to take a look at the pictures coming out the from hun, eunice. some people describe the situation on the ground that if there was an earthquake, that it wasn't really a significant s try to see people really coming through the rubble digging with their, their hands, trying to find your family members. relative civilians was still believes to be under the trouble of why we are hearing that that not that hospital is apparently overwhelmed by the number, the sheer number of casualties. now the various numbers that the authorities in guys are working with a homeless from media offices. speaking of about at least 100 people killed. what is the authorities are speaking the house, officials are speaking,
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but at least 71 people killed without knowing the final number of casualties here. what's really interesting to see how easy, why is reacting they're not speaking of any number so far with regard to casualties was very, very quick to say that they are tired because to top command or of how much military we one top commander mohammed the as, as as one of the main targets and it's being currently, that's what these are our claims currently being verified. whether that top command or mohammed, the crews believe to be the mastermind behind the october. second attack has been actually killed or not. what i'm also seeing that all these claims are vote nonsense. they are seeing just like you, you, you've mentioned in gaza city a separate attack that the target of either out the, the is really a government and the idea of our civilians. the big question really is how this going to further influence the political, a movement. so you have it, you got to any way for what was a framework to a piece agreement. what is right,
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keeps funding gaza strip and by that at killing a lot of civilians on the ground. what about the varying reports as far as the locations targeted a? hi eunice. this is where the attack took place, which is one of 16 governor reads off of the gaza strip. in fact, this is the part of gaza strip that at the beginning of the will was deemed to be a safe zone when that change because the shifting focus, the phase of ease, ralph from north to the south, over the past few months, was very much visible of it so many l twice hitting the various areas of 10 ton unit, the people they're asking themselves really versus they go. now there's a big question here revolving around whether this attack us from us claims. it was actually in what is still designated to save soon, which is the on the watch you can as you just sort easily think. they said that the attack a place that is an open area flaw, freeze building. and shad unclear, really if that was a, the dog at the,
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on the wasa can or other parts beyond. but regardless of that, the sheer number of casualties adjusts trickling. and we have to see what's going to come in as, as news develops through the the latest data from detail. we use plenty of time professor of little michael link of west and university in ontario is a fully un special rapids to the palestinian territories. he told me about the legal implications of the strike. it's international law is very clear that during a combat zone, that the attacking armies have to distinguish a very clearly between a combatants and civilians as a target. and this has been a, a running seen through the 9 months of this particular war, where israel claims that it's a shooting targets that are only aimed a mass militants, or middleton's from other palestinian groups. but where the consequence has been
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filings and thousands of, of civilian deaths and injuries with respect to this and most leading human rights organizations that have examined both these rated claims and the facts that they've been able to gather on the, on the ground. i've concluded that israel has been indiscriminate in its use of military force resulting in these thousands of civilian deaths, even joe, by a certain several occasions the israel's attacks. i've been indiscriminate looking at the other side. what about how much is obligations? is the evidence of palestinian civilians being used by the militants as human shields? yes, look at that. that's what came as israel off. it makes um how much does fight in a, in a densely populated urban area. and it is applies to try to stay away from civilians are putting them in harm. but the fact that there are fighting in a densely populated civilian area does not excuse or relieve the other army. most cases is really army from taking every precaution as are distinguished between
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civilian and a and combatant. and we've seen guess what's happened today. this is, i think the 5th street day of missile attacks that have resulted in substantial, posted in civilian deaths where israel a said it's a talking middleton's, but the consequence has been this enormous death told among civilians and michael, you mentioned what consequences or consequence which sets of light both and they what will the consequences of this will be for both sides a well, one can only hope that there is going to be a reckoning one day for, but for the leadership of both sides in the hague. we know that the prosecutor, the international criminal court in may, made an application to, to the court itself for arrest warrants for 3 senior home us leaders. and for these ready prime minister and this really defense minister. that is, yep, those are best for. and so if you have to be decided upon or issued by the court,
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but it's big it's, it's a slow but necessary for a start in trying to bring some issue of accountability to not only this 9 month old war, but the fit to the 57 year old occupation and the, the issue is, and this has been repeated in the number of united nations reports that there is a almost total impunity and a lack of accountability with respect to both israel and from us in, in the various complex that are going on for the last 15 years in particular in guys a and the u. n. has repeatedly said this last and in the meantime, defining continues that this continued michael link from west and university in canada. thank you very much for taking us through that. thank you very much. for having me a little look now at some of the other stories making news us presidential biden has hit the campaign trail in defiance of calls for him to a band. and his re election campaign entailed support is in the swing state of
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michigan. this is not done yet. one democratic senator at around 20 house democrats, a publicly called on by them to step aside to rush and war ships of arrived in the southern chinese city option john and joined the naval trails. the 2 governments saved the exercises will strengthen this strategic partnership. the west has criticized badging for supporting russia in the war and ukraine. rescue workers have ended the search for people missing in a landslide. in indonesia, at least 27 people were killed when the slide struck a remote village on the island of sort of way. c. rescue efforts were hampered by cold weather and damaged roads. around a dozen people were injured when a storm hit an odds festival. in slovakia, strong winds and heavy rain collapse, the tents that weigh that has also brought down trees and damaged buildings. in other areas. advances sports minister has swell. i'm in the river said to try to prove the board was clean it off full swimming events that the power escapes
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authorities are trying to clear out the high levels of bacteria before the olympics . later this month, the shop victory of france has left wing alliance in last week's elections means parliamentarians now face the challenge of forming a cohesive government. the alliance finished the head of the far right, then president, my call center bryant grouping, but failed to win a majority. now the left must overcome date, divisions, and old rivalries. if it is to govern for the 1st time, the d, nobody up is a member of the center left social is spotty and has been elected to the french fundament for the 1st time. she spot of the lifting the lines, the new popular front, which was hastily put together to beat back the searching for right in recent elections. i'm so happy that we have been able to be focused on the most impression, far as it just to preserve the country from this it already that have fights so
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many years ago. and we know how awful it can be, count, you know, and the values of our republic as being more than the anger and that the fear of the other end, i'm very proud of it. but the fond rights defeat is the only certainty this selection is produced, the lifting alliance, the new popular front may have won the most number of seats in the french parliament or the assembly. nothing not. but by no means do they have the absolute majority. that is $289.00 seats. they simply don't have the numbers to govern their own. and that a deep divisions among the parties that make up this alliance about the wasteful. but one big reason for that disunity is this man, look middle shot. he hits the biggest spotty in the alliance, the radical lifting fronts on both parties. he's a polarizing finger revised by pressing my call center scamp,
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who came in 2nd in the selection. the one, the new popular friends plans for the economy would be disastrous. but the radical less blogger audience, voters elected them full day program senior was, i believe, succeeded in pushing back the far right in this election. that's because we stirred hope among voters. well, if we dash those hopes you don't do a lot of voters within say, ok, we'll turn to the far right and it will extend what the center left social is. spotty says it's more open to compromise. so it's best place to run fronts. we've only came out on top on the left and european elections just a month ago. we've made the most progress as a group of nearly doubled our m. p. 's, or a party that's already govern france. we're a party that builds the bridge between the radical left one and the center left. you know, some of the books and rich buildings is exactly what we'd be needed to overcome the deep distrust and divisions 1st time and deanna,
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but deals says this stock cic atmosphere. needs to change? well, things that we will have to learn from germany are with the roof and pal limits. and we have to learn how to get a consensus. the majority about the projects. if you are not able to do that, we know that in 2027, this time we will not be able to talk to national the rest of the external rights to get to get to the age of our country. and these would formerly begin, they were killed in parliament when it's 1st session. the most pressing task would be to try and publish together a working stable government amy, which we began up ext, an indian climb, and his difficulties in securing funding for the olympics because of his humble
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origins i've been for the will. then thanks for watching. i felt it was the job rate will have you on use fixed out, stay with us. the each tells my story of the people who planned me build a case of dan lives to me. i am not saddam, depending on my secret. i have mocked my cities days for centuries and accompanied my country through its finest hours until the
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