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tv   Shift  Deutsche Welle  July 13, 2024 7:15pm-7:31pm CEST

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try and publish together a working stable to government. amy, which we began. you're up to date here on the top with you that is more on our website, d, w dot com, you can follow us to on outsource. so media accounts us, they don't want you to use, i'm tired, rating building, thank you for watching. the why do having does not get drunk? why do grab a tasteful waves, squeeze all bodies. how much more do we need a day to stop comp claim for help find beyond this get smaller on dw science, outtake talk channel trolling on the palestinian level. we don't expect much living with
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a bare minimum without civil rights and with no cost. this is not a good environment. yeah, no, not for my children. and favorite shadow stats august 3rd on d. w. so you will need a couple at a party when you ask how they met, they answer over. are they doing it? how often does this happen to you? i for one here with all the time these days. countless love stories. stop with a simple swipe. but for every good dave, you might have to sit through a few pretty bad ones. could a ice bear us from those off with 1st encounters? what dangers exist in the world of online dating and to algorithms determine who we lost is interested. swipe writes, not so much. swipe left the dancing obtained reports. it has some 50000000 active
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use us worldwide. every month, you might save the more options the betsel, but then the fatigue has become a wide spread phenomenon. many people are sick of the enter swiping and the chips that lead nowhere. and so alexander shut down to combat his own 10 to fatigue the prey. grandma developed the bought to do the leg work for him. the program much the staggering $5239.00. women has conversations with them and he will arrange dates with a 100 of them. that's how it looks on them. it's coming up. and now they're soon to be married. she said yes, but she missed. she was quite shocked when she found out that a i had initially reassuring. today, anyone looking to increase, the chances can turn to out official intelligence as a ghost rights of flood coach or image consultant. when it comes to 1st states, finding the right words isn't always easy. summit's also uses the chance to
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practice floating with a i ship booths. the good 1st impression is vital in the world of dating apps where a picture alone can make or break a person's decision to swipe rights one f as testing an a i tool that searches to use a smartphone for images that would make the best profile picture then of course means granting the access to your photo library. and for those looking to skip a photo shoots, they can upload a few photos of themselves to an a poet at that generates new photos. promised to be the best version of assuming the friendly person you are chatting to read the will. they say they are. several apps use a i to filter all the fakes in the process. so i'm gonna have to let you upload screenshots of your chest and then suggest
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possible replies generated by a i using these a i to it's comes at the costs of your personal data and can result in uncomfortable consequences. yeah, it's missing my pull the mirror. i distance myself from my true appearance and my profile. the more difficult i'm making it for myself on the date of any off. i'd almost say the less you optimized, the more successful you'll be when dating from i'm because i'm, you're not distressed about disappointing. the other percent, or that's what i want to make clear, it only adds to your own interests for on that. thanks. so generative a, i fake images and text now look so deceptively authentically, then it's extremely difficult to distinguish them from the real thing. so of course, criminal use it to their advantage, including on the dating ups. in, in the study found 66 percent of respondents had fallen victim to roman scans and some other countries it is around $1.00 and $4.00 tops him up as on the from south africa is one of them. attend or date in johannesburg,
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south africa foot tops him up. is on the in great danger. the guy comes to me. he's got a gun on, on my, on my rights on my right hand side. when my keep ordering, these are going to this call top fee was kidnapped at gun points, and health kept it for hours. and when the strangling me, they screamed and you told me to me again, i promised that we had to and we'll show you the tops these friends who was contacted for the ransom was finally able to convince the kid that post to release a roman scamming is a growing problem worldwide. it may, the gene colombia, several modus were linked to roman scans in late 2023 in cell polo, brazil reports show room, and scam us to be behind some 90 percent of the kidnappings. the idea is simple. scamarus use a i to us to create fake profiles during in victims by updating it. then they
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persuade them to meet at a remote location victims and then dropped or even kidnapped ethics thoughts. it's and it goes without saying they take the victim smartphone and with it's any evidence that might lead back to them. so make sure to trust joe got if something fields off. always tell your friends or family where you'll meet and you'll dave, and which you met through. but with any lock, the algorithms will get better at weaving out the fake profiles. need us to say algorithms have a major influence on how and who we dates. we spoke to digital sociologist just a couple of do and asked her just how much 2 algorithms impacts all day thing lights to day. taking now is changing and not our loved flesh because it has to introduce a new country to get some practices that we didn't have before. and before we had a media much mando agency or friends introducing also their friends. so we went to
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bars today we have learned to so i to gain the stars array teams and come to find a very specific way who we are and what we like. so a computer program can understand it. that's because algorithms dictate which use the suggested to another. the end goal is a match and hopefully the dates to find suitable candidates, the algorithms loan from user behavior. let's assume hannah is looking for a partner. if she gets across like the algorithm scans of the people he's liked and we have like tempt the assumption men who like these women might also like hannah. so they suggested to her too much like to recon nations you'll find on google, amazon stating of algorithms space. they have suggestions on the decisions previous use us estimates, for example, let's say many people get our cars like but only
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a few like dukes. if i get access to like the algorithm, we'll assume that i like most of the people before me to reject dukes. so dupe doesn't even appear as a suggestion in my feet and thousands get. and he likes the more popular profile. the more it is suggested to others, unpopular ones remain on seat. in a survey among uses, the company behind dating it ok q pitts identified a clear racial bias, particularly against black women and men and asian men. teeth groups were often rated low event of this system is designed to favor in the preferences of the majority, let's say on gender. we have a majority of people that are white skin, they're going to have a specific preference patterns, overall, even average. and this also sort of discrimination because being there is
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calculating the average of preferences. if the majority of people there is white people and they're gonna create discrimination pots and stores minorities. if these white people are heterosexual, then the eligibility group is a community is going to be discriminated. so it reduces diverse racial pressure. this is embedded into our feet and it can be reinforced consciously or unconsciously, just by swiping. if you want to break through a bath ranking, finding a pop my can become a question of money. you also have to pay some time some of the features. and one typical feature of the system is because to engineer, for example, if you pay, they say they won't put you at the top of their results. tim does the algorithm also evaluate when and how often use us active in the app. if you read the more you
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use it, the more your profile will be shown. it's just one of the ways to know tries to match up confuse us. on the other hand, isn't the company a bit incentivize to keep use us on the platform for longer? more traffic i'm delta meet increases. it's at revenue in any case matches an undeniable eagle boost. it's a little rush of excitement every time. a feeling many people chase every day, but kind of become an addiction. as the more companies back a few to say that their objective, per se, but we do behave in an addictive way, for example, by swiping more than planned or more than might be good for you. having too many similar dates, having sex in a way that wasn't good for you, even spending money that you didn't want to spend. the good news is they don't make you physically dependent. you can always put the thing away, i'm returning correctly. good. of course, you can always put your phone away, but the gave me the cation of modern day thing as, as a whole new, as i mentioned, to the issue. either way, when it comes to finding love or intimacy. epps have definitely transformed
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a whole approach. the typical 10 to date is efficient and long come at the meeting . several people, one after another is no longer frowned upon one who feed a metric. you want to get lots of matches and, and did you want to meet up with lots of different people but for short periods? rather than saying, for example, i'm going to meet up with 2 potential partners and really get to know them. i was, that's what we call low cost logic, kind of meaning it should be quick and not require too much emotional energy. so the attitude is i don't want to risk much or spend much money given offering to scales, keep investing as little as possible. yes, holding people to a high spend. after all, why settled for good enough? when the perfect match might just be one swipe away? the large pool of people on the apps can make decisions. how the research has called this choice overload. and we start to forget how to approach a person and strike up a conversation in real life or with the guns. but if i,
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what we do is practice how to approach each other online. it becomes more and more difficult for us to do so offline. you get the feeling you can't make contact in public spaces or initiate the man. have the feeling is too risky to do. so in a straight setting, women lose the ability to signal that they can be approached. even though interestingly many want to be vincent. even when a date goes well, many use us remain active on the apps. the feel that the problem might still be using bumble. it's in the leads to frustration or in security and ghosting. suddenly breaking off contact without explanation is becoming more normalized. the dates in the dating up and tally has an impact on real life to go. we don't just goes to the apps. we go start therapists are dentist, we goes to a handyman. we hired ourselves. ghosting has spilled over by students and progress from our behavior online and offline influence each other today, dating apps and not only use to find a partner,
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but also to find friends or dating ads aren't going anywhere anytime soon. but that doesn't mean we shouldn't try to improve them. we need to stay aware of how they are using our very personal data, for instance. and we should keep asking critical questions about how algorithms a program. but just as they are risks, there are also plenty of opportunities you could get to know someone you might have never even bumped into in the real world. what's been your experience with dining ups? i think a blessing for occurs. let us know that wasn't for me. see you next time. the
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meet hope not. we rate one of the stars of x equals couple bosh soft ground wrestling in kampala. fighting like you've never seen it before. if somebody crazy and the best part is the women seem to be needing the fact the citizens, 7 percent of the new will tell you, we're happy that we are back to the story. we have a, getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold plus that to you and for the present in the stories and issues that are being discussed across the country. news africa. in 60 minutes on d w. o.
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as we say they're about never getting up every weekend on d. w is tradition, a relic of the past or something that we still need today. now i wouldn't say i'm fully traditional, but the values that ingrained in me, like respecting my elders, helping others or even speaking my mother tongue she had at all. we have so many ways of preserving culture and on this week. so we will explore exactly that. welcome to the 77 percent. the show for africa's majority under 35 annual host. okay. didn't question of here is what we have for you today. in our street debate, ugandans discuss.


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