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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 13, 2024 8:00pm-8:15pm CEST

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the, the, you're watching the double you news live from both being hundreds of civilians did an injured in ninety's riley attack owner. humanitarians aren't in gaza to have mosse run hills. so far to say is medical facilities are overwhelmed. israel says he targeted to militant command is also coming off and rushes to the us to station to station long range me silence. here in germany, you could mean that european capitals become a military target. we ask a defense expert whether the threat should be taken seriously. the
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welcome to the program and jared raid and his riley attack on a humanitarian zone in the gaza strip, has killed and injured hundreds of people. israel says it was targeting to how most commanders, including one of the planners of the october 7 terrorist attacks that have most around hills ministry in gauze. this is at least 90 people were killed in this drug, which took place on a camp for displaced the palestinians in the southern city of con eunice the moment is really missiles hit the ultima, the smouldering, and this is all my wasi displacement comp designated safe to lot sort of model i had the on the line was displaced 12 times this was meant to be the safest saturday or in con units of the busiest area. again,
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my name is a elderly people, the women and children in the old civilian layers. upon next, bethany and the model have had any luck in the home. i was sitting in my tent when the dance around me and this building where he and misery apply. we started running and i got out of the tent and ran into the street and thought of the bombing was relentless on the whole street was full of bodies that we started running these documentarian every 30 minutes in yahoo talks about in the run, norman and terry area, so safe area seems along the against any on a month ago. the is really all me say they would targeting to him, ask him on to to they claim or hiding among civilians. one of the targets was mohammed dave. israel believes he was one of the most minds of the october 7th terra attacks. have my official denying the claims by b as randy military, accusing of intentionally targeting civilians via tech come out of my la.
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see, is the latest in a series of as rarely strikes on areas in garza where displaced, palestinians sheltering with michael link is a professor of law or at western university in ontario and a former you in special wrapper to the for the palestinian territories. he explains the legal implications of this attack. it's international law is very clear that during a combat zone that the attacking armies have to distinguish a very clearly between a combatants and civilians as a target. and this has been a, a running seen through the 9 months of this particular war, where israel claims that it's a shooting targets that are only aimed a mass militants, or middleton's from other palestinian groups. but where the consequence has been thousands and thousands of, of civilian deaths and injuries with respect to this,
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and most leading human rights organizations that have examined both these ready claims and the facts that they've been able to gather on the, on the ground. i've concluded that israel has been indiscriminate in its use of military force resulting in these thousands of civilian deaths, even joe, by a certain several occasions the israel's attacks. i've been indiscriminate michael link, they're speaking to us a little bit early on. well, in other news, russia says stationing us long range missiles here in germany could mean that european capitals become military targets. the bond and administration announced the deployment from 2026, and actually somebody in washington earlier this week. the agreement includes tomahawk and hot this on the missiles, the weapons a nuclear capable, and have a range of move in 2000 kilometers. the u. s. engine and government side, the development cement, stay commitment to night, toys, and european defense. and it would be the 1st time that you asked me solve the
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stations on gym in territory since the end of the cold war. the military analyst, marina mirror on from kings college london, says many questions remain on nonsense as well. it is very interesting because, um, 1st of all, for us is a tomahawk missiles are actually need the missiles. um, so that, that's part of the one where will they be fired from it in the worst case scenario . the 2nd issue is that we're seeing that europe essentially is under is a us protection umbrella. and so that means if trump worth when the elections in november, will these missiles essentially be stationed in order to, to deter russia. and the, as a question is, in which scenario exactly would these missiles be deployed? if it comes to an escalation was russia,
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would it mean that these missiles would just protect germany, or is it a protection saved for the baltic country? so there are quite a lot of questions when it comes to the decision to stations those missiles. let's flush that out a little bit. tell us what are these weapons capable of exactly a well, essentially, the fear for is so tomahawk obviously can carry nuclear warheads. but it has been said that they will not carry any nuclear warheads. so, from russia's perspective, the problem is that they could potentially reach mosque out. and what moscow things is that they will go in and try to destroy, called to force targets. so strategic decision making centers, which is of course, the problem for russia, because if you asked for to launch in an intercontinental ballistic missiles from the united states. and then they would take about 20 minutes to reach russia. these
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missiles will take about 5 minutes to reach the designated targets, making it more difficult for the russians to interest them. so i think that's the key point, the, the, the difference in time to get to the target and making it more difficult to intercept. i see now, roches days, european countries are essentially putting themselves at risk if they accept deployments of these missiles. how seriously should this threat be taken as well i, i think that russia have to come back in on the diplomatic level with some sort of statement. because right now, the russians are thinking of how to respond to this because the united states and that nato countries race to speak. so, is russia going to raise the stakes? or is russia trying uh, will be trying to stay on the same level. and so while roughly is thinking now,
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should we relocate our decision making centers auto for each of these missiles? should we ramp up our air defenses? should we send any missiles to the whole to rebels or to countries like venezuela or maybe cuba? so while they are formulating this response, they have to show um some sort of strength and their willingness to respond to. the problem here is that these are, you asked missiles, so the russians will have to take it off with the united states and not necessarily with europe. so i think it's me a rhetoric. now, while the russians are trying to actually think of what would be the best way to respond to this, what's great to get your insights. thank you so much for explaining that to us. that was maureen american military analyst at king's college in london. thank you for having me to for us now where the shock victory off the left wing alliance they are in last week selections means that parliamentary ins now faced the challenge of
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forming a cohesive government. the alliance finished the head of the far right and present microns seemed to ride creeping, but failed to win the majority. now, the last must always account deep divisions in old rivalries. if it's the golf and for the 1st time d, nobody up is a member of the central left socialist spotty, and has been elected to the french fundament for the 1st time that she spot of the listerine alliance. the new popular front, which was hastily put together to beat back the searching for right in recent elections. i'm so happy that we have been able to be focus on the most impression, far as it just to preserve the country from this it already that have fights so many years ago. and we know how awful it can be, count, you know, and the values of our republic as being more than the
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anger and that the fear of the other end, i'm very proud of it. but the fod writes defeat is the only certainty this selection is produced. the listing alliance, the new popular front may have won the most number of seats in the french parliament or the assembly, and also not. but by no means do they have the absolute majority that is 289 seats . they simply don't have the numbers to govern their own. and that a deep divisions among the parties that make up this alliance about the wasteful. but one big reason for that disunity is this man, look middle, sho, she hits the biggest spotty in the alliance, the radical lifting fronts on both parties. he's a polarizing finger revised by president mccall center scamp who came in 2nd in just an extra. the one, the new popular friends plans for the economy would be disastrous. but the radically less blocking audio voters elected them full day program. seniors of
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police exceeded and pushing back the far right and this election. that's because we started hope among voters. well if we dash those hopes you don't do a lot of voters within say ok, which will turn to the far right. and it will extend what the center left social is . spotty says it's more open to compromise. so it's best place to run fronts whenever they really came out on top on the left and european elections just a month ago. we've made the most progress as a group with nearly doubled our m. p. 's for a party. this already govern france, where a party that builds the bridge between the radical left and the center left. you know, some of the bush and rich buildings is exactly what we'd be needed to overcome the deep distrust and divisions 1st time and deanna, but deals says this stock cic atlas. still needs to change things that we will have to learn from germany or with the roof and talents. and we have to learn how to
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get a consensus, a majority about the projects before i'm not able to do that. we know that in 2027, this time will not be able to talk the nation over 700 extra rights to get to get to the age of our country. and these would formerly begin their work here in parliament when to expose session. the most pressing task would be to try and publish together a working stable to government. amy, which we began now to the wedding of the year, or even the decade. and the guest list is just one highlight when the son of asia is rich, as mine is getting married. the extravagant full day with me waiting is happening now in room by for a non and bonnie and ready can mentioned. but the lavish knob shows have spot criticism hiked highlighting stock inequalities in india. from the card
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to ashley and sisters, to former british prime minister tony blair. to bollywood star shot route con the globally lead our ocean force and move by. and they've all dressed the parts they and over a 1000 other guests are here to honor and bonnie, the son of asia's rich discipline and his bride roddy, come merchants, the daughter of a farmer tycoon. after 7 months of lavish pre wedding festivities, it's finally time for the 29 year old coupled to tie the knot and celebrations will go on for 4 days. it's a wedding that has redefined the notion of extravagance costing an estimated $320000000.00. it's been the object of global fascination, but also widespread criticism in the able to be,
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i mean we would be happy if india was being discussed that that happiness index of our country would have gone up. then we would have been happy. and that is very something that can be said, but it's but if it, even in this country, just celebrations for fuel. by again, this possessing many that that does not do the installation and we would not be input as to what i'm used to buy a by by such and such as your readings. that's to whatever the outcome to the happy couple. the chasm between the millions who struggled to make ends meet and the glitter rossi, enjoying the on bodies hospitality, couldn't be wider. you're watching the w and use. he's reminder of our top story and his riley attack on a humanitarian signing, gaza, as killed and injured hundreds of civilians. he's rouse, easy, targeted to how much commodities seem to strike in on the next,
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we report from a small town in germany that's less than 5000 residents and these and i'm trying to attract the business with that software. so i'm trying to go with the people in trucks in judge west trying to feed the city center and the straight pieces the around the world more than 130000000 people of.


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